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Latest Workouts From Major Tracks TracksKey Key H Handily B Breezing D Driving E Easily 0 All out U Eased up Figures preceding horses namt show data ot last previous workout Track record Is given after distance distanceNames Names of horses making fastest time at each distance In black face type TUESDAY JUNE 15 1943 HAWTHORNE HAWTHORNETrack Track Fast 38 MILE 62 Bagnell 53 b 67 Miss Lexingtnl02h Lexingtnl02h612Alnorad 612Alnorad 36 b 529 Bride Cake 54 b 68 Quaker l05b l05b612Alamate 612Alamate 36 h 63 Compatriot rSOsb 611 Royal Insco 105 b 67 Annie Alone 39 b 610 Chansian 5025b 612 Real Short 103 h 523 Burnig Sands 38b 612 Ground Play 52 b 69 South Border 103 li 529 Bolo Babe 37 h 612 Gin Lime 51b 62 Signator 101 b 68 Crimson Tide 38b 612 Jezrahel 49 h 613 Tip Yor Hat l03h 427 Contradiction 40 b 6llKentown 5145b 422 Valeroso II l09b 426 Drift Silver 37b 612 Last Step 51 b 65 Valda Groom l03b 610 Extended 41 b 67 Margaret T 50b 34 MILE 110 63 Fortress 38 b 64 Owasse 514sb 612 Busyridge 116 V b 612 Gay Orphan 38 b 67 Purple Heart 49 b 612 Bold Questn 116 h 523 Gainer 36ysh 65 Reaping Gem 49 h 6llBayport 118 b 66 High Roller 37 h 612 Red Cin 50b 612 Bolo Brook l16h 67 Knightfors 37h 612 Ruditaurus 49b 612 Boston Queen l19b 520 Laughing Pair 37b 63 Ticky Otis 51J5b 612 Hialeah 116 h h612Okana 612Okana 36 h 612 Wrightwood 4935h 610 Keep Flying l18h 523 Putitthere 37 b 58 MILE 59 63 Lucky Trip 123 1 63 Private Howie 39 b 612 Black Swan 103 b 612 Millpomp 119 b 611 Pig Tails 36h 612 Big Push 107 b 64 Microphobia 116 h 67 Quick Dancer 40 b 69 Brown Flame 105 b 6 Old Mn Road l18b 66 Rkwood Boy 37 h 612 Black Shot l03h 530Parasang l15b 611 Restoration 39b 68 Bolo Tie I07y5b 612 Roadmaster l17h 611 Sentimt Sake 37 h 612 Countss Wise 103 h 610 Sal Old Pal l18b 66 The Finest 37b 64 Cold Shot l04h 6llTexstar 119 h 69 Unhampered 38b 68 Day a Night l0525b 78 MILE 125 125613Wawfield 613Wawfield 37 b 68 Don Devito l02h 59 Rdom Breeze l33h 63 Wishbone 36b 611 Edith T l06b 612 Shackle l3525b 12 MILE 48 612 Foreign Shot l04b l04b612Alpledg 612Alpledg 51 h 612 Heno Lion l0725b 1 MILE 137 137612Aloraye 612Aloraye 49 b 528 Kesargo 103 b 68 Judy Jones 155 b 612Alcosun 49Vfch 6llLaurelda 105 b 69 Nanny 150 b 612 Busy Ellen 4945h 611 Miss Fluff 103 b TJ12 Oakmont 148 b bBLACK BLACK SWAN and COUNTESS WISE were together BUSYRIDGE accom ¬ plished his move easily BOLD QUESTION and HIALEAH traveled in company KESARGO took to her work kindly GAINER worked wtih WISHBONE PARASANG was well in hand SIGNATOR is retaining his speed VALDINA GROOM had an easy trial The following horses worked from the gate COLD SHOT MICROPHOBIA and MISS LEXINGTON SPORTSMANS PARK PARKTrack Track Fast Dogs Up Up6llLewistown 8 MILE 6llLewistown 53h 612 Moem Down l10h l10h39b 69 Busy Line 39b 611 Miss Amanda 54b 610 Starweista 39b 610Reme Control 53b 34 MILE 12 MILE 58 MILE 100 61 Connie Aim 1012 1 613 Ariel Bird 54h 68 Burnig Chips l10b 612 Top Call r25b r25b52b 611 Brilliant Jr 52b 611 Good Gosh l08b 612 Wobble Pump l25h WASHINGTON PARK PARKTrack Track Fast 38MILE 612 RockHesive 52b 64 Lovely Dawn l18h 612 Crest 35fh 68 Reaping Gold 494 h 514 More Refind 118 h 612 Ended 36Mh 612 Silent Julee 53 b 69 Mirror Lake l19h l19hGas Gas Ration 37h 68 Transbye 52 b 612 Ogma 117 M h 612 H Estate 40y5b 58 MILE 59 514 Play Victory l18h l18hH H Gay Bit 39 b 612 Askmenow 1 03 25b 612 Power Dive 117 h h6HHemite 6HHemite 38 b 55 Boss Hoss 102 h 514 Swp Through l18h 610 Materialize 38b 67 Fair Tip l01j h 611 Snowfly l17h l17h514Modwena 514Modwena 36 h 612 Light Express 105 b b612Rethef 612Rethef 38 h 610 Panabelle l04h 78 MILE 123 52 Shut Eye 36 h 612 Rolling Ball I05y5h 612 Snow Apple l31h 510 Sure Gay 39b 611 Risky Man 106 b 610 Tory Row 3945b 612 Troop Train 105 b 1 MILE 135 47 Vegas Wheel 38b 34 MILE 110 610 Beret Basque l4545h 12 MILE 69 Baltee l1925h 616 Elbasan 144 h hGll Gll Playground 49h 612 Flying Easy 117 h 611 Eniscorthy 146 h 69 Pacification 54 h 611 Great Bear l16h 523 Tch and Go l46h The following horses broke from the gate BALTEE ELBASAN ENISCORTHY MODWENA REAPING GOLD SHUT EYE TORY ROW AQUEDUCT AQUEDUCTTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 612 Dr R Young 50 h 65 Sirlette l0525b 614 Ben Shaba 38 69 English Wolf 53 b 34 MILE 110 53 Cairnduff 37h 67 High Luck 50 b 612 Dress Boot 117 b 612 Chinese Sis 36h 612 Magic Heels 50 b 612 Greek Jurist 117 b 612 Cove Spring 37 b 516 Miss Buckle 52 h 611 Khe Manitou l17b 69 Earliana 36h 69 McCormick 52 b 69 Liste 122 b 612 Free Double 38 b 613 Navigating 50 b 612 Lord Calvert l17h 65 Grey Wolf 38 b 611 Nosined 50h 50hG10 612 Minefinder l16h 612 Gay Discovery 37h G10 Ravenala 49b 78 MILE 123 613 Homer 3625h 3625hHoodwinked 612 Sunny Town 52 b 65 Miss Discovy 132 b Hoodwinked 39 b b523Ktucky 520 Silver Plate 54 b 613 Question Man 132 b 523Ktucky Flash 37 b 613 Shannon 50 b bStating 1 MILE MILE612BosIey 69 Knute 38 b Stating Had 53 b 612BosIey 145 b 612 Marmeduke 39 b 65 Straight Lead 53 b 528 Deseronto l45b 610 Powerhouse 38b 612 Susans Trick 51 b 6 14 Foxbrush 148 b 510 Red Canter 37h 612 Tit for Tat 51b 51bVindy 527 Notes 155 b 611 Sleepy time Gal 39 b Vindy Porter 54 b 612 Prince Jock 147 b 62 Son Islam 36h 58 MILE 59 59Bid 67 Yes or No l4625b 610 Sicyon 35li Bid On 105 b 1 18 MILES 149 58 Bottling Cap l06b l06b6llHopeville 64 Vagrancy 158 b 12 MILE 6llHopeville l04b l04bLadys 613 Adventurous 50 b Ladys Count l03h l03h612Mity 1 14 MILES 201 612 Challo 50 h 612Mity Master 105 b bheld 512 Transformer 214 b bSICYON VAGRANCY was hard held throughout his work SICYON has all his speed DRESS BOOT is rounding to form RAVENALA is being kept in form BELMONT PARK PARKTraining Training Track TrackTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 612 Sebenoa 37 h 34 MILE 528 Blue Stride 38h 38h52S 68 Wo Gs There 41 b 68 Flying Tiger 120 h 52S Dini 35h 12 MILE 69 HomewdBndl16h 613 Dance Team 36 h 65 Alfred Stuart 51h 613 Night Crawler 121 b 515 Donitas First 42 b 63 Alemein 5125h 5125hCircus 525 Perft Rhyme 120 h 612 Fleettown 41 b Circus Ring 51 h 611 Pharblaze 1 16h 613 Global 39 h 531 Doggone 55 b 1 MILE 69 Kuoto 36 h 63 Executive 51h 613 Brittany 150 h 610 Legend Bearer 36h 612 Farmerette 49 b 612 Hyacinthus 145 h 613 Mary Schulz 38h 61 Gay Tom 54 b 613 Mercy 150 h 6 12 Mrs Ames 36 h 611 Sun Jesting 52 h 514 Peter Argo 146 h 63 Platter 41 b 58 MILE 68 Strategic l43j h 612 Restriction 41 b 610 Bras l02h 612 Rangoon 37h 37hSense 531 KayDiane 102U 1 14 MILES Sense 38h 610 Strictly True l02h 64 Ho Down 219 b DETROIT DETROITTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 68 Singing Satin 37 h 610 Air Sprite l01h 612 Alfadildo 36 h 523 Viburnum 36 h 65 Buttermilk l03h 613 Alagnes 36 h 69 Valerie H 35h 66 Black Badge l00h 610 Alex Boy 38 b 55 Warrior Lad 39 b 612 Careless 69 Bright Arc 12 MILE 613 Cant Lose 61 Bip 36 h 612 Amber Light 48b 613 Dead Level 104 b 610 Brilliant Ann 36 h 521 Aridisical Aridisical612Burng 49 h 612 Depi l04h 612Burng Stick 36h 612 Air Power 49h 531 Fay D 104 b 612 Columbus Day 3715b 612 Beau Wolf 51 b 613 First of All l03h 66 Dust Cap 38 b 69 Burgoo Lad Lady 50 h 611 Good Going l00h 521 Detroit Bull 41 b 524 Bosunette 52b 613 Helen Ward 103 h 531 Darby Donna 37 h 612 Ball Player 50 b 612 Jay Jay 103 h 527 Executor 39b 530 Cando Tom 48h 69 Jay D Kan 106 b 417 Florida Storm 38h 610 Deni Sun 50 h 526Jayfcee 105 h 612 Fulmar 375b 611 Dungeon 51 h 612 Jean Le Dble 104 b 610 Finally 38 b 530 Darby Diadem 52 b 612 Likeasnot 106 b b425Gornil 425Gornil 37y5h 614 Eugene 51b 612 Makeshift 103 h 61 Hughie L 36 h 524 Grano Saltis 48h 610 No Embargo l04b 62 High One 37b 61 Hi Pov 51h 614 Okabeha l02h 610 Hutoka 35h 65 Helen An Van 48h 610 Price Chance 104 h 612 Hi Neighbor 3715h 610 Little Wizard 52 b 612 Polar Eve 106 h Iced Over 38b 612 Liselotte 612 Rubicon 104 b 530 Iron Barge 38h 611 Mothers Girl 49 b 612 Silver King 102 h 612 Indian Watch 38b 610 Notforme 49 b 69 Urawinne l03h 69 Jacotot 3645h 611 Oles Gal 49 h 6llValdina Lois 105 h 612 Just Rainey 37 h 612 Our Sponsor 51 b 610 White Baft 104 b Lucky Tom 3635h Precision 52h 69 Yarn Spinner l03h 66 Lady Romery 36 h 529 Quen Justice 49 h 34 MILE 109 612 Lady Sponsor 37b 319 Reaping Glory 52 b 69 Brass King 119 b 611 Lord Hairan 37h 527 Rely On 49 h 611 Belfry Chimes l19h 69 Mert O 36h 612 Royal Red Red4r23 51 b 611 Cals Pet 121 b b5025b 4r23 Mister Big 38h 521 Stell 5025b 69 Frilure l15h 61 Miss Anna C 38 b 610 ShakerMan 52b 531 Harebell 421 Nelson Dstan 38 b 66 Saboteur 51 b 612 In the Night l16h 68 Over Ice 36l5h 611 Star Back 55 b 66 Ingomar l17h 611 Overdrawn 38b 613 Superflash 49h 69 Just Tourist 119 b 526 Pete Jr 36h 612 Suffern 54 h 69 OKJoe 117 b b424Rodia 424Rodia 38h Trailing Home 49h 529Pairfort l16h 612 Runbs Pride 36h 612Timaris 52h 524 Pari King 115 h 67 Sidonia 38 b 611 Up the Creek 54 b 610 Quick Bubble l16h 611 Seebeedee 37h 612 Valetta H 51h 612 Wise Brave 117 b Spang 36h 612 Wise Duke 50b 1 MILE 137 610 Steabyrne 36h Your Reward 49h 610 Dove Pie l41h Song l41hSong OWar 37b 58 MILE 58 611 Rest Awhile l47h FULMAR l47hFULMAR and OVERDRAWN were given easy threefurlong trials AMBER LIGHT appears to be in fine trim after being freshened up GRANO SALTIS had a nice halfmile test AIR SPRITE is xeady for her best effort MAKESHIFT and SILVER KING are advancing steadily in their training CANT LOSE and CARELESS are both training in splendid style BLACK BADGlS and GOOD GOING both turned in excellent fivefurlong moves WISE BRAVE and O K JOE were together in their sixfurlong trials FRILURE and PARI KING were going handily in their clever three quarter works DOVE PIE finished out his nice mile drill in a determined manner The following were schooled over the turf course WISE FATHER FLORIZAN BEAU BECKHAMPTON AMERICAN LAKE UNBUTTONED and MASKED DUKE The following broke from the gate AIR POWER COMMANDO TOM OLES GAL and TRAILING HOME FAIRMOUNT PARK Track Fast 38 MILE 12 MILE 61 Super 103U 103U49d 612 Alca Eve 7 h 612 Bali Bali 49d 613 Vesuvius 108 b Can B Good 38h 612 Birthmark 52 h 61 Victor Hugo 107 h 612 Deep Rock 40 b 64 Cedar Janet 52h 64 Zackie 104 h 225 Dutch Raider 37h 64 Glimmerlee 52 h 612 Dinah Did Ply 37h 612 Janaluska 52 h 34 Mil MILE 110 69 Extend 39h 612Lissa 51 h 614Beauzar 118 h 63 Eleanor Van 37h 612 Ltle Drummy 53 d 526 Blonde Baby 120 h 39 Fast Message 37h 69 Mighty Miss 53y5b 614 Bottle Knight l20h 6 8 Gypsy Lass 38 h 67 Mentl Banker 54b 610 Biscuit Boy 120U 62 Hasty Hattie 38 h 67 Maihigh 54 b 48 Chk to Cheek 121 h 69 Hollyam 37 b 62 Onemore 52 h 68 Essjaytee 122 h 68 I Lov Bridge 39b 69 Old Timer 53 h 610 His Girl 119 h 68 Lady Duane 37h 530 Raphael 53 h 5 Mr Smith l21h l21h612Lolita 612Lolita B 37 h 426 Son Forever 51 h 613 Polite Ford 124U 528 Pimlico Polly 37b 58 MILE 100 65 Rollsfast 121 h 612 Pairzetta 40 b 613Andnow 104 J h 78 MILE 610 Pickway Paul 38sh 67 Arrowtraction 104 h 68 Generally l35h 68 Parlay King 40 h 612 Baby Na Joy 105 h Hot Dare l35h 67 Rejectable 42 b Hawan Rock l06d 611 Rush Out 39 h 613 Joe Burman l0345h 1 MILE 138 612 Rescued 38h 63 Miss Tura 107 d 67 Antr Guess l50d 69 Tessie 36ysh 62 Rejoinder 105 h 612 Dina Flag 146 h Virginia Van y 36 Jsh 69 Spur King 110 b 612 Shakamak l48h DINA FLAG went evenly throughout her useful mile work The following broke from the gate BOTTLE KNIGHT BALI BALI BEAUZAR ELEANOR VAN HAWAIIAN ROCK HIS GIRL HOT DARE SON FOREVER SUPER TESSIE VIRGINIA VAN BELMONT PARK PARKTrack Track Fast 38 MILE 613 Fighting Flyer 52 b 612 Sonnet Key l03b 612 Aera 37b Flying Pomp 50b 34 MILE 110 11036h 612 At Play 36h 612 Inundation 5325b 612 Bullpen l16b 69 Boiled Shirt 38 b 68 Lake City 50 h 612 Dusty Man l14h l14h35h 610 Cairnoustic 35h 613 MervynLe Roy 52 b 613 Dark Discovy l173sb l173sb37h 612 Cocopet 37h 52 Pilates Miss 50b 612 Keene Advice 116 b 612 Dollar Bay 37 h 612 Puritan 49 h 612 Music Hall l14h 613 Eye for Eye 35h 68 Piccadilly 50 b Magnificent 120 b 613 Flary 3625h 68 Psychic Rate 49b 612 Near Sight 118 b 613 613IIarford Harford 35 h 530 Solar Star 4935h 612 Poacher l16b l16bLong Long Voyage 38 h 67 Sickles Choice 51 b 612 Swimn Hole 116 b 426 Ocean Wave 38b 611 Toonerville 52h 613 Tambo l19b l19b613QueHora 613QueHora 36h 610 Tragic Ending 49h 78 MILE 122 611 Royal Nap 37b 62 Tit for Toe 50 b 612 Goldn Thorn l28Ii 611 Surf Rider 37 b 612 Vietta 53h 611 Hickory Head 129 h 610 Sweepstaker 37 b Ynkee Cousin 49 h 1 MILE 134 613 Spirit 35h 58 MILE 58 69 Fairy Mhurst 139 h h613Supro 613Supro 36h 610Aboyne l02h 612 Horn l48b 613 The Demander 36h 612 Dispatch l03b 528Manola l51b 611 Tweedy 37b 612 Fledgling l01h 612 Stefanita 143 h 613 Too Timely 35h 612 Four Fr Frdoms 100 h 612 The Thane l45b 57 Tedious Miss 37 b 613 Generous l02h 612 Whirlaway 141 h 613Yodeler 36h 612 Great Beyond 102 h 1 18 MILES 1 12 MILE 612 High Resolve 104 b 67 Bill Sickle 155U 65 Bold Wando 50 b 612 Irish Nora v 105 b 612 Shut Out 152 h 64 Cousin Eva 49h 612 Lucky Draw 59h 1 14 MILES 200 424 Change Here 49h 612 Pblic Opinionl0235h 612 Fams Victory 206 h 68 Dble Feature 49h 613 Picket 101 h 1 38 MILES 214 65 Depthcharge 49h 613 Sea Fare l02h 614 Spoon Bread 223h 223hFOUR FOUR FREEDOMS was under a brisk hand ride LUCKY DRAW acts like a real runner PICKET tired slightly in his work DUSTY MAN and MUSIC HALL both turned in impressive threequarter mile trials FAIRY MANHURST was not fully extended WHIRLAWAY had his final mile before entraining for Chicago BILL SICKLE does not appear to relish a long distance SHUT OUT continues to train well FAMOUS VICTORY appears at his very best his fractions being 49 114 l3935 152 Vs 206 SPOON BREAD went handily in his long drill JAMAICA JAMAICATrack Track Fast 38 MILE 58 MILE 58 531Javert l16h l16hBean Bean by Bean 39b 520 Albatross 102 b 612 Mistrella 121 b 612 Bomb Berlin 36 d 612Belplay 105 b 610 Miss Skylark l16b 612 Justice M 39 b 610 Cherry T 103 ysh 612Navarin 119 b 427 Lanova 40 b 612 Flying Son l05b 52 Procla l15fgd 69 Lady Janice 35 d 67 He Rolls l04b 613 Republican l19b 12 MILE 612 Riding Light 104 b 612 Stitch Again 118 b b51b 612 Deviltry 51b 66 Tacoma l03b 531 Star of Padulal17h Padulal17h49d 62 Fire Nymph 49d 34 MILE 110 531 Tracelette 116 h 612 Gen L 50b 612 Bright Willie 118 b 61 Hianne 51b 612 Budded 116 h 78 MILE 62 Rhyme Maker 51 b 610 Blue Whistler 118 b 69 Evening Blue 133 b 528 Single 50 b 610 Designator 116 h 68 Family Doc l31b 612 Stable 49h 611 Hillblond 119 b 613Towser l31b l31bLADY LADY JANICE did a good speed test ALBATROSS was not extended CHERRY CHERRYT T is in good shape BRIGHT WILLIE had an easy trial PROCLA went well FAMILY FAMILYDOC DOC and TOWSER went easily on even terms SUFFOLK DOWNS DOWNSTrack Track Fast 38 MILE MILE612Allie 612 Doris L 50 h 612Marjorie S I01h 612Allie Bal 35 h 69 Desert Ace 52 h 611 Off Shore l04h l04hrsgh 65 Alpine Boy rsgh 611 Doroty Pomp 51h 67 Puro Oro l03b 68 Battle Star 41 b 69 Dark Africa 52 h 69 Pipeliner l07b 612 Blue Kilts 39 b 612 Four Leaf 47 h 612 Passing Cloud 106 b 613 Battle Jack 37 h 55 Hazel W 49h 612 Quick Draw 102 h h3625h 520 Baby Darling 3625h 612 Hy Gay 50 h 612 Rough Time l04h l04h37h 531 Cape Cod 37h 612 Joe Ray 50h 518 Stand In 105 h 613 Colleen M 374 h 611 Lady Boswell 52h 610 Sir Drake 59lSh 529 Chance Sord 4215b 611 Loch Ness 51 h 68 Shaheen l02h 612 Canche Peak 37 b 612 Mabel Dauber 50 h 611 Triplane l04J5h 69 Cling 37 h 65 Molasses Bill 52h 69 Unimond 69 Dayzar 364 h 68 Morstep 34 MILE 109 612Edemgee 38 h 611 Mry Mistake 50h 69 Alhalon l14Vsh 68 Flight Over 36h 68 Most Alert 50h 67 Blue Castle l22b 611 Fort Vcouver 37h 612 Misfit 51h 61 Butcher Boy 122 b 613 Flange 36J5h 65 Mildred R 50 h 612 Bright Finish l18h 612 Fair Fighter 37h 612 Night Bomber 49h 612Dinsen l13h 69 Glorious Sec 38 h 69 No Count 51 h 526 Emerson l17b 65 Gold River 38 h 69 Northn Light 52 h 612 Fold Under l15h 56 Gondalina 36h 611 Pneumatique 49h 428 Grand Gay l16h 69 Hada Star 40 h 612 Quartet 50 h 613Ginoca 117 h 68 Is I Aint 37h 69 Rough Honey 53b 613 Genl Mowlee 116 h 62 Itabo 35h 613 Ron Descent 49h 67 In Dutch 117 h 67 Jollity 38h 611 Sun Girl 48h 612Mobcap 117 h 612 Kleig Light 39 b 610 Secd Thought 50 h 612 Miss Gosling l17h 67 Lit Sandwich 36 5b 527 Swift Song 50 h 527 Mill Tower l20b 49 Milkymoon 38 h 613 Valdia Pledge 51 h 69 Neddie Lass 115 h 610 Mandate 39b 613 White Ford 51h 66 Proration l125 h 64 Mightily 38h 58 MILE 58 612 Push l15h l15h612MelbaB 612MelbaB 36 h 69 Amalka l03h 613 Ranchos Boy 117 h 612 No Bargain 37h 610 Balmy Spring l03h 69 Trast l17b 66 Roan Nymph 36h 67 Breeze 103 h 614 Vulcanette l14h 66 Side Boy 35 h 611 Buck Patch l02h 78 MILE 69 Tanganyika 37h 614 Cody 104 h 611 Bulwark 136 b 67 Tides In 39 b 614 Chuck l00h 64 Fairy Trace l32h 528 Time OWar 404 b 611 Capt Caution l01h 528 Hrts Entwine rrSlSh 614 Desert Brush l03h 1 MILE 136 12 MILE 612 Dizzy Heights 102 h 64 Arestino l48h 612 Ample Rewrd 51h 523 Evelyn Rolls l01h 66 King Torch l49b 612 Bright Quest 51h 69 Fire at Will l04h 6C Mr Brook 144 h 612 Bulldinger 502sh 613 Grey Squire l02h 613 Milk Route 141 h 67 Bud West 4825h 61 Ksar of Adly 104 h 612 Roman Abbot 149 b 67 Catapult 51 h Landslide l024 h 67 Roman Hero l43h l43h52J 52J Bluestring 53b 523 Michign Sun l04h 612 Star Copy l46b 65 Bigr Hippie 48 h 65 More Stings l03h 611 Sentinel 144 h 61 Count DOr 51 h 69 Mare Nostruml03h 1 14 MILES 204fs 68 Catcall 53 b 69 Mythologist l03h 610 Moja 217h 217hALLY ALLY BAL MELBA B UNIMOND EVELYN ROLLS CAPT CAUTION SIR DRAKE and CHUCK worked from the gate PRORATION and DINSEN worked to ¬ gether The former was the best STAR COPY was in hand throughout the entire distance