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34 MILE Recce Oct 18 1945110 3108 Garnet Purse Purse 4500 4th Jam 4yearolds and upward Fillies and mares allowances Nonwinners of a sweep ¬ stakes or three races other than claiming of 2900 each in 194748 Weight 121 Ibs Nonwinners of two races other than claiming since December 26 allowed 4 Ibs of 2900 since then 8 Ibs two races other than claiming in 194738 13 Ibs Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt WL 46896 Pipette Fefa48Hia110 113 113 476032 Dark Venus Jly47 Jam 112 112 113 40495 Flaring Home Apr47Jam114sy 115 113 37971 Bimlette May47 Bel 11 3Ys 113 113 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 33644 Halsgal Apr47Jam112ys 113 113 470183 Sonadora Aug47Sar111 111 108 47768 Legendra Aug47Sar11245 115 117 46779 Demure Sep47Bel1125m111 117 PinoHo Highriperre 117 Br 4 ° y Piping Rock Highclere by Jack High riperre I 5 Breeder Wm H LaBoyteaux 1948 6 1 0 2 54300 Owner 54300Owner J B Ryan Jr Trainer G P Odom 1947 8122 510550 Apr17485GS 510550Apr17485GS 341i1iy5ft 19 110 75J 6 6 51 KirkPdA2 HcpS 82 Itsabet 110 Beaugay 122 Bogle 13 Apr7485Jam 34113sft 9 112 3H 2 2t 4 J NashR HcpS76CarolynA110 OceanBrief122 RedShes 7 Mar248 Hia 118150 ft 24 113 1h 3 5 6 NashRio HcpS82Shotsilk 96 Rampart 120 Alfoxie 10 Feb24485Hia 34 110ft 65 113 1 1i 1J 4 NashR AlwSSPrdRulrlie SwtCaprice110 Devastg 6 Feb17488Hia 34110ft 4 109 4431 32 33 AtksonT3 Alw88Colsal 115 HotaHh113 KitnPolice 7 Feb 748 Hia 34111ft 2J 107 1h 1h 31 3J JessopJ2 Alw 85 Ellis 114 FirstPage 109 Andantino 7 Oct2947SJam 34111sy 23e 113 7 4 1 83 8 MayT3 HcpS 81 Beaugay117 WithPieasure132 Buzfuz 9 Oct22475Jam 34111ft 15e 113 7 7 11 1 981 MayTis HcpS 82 Tavistock 98 Buzfuz 125 MasterBid 14 Oct15475Jam 34112 ft 3Jirl19 1 42J 423 53J MayT2 HcpS 84 MissKimo126 Beaugay123 MissDiscol Oct11475Bel 34 111fl 4 114 1 2h 2 33 MayT HcpO 86 Mangohick 118 WideWing 122 I Will 5 Sep22476Bel34wc11045sy 5e 114 6 1 2H 2 MayT HcpS 86 Rippey 131 Ben Lewis 103 Beaugay 12 12May May 5 Bel 38 ft 37h May 2 Bel trt 34 ft 116b April 28 Bel trt 38 ft 37h 37hDnrlf Dnrlf UOTK Vpnuc Venus s X 1 1 7 B f 4 by Snark Dark Love by Traumer I IJ Breeder JohnS Phipps 1948 3 0 2 1 52 00 Owner 00Owner J S Phipps Trainer W Post 1947 15 2 5 3 511050 Apr29485Jam 511050Apr29485Jam 34112ft 3 114 1 4 1h 23J ZufeltR HcpC 81 Tavistock 122 Cable 108 ColonyBoy 6 Apr15485Jam 34112sy 1116 32J 32J 4i 321 DodsonD Alw 81 Demure 110 RedStamp 121 Heliotrope 6 Apr 2485Jam 5Jf107 m 4Je 108 1 1J 24 22J PermneR3 Alw 80 OceanBriefll ConniverlOS Heliotrope 6 Oct24474Jam 34 112ft 3e 114 3 2 24 2 AtksonTt Alw 85 BySea 118 Conniver 114 Ellendalfr 5 Octie Jam 34112 195111 7 2 1 1 AtksonTS Alw 86 Heliotrope111 ShtReign116 GaelicGt 8 Oct 4478Bel 1 138sft 9e 114 7 1 1h 42J GuerinEio Alw 80 Rinaldo116 ShortRn119 Anniesqtch 11 Sep29477Bel 1 137ft 8 112 3 32 52 5 AllgarHS Alw 76 KhyberPass114 Rinaldo114 Reckoa 7 Sep22472Bel 34 113 sy 3i 111 6 2 2 323 AllgaierHS Alw 77 PlkyMdllO BrightSng117 RedHerg 6 Sep13472Aqu 1A147Vfeft 3 104 4 14 14 2n AtksonTS AlwC 80 FlaringHome107 Cherish104 Boojie 7 Sep 147 Aqu 1 146ft 4 115 1 2 2h 34 GuerinE Alw 79 Bimlelte 115 Snowfall 112 PicdyBelle 6 Aug1947Sar 1 140ft 5J 114 2 14 1 13 GuerinE Alw 76 ShiftyMae112 SgeMther112 