Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1937-05-20

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TUESDAY MAY 18 DETROIT DETROITWeather Weather cloudy track good ThreeEighths Mile Big Clifty 39 h Ronald A 38h Dunsprite 39h 515 Red Garter 36h 36h425Ladino 425Ladino 37 b Son Charles 41 b 51 Masked Bud 39h 325 Skotchy 41 b OneHalf Mile 516 Couleedam 51 b 516 Gyral 51 b 515 Cneys Pet 51h Imperl Molly 56 h 516 Cathedral 49h 515 Jodhpur 51h 425 Dory Hicks 51b 516 Nad 51 h hEddie Eddie Wrack 51h 515 Pomegret 52 h 516 Gunwale 51 b 515 Playlight 52h 516 Gold Standd 49h 515 Sparkdale 53 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Count Alpl07 h 515 Impel Jean 105 d 517Clientele 103 h 515 Mary Nadi 104 h 419Gay Bill 109 b 59 Olo Mor l04b 417 Heavy Sugarl07 h 516 Strolg Homel10 b 515 Impl Jonesl05 h 516 Sis Alice l03h 516 Impel Scoutl07 b 515 Salsinger l07xh 515Impol KinglK7 d dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 328 Bil Alabamal2ld 515 Imperl Highl20h 428 Bill Lutzl22 b 515 Impel Nickl19h 330 Briny Deep 121 b 515 Impl Margiol21 h 429 Come Homel21b 515 Impl Queonl19h Queonl19hGyana Gyana l21b 425 Lester PM20d 515 Impl Playl20h 430 Miss Petrina l19b i 515 Imperial Lull9h 515 Mewhinny l19h 515 Impl Sallyl19h 321 Stonecrop l22h Ladino was breezing Red Garter showed speed Gyral and Couleedam worked handily to ¬ gether getherClientelle Clientelle broke from the gate Briny Deep was going easily Miss Petrina and Lester P worked in company WEDNESDAY MAY 19 AURORA AURORAWeather Weather cloudy track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 513 Bistrita 41 h 512 Hildur Queen 39h 516 Biography 38h 515 Little Tramp 40 h h5llBaldy 5llBaldy 41 b 514 Leeo ran 37 h 515 Ep 39h 515 Shady Gate 40 h h5llFanfern 5llFanfern 38h 516 Sir Midas 40 b 517 Flag Cadet 40 h 428 Spicate 40 b 514 Gone Essa 38h 518 Shirley B 39h 430 Her Hero 41 h 513 Wee Emma 41 b 510 Hsome John 40h 40hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile512Almac 512Almac 52 h 511 Judge Leer 54 b 512 Bombastic 55 b 58 My Caroline 53h 516 Colonel Ed 52 h 430 Mnie Grnk 53h 514 Centennial 54 h 510 Parawick 52 h 510 Dark Zeni 53h 317 Snobeedo 55 b 59 Explorer 55 b 29 Sedgie 52h 514 Eniz 54h 513 Sneakin 52h 58 Epernay 54 b 217 Tut Tut 56 b 513 High Man 53 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 516 Anklets l06h 511 Miss Pittypatl10 b 429 Black Peterl06h 510 Playdema l06h 615 Cf Evergrn105h 328 Silent Don l08h 515 Doris B 107 h hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 515 Canns Roarl Roarlsh sh 517 Fabulous l25b 515 Dark Fey 123 h 515 Gold Ti 118d 118dOne One MMe 518 Miss Strollerl58 b bColonel Colonel Ed and Parawick worked in com ¬ pany panyLeeoran Leeoran seems to like the going Gold Ti was under a mild drive High Man and Explorer worked late Tuesday TuesdaySedgie Sedgie was well in hand Sneakin showed improvement AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 513 Briar Plume 37b 515 Phil Gough 39 b Cangricrron 37b 510 Stephen Jay 38 b Ebony Parsl 39 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile615Blume 615Blume Lace 52 b 512 Mnolia Cash 50b B15Cal Rainey 49J h 516 R V Winkle 50b 518 Kievex 50 h 56 Snap Jgmnt 51 b 56 Malign 50b 50bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile514Bonsoir 514Bonsoir 104 b 516 Hoops 104 b 516 Cauteleaux l04h l04hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 515 Lady Colonll20 b 515 Royal Guard 119 b Night Ravenl22 b 515 Sophia Tkr118gb 516 Never Yet 121 b bSeven Seven Eighths Mile 516Trsure Shipl35 h hOne One Mile 517 Daytonian 155 b 513 Snark 151 b 517 Drawbridge 148 b BELMONT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 516 Blind Brook 36 h 516 RerCoaster 36 d dEster Ester Holiy 37h 54 Rgh Asteria 36 d 514Fraidy Cat 37 b 512 Sun Kincscn 37 h 517 Glenbroom 36 d 514 Sun Flo 37 h i 515 Gold Cross 37b Silver Trace 36d 36dPlay Play Gold 36 d 59 Wee Call 36h 36hOneHalf OneHalf Mile 617 Aerialist 48 h 59 Off and On 50 h 424 Annie Reigh 52 b 512 Percent 52 b 512 Ace of Trps 49h 515 Peplum 52 b 56 Brt Plumge 49 h Reigh Lass 50 h 514 Dcg Reigh 51 b 510 Sunned 50h 513 Dauber 48h Sun Emblem 53 b 513 Flushing 49h 58 Transmitter 49 h 517FIyahead 49b 513 The Chief 49 h 514 Gino Nun 53 b 515 Tong 49h 513 Knoxville 49 h 517 Wing Chnce 50h 50h516Maebeau 516Maebeau 52 b 513 Whopper 49 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 517 Dark Beaul05b 518 Stubbs l02h 518 Just Dun l03b 517 Sun Image lK3h 516 Lucky Omenl03b 517 Show Up 103 h 513 Sun Alexrial03b 515 Toby Tyler 101d 101dThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile i 512Carvola 117 h 517 Go Homel13d 55 Ground Oak 119 b 516 Suply Housel15h 516Maedic 116 h 515 Strolling Byl17b 512Memy Bookl15b 516 Traulove 116 h 513Mantagna l13d 516 Waster l17b 517 Mas Choice l18h l18hSeven Seven Eighths Mile 513 Flying Scot 130 b 518 Siam 129 h hOne One Mile 518 Brooklyn 140h 56 Sweet Desirel49 b 516 Brd Ripple l43h 518 Thorson l42h 59 Morning 145 h 514 War Admirl l48b 514 Super John 148 b 518 Zevwee l42h 517 Sccneshifter 143 h hOne One and OneEighth Miles 518 Billionaire l53h BEULAH PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track muddy ThreeEighths Mile Admiral Dean 42h 511 Moritmary 41d 41d515Brophy 515Brophy 42h Qk Delivery 41d 41dBrdway Brdway Girl 41h 517 Zeno Eye 43h 512 Gold Clause 42h 42hOne One Half Mile 512 Flutterby 54J h Moms Polly 56 h 518 Hpy Johnny 58b 510 Nick D 56d 515 Karsavina 56b 513 Surprise Box 56 h hKing King Kelly 57b 514 Zoology 57 b bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile Mile513Bardoga 513Bardoga l13h 511 Dozana l13h 511 Ben Machreel14h Shff Eugenel13h Eugenel13h5llCapn 5llCapn Jeffersl13h Jeffersl13hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 516 Louise Dire127h 516 Scottys Pridel29b Pridel29bOne One Mile 512lrigle Nookl54b CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSWeather Weather cloudy track sloppy ThreeEighths Mile 516 Arabs Arrow 41b 512 Giant Killer 38 h hBullet Bullet 37J h 513 Knee Deep 38 h 515 Cloverport 41 h 516 Mature 37h 37h515Casanard 515Casanard 37h 516 Patsyette 37h 37h512Clive 512Clive 38h 516 Rolodo 40h 58 Don Moss 39 h Steel Knight 39h 515 Distractible 37h 513 Silver Fleet 40 h 516 For Romance 38h Tyr 39h 516 Ft Birthday 38h 514 Vellas Choice 39 h 323 Fine Mint 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile515Arianna 515Arianna 49h 516 Flying Mint 53h 513 Bel Espoir 53 h 516 Huevelton 52 h 512 Blue Gauntlet 49h 52 Jessie 0 56 b 515 Cacarina 52h 421 Lierty Flight 50h 515 Cherovan 53 h 59 Lady Brigade 56b 515 Canny Scot 53h 517 Miss Entry 51 h 511 Dg Brashear 58 b 511 Oddesa Girl 54h 