Situation At Thorncliffe, Daily Racing Form, 1941-05-26


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SITUATION AT THORNCLIFFE THORNCLIFFETORONTO TORONTO Ont May 24 When ap ¬ proached regarding the curtailment of the spring meeting at Thorncliffe Park James F OHara Jr one of the directors said The whole business n between the I C R A and the Thoroughbred Breeders Associa ¬ tion We had nothing to do with it what ¬ ever and if the same situation continues in the fall there just wont be any race meet ¬ ing at that time either eitherA A leading light in the Thoroughbred Breeders Association said that an effort will be made to have Quebec tracks move up Iheir racing dates to open earlier than June 21 If successful it is expected that a large number of horsemen will entrain for that point immediately immediatelyFred Fred S Orpen of Long Branch and Duf ferin Park would not commit himself in any way regarding the scheduled race meetings at his tracks

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Local Identifier: drf1941052601_32_3
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