Explanation of Daily Racing Forms Past Performances, Daily Racing Form, 1941-05-26

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Explanation of Daily Racing Forms Past Performances Position in ORDER OF FINISH WITH Race and WEIGHT CARRIED CARRIEDjj jj 2 Lengths Be If finish shows horse won second I H ° S 5 nnc Win o third and fourth horses are given i c 5 8 E ninR Horse o 0 2 If second first third and fourth S i 5 co ° rl c5 Stl 5 horses arc shown S S 2 S i5 S If third first second and fourth S a o Jo S g 5 S iS = ° Eg horses are shovn S 2 o J2 Q 5 J w U I g I If unplaced first lecond and third 0 zt OH uu S Snn nn B a iiuw horses are shown Z Dec 4 40BM li 1524 ft 225 109 4 1 11 DewE Allw 75 ValdaJoe UlTresurelsIel09Patan 7

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1941052601/drf1941052601_8_4
Local Identifier: drf1941052601_8_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800