515 Dona Nutter 51h 516 Suzanne 54 h h515Escohigh 515Escohigh 51h 58 S Alexander 47 b 54 Eies Brother 53h 514 Top Billing 50h 516 Flaming Play 53h 516 Wilda 52h 52hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 510 Alpenglow l094 b 516 Kingsland 106 h 515 British Star l07h 322 M Whiskwyl10b Whiskwyl10b517Billbo 517Billbo 108 h 516 Stt Throughl06h 513 Capuche l06h 516 Shot Up 108 h 513 Gin Daisy 111 b 53 Transfun 104 h 517 Flint Shot 107 h 510 Visigoth 107 h 515 Jfefsontown l07h 516 Valvesta l07h 516Jimmie Wl08h Wl08hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 515 Alsang 123 h 516 Nedrow l18h 516 Alice G l20h 518 Oddesa Clarkl24 h 518 Alkit 120 h 512 Paradisical l24h 518 Btering Katel17 h 516 Sny Pharlaral22h 514 Cardarrone l17h 511 Sun Asia 118 h 511 Carnelian 124 b 518 Thomas Cl19 h 57 City Slicker 118 h 516 Texas Rose l22h 515 Early Times 117 h 516 Threadneedle l21h 52 Fort Estilll24h 517 Yenrac l16h 516 Ivory Tip l21h 51 6 Watercu re 1 1 6J h 516 Ly Montrosel21h Montrosel21hOne One Mile 516 Caravel 151 h 518 Sir J Jamesl50h 518 Grey Gold l50h 517 White Tie 143h 55 Our Willie l49h l49hGrey Grey Gold was accompanied by Sir Jim James JamesWhite White Ties trial was good goodWatercure Watercure worked exceptionally well wellCardarrone Cardarrone was well in hand throughout throughoutArianna Arianna showed good speed in her trial trialCity City Slicker and Sun Asia worked to ¬ gether getherTop Top Billings and Liberty Flight showed good speed together DOUGLAS PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track sloppy ThreeEighths Mile 515 Attainment 39 b 511 Mere Blaze 38h 515Hrys Choice 38 h 512 Mama Lula 38 d 516 Hustling 38h 424 Reveille Man 38 h 516 Jubilee Jim 40 b 420 Speedy Wrk 38 h 55 Kinross 9 h 514 Sailors Gift 41 b OneHlf Mile 516 Albert Beck 54 b 512 Lastos 50d 517 Aces Wild 53 h 515 Modernize 55 h 517 Danise M 48h 517 Swt Showno 53 h 517 Jay Fcee 52 h 424 Startling 53 h 422 King June 53 h 517 Sir Hastings 53 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 516 Bell Metal 104d 419 Jane Vitol13 s sThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 517 Chanting 121 h 516 Snicker l19h 515 Grit a Gracel19 h 515 Transpose 121 h 511 Hatty 119 h 516 Wise Bessa116b 514 Reminiscent l18b l18bOne One Mile 513 Terracotta 154 h Wise Bessa showed good speed Danise M went a nice half mile Lastos was driving JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 517 Blk Mischief 39b 517 Rust 36h 51 LEtoile 42 b bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 416 Amagansett 51b 517 Fair Stein 51 b 510 Bill D 48d 517 Round Table 52 b 516 Deduce 52 b 58 Scrooge 51 b 510 Flying Gypsy 51b 51bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 516 Achieve l02h 517 Purple Sweepl04 h 55 Fight Talk 101d 54 Signal Man 105 b 516 My Purchasel05 b 58 Slump 107 b ThreeOuaherTMittr1 517 Sir Dean 116 d One Mile 517 Shining Sun l46b NARRAGANSETT PARK PARKWeather Weather cloudy track fast ThreeEighths Mile 514 Bo Dean 39b 517 Miss Leon 36h 57 Bk Hbrow 36 h 52 Marfeu 37h 512 Bu Phaona 38 b 512 Mkcys Boy 3746h 515 Blue Anna 37 h 511 My Date 38 h 58 Blesd Event 37 h 513 Ly Bessie 39 b 5l8Cromarty 517 Lovick 36h 515 Cascapedia 36h 57 Orphn Lass 38 h 227 Chrysmute 36h 516 Posterity 36h 510 Dirigible 39 b 511 Ross 37h 323 Grt Shakes 39h 512 Royal Flight 37 