Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1943-06-16

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Alphabetical Index to Entries Abdul 2d FJ Adenos 5th FJ Agnara 9th FP Aircraft 1st Det Alibi Babe 8th Suf All Trumps 4th FP Allergic 2d Suf Andrew Palmer 1st Aqu Annie Alone 5th LF Ask Me 6th Suf At Play 1st Aqu Ava Delight 8th Det DetB DetBack B Back Play 2d Det Ball Player 5th Det Ballet Slipper 3d FP Balmy Spring 3d Suf Bass Fiddle 1st Suf Battle Jack 5th Suf Baying 1st Suf Be Sweet 3d FP Beauzar 6th FJ Bell Tower 6th Suf Belle James 1st FP Belmar Bess 4th Suf Belmike 6th Suf Benzedrine 3d Det Bert W 2d Det Beth B 1st LJ Big Rover 6th FP Bip 3d Det Bird Lot 3d FP Blenson 4th Aqu Blue Nose 3d Aqu Bobtown 5th FJ Bold Salute 5th Aqu Bonheur 6th Suf Bosky Dell 8th Det Bounding Home 2d Aqu Boysan 2d Aqu Brass Tower 4th Suf Bright Arc 5th Det Bright Green 5th Aqu Bright Quest 2d Suf Bronze Bugle 7th FP Brooklandvilie 4th Suf Brown Ben 7th FP Brown Mask 3d L J Brown Mate 3d LF Button Hole 4th Det DetCaduceus Detc c Caduceus 8th Aqu Cairnduff 2d Aqu Camps First 7th LF Can B Good 3d FP Captains Aide 2d Aqu Case On 3d FP Casemer 1st LJ Catapult 4th Suf Cerberus 6th Det Cherry Crush 1st Suf Chic Shirley 6th Aqu Chief Bud 4th Det Choppy Sea 6th LF Chuckler 7th FJ Cincus 5th Aqu Clamor Girl 3d Suf Clip Clop 8th Det Clipman 8th FP Cloudy Weather 5th LF Cocopet 6th Aqu Collect Call 6th Suf Colonel Titus 2d FP Columbus Day 5th Det Comenow 2d Aqu Commission 6th FJP Commixion 7th FP Compatriot 4th LJ Connecticut 6th FJ Count dOr 6th Suf County Cork 1st Aqu Coupon 5th LJ Courtil 8th LJ Cowlan 3d Det Crimson Tide 5th LJ Crystal Torch 1st LJP D DDaisy Daisy A 4th FP Dancing Light 8th LF Darby DiademrSd Det Darby Donna 7th Det Dawn Attack 4th Aqu Deciding 8th FJ Deepdene 2d FJ Desert Battle 2d Aqu Dingmans 8th Suf Dini 4th Aqu Dinner Horn 2d FJ Dinsen 4th Suf Dispose 6th Det Doc Wagner 4th FP Don Juan n 7th Aqu Donitas First 6th Aqu Dorothy Pomp 4th Suf Double Back 4th Det Dr Whinny 1st Aqu Dust Cap 1st Det DetE DetEasy E Easy Blend 2d Suf Ebony Wave 6th Aqu Ebs First 3d FJ Elcinap 3d LJ Electrical 3d LJ Elkton 3d Suf English Setter 4th Suf Essjaytee 8th FJ Eugene 5th Det Everget 6th Aqu Extend 6th FJ Fabens 1st FJ Fair Scout 7th FJ Fairly Fly 4th Det Far East Sth FJ Faywood 6th LJ Fiddlers Bit 7th Det Finally 7th Det Fire Sticky 6th Aqu Fishers Pet 1st LJ Fisherville 6th FP Flange 6th Suf Flary 2d Aqu Flint Seth 8th FJ Flintee 4th FJ Flo Bratten 3d LJ Florizan Beau 5th Det Florizan Sam 3d Det Flying Banshee 4th FP For Better 4th FJ Fort Vancouver 3d Suf Four Fifty 2d FJ Fran 2d FJ Free Double 4th Aqu Free State n 3d Aqu AquG AquGalelka G Galelka 7th FP Galley Boy 3d Aqu Gay Nash 1st FJ Gay Orphan 4th LJ Generalis 6th FJ Genial Guy 1st Aqu Genl Manager 6th LF George Wahlman 9th FJ Get Off 2d Suf Ghost Hunt 1st LF Gig 2d Aqu GoGino 4th Aqu Gold Teddy 6th Det Gondalina 5th Suf Good Company 3d Suf Good Gei 7th LJ1 Gossip Miss 2d Suf Gothic 5th Aqu Gran Cosa 4th Suf Grand Day 8th Suf Grand News 5th LJ1 Grandstar 1st FJ Grant Rice 2d Aqu Grasshopper IL 5th Det Greenocks Coin 3d LJ1 Grey Wing 7th Aqu Guinea Club 3d Aqu Gun Site 3d Suf Gypsy Lass 3d FJ FJH FJHada H Hada Lass 4th FJ Hada Star 8th Suf Halcyon Boy 4th Suf Handsome Boy 2d Aqu Hard Baked 4th Aqu Harford 5th Aqu Hazel W 8th Suf Heel Call 3d LJ1 Heltran 5th FP Heno Lion 8th LF High Bit 5th Aqu High Hat 7th LJ1 High Low Jack 6th FJ Hillfilly 1st FJ Ho Hung 4th Suf Hollyam 3d FJ Hot Dare 7th FJ Hot Spark 8th FJ Hugabit 3d Det Hughie L 4th Det Huri Horn Hari 2d LJP LJPI LJPIllinois I Illinois Star 8th LJ In Dutch 8th Suf Iron Barge 7th Det Iron Plunger 8th FP Isle De Pine 1st Aqu AquJ AquJ J J Lee Greenock 5th FP Jack OHana 8th FJ Jacks Pride 6th FP Jacomina 1st Aqu James O 3d FP Jean Buttons 2d Aqu Jean LaBelle 4th LJ Jeweltone 1st FJ Jota 2d FJ Journalist lst FJ Jubilate Boy 8th FJ Jug 6th Det Jug Head 7th FP Juliet C 7th FJ Jungle Moon 8th LF Just for Fun 1st LJ11 Just Tourist 1st Det DetK DetKes K Kes 9th FJ1 Kings Glory 1st LF Knute 5th Aqu Kosse 8th LJ Kurdistan 8th Suf Ky Flash 4th Aqu AquL AquLactose L Lactose 8th LF Lady Duane 3d FP Lady Romery 2d Det Lady Stardust 3d Det Larkalong 8th FP Last Step 4th L J1 Latent 6th LJ1 Lazy Tongs 1st Det Legal Eagle 4th LJ1 Legend Bearer 5th Aqu Liberty B 3d LF Light Chaser 1st Suf Light Landing 2d Suf Limitation 5th LJ Lissa 4th FJ Liste jst Aqu Listing 7th LJ Little Bud 1st Suf Loch Ness 7th Suf Lotagold 2d FJ Love Kee 4th FJ Lucky B 7th LJ LJM LJMad M Mad Anthony 2d Aqu Magellan 2d Aqu Magnetism 1st Det Mark Omen 2d Aqu Marksman 5th Det Masked Plane 1st FJ Materialize 7th LJ1 Maudeen 4th FJ Maw 1st LJ Max Forst 8th Suf Meadowbrbok 4th FJ Meanwhile 8th FJ Mental Banker 7th FJ Meritorious 1st Det Midnight Sue 1st FJ Mightily 8th Suf Mike K 1st FJ Miney 8th FJ Minocqua 1st FJ Mira G 1st FJ Miracle Kin 5th Aqu Miss Biscuit 6th Aqu Miss Gosling 1st Suf Miss Marfa 5th FP Misslam 2d Det Molasses Bill 7th Suf Mon Flag 5th Aqu Montree 4th FP Moondrift 1st Aqu Moscow n 8th Aqu Most Alert 3d Suf Mr Infinity 2d LJ Mrs Ames 6th Aqu Muskrat 1st Det My Luck 2d LJ1 My Sunshine 2d FJ FJN FJNadine N Nadine K 9th FJ Nediana 5th FJ Nego Ele 2d FP Nice Enough 3d Det No Count 6th Suf No Dough 7th Suf Noodles 7th Suf Old Timer 4th FJ One o One 7th Suf Our Boots 8th Aqu Ovala 1st Det s Over Ice 4th Det Oxford Lad 2d FJ FJs s p pPage Page n 2d Suf Panbroom 6th Det Parasun 6th Aqu Pari Sucre 8th FJ Park Bench 1st Aqu Parlay King 3d FP Pat Morvich 1st LJ Pathfinder 8th Suf Patriot 5th Det Peat Moss 5th Aqu Pete Jr 8th Det Petes Bet 8th Suf Pickway Paul 9th FP Pink Gal 4th Det Piplad 2d Det Pittistraw 8th Det Plantagenet 8th Aqu Play Play 9th FP Poesy 8th Det Pomkee 1st Det Powerhouse 1st Aqu Prefer Transit 2d FJ Prince Gale 7th FP Private Howie 2d LJ Prognostic 4th FJ Psychiatrist 1st Aqu AquQ AquQuakertown Q Quakertown 5th Suf Quarto 2d Det Queen Justice 3d Det DetR DetRadio R Radio Wave 8th Suf Random Breeze 3d LJ Red Blossom 2d Aqu Red Tet 8th LJ1 Red War 4th Suf Reigh Star 1st Suf Rejoinder 1st FJ Remote Control 6th LJ Rescued 2d FP Respire 2d Aqu Reztips 2d LJ Richestan 7th Suf Right Carla 7th LJ Ring Master 4th LJ Risanda 1st Suf Riverby Boy 1st FJ Robert Russell 1st FP Rockwood Boy 4th LJ Rodia 4th Det Ronnie 8th FJ RoseRed 5th LJ Rosevo 7th FP Rosey Future 9th FJ Rouge Dragon 3d Aqu Rough Time 3d Suf Roxspur 5th Aqu Russia 7th Suf Ruth Greenock 4th FJ Saboteur 7th Det Safe Bid Sd FP Salina O 4th FP Samborombon 5th Det Sandclock 6th FP Sangabi 4th FP Sara Deer 8th FJ Sea Reigh 6th Aqu Seamanlike 4th Aqu Second Glance 2d LJ Selmalad 5th Suf Sharp Reward 6th Suf Sharpshell 2d LJ1 Shaws Pride 3d FJ Showtown 5th Aqu Sicyon 4th Aqu Siganar 8th Suf Silver Sallie 7th FJ Singing Satin 3d Det Singing Torch 8th Aqu Sir Gibson 8th Suf Sisters Boy 3d FJ Sky Pirate 2d FP Smolensko 2d Aqu Snowline 7th Suf Snug 7th FP Solar Star 1st Aqu Some Man 6th Det South Border 2d LJ Southern Yam 1st Suf Spanish Belle 8th FJ Spanish Mom 3d FJ Spare Man 4th Aqu Sparkling Gem 8th FP Spirit 5th Aqu Spiteful 8th Det St Dismas 4th Det Stage Door 1st LJ Star Blen 6th Det Star Chance 4th Suf Star Kan 2d LJ Starweista 5th LJ Stell 2d Det Stepping Out 3d FP Stevada 1st Aqu Straight Lead 1st Aqu Straw Basket 1st FP Stymie 2d Aqu Styx 2d Suf Sun Forall 3d FJ Sun Triad 1st Aqu Sunburst 1st FP Sunstorm 5th Aqu Surf Rider 5th Aqu Sweepstaker 7th Aqu Sweet Prince 2d Aqu Swell Chance 4th Det Tangower Lee 7th FJ Tasmania 3d Aqu Tawny Lady 4th LJ Tenebrose 7th Aqu Tetragal 5th LF Tetranal 2d LJ Tetrashera 2d FJ Thalel 8th Det The Beak 3d Aqu The Finest 6th LJ Ticky Otis 5th LF Tide Way 2d FP Time OWar 5th Suf Time Was 7th Det Timocracy 3d LJ To Boot 1st Det Toms Cannon 4th FJ Toonerville 1st Aqu Top Milk 3d Aqu Total Loss 7th FP Toujour 5th LJ Tragic Ending 7th Aqu Transbye 8th LJ Triplane 4th Suf Tuleyries Lin 2d FP Tureen 7th FP FPUbiquitous FPu u Ubiquitous 6th LJ Unhampered 3d LJ LJV LJValdina V Valdina Paul 6th Det Valdina Pledge 6th Suf Valnor 1st LJ Valoril 3d Det Venci 1st Det Vesuvius 7th FJ W WWaddy Waddy 1st Aqu Waller 8th Aqu Watch Chilla 2d FP Wawfield 2d LP White Hot 4th Suf White Mask 1st Aqu Who Goes There 2d Aqu Winged Hoofs 3d Aqu Wise Father 6th Det Wise Paisano 4th Det Woodsaw 1st Aqu AquY AquYaMan Y YaMan 3d FP Yank Bomber 8th LJ Zackie 1st FP Zangerman 8th FP Zite 4th Aqu

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1943061601_23_1
Library of Congress Record: