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Long Branch Summary Tuesday June 15 1943 The Long Branch Meeting Is Being Held Heldat at the Dufferin Park Track UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FINISHTRACK TRACK FAST FIRST RACE ABOUT 58 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Seebe 105 Palaez 1040 365 285 285Leota Leota W 110 Kennedy 295 250 250Speak Speak 115 Hughes 335 335Time Time 101 Off at 236 Eastn Daylight Time Also rah Shanty Bay Time Limit Morocco Light Coffee Spoon Rocky Hill SECOND RACE ABOUT 58 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Spring Moon 106 Paterson 645 470 290 In Front 115 Foden 840 455 455Big Big Fish 110 Plcsa 410 410Time Time 101J Off at 309 Eastn Daylight Time Also ran Don Cossack Running Cedar Ginoc cliio Rakbak Leesoon LeesoonDail Dail yDouble on the First and Second Races RacesPaid Paid 3565 THIRD RACE ABOUT 58 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Cosweep 111 Remillard 2380 515 270 Schelke llli Holborn 250 215 215Guess Guess Who 111 Leavitt 250 250Time Time 101 Off at 345 Eastn Daylight Time Also ran My Mommy Land of Smiles Skipacog Ingrid G My Adcle FOURTH RACE 78 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingKitchener Kitchener Kid 120 Lynn 5560 1585 840 Mary Mahone llli Hborn 450 395 395War War Problem 120 Barber 480 480Time Time 131 Off at 419 Eastn Daylight Time Also ran Tideover Zip Zip Queensborough North Spate Step Up FIFTH RACE 78 MILE MILE3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming Izaak Walton 117 Horvath 950 420 315 Barts Mayor 108 Kennedy 365 280 Mystery Lad 113 Plesa 500 500Time Time 130 Off at 455 Eastn Daylight Time Also ran Wise King Matab Stormy Night Ball and Chain Storm Orphan SIXTH RACE ABOUT 1 18 MILES MILES4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Claiming Gallant Glance 110 Foden 610 370 240 Wise Will 110 Holborn 1075 355 355Yenoc Yenoc 120 Leavitt 230 230Time Time 159 Off at 530J Eastn Daylight Time TimeAlso Also ran Country Lass High Renown Rowes Crump Lady Awake Ultieville UltievilleFor For late summary see tomorrows issue