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Official Racing Charts Copyright 1943 by Triangli Publications Inc IncBelmont Belmont Park ELMONT L I N Y WEDNESDAY JUNE 2 1943 BELMONT PARK 1 12 MILES 6 14 FEET Twentyfirst day of twentyfourday meeting May 10 to June 5 Westchester Racing Association Puett gate J J Jones camera Steward representing The Jockey Club Marshall Cassidy Steward representing New York State Racing Commission Francis P Dunne Steward representing Westchester Racing Association Harold Vosburgh Visiting member of The Jockey Club Waltei M Jeffords Visiting member of the National Steeplechase and Hunts Association Henry W Bull Placing Judges C H Cornehlsen Fred H Parks and Joseph E Kyle Patrol and Paddock Judge Myron D Davis Assistant Patrol and Paddock Judge George Hyland Patrol Judge Frank Keogh Clerk of Scales Albert Burlen Assistant Clerk of Scales Nelson Strang Timer John Miller Starter George Cassidy Racing Secretary and Handicapper John B Campbell Assistant to the Racing Secretary Julius G Reeder Racing Secretary and Handicapper for Steeplechases Fred H Parks Track Veterinarian Dr M J Dair Physician in Attendance Dr Bernard L Mailer Racing starts at 130 p m Eastern War Time W Indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Indicates three pounds apprentice allowance five pounds seven pounds in steeplechase races indicates five pounds ap rentice allowance seven pounds ten pounds Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1942 40 current meeting 36 Daily Double first and second races Entries and field horses run as one FIRST RACE 58 MILE Widener Straight Course Distraction June 4 1927 Weiffht 116 Ibs Claiming price 1500 1500Net June 243 Bel Net value to winner 975 second 300 third 150 fourths 3750 each Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 3A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 41176 ASSAILANT WB 116 10 1 6h 14 1 Gilbert Mrs Louise Viau 850 40620 FREE DUTCH w 116 6 6 10l 4 2 AtkinsonT Howe Stable 165 165LITTLE LITTLE DOTTIE WB 113 8 8 3h 54 3 SchmidlA Mrs T M Waller 975 39812 fTOWN GALLANT WB 116 11 5 4ti 3h 4 RobertsonA Howe Stable 165 40751 tOMALOO WB 111 39 II3 6 4 GivensC Grant Thorn 625 40620 UNCLE BUD WB 116 92 5 2h 64 YoungS Fred Iansburgh 380 41387 STYMIE WB 116 5 10 9l 1 Garzal King Ranch 1925 40838 IN BALANCE wnll3 13 7 2 8 84 LongdenJ Mrs W T VVestrope 2755 2755WESTWOOD WESTWOOD BELLE WB 113 44 12 9 9l WrightWD M C Barren 7445 41267 CANEE w 113 14 12 8 13 104 DanielsA Mrs W H Cane J4415 J441540878ftHIGH 40878ftHIGH LEGEND w 113 12 11 7 12 11 LindbergH A E Tarleton 5260 526041176VISE 41176VISE STEP WB 109 73 1 IQh 124 MannW W Mulholland 4415 39371 QUATRE MEASURE w 113 1 13 14 11 13 SkyrmD Mrs J H McTague 3870 387040620DONAVATRA 40620DONAVATRA WB 111 2 14 13 14 14 RienziJ Mrs Esther duPont Weir 2690 2690fDead fDead heat for fourth + Mutuel field Coupl l as Howe Stable entry tfApprenlice allowance waived waivedTime Time 102j Track muddy 2 Mutu ls Paid Odds to 1 ASSAILANT 1900 690 450 850 245 125 MutUel 125MutUel n PriCeS FREE DUTCH Entry 340 300 70 50 50I I LITTLE DOTTIE 620 210 210Winner Winner Br g by Foray II Cambetty by Canipfire trained by J P Jones bred by Mrs L Viau Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 132 OFF AT 137 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same ASSAILANT was a forward factor from the start responded gamely when urged and drew away at the end FREE DUTCH moved up fast when roused and finished well LITTLE DOTTIE on the extreme outside showed a good effort TOWN GALLANT hunt at the finisfi but finished on even terms with OMALOO for fourth place The latter showed a good effort UNCLE BUD faltered when WISE STEP swerved STYMIE showed an even effort IN BAL ¬ ANCE had no