h 59 Gala Star 38 b 512 Scotch High 38b 516 Hi Ben 40 b 515 Sun Celerina 38 b b430Hermie 430Hermie Roy 40 b 510 Stavka 39 b b518Hoursend 518Hoursend 36 h 51 Thistle Jock 37 h 513 Ipso Facto 40 b 514 Ykee Skipr 36h 36h510Mazie 510Mazie 36 h 59 West Can 39 h hOneHalf OneHalf Mile Mile517Arzille 517Arzille 51 h 513 Ka Mama 53 h 516 Bull Market 52 h 52 Kapena 51h 51hBroadsword Broadsword 57 b 511 Keep Cherry 50h 50hBrass Brass Mkey 54 b 57 Lucky Color 50 h 517 Blue Donna 55b 515 Miss Appred 49 h hDraft Draft Sergt 49 h 511 Ms Hollywd 48h 56 Dedication 52 h 517 Mount Echo 57 b 59 Die Hard 49 h 517 May R 49 h 517 Founder 49 h 58 Noahs Pride 51h 51h517Fidelis 517Fidelis 54h 4 19 Ppos Genie 52b 423 Fast Express 51b 516 Primute 53h 513 Gay Crest 49h 516 Roundheel 52 h 513 Gold Color 50 h 58 Reelon 52 h 517 Go Quick 52h 517 Speedalong 51h 512 High Fire 52b 517 Silvery Way 51h 513 Hollbit 50h 516 Stumptown 51 h 516 Hp OGold 51b 516TelIwhy 55 b 516 High Finance 50 h 58 Torchy 52b 512 Im So Dry 49h 512 Tap On 50 h 516 Joe D 51 h hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 512 Blue Spur 103 h 51 Merovech l06h 516 Enac l02h 513 My Bossl06b 513 Grand Jurylfl5h 512 Out of Stepl04h 512 Gershwin 104 h 54 Parlor Trickl02h 513 High Martinl02h 515 Ruth Scoutl03h Scoutl03h517Hys 517Hys Dreaml10 b 515 Sailalong l03h 57 My Surprisel03h 515 Sleek l03b l03b516Meds 516Meds Diesl05h 59 Twosome 104 h h514Maetall 514Maetall 110 b 512 Wise Will101h Will101hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 515 Black Scoutl16h 515 Midshipman 120 b 517 Flying Playl19 h 513 Mr Marvell19 h 513 Ferry Boatl18h 518 Old Rebl20 h h516Dunrock 516Dunrock 120 b 518 Peggy Torchl18b 517 Hpy Nymphl18 h 517 Patchpocket 119 b 512 Joan F l15h 510 Stl Worker l16b l16b516Lottafun 516Lottafun l15h 516 Square 114 h 516 Ly Tichnerl21b 512 Sir Thomas l18h 515 Merrily On 120 b 518 Tarping 119 h 514 Mahi l16d 515 Victors Annl18h Annl18hSeven Seven Eighths Mila 518 Miss Greenkl29b 510 Songstone 129 b 58 Pampered l29h l29hOne One Mile 510 Copper Tube143 h 516 Lee Hastgsl44h 510 Dyak 147 h 516 Minstrelette 150 b b515Firg 515Firg Squadl47 h 518 Thbs Downl48h Downl48h516Flery 516Flery Ladyl44h 512 Tgbt Frankl45 h hOne One and OneEighth Miles 510Hoptoit 156 h hGrand Grand Jury and Black Highbrow ran out in their trials Hoptoit worked from the gate BAY MEADOWS MEADOWSWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 513 Bunch Boy 41 b 46 Madcp Ykee 38 b 516 Blue Check 36 h 423 Pandomint 38b 513 Bon Ivy 38b 58 Sky Glare 40 b 511 Clarcarolle 38b 514 Supme Mdn 36b 36bOneHalf OneHalf Mile 510 Arminigel 49b 54 Red Checker 50b 59 Cathy P 55 b 47 Return Chk 49b 515 Crysl Speed 51b 512 Speed Home 53 b 54 Gamelon 51b 51bFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile 426 Bon HambrglKM b 515 Gold Duke102b 59 Beau Thorl08b 516 Ripele 104 b 510 Bon Fume 104 b 515 Skeetshooter 103 b 516 Blindfold 106 b Terhino l03b 55 Dark Jade 104 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 516Kihapai 118 b bOne One Mile 58 Au Man l43b 59 Valiant Fox 145 b 516 Don Robrto 141 h 510 Wingspread 146 b 56 Starference 147 b WASHINGTON PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track sloppy dogs up ThreeEighths Mile 515 Case Ace 39b 511 Marcie S 42 b 514CNote 41b 514 Military 41 b 514 Dogaway 41 b 514 Natns Taste 41 b