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CHURCHILL DOWNS NOTES Jockey Arthur Craig will ride the Three Ds Stock Farms Heelfly in the Illinois Derby Craig leaves here Thursday night and will be on hand at the Fox Valley course to handle the son of Royal Ford in hia blowout Friday morning Craig will re ¬ join the main division of the Three Ds Sta ¬ ble at Latonia where it goes from here Sunday morning morningJ J Harry Patterson field representative of the Thoroughbred Owners and Trainers As ¬ sociation who has been here since the open ¬ ing departs for Washington Park Saturday night Patterson is reorganizing the asso ¬ ciation and expects to have the work com ¬ pleted before the close of this meeting meetingJohn John S Ward will take with him to La ¬ tonia four horses owned by the Everglade Stable They are Deliberator Wise Dart Counsuello and Asianna AsiannaAnother Another of the larger stables to make res ¬ ervations at Latonia is the Rosedale Stable trained by George White This string em ¬ braces twelve head headJack Jack Hanover will campaign the horses of Hyman Friedberg Louisville tobacco man at Washington Park and will get away for that point the end of this week weekI I J Collins Bernard F will pass up the Illinois Derby according to trainer A L Mil ¬ ler and he will be shipped along with the other members of the stable to Detroit DetroitThe The Tranquillity Farm stable of Henry H Cross Chicago patron will get away from here for Washington Park Thursday ac ¬ cording to present plans The Tranquillity Farm string is one of the largest at Church ¬ ill Downs E L Snyder is the trainer trainerDetroit Detroit will be the destination of the Tall Trees Stable which Lee ODonnell trains for Mrs F J Navin This stable leaves imme ¬ diately after the close here hereC C W Damon announced that he will cam ¬ paign the six horses he has here for J G Lang at Latonia Our Count Smuggled In and several others which have been at the farm will be added to H M Woolfs Woolford Farm sta ¬ ble for the Chicago season trainer B A Jones announced here Four in the large string quartered at the Downs will be sent to Riverside Park where they wil Ibe cam ¬ paigned under the direction of Leonard Wil ¬ son They are Pandisco Escohigh Sir Nor ¬ man and Pandonna PandonnaPhil Phil Reilly with eight and Mose Lowen stein with ten plan to get away Friday for Washington Park At the same time the stable trained by Miss Mary Hirsch will head for the Homewood plant plantAnother Another of the larger stables remaining for the entire local meeting is that of Frank P Letellier whose big string moves east to Latonia early next week