tnishaps WESTWOOD BELLE finished well WISE STEP swerved from the outside to the inside a quarter of a mile from the finish DONAVATRA was fractious at the post and the boy lost a stirrup iron in the running SECOND RACE 34 MILE Main Course Nusakan Sept 13 1929 110 4 Weight 5 Ibs below scale Claiming price 2000 if for 1750 June 243 Bel allowed 3 Ibs if for 1500 7 Ibs Net value to winner 975 second 300 third 150 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40522 STARGOO w 3 115 13 5 22 2 2 F WrightWD Mrs W H Cane 255 40472 LOVELY ONE WB 103 6 4 Ink ih Ink 32 McCrearyC Cedar Farm 260 40791 CHISLAM WB 3 108 12 14 745 4 3 GivensC Grant thorn 2275 21048 CAPTIVATE w 4 113 5 6 3 4 3h 4 AtkinsonT P M Burch 605 60540316RADIO 40316RADIO MORALE wr 3 105 4 7 1U 11 + 845 RienziD I Bieber 760 41328 PUGILIST wn 3 112 9 10 5 3h 6 6 SchmidlA Harry Z Isaacs J2375 J237540138ROYAL 40138ROYAL SAXON WB 3 104 11 9 8h 104 9 2 ChallisG Myron Selznick J2375 J237540472GAYKIS 40472GAYKIS WB 3 97 1 1 10 8 i 81 GoggiC S Horowitz 3695 40791 SUN FLAME WB 3 108 2 2 4J 64 5 93 LindbergH Mrs E J Madden 1430 40137 NARKI WB 3 106 7 12 132 132 122 104 ThornburgJ J Hilda Krauss 10315 1031533365LUCYS 33365LUCYS LASS w 3 101 14 8 9 9 10l II1 PittarelliJ William Sacco 2320 40753 DEDHAM w 6 120 33 6 7 ° 11412h RobertsonA Mrs Esther duPont Weir 2075 41180 SEBENOA WB 3 115 8 11 14 14 13 138 BiermanC The Barrington Stable 3850 39858 SUN AND MOON w 3 103 10 13 12s 121 14 14 MehrterisW Coldstream Stable J2375 J2375tMutuel tMutuel field Time 23 48 114 Track muddy STARGOO 710 360 310 255 80 55 LOVELY ONE 370 330 85 65 I 65I CHISLAM 890 345 345Winner Winner Ch e by Burgoo King Starclla II by Prince Galahad trained by L A Brusie bred by Mr H H Knight Winner entered to be claimed for 2COQ 2COQWENT WENT TO POST 202 OFF AT 2031 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving STARGOO set the pace from the start disposed of LOVELY ONE in the stretch and drew away LOVELY ONE was hustled along smartly from the start on the inside and had no mishaps CHISLAM from a slow beginning finished with a rush RADIO MORALE came to the outside entering the stretch and closed fast CAPTIVATE was sent through on the inside for the stretch run PUGILIST raced well ROYAL SAXON showed a good effort effortScratched Scratched 40621 Chief Mate 112 41179 Mistrella 105 41180 British Flyer 125 40792 St Peter 113 35894 Sabatis 112 41177 Derivative 108 108Overweight Overweight Pugilist 4 pounds Royal Saxon 1 paykis 1 NarkI 3 Lucys Lass 5 Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 8420 THIRD RACE ABOUT 2 MILES Fairmount May 28 1926 340 5 147 A 1 I A fl Q Duettiste Steeplechase Purse 1500 4yearolds and upward O U 7 claiming 4yearolds 144 Ibs 5yearolds 150 Ibs older 152 June 243 Bel ihs Winners since May 8 3 Ibs extra for each race won Non winners of two races since April 15 allowed 3 Ibs one race since sincethen then 5 Ibs of 700 twice since October 1 7 Ibs of 700 since then if 5yearolds or upward 10 Ibs maiden 5yearolds or upward 13 Ibs Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1500 1500Net Net value to winner 1000 second 275 third 150 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 3 6 9 12 Fin Jockeys Odds SI Stct 41269ALCADALE w 5 148 3 1 3k 3 4 I2 1 GallaherW Morris H Dixon 320 40968 NATAL ANTHEM w 12 150 5 2 1 I2 I1 2h 24 CruzII Brookmeade Stablo 270 2704C9283CUPID 4C9283CUPID WSB 7 145 2 5 22 2 23 32 32 WalkerG Mrs J B Balding 225 22540968SIMOON 40968SIMOON w 8 134 1 4 43 45 3 48 V AlmonyR G H Bostwick 3i45 40388 BROADSIDE KINGwl0137 4355555 LeonardW S Bryce Wing 1180 1180Time Time 4084 Track muddy ij i D f ALCADALE 840 420 270 320 110 35 Mtltuel rricesj 30I NATIONAL ANTHEM 4io 2eo 105 30 I CUPID 260 30 30Winner Winner Br g by Alcazar Rockdale by Trap Rock trained by M H Dixon bred by Mrs F A Clark Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 226 OFF AT 226 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from flag Won easily second and third driving ALCADALE was eased back off the pace and steadied along while jumping well was sent up with a rush on the inside in the closing half mile and then drew away NATIONAL ANTHEM jumped well but after taking the tenth fence vvas forced back when CUPID bore over came again and finished well CUPID en the outside throughout was a prominent facior but had no mishaps SIMOON was unable to menace the leaders when roused BROADSIDE KING was never a factor factorScratched Scratched 40272Mad Policy 135 41325 Kennebunk 132 25600 Merchantman 130 FOURTH RACE 1 18 MILES Main Course Marriage Sept 26 1942 148 4 1 6 1 0 6 122 P rse 1500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Non H u i j NonwinnersJune winners since May 8 Weight 6 Ibs below scale Nonwinners June 243 Bel since April 7 of two races allowed 3 Ibs one race 7 Ibs Claim ¬ ing price 1200 Net value to winner 5975 second 300 third 150 fourth 75 qt A Wt PP St Ji Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 407922BOBS LindbergH40523BELPLAY BOYS WB 10 114 10 8 94 72 2h 23 Ih LindbergH Paul B Codd 110 40523BELPLAY w7110 8 7 82 8l 4J Ih 25 RienziJ R F Fackney Jr 600 40885 BATTLE WON wB5114 3 3 1411 14343 MehrtensW C J Behan 9075 41388 PRINCE JOCK w 7 114 7 6 2h 34 3 4 44 VercherT VercherT406512VHICH Thos Cail 11225 406512VHICH BeasyL40885THRIFT MAN WB 4 120 5 1 5 5k 5 5 53 BeasyL A Dunne 335 40885THRIFT wn5103 4 9 7 4h 6 6 6 MannW W S Jacobs 1065 41127 DON BINGO II wn6118 21010 9 8 7 7 DanielsA DanielsA41064BOATS Hugh Dufford 1190 41064BOATS CREW WB 7 107 1 4 Z 24 7 88 8 GoggiC A M Tortora 1560 41388 NORGE II ws6114 9 2 64 6J 95 9 93 AtkinsonT Mrs Alice Tobin 4780 40627LADY RED TOP ws 4 105 6 5 4i 10 10 10 10 RienziD Mrs D J JTime Schneider 11865 Time 243 49J 116 142 155 Track muddy 280Mutuel i t f B f BOBS BOYS 420 310 280 55 40 Mutuel Pricesj BELPLAY 490 4io 145 105 4ioI I BATTLE WON 1570 685 Winner B g by In Memoriam Marsh Fir by Under Fir trained by P B Codd bred by Mr W F Axton Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 251 OFF AT 253 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same BOBS BOYS was restrained earljj but moved up fast on the outside on the far turn responded to hard urging in the stretch and out finished BELPLAY The latter was sent up on the outside for the stretch run made a determined bid but hung at the finish BATTLE WON was sent into command early showed speed saved ground and held on well PRINCE JOCK raced forwardly and had no mishaps WHICH MAN was in close quarters going to the turn and then faltered THRIFT raced well DON BINGO II was slow to begin beginScratched Scratched 39975 Better Hurry 115 40277 Scarcanter 118 40253 Hard Cracker 108 40885 Ho Down 114 114Overweight Overweight Belplay 1 pound Thrift 1 Lady Red Top 4 FIFTH RACE 1 18 MILES Main Course Marriage Sept 26 1942 1 48V A I s I 6 122 Purse 1500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Non T I O I winners since May 8 Weight 6 Ibs below scale Nonwinners June 243 Bel since April 7 of two races allowed 3 Ibs one race 7 Ibs Claim ¬ ing price 1200 Net value to winner 975 second 300 third 150 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Vs Str Fin Jockeyt Owners Odd 1 Strt 41388 PRIMA DONNA WB 5 111 3 11 11 9h nk 5 1 YoungS Mrs E Haughton 205 205365753ONE 365753ONE SHEN WB 7 109 8 2 2 2 2 k 21 Z GivensC Mrs W E Martin 750 750410642THORINO 410642THORINO WB5114 4 1 I1 14 14ll 3 GrecoA Joseph Kelly 380 41268 W H KELLY w 4 107 10 5 4s 3 3i 4 4 HannaC Miss C Morabito 2190 41388 CHALMAC WB7114 26 6t 5443 3 i 5J DurandoC R Fisher 1400 140037517MY 37517MY ECHO w5109 7 7 5 64 5l 6 6k SkyrmD A Jeanfrtau 8645 40366 MISS B B w 6 109 68 102 8 8h h 7h LindbergH H E Simpson 1800 180039575BOUNCING 39575BOUNCING WB 4 103 11 3 h 3 6 8 88 MannW Leo Eichler 1355 40792 CHEETAH wSllO 1 9 B Ull 10l 9l RienziJ R McKeever 6090 41127 CLIP CLOP WB 4 117 5 10 92 102 10s 11 101 LaidleyO M M Jackson 1005 100540966STEPSOME 40966STEPSOME wB4108 9 4 3h 4J 9 92 11 ThornburgJ E S Haviland 790 Time 24 48 115 142 155 Track muddy muddyr r 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 x xi i i ID PRIMA DONNA 610 380 290 205 90 45 Mutuel t PncesJ ONE SHEN 770 420 235 rio riot t THORINO 360 80 80Winner Winner B m by Hollyrood Tetrazzini by Stefan the Great trained by E Haughton bred by Mr H P Headley Winner entered to b claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO POST 321 OFF AT 324 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same PRIMA DONNA was sent up on the outside for the stretch run and responding to urging outfinished ONE SHEN The latter was a promi ¬ nent factor all the way assumed command in the stretch and held on well THORINO had early speed then quit W H KELLY sjiowed a good effort CHALMAC moved up on the inside then quit MY ECHO had no mishaps in the running runningScratched Scratched 22759 White Mask 114 41127 Rodimic 103 103Overweight Overweight Prima Donna 2 pounds W H Kelly 1 My Echo 2 Cheetah 1 SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Main Course Nusakan Sept 13 1929 110 4 41612 126 Cheops Graded Handicap Class C 2000 Added 3year June 243 Bel Net value to winner 1370 second 400 third 200 fourth 100 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 40930 BREEZING HOME wl4 52 52412722EURASIAN 11 ii 11 in Gilbert W Ziegler Jr 1155 412722EURASIAN WB 114 4 3 4nk 41 34 24 Thompsons Havahome Stable t550 41272 BILOXI BAY WB 120 79 73 7I 41 32 BiermanC Mrs Alfred Parker 225 41121 HEADOVERHEELS WB 104 1 4 4MQ794 3h 3h 52 4h LindbergH J T Taylor 3865 MQ794 BAROQUE WB 114 3 7 7412723ROYAL 6h 5 64 54 WrightWD Victor Emanuel 620 412723ROYAL NAP wB114 6 10 10413902WATER 8nk8i 7 6 MehrtensW Lazy F Ranch 675 675t550 413902WATER PEARL WB 108 2 1 2 24 2J 74 ThornburgJ Mrs S Rutchick t550 40426 SUGAR RATION wlOS 10 11 11 10l 9h 82 RienziD Dock Stable 1940 41324 DIGGIE wB103 11 5 10 11 8h 94 EricksonC Louisiana Farm 2330 41270 OPERA SINGER wllO 8 6 54 6 11 Iflt McCrearyC Glen Riddle Farm 515 41272 ESTER1TA WB 96 9 8 9 9 10411 RenickJ Dock Stable J1940 J1940iCoupled iCoupled as Havahome Stable and Mrs S Rutchick entry tDoc Stable entry Time 23 47 112 Track muddy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 BREEZING HOME 2510 1140 560 1155 470 180 EURASIAN 560 320 180 60 60I I BILOXI BAY 290 45 45Winner Winner B c by Espino Marching Home by John P Grier trained by M Brady bred by Mr W Ziegler Jr WENT TO POST 354 OFF AT 356 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same BREEZING HOME was sent into command after the start showed speed all the way and outlasted EURASIAN at the end The latter moved up in the stretch and showed a good effort BILOXI BAY made up ground from a slow start HEAD ¬ OVERHEELS raced well BAROQUE raced on his own courage ROYAL NAP was slow to begin WATER PEARL unseated rider going to the post and ran away a mile SUGAR RATION was slow to start Scratched 40794True Blue 122 407943 Cream 110 Overweight Sugar Ration 1 pound Diggie 1 SEVENTH RACE 1 116 MILES Main Course Dot Sept 7 1923 142 3 t TJ n 100 Purse 1500 3yearolds Claiming Weight 122 Ibs Non r I O I J winners of two races at a mile or over since April 7 allowed 3 Ibs June 243 Bel of such a race since May 8 ortwo races in 1943 6 Ibs of a race raceat at one mile or over at any time 9 Ibs Claiming price 2500 Net value to winner 975 second 300 third 150 fourth 75 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 41121 BLUE WHISTLER w 113 5 3 42 4 21 2l I2 LindbergH Paul B Codd Codd41330HAPPY 240 41330HAPPY GUESS WB 117 2 7 7 6 31 3 2 ° k RienziJ M MacSchwebel 455 41323 TENEBROSE w 113 623 34 Ih Ink 37 ScottRD Coleman Nimick Nimick40932SWELL 1375 40932SWELL KID we 108 4 5 5h 7 6 4 4s ThornburgJ Dock Stable Stable411793ORANGE 1540 411793ORANGE LEAVES WB 106 7 1 2 2 5k 6h 5 GivensC Mrs E Haughton 385 41324FOE OWOE w 111 1 6 64 5 7 7 6 RienziD Roy Strickler 625 40571 PR JOHNSON wB119 3 4 I1 H 43 5 7 LongdenJ Mrs W T VVestrope 490 490Time Time 24 48 114 140 146 Track muddy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 s si i j i I BLUE WHISTLER 680 430 360 240 115 80 80SS SS 520 360 160 80 TENEBROSE 520 160 160Winner Winner Dk b g by Jacopo Lady Gibson by Marvex trained by P B Codd bred by Woodvaltj Farm Winner entered to be claimed for 2500 2500WENT WENT TO POST 420 OFF AT 421 EASTERN WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won easily second and third driving BLUE WHISTLER was close up from the start and going wide into the stretch disposed of the leaders and drew away HAPPY GUESS was sent to the outside and lost much ground but outfinished TENEBROSE The latter was sent through on the inside entering the stretch only to falter under pressure at the finish SWELL KID was never a dan ¬ gerous factor in the running ORANGE LEAVES was eased back off the early pace and then quit FOE OWOE on the inside to the middle of the stretch turn was cased to the outside DR JOHNSON quit badly Corrected weight Orange Leaves 106 EIGHTH RACE 1 12 MILES Main Course Bolingbroke Sept 22 1942 227 A i 1 A 5 115 Purse 3000 4yearolds and upward Claiming I U l Weight 4 Ibs below scale Nonwinners of two races at one and June 243 Bel onehalf miles or over since May 8 allowed 2 Ibs of such a race since then 5 Ibs Claiming price 3500 it for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 250 to 3000 Net value to winner 1950 second 600 third 300 fourth 150 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 1 1 Str Fin Jockeys Odds 1 Strt 413292TRANSFORMER WB 4 117 64 3 3 42 3J 1 LongdenJ Mrs W T Westrope 41274FIVE0EIHT wn4113 4 2 4 4 3 24 2h HannaC Harry T Johnson 41394 SPOON BREAD WB WB4116 4 116 2 240933GUINEA 7 6 6 66 53 3 KnappL KnappLw4111 J H Stotler 40933GUINEA CLUB w w4111 4 111 5 1 25 23 2h 42 4h MannW MannWWB6114 Mrs D H Sangster 41329 CITY TALK WB6114 3 341071FUEGO 368 8 8 7 5 McCrearyC McCrearyCWB4111 Mrs Louis Lazare 41071FUEGO wn4111 7 8 S3 52 54 6i 66 RienziD I Bieber 41183BLUE FLIGHT wB4108 8 3 14 H Kerr 41329KEY RING w w5108 5 108 1 5 7s 7 73 8 8 ThornburgJ Miss Peggy Squires Time 24 48 114 140 207 234 Track muddy muddyii ii in TRANSFORMER 760 420 340 280 110 MUtUel rriCeS FIVE0EIGHT 860 600 330 2 00 S 00S SPOON BREAD 430 115 115Winner Winner B g by Insco Transformation by Transmute trained by W T Wesirope bred by Mr B A Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 3500 3500WENT WENT TO POST 445 OFF AT 445 EASTERN WAR TIME Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same TRANSFORMER was well up from the start but on the outside he ducked in sharply was tinder pressure in the stretch run but came again when straightened out and held on gamely FIVE0EIGHT saved much ground entering the stretch made a determined bid and finished well SPOON BREAD was outrun in the early stages and in the stretch run finished with a rush on the outside GUINEA CLUB in near pursuit of the pace held on well to the finish CITY TALK was outrun to the stretch turn and finished fast FUEGO on the outside all the way quit badly BLUE FLIGHT had early speed A claim of foul lodged against the winner was disallowed