b514Farrell 514Farrell 41b 514 Qk Getaway 41b 514 Lofty Manrs 42 b 514 Reg Reward 41 b 54 Mtain Ridge 41b 510 Sty Ocean 39b 511 Mnie OHara 42 b 514 Sky Lark 41 b b515Murph 515Murph 41 b 511 Tomye 39 b 513 Metropole 39b 511 Well Rewd 42 b FiveEighths Mila 212 Chic Maud 108 b Gersel 107b 107b219Chasar 219Chasar l07b Pompasse 112 b bThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 518 Cnt Morse 124 b 518 Prairie Dog 126 b bOne One Mile 516 Burning Star148 h 513 Muscatine l53b Metropole and Stormy Ocean breezed in company companyChic Chic Maud was only breezing Chasar looks and acts in good form Burning Star accomplished his Derby preparation in handy fashion fashionMuscatine Muscatine was going very easily in his final Derby trial Prairie Dog accompanied him the first threequarters threequartersAll All training was accomplished on the out ¬ side of the dogs WOODBINE PARK PARKWeather Weather clear track heavy ThreeEighths Mile 516 Bachels Flag 38 d 54 Rideau Big One 39 h 512 Rebecca Lee Damica 40 h 516 Surcharge 58 Doer 40 b 59 Tempestuous 516 Icanwin 38 d dOneHalf OneHalf Mile 516 Cudgeldoe 53 h 513 Kissinbug 515 Cleanup 53 b Lissom Lad 515 Concave 51 h Listaro 515 Caracole 53 b 516 Mrs Foster FosterDiscount Discount 51h Movie Man ManDark Dark Mission 55 b 513 Osirando 516 Easter Hattr 52 h 510 Princely Pal 58 El Bandido 54 b 53 Royal Shoot Gold Flake 51h Royal Bloom 512 Jake Blieden 55 b 58 Suffering 515 Justa Jane 51h Toe Dance 515 Tony One 51 h War Haste 51h 51hTabher Tabher 52h 516 Zangwill 56h 56hFiveEighths FiveEighths Mile MileAsperge Asperge l07h 512Hittie l07h l07hEileen Eileen Dl08 h Lumberer l07h 517 Goanwin 108 d 515 Maple Tints 109 h 516 Giggling Girl106h 516 Sweepfast 109 b ThreeQuarters Mile Mile5llAnacreon 5llAnacreon l19d 54 Stegal l20h l20h515Boscobel 515Boscobel l19d 518 Sweepden 121 h 515 Bobs First l19d 511 Trauwina 121 h 512 Chips l19h 515 Top High l19h 515 Crinoline l19d 515 Trickys Sonl21 h Good Pickingl19d 515 Tricky Ladyl21 h 515 Hot Cake l19h 515 Uppermost 125 h 515 Little Sargtl22 h 515 Worthing 117h 516 Plain Benl19d Benl19dOne One Mil 515 Baggataway 149 h Notrouble 152 h h516Circulet 516Circulet 150 h 515 Nights End 150 d Miss Gormleyl52h Tignabruich 151 d 516 Mindreader 149 h hOne One and OneEighth Miles Miles518Budron 518Budron 205 d 518 Monsweep 205 h 517 Flyg Leaves208 h 517 Poverty Strk208 h hOne One and OneQuarter Miles 517 Altiskeltor 220 d 517 Gold Guard 220 d 512 Fort Drborn225 d 516 Sandalman 225 d Top High and Hotcake worked handily together Continued on thirtysecond page Continued from twentyeighth page HAGERSTOWN HAGERSTOWNWeather Weather clear track fast ThreeEighths Mile 424 Bromide 40 b 515 Mint Bud 39h 39hCormvallis Cormvallis 39h Red Label 38h 38hJusta Justa Canter 39h 421 Wise Sister 38h 517 Miss Elaine 39h 517 White Sweets 40 b bMonocacy Monocacy 38hOneHalf 38h OneHalf Mile Mile320Dearzin 320Dearzin 54b Queen Blaze 52h 52hHogarty Hogarty 55 b 421 Scudder 54 h Miss Patches 53h Scotty Don 52h 52hStepee Stepee 54h 58 Wise Money 53h 53hThreeQuarters ThreeQuarters Mile 517 Justa Gal l22h 517 Justa Time l22h Miss Elaine worked handily Wise Sister worked handily and is ready to win L Wise Money breezed well

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Local Identifier: drf1937052001_28_1
Library of Congress Record: