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OFFICIAL RACING CHARTS Copyright 1943 by Triangle Publications Inc Fairmoimt Park COLLINSVILLE ILL TUESDAY JUNE 15 1943 FAIRMOUNT PARK 1 MILE Thirteenth day of twenty eiohtday meeting May 29 to July 5 Fairmount Jockey Club Automatic starting gate Camera finish Steward representing the Illinois Racing Board P C Galliger Stewards of Meeting John T Ireland and Frederic Crafton Placing Judges Cliff Abbo John J Klucina and R S Eddy III Clerk of Scales Jack Klucina Paddock Judge James Nugent Patrol Judges Thomas Craven L 0 Delonchaw Sr and Arthur Maher Timer Tague Pichon Veterinarian representing Illinois Racing Board Dr William Michael Track Physician Dr J H Siegel Track Superintendent John LeBlanc Track Veterinarian Dr L J Stortz Starter C H McMillan Racing Secretary Richard Leigh Sr Racing starts at 200 p m Central War lime w maicaies wmp spurs o oimKers inaicaies nvc pounds apprentice allowance Percentage of winning favorites in 1942 37 current meeting 44 Daily Double first and second races Entries go as cne horse Field horses run separately flRST RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Pin Money Oct 1 1938 110 3 109 Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Non A O A t 1 4 JL 4 J r winners of two races 3yearolds 108 lbs older 116 Ibs Maidens June 1543 FP allowed 4 lbs Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 42095 MEADOWBROOK wB3105 87 34 2 = 14 I1 DobsonJ H Cantor 750 42095 BIG BOZO WB 4 116 12 2 72 43 32 2 SchlenkerA F Spaniel 620 62041567CANS 41567CANS BANNER s4 111 212 12 12 63 33 HaleyT P LarvJs 630 630420063PRED1CTABLE 420063PRED1CTABLE v3103 1 4 2 3h 2h 44 PhelpsR A Schmiti 2660 2660388783LAIRDS 388783LAIRDS CAT B 4 111 7 11 104 i 4J 54 WoodJ H F Lucr 2160 2160420952QNE 420952QNE TO TWO M 3 104 3 8 94 8 54 f McCaddnW A C Long 910 91042C06 42C06 ROYAL COUNT v 3 108 4 5 6 54 7 7h CassityW Mrs S Corbet 170 40759 MADAM X B 4 107 10 10 II3 II5 U2 82 JessopD Mrs Leo Wagner 1480 41504 FRANK L w 4 116 11 1 54104104 93 DyerJ J W Snider 11780 41720 PEGGYS BOY wB3111 5 3 1414 81104 GlidewellP E LPiltenger 880 88041782MISS 41782MISS LET1TIA WB 4 106 99 4 64 94 II8 Bailey W G W Shultz fl780 41632 PAIR RIO wn4109 6 6 849412 12 McLeodG W E Thompson f7 0 0fMutuel fMutuel field Time 24 49 117 Track sloppy 2 Mutuels Paid x Odds to 1 x MEADOWBROOK 1700 780 480 750 290 140 Mutuel 140Mutuel n Prices BIG BOZO 620 sso 210 so CANNONS BANNER 440 120 120Winner Winner Br c by Torchilla Peggy Lchmann by Colonel Vcnnie trained by E Wheatley bred by Mr S G Baker Sr Winnei entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 202J OFF AT 221 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same MEADOWBROOK well up from flic start came fast after reaching the stretch gained command soon afterward and finishing under pressure held BIG BOZO safe The latter was forced to lose much ground and closed with a rush CANNONS BANNER slow to begin and oltrur early wore dowit the leaders in rapid fashion to be tjoing strongest of all at the end PREDICTABLE lost rider and ran away before the start performed well under a new pilot and tired LAIRDS CAT made up ground ONE TO TWO raced on the inside in the drive ROYAL COUNT ran in spots PAIRRIO was unable to keep up Scratched 42095 Second Case 116 33931 Sporting Code 106 3617020zzie 111 421693Journalist 116 41866 Music Teacher 102 34734 Thorn Reel 99 99Overweight Overweight Meadowhrook 1 pound Predictable 4 Peggys Boy 3 Pairrio 2 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Pin Money Oct 1 1938 110 3 A 9 A 9 109 Purse 600 3yearclds and upward Illinoisowned Q J Claiming Nonwinners of a race since May 28 3yearolds 108 June 1543 FP ibs