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Official Racing Charts Copyright 1943 by Triangle Publications Inc Detroit DETROIT MICH WEDNESDAY JUNE 2 1943 FAIR GROUNDS 1 MILE Tenth day of seventythree day meeting May 22 to August 14 Detroit Association Puett gate Dual PhotoFinish camera Steward representing Michigan Racing Commission Joseph A Murphy Presiding Steward Jack S Young Associate Stewards Charles A Bray and James F Gallagher Placing Jirdges L Henderson Van Zandt L M Holmes and Allan Lee Paddock Judge William G Kelly Clerk of Scales Frank M Otis Timer George Peterson Starter Bryan Steele Patrol Judges William Millner and A L Copland Jr Veterinarian Dr L H Lafond Racing Secretary and Handicappef for Flat and Steeplechase Races Charles F Henry Racing starts at 430 p m Eastern War Time Saturdays and holidays 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Indicates five pounds apprentice allowance Percentage of winning favorites in 1942 29 current meeting 26 Daily Double first and second races Entries and field horses run as one FIRST RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 9 O 3 111 Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Non 41 I D L 3 winners since May 21 Weight 114 Ibs Winners 2 Ibs extra for June 243 Det each race won at a claiming price over 1000 since March 1 1Claiming Claiming price 1250 Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 411463PRINCE WAYGO wn6114 81 I3 I5 1 I2 ClarkS Mrs M M Johr 150 39327 GOLDEN IEA WB 6 113 5 5 6 5 4 2 FlammC J C Ellis 530 35790 KNOCK KNOCK w 4 109 2 3 4 3 3 32 KnottK C A ONeil Jr 2850 2850412922FLYING 412922FLYING RE1GH WB 4 114 1 2 22 23 2h 4 HensonE H H Haines 3080 3080413503AXELSON 413503AXELSON WB 6 114 6 8 8 72i 5i 53 ScurlockD B M Smith 250 41294 KENTY MISS WB7111 36 5 62J 62 6 EnsorL MaeGregor Baker 670 34557 QUARTO w 6 114 7 4 31 4 73 73 MojenaC M Wexler 2900 41292 FOND HOPES WB 4 114 4 7 7488 8 StrangeB M H Van Berg 6210 Time 24 50121 Track heavy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 i in PRINCE WAYGO 500 380 280 150 JO 40 Mutuel Prices GOLDEN LEA 560 400 iso 100 1 KNOCK KNOCK 860 300 300Winner Winner Ch h by Strolling Player Wee Shane by Bright Knight trained by 0 B Johr bred by Audley Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250VENT VENT TO POST 433 OFF AT 433 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won handily second and third driving PRINCE WAYGO well ridden took command at once established a clear lead but had to be roused in the stretch to retain his advantage GOLDEN LEA improved his position steadily in the first half mile came gamely when hard urged in the stretch but could not get to the winner KNOCK KNOCK could not reach the leaders when hard urged in the drive FLYING REIGH faltered after forcing the pace to the last eighth AXELSON began slowly and was never dangerous KENTY MISS was outrun QUARTO could not keep up FOND HOPES did not lik the heavy track trackOverweight Overweight Kenty Miss 2 pounds SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of AH July 25 1942 109 A 1 ft A 3 HI Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3year I O Z f Oids 107 its older 118 Ibs Nonwinners since May 21 of a race June 243 Det Qn the turf allowed 2 Ibs any race 5 Ibs Claiming price 1250 1250No No apprentice allowance Net value to winner 850 second 175 third 100 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 414112APPOINTEE WB 5 113 1 5 14 I2 I3 1 StrangeB StrangeB42i E M Todd ToddJ 410 413512ARIDISICAL w4113 5 4 42i 2 2 2 AlfonsoJ J L McKnight McKnightA 200 414963MISTER BIG WB4113 4 8 4 6 62 34 LittrellWB LittrellWB2t A Strauss StraussHM 710 40446 GRAY ROMANCE w4108 23 2t 34 32 42 CalvertM HM Walker WalkerJ 1690 41496 MELODY TONE wB7113 36 52 4l 5 5 FlammC J C Ellis EllisB 1850 41351 VENCI WB4113 87 87391273TEA 8 8 73 6j DrennanD B M Smith SmithMrs 2200 391273TEA BANTER WB 4 113 6 2 6 5 4t 7 RobertsP Mrs Joseph P Smith SmithMrs 380 36471 VALD1NA ALDEN WB 4 109 7 1 31 7 8 8 KnottK Mrs F H Williamson ij in APPOINTEE 1020 420 320 410 110 60 Mutuel r rices ARIDISICAL 340 280 70 40 MISTER BIG 340 70 70Winner Winner Ch g by Insco Brides Veil by Polymelian trained by G Smith bred by Mr H M Woolf Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 507 OFF AT 507 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate for all but MISTER BIG Won easily second and third driving APPOINTEE hustled early to take command established a clear lead and retained Jns advantage to the finish without need of urging ARID1SICAL on the inside throughout made a game bid in the final quarter when put to punishment but was iinable to menace the winner although easily best of the others MISTER BIG propped at the start recovered under good handling and passed tired horses in the stretch GRAY ROMANCE faltered after displaying brief early speed MELODY TONE was never prominent and had no excuses VENCI was always far back TEA BANTER could not keep up and pulled up slightly lame VALDINA ALDEN began goingOverweight fast but lost ground steadily after the start tiring badly in the heavy going Overweight Valdina Alden 1 pound Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 3460 THIRD RACE 1 116 MILES Myrtlewood Aug 22 1936 143 4 122 A I f j c Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of I O Z J a race at one mile or over sjnce May 21 Weight 114 Ibs Win June 243 Det ners 2 Ibs extra for each race won at one mile or over at a claiming price over 1000 since March 1 Claiming price 1250 Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds II Strt 41145 PANDERMA WB 4 114 3 3 2 33 23 22 I3 KeiperP KeiperP41203RED Mrs G C White 520 41203RED HORIZON WB 4 109 5 2 32 1 14 24 LittrellWB Miss J Eckman 650 41095 HAREBELL wu6111 4 5 52 55 4h 43 34 EnsorL E J Talbert 190 41092 XENOMAY w9112 1 1 It 2 32 3t 4 AdamsJ MacGregor Baker 520 413542PURLING LIGHT wa5lf4 2 4 4h 4 56 53 5 RobertsP Mrs H P Bonner 380 41411 MUST GO srB 5 114 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 HensonE Brand Cloud 910 910Time Time 27 53 122 153 202 Track heavy heavyit it in f PANDERMA 1240 580 420 520 190 110 MUrUei 110MUrUei rriCeSf RED HORIZON 640 440 220 120 HAREBELL 320 60 60Winner Winner Br c by Whichone Panette by Peter Pan trained by G C White bred by Mr S M Look Winner entered to be claimed for 1250 1250WENT WENT TO POST 536 OFF AT 536 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving PANDERMA in hand while racing within striking distance of the leaders to the stretch came out slightly for the drive and responding to a shaking up drew out steadily to the finish RED HORIZON took command in the back stretch held a short lead when settled for the drive and continued gamely but was unable to withstand the winner HARE ¬ BELL outrun early closed strongly on the extreme outside XENOMAY gave way after racing forwardly placed to the final eighth PURLING LIGHT on the inside throughout could not threaten MUST GO began slowly and was far back the entire trip tripOverweight Overweight Xenomay 3 pounds Claimed Harebell by A McLeod for 1250 FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 41626 3 m Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Non t I O Z O winners of a race at a claiming price over 1400 since May 21 June 243 Det 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners since March 1 of two races at a claiming price over 1300 allowed 2 Ibs one such race 5 Ibs Claiming price 1600 if for 1500 allowed 2 Ibs if for 1400 5 Ibs Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 41413 LUCIAS SUN WB 6 108 1 2 I2i I3 I3 16 BrennanJ BrennanJ2h R A Connell 41350 RUNAWAY BOY wB6112 3 3 2h 2h 24 2 J KeiperP Dearborn Stable 41148 WISE COLONEL wB4113 4 4 5 42 3 32 ClarkS ClarkS4i Mrs M M Johr 41413 BLACK BRUMMELwn 6 111 25 4i 32 4 4 PariseS G W Morrison 40118 BRIGHT TRACE wB6108 5 1 31 5 5 5 RobertsP Mrs Joseph P Smith 41202 FAY D w7103 66 Sulked DrennanD E C A Berger Time 25 50 120 Track heavy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 i i in LUCIAS SUN 700 400 240 Z50 100 20 Mutuel Prices 20I RUNAWAY BOY 420 240 110 20 I WISE COLONEL 240 20 20Winner Winner B g by Sunador Superlette Lou by Lucullite trained by E McCuaH bred by Marwyck Ranch Winner entered to be claimed SOT 1400 1400WENT WENT TO POST 606 OFF AT 606 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving LUCIAS SUN went to the front early established a clear lead and drew out to win with something left RUNAWAY BOY raced closest to LUCIAS SUN after the start made a game effort in the stretch but was unable to threaten WISE COLONEL faltered after securing a contending position entering the stretch BLACK BRUMMEL on tha inside tired after going a half BRIGHT TRACE was done early FAY D refused to extend herself in the heavy going and galloped far behind the field fieldOverweight Overweight Runaway Boy 1 pound FIFTH RACE 4 12 FURLONGS Shiny Penny June 6 1942 52 2 109 705 or any two races Weight 118 Ibs Nonwinners of any race June 243 Det since May 21 allowed 2 Ibs a race of 700 since March 1 5 Ibs in 1943 8 Ibs maidens 12 Ibs No apprentice allowance allowanceNet Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 100 fourth 50 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt DIAMOND DICK w 106 4 7 62 42 13 AlfonsoJ Mrs G C White 2640 41205 CEE RAF wall 55 7 6 24 EnsorL C J Raffo 1010 11205 S S GRIER WB 110 13 4h 5l Z2 AdamsJ J W Rodgers 400 40041091HITY 41091HITY WB118 2 2 2s I2 44 LaytonJR D M Davis 100 41293 VALDINA SENORA w 115 3 1 li 2 52 RobertsP Cragin Hoist 560 560412052FIRE 412052FIRE POWER w 116 6 4 34 3h 65 KeiperP N Dunn 1120 112038940JOUR 38940JOUR ADVICE w 108 7 6 52 7 7 ClarkS C C Boshamer 1390 1390Time Time 24 51 59 Track heavy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 DIAMOND DICK 5480 2040 720 2640 920 260 CEE RAF 800 420 300 110 110C C S S GRIER 300 50 50Winner Winner B c by Rolls Royce Dis Dame by Dis Done trained by G C White bred by Mr J H White WENT TO POST 635 OFF AT 636 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same DIAMOND DICK slow to begin and on the inside came through on the rail entering the stretch and responding to brisk urging disposed of the leaders to win drawing clear CEE RAF outrun early came between horses for the drive and closed wKh a rush giving a sharp effort S S GRIER lost ground on the final turn and then Finished resolutely under punishment HITY a sharp factor from the start held a clear lead when settled in the stretch but faltered during the final eighth VALDINA SENORA had good speed for threeeighths FIRE POWER failed to stay after racing forwardly placed to the last eighth OUR ADVICE was done early Scratched 414142Miss Valor 111 Overweight Cee Raf 5 pounds Our Advice 1 SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute First of All July 25 1942 109 ward Nonwinners of a race of 1005 in 1943 June 243 Det Net vaue to wnner 1000 second 250 third 150 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 36190 GOLD PRINCESS WB 4 106 41 I2 I2 14 lnk LaytonJR D V McClure 370 370412062HYSTERICAL 412062HYSTERICAL w7115 15 5 34 3l 21 AdamsJ G Stratton 120 41206 TOMLUTA w 4 106 2 4 4 4 4s 3 MilliganP Lieut T D Buhl 550 41206 BILL G w5108 3 3 34 2i 4 ClarkS Mrs M M Johr 620 620410942WAR 410942WAR BAM w 4 107 5 2 2 5 5 5 RobertsP Mrs H P Bonner 540 Time 244 50 119 Track heavy heavyr r 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 i in C GOLD PRINCESS 940 400 300 370 100 50 50Mutuel Mutuel Prices HYSTERICAL 3oo 220 50 10 10TOMLUTA TOMLUTA 250 so soWinner Winner Ch f by Prince Pal Gold Nugget by Ormesdale trained by D V McClure bred by Mr D V McClure McClureWENT WENT TO POST 704 OFF AT 704 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same GOLD PRINCESS alertly rid den took command at once held a clear lead when settled for the drive but drifted out in the last eighth and had to be hard ridden to withstand HYSTERICAL The latter slow to begin improved his position steadily the first half mile came to the outside entering the stretch and responding to urging was getting to the winner at the finish TOMLUTA stumbled while racing on the inside rearing the threeeighths pole recovered and closed determinedly BILL G came to the inside for the drive but faltered nearing the finish WAR BAM had brief early speed speedOverweight Overweight Bill G 1 pound SEVENTH RACE DETROIT 1 18 Miles STRAIGHT El HQEl HBB IBBBEO Bi ME CQ MEMO Off Time 1 BALL PLAYER 3 SWEEP SWINGER 5 WISE FATHER 2 PANBROOM 4 GOLD TEDDY 6 ONE ONLY