older 116 lbs Nonwinners in 1943 allowed 4 lbs Claiming price 800 Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St 4 32 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 416333 FUTURE WINNG 6ii2 4 2 2422343STREET 13 is p lh GlidewellP C Caldwell 290 422343STREET ARAB B 7 112 5 9 941277WICKED 82 3J 32 2 DyerJ C E Simmons Simmons3h 210 41277WICKED TIME v 8 116 7 3 3415713SWING 3h 2 i 2i 3l McLeodG R Wilcox Wilcox4i 640 415713SWING LEADER v5112 2 7 742092CAHOKIAN 4i 5J 6 4h SchlenkerA E F Hennebry 2970 42092CAHOKIAN v 4 107 11 10 6h 44 44 53 FosterK FosterK2h W F C V Sparks 1400 31545 WOODLARK MI 7 112 8 6 642010TOWN 2h 62 5 6h JessopD W Fitzgerald 1970 42010TOWN LACE w 5 106 6 1 91 71 72 71 HaleyT A E Overton 1160 42172 MY DAY s7111 9 5 73 84 83 8i CassityW H II Rendleman 1090 32896 RADIO AH 7 112 3 11 11 11 11 93 LuceS J Newman 1590 34294 GREY SYMBOL w 4 112 10 4 1H 104 10A 102 HauerH F Fischer Jr t590 35646 SMART MOVE w4107 18 5 9i 9 11 KirkpatkP E G Hoffman 1590 590 590fMuttiel fMuttiel field Apprentice allowance waived waivedTime Time 23 48 118 Track sloppy sloppyr2 r2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 f FUTURE WINNING 780 420 300 290 110 50 STREET ARAB 360 320 0 60 60t t WICKED TIME 360 80 80Winner Winner Br g by Blue Blitzen Special Favor by Ladkin trained by G Osborne bred by Mr A H Sumerlin Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 249 OFF AT 249 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same FUTURE WINNING opened up a commanding lead swiftly held sway under liht handling responded well when tiring and lasted STREET ARAB worked his way forward steadily and finished strongest of all WICKED TIME was a strong factor from the start and tired SWING LEADER made up ground CAHOKIAN lost ground rarly and tired WOODLARK showed a gooo1 effort TOWN LACE appeared not to like the going MY DAY was outrun GREY SYMBOL broke slowly and showed little after bcin crowded back at the turn turnScratched Scratched 40125 Razor Sharp 116 42238 Blonde Baby 102 27101 Miss Salem 107 42095 Mira Gf 107 42169 Tropical Gal 107 Daily Doubleon the First and Second Races Paid 9580 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Pin Money Oct 1 1938 11056 3 olds 112 lbs older 119 lbs Nonwinners of two races since June 1543 FP May 28 allowed 4 lbs one race 7 lbs Claiming price 1000 1000Net Net value to winner 425 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP s li Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 42234 PEARL ALMA w 7 111 2 5 5w5l2 6 6 2 I2i GlidewellP Mrs L Helton Helton2h 680 42C083JOE FISHER w5l2 33 33wn7109 2h li 1 2 SchlenkerA 0 Burton 42233 MYRNA wn7109 5 2 2w 4 4 4 3 i McLeodG Mrs R A Fawcett 42172TRY FLIGHT w 6 119 4 4 4w3110 3J 3h 54 43 DyerJ J V Akers 42C08 HIT IT w3110 16 P 2 3J 514 HauerH C Allgaier 42093 YANKEE NOTIONS w 4 112 61 53 5 6 6 JessopD Mrs E E Major 440 440Time Time 24 48 117 Track muddy 2 Mutuels Paid x Odds to 1 IJ in PEARL ALMA 1560 460 260 680 130 30 Muruel rnces JOE FISHER 300 220 50 10 10MYRNA MYRNA 320 60 60Winner Winner Ch in l y Picon Wine II Lanrp bv Martinet trained bv L Helton bred by Mr Willard Wilson Winner rnlorcd to le rlainod lor 1000 1000WENT WENT TO PCST 216 OFF AT 316 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start so rfi from stall gate Won driviii second and third the same PEARL ALMA slow to begin and lucky to find room in the lulii when improving her position wore down JOE FISHER soon after entering the final ijhth and rontinuiiu under pressure established a Cf od margin at the end JOE FISHER a strons factor from tle start suhrirrd HIT IT after five sixteenths drew clear under pressure responded wel when threatened was unable to hold the winner and tired rapidly in the last stages MYRNA improved her position on thp outside and closed with a rush THY FLIGHT was in close quarters for a half and failed quitScratched to recover fter hsni ninheH hack at the slretrh turn HIT IT had spcde YANKEE NOTIONS quit Scratched 41279 Nsrghilrh 107 107Overweight Overweight Pearl Alma 1 pound Myrna 2 Hit It 2 FOURTH RACE 58 MILE Candy Queen June 24 1926 100 2 111 Purse 42454 6 ° ° 2year ° lds Maidens Special weights June 1543 FP Net value to wnner S425 secondf 10o third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St f8 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 42009 Williams420942ALGER MISS TIPPER wnlll 9 6 3 23 241 DyerJ G Williams WilliamsEarl 1860 420942ALGER wl4 2 2 6 3 3 2 McLeodG Earl B Smith Smith420093NEW SmithPolly 350 Burgess422362SWEET 420093NEW SHOES will 38 83 83 4h 31 LuceS Polly Burgess BurgessW 640 422362SWEET BEAU w 114 5 7 2 1 lh 4J JessopD W J Delcamb DelcambreHaddhc 290 41634 SIS LURE will 12 5 5h 71452 5 ChinnH Haddhc Ki Kingkead KingkeadV 3340 Owens42236PATROL 42094 COUNT CHANT wBJ09 89 94 9 = 93 62 PhelpsR V E Owens OwensP 11980 42236PATROL PILOT WB 109 1 1 44 5s 614 73 MaddenL P T Chinn ChinnF 680 42009 ROY H S WB 114 11 12 12 12 12 8 HauerH F H Schwartr SchwartrJ SchwartrJOHN 1110 JOHN E wi114 611 llhllilli 92 GlidewellP J C Ellis EllisM 11980 41634 BIG BLITZ w 114 7 10 103 102 104 105 SchlenkerA M J Dant Dant422363SHOOT DantH 2960 422363SHOOT TO BOOT wnll4 43 lh 44 83 11 CassityW H H Rendlem Rendlem42009MONONINE Rendleman RendlemanTrott 450 42009MONONINE w 106 10 4 72 62 73 12 PedersonG Trott Teen Teener fMutuel field Time 24 495 104 Track muddy muddyi i j in f MISS TIPPER 3920 1700 1140 750 470 Mutuel 1140Mutuel Prices 4ooI ALGER 500 4oo 150 100 I MFW NEW SHOES nnr K sn 190 Winner B f by Rolls Royce Little Marco by Tchad trained by W Hinphy bred by Mrs J S Tupper WENT TO POST 345J OFF AT 345J CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEContinued Continued on Page Fifteen Fairmount Park Continued from Page Four Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same MISS TIPPER at home in the going and a strong factor from the start wore down SWEET BEAU in the last forty yards and drew clear at the end ALGER moved forward through the field and closed with a rush NEW SHOES slow to begin and forced to the outside for room finished stroncly SWEET BEAU had fine speed from the start subdued SHOOT TO BOOT after threesixteenths was unable to draw clear and tired SIS LURE came from vtll back PATROL PILOT was shuffled back earlv was sent to the outside and lost much ground SHOOT TO BOOT had speed speedScratched Scratched 40761 Happy Indian 114 42236 Orphan Echo 111 420943Frances W Ill 42009 Linda Sands 111 41634 Colleen Sue 106 42094 Our Risk 114 FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Pin Money Oct 1 1938 110 jg 3 A 9 A 109 Pllrse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Konwin Z f J J ners of two races jn 1943 3yearolds 107 Ibs older 114 Ibs June 1543 FP Nonwinners in 1943 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 800 800Net Net value to winner 5425 second 5100 third 550 fourth 25 f Index Horses Eqt A W7t PP St Ji Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Str t 420933MAISCO WB 7 110 8 11 11 9J 7 1 SchlenkerA Mrs A M Creech 340 34041781CHICWIN 41781CHICWIN wn4109 6 7 4 54 54 2n McCaddnW Miss M Hodge 580 42238 BORDERS BOY WB 5 111 11 3 4h 34 2 3 Hauerll J D Craig 2880 2880417842QUEEN 417842QUEEN TOKE WE 6 111 4 6 54 4 34 4h GlidevvellP F D Rice 290 290420922OLD 420922OLD BOOK WB 5 109 7 9 6 7J 61 5h McLeodG W P Byerman 390 42238 CANIGO w 4 114 5 8 104103 83 62 LuceS C C Heverly 1720 1720420923SIS 420923SIS WAGNER WB 5 109 2 5 22 23 I 73 CassityW Mrs Lto Wagner 1340 42097 JUANITA M va4109 310 82 6 4 85 DyerJ G W Jones 290 29041718MATCHLESS 41718MATCHLESS WB 6 104 9 2 9 11 105 9G PhclpsR A S Higgins fl720 42238 MISS WARNING w6109 14 H 1 9MO = ChinnH J Cech 2860 11400 GUY B w 10 111 10 1 3 8 11 11 JessopD Virgina L Adams fl720 fl720fMutucl fMutucl field Time 24 48 117 Track muddy muddyi i 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 x xi i in MAISCO 880 460 360 340 130 80 Mutuel Prices CHICWIN 20 400 210 LGO LGOC C BORDERS BOY 1040 420 420Winner Winner Br m by Insco Maidens Ballet by Celt trained by C Phelps bred by Mr W W Guernsey Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 413 OFF AT 414 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same MAISCO slowest to begin and outrun to the stretch lost much ground thereafter and got up in the final stride CHICWIN worked her way forward steadily and finished strongly BORDERS BOY was forced to lose ground from the start reached the lead when inside the final sixteenth and tired QUEEN TOKE a factor from the start held on well OLD BOOK had a rough trip CANIGO showed little SIS WAGNER used up in reaching the lead quit under pressure pressureScratched Scratched 417843Grace K 109 41275She Did 109 41720 Pairlet 107 34573 My Sunshine 99 42234 CNote 111 422332Darby Dienst 106 38876 Quinlan 106 106Overweight Overweight Maisco 1 pound Queen Toke 2 SIXTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YARDS Aonbarr Sept 13 1941 141 3 1 olds 104 Ibs older 112 Ibs Winners In 1943 2 Ibs extra for each June 1543 FP race won Claiming price 800 Net value to winner 5425 second 5100 third 50 fourth25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St i k Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 421732IMA LADY w 5 111 2 2 22 21 H lh Ink McCnW Mrs Eli Long 3 20 42012 HOT IRON w6116 5 5 44 4 3 24 20 LuceS Rivermont Ranch 160 41399 DIMPLE wB6111 345 5 5 4 3h JessopD F C Barrows 580 41507 PEGGY SILVER WB 3 107 4 3 3 3 2 33 4 DyerJ Mrs C Phelps 490 41718 SYLVAN DELL 340Time w5106 1 1 I2 H 43 5 5 MHIerW Mr and Mrs E B Shipp 340 Time 24 49 118 146 151 Track muddy 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 x xKXutial KXutial D IMA LADY 840 320 220 320 60 10 10vluruel vluruel r rices j HOT IRON 340 220 70 10 DIMPLE 260 30 Winner 30Winner Dk b m by Gallant Sir Lidy Kiev by Kiev trained by F Herman bred by Mr Matt Lair Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 454 OFF AT 454J CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same IMA LADY steadied early sub ¬ dued SYLVAN DELL when ready drew clear rapidly swung wide entering the stretch came fast when straight and withstood HOT IRON The latter well back early lost much ground when racing forward was sent to the inside for the drive and hung at the end DIMPLE well back to the stretch finished well PEGGY SILVER was a factor from the start and quit badly after entering the final eighth SYLVAN DELL had good speed and quit quitScratched Scratched 42173 Blue Orchid 111 42173 Little Wasp 111 111Overweight Overweight Peggy Silver 2 pounds SEVENTH RACE 1 18 MILES Anaconda Sept 3 1937 151 4 104 Purse races since October 31 Weight 112 Ibs Claiming price 800 800Net June 1543 FP Net value to winner 5425 second 5100 third 550 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds 1 Strt 42013 BEAU INSCO WB 7 112 6 5 lh I2 P lh P McCaddnW McCaddnW418722HELENS B Fogclson FogclsonH DyerJ420122ACE 418722HELENS BOY WB 4 112 9 8 6 63 22 22 2 DyerJ H A Neal NealG 420122ACE OF SPADES rl0107 4 3 7 73 63 3 3h BaileyW G W Shultz ShultzEd 42239 SHINING SEA w7102 8 7 52 52 42 4 41 = phelpsR Ed Vorwald VorwaldG 42012 VEILED PROPHETwB 6 109 2 1 23 24 31 54 5 McLeadG G Fowler FowlerE 41486JTWEEDLEDUM WB 4 112 1 2 34 44 5 73 64 DobsonJ E C Platt PlattMrs 1960 41722 LADY HAV w7107 5 4 44 3h 7 6 7 CassityW Mrs G B Clark ClarkR 1080 41787 XENORAS FOX WB 7 113 3 9 9 9 9 85 82 RamseyE R H Schwartz SchwartzHumes 3980 398042240BOARD 42240BOARD BILL wn8109 7 6 810 81 86 9 9 HumesW7 Humes Jr Sparrow 1860 Time 23 499 116 145 159 Track muddy muddyr r 2 Mutuels Paid Odds to 1 ij in BEAU INSCO 1120 540 300 460 170 50 Mutuel r rices HELENS BOY 640 280 170 40 ACE OF SPADES 240 20 Winner 20Winner B g by Insco Stage Maid by Captain Alcock trained by F Gossard bred by Mr Herbert M Woolf Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 522i OFF AT 523 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same BEAU INSCO rushed from the start reached the front during the opening threeeighths drew clear swiftly increased his advantage during the run to the stretch drifted out thereafter came fast when straight and held HELENS BOY safe The latter came from well back and on the inside tiring in the late stages ACE OF SPADES made up ground and lired under pressure SHINING SEA showed little VEILED PROPHET was a strong factor for fiveeighths TWEEDLEDUM had speed speedScratched Scratched 42097 Linkville 112 42176 Lonely Road 112 112Overweight Overweight Veiled Prophet 2 pounds Xenoras Fox 1 Board Bill 2 EIGHTH RACE 1 116 MILES Helens Babe June 16 1928 144 5 111 A 9 A R Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of H Z H J O a race in 1943 3yearolds 105 Ibs older 114 Ibs Claiming June 1543 FP price 800 800Net Net value to winner 5425 second 5100 third 550 fourth 25 Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds SI Strt 12239WAUCHULA wn6109 3 3 in 3 3 2h lg MaddenL C Bothman 610 422393DUSKY 610422393DUSKY MAID w 8 105 8 8 6J 2 22 I1 2 BaileyW E C D Boyd 270 27041873DES 41873DES GRIEUX w 7 109 2 1 73 44 42 51 3h MillerW Mr Mrs EMiller 390 42239 ALCINOUS wB5114 7 6 4 14 H 3h 41 ChinnH Rick Chambers 1390 42092 MANHUNT WB 8 114 4 7 5 h 7 44 53 LuceS C Lipe 880 42238 HAPPY ROAD WR9114 548 8 62 6 6 McLeodG Brewer Lundy 290 42098 LOPAZ w 10 114 6 5 3 5 5 75 7 JessopD T H Parks 580 42012 PERISPHERE wB5114 1 2 2n 6J8 8 8 HaucrlH J D Craig 2130 2130tMutuel tMutuel field Time 24 50 118 148 156 Track muddy 2 Mutuels Paidr Odds to 1 I A L in f WAUCHULA 1420 720 300 610 260 50 Mutuel Prices DUSKY MAID 440 240 120 20 t 20t DES GRIEUX Field 280 40 40Winner Winner Blk g by Dark Hero Arch Duchess by Black Toney trained by F Clelland bred by Mr Henry H Knieht Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 552 OFF AT 5521 CENTRAL WAR TIME TIMEStart Start good from stall gate Won driving second and third the same WAUCHULA rushed to the front was taken in hand when challenged rama again whrn ready wore down DUSKY MAID and was drawing away at the end The latter steadied early reached the lead entering the stretch drew clear rapidly tired under pressure and was unable to withstand the winner DES GRIEUX slow to begin weaved his way for ¬ ward through the field and finished stroncly MANHUNT ran jn spots HAPPY ROAD showed nothing LOPAZ was unable to keep up PERISPHERE quit quitScratched Scratched 42239 Bull Market 114 420983Janepola 109 42092 MiDue 114 415743Here Now 114 41787 Arizona Lady 109 42175 Cadet George 105 42239 Fair Scout 109 41873 Sparkling Gem 114 421753 Deciding 109 42097 Pari Sucre 114 114Overweight Overweight Dusky Maid 1 pound Quinella Paid 2760 NINTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chule Pin Money Oct 1 1938 110 3 irt infl Cfnn 9 root Ile onrt nnn1 1 flntmlmr XT winners of a race in 1943 3yearolds 107 Ibs older 115 Ibs Claiming price 1000 if for 800 allowed 3 Ibs DECLARED OFF