PdyBle 8 8May May 4 Bel 58 ft 103h April 25 Bel trt 34 ft 121 b AprH 13 Bel 58 m 108b 108bPlnrlnM Mating PlnrlnM 1lnmA Home 117 S B fi 4 by Flares Marehinf Home by John P Grier Breeder William Ziegler 1947 24 3 6 1 15000 Owner 15000Owner W Ziegler Jr Trainer M Brady 1946 12 0 2 0 51 00 Nov 8473Jam 1 A 148 sy 18 100J 6 7 7 o 7 2 ColaneriJl Alw 64 Leander 108 Burrwood 101 Sonadora 7 Oct24475Jam 1 145ft 38 105 7 7 71 6 PermeRS Alw 82 GallantBull 113 Forfar 113 CarolynA 9 Oct11478Be1 1 138ft 10 99J 7 7H 7i 5 ColaneriJ Alw 77 RinaJdo 109 Reckon 105 Trilby 8 Oct 3477Bel 1144V sft 26 11410 9 J 8 7 PermneR2 AlwC 85 Mmdess117 DthyBrown114 SverFog 10 Sep1747 Aqu 1 146ft 6 116 4 65J 63 5 PermeRS AlwC 73 DorothyBJr 111 Trilby 116 Cherish 6 Sep13472Aqu 1A l lsft sft 4 107 3 52 43 in permeR AlwC DO DarkVenus104 Cherish104 Boojie 7 Aug2647 Sar 1138ft 11 115 5 83 63 8 PernveR3 Alw 80 SvtPYtylll Peacelaw113 Offlsldr 8 Aug2047 Sar 114205 ft 55 112 5 8U 9i 924 PermeRS AlwS 57 BtWhyNot126 CMissile122 BAnnMc 9 Jly1847 Bel 1 138ft 7 11810 7J 6 71 PermeR Alw 74 Qurantaine114 BritSong112 Blmlettell May 4 Bel 51 ft 101hg May 1 Bel 78 ft 13 April 29 Bel 1m ft 145h Rimlpffp Dimierre 1 I 17 1 B f 4 by Bimelech loodroot by Blue Larkspur Breeder idle How Stock Farm Co 1947 13 2 1 Owner Greentree Stable Trainer J M Gaver 1946 4 2 1 i iel el 1 144ft 4 1116 75i 91109 AtksonT AlwC 81 Mmdess117 DthyBrown11 DthyBrown11el el 1 137 ft 17 108 6 115Jifl6j 85 AtkVnTS HcpO 84 CmicMsile116 MissKimo119 I Sep20477Aqu ElpisjilSep1147 118l51ft 15 108 B 621 9f 9i3 AtksonF HcpS 72 ButWhyNot120 MissGrillo126 Elpisjil Sep1147 Aqu 1A146ft 5J 109 3 32 3 31 AtksnT3 HcpO 84 MissKimo117 Honeynrn122 BestDress 4 Sep 1474Aqu 1 146ft 35 M15 3 3213413 AtksbnT4 Alw 84 Snowfall 112 DkVenus 15 Picdy Belle 6 Aug2047 AnnMcfSAug13477Sar Sar 114205 ft 6J 112 4 44 5J 6i AtksonTi AlwS 64 BtWhyNot126 CMissile122 B AnnMcfS Aug13477Sar 1138 ft 3 114 3 41 11 13 AtksonTS HcpC 88 Our Tommy 116 Iodine 109 Reckon 9 Aug 847 Sar 78 124ft 17 120 8 7 1 62J 42j AtksonT AlwS 86 MissDiscollO Frties Bid112 OcnBrTlS Jly1847 OcnBrTlSJly1847 Bel 1 138V5ft 32 M12 5 1 2 32 AtksonTa Alw 81 Quarantaine114 BritSong112 Handful 11 May 11May 5 Bel 12 ff 5iysb May 1 Bel 34 ft 113h April 28 Bel 34 ft 114y5h I IHnknnl Hnknnl 117 B f 4 by HaltalOld Habitby Oleander i nQI59gi I I 5 514725Owner Breeder Woodvale Farm 1947 13 3 1 3 514725 Owner Woodvale Farm Trainer W C Stephens 1946 7111 53880 Oct11472Bel 53880Oct11472Bel 34112ft 3 1174 75J 75 65 JasponT3 AlwC 8 Ellendale 107 Keynote 122 Cherish 9 Sep29475Bel 34 111fi 7i 107 7 65J 32J 32 McCryC HcpC 84 Earshot119 Rytina122 Keynote 9 Sep1747 Aqu 1V146ft 65 116 2 1h 1h 43 McCryCt AlwC 79 DorothyBJr 111 Trilby 116 Cherish 6 Sep 947 Aqu 1 146 146sft sft 3 112 1 2h 2h 2U McCryCi HcpC 81 Flashco1f3 Graciously109 DorthyBJr 6 Sep 547 Aqu 34 111sy 13 108 4 310 3 34 McCryC4 Alw 85 Keynote 112 Pipette 113 DorothyBJr 5 Aug 847 Sar 78 124ft 16 115 13 1511134J12U McCryCio AlwS 78 MissDiscollO Frties Bid112 OcnBrf15 Jly OcnBrf15Jly 19474Mth 170144sy 2J 116 3 44J 410 4 StoutJ3 Alw 72 MerryLass116 Arctos116 FrantiesBid 6 Jly 4475Del 1 18 152 152sft sft 15 113 1 2h 2 3 McCryCS AlwS 80 Camargo111 CoscMisile119 Bimlette 9 Jun1947 Aqu 1 146 ft 8 111 3 12 1j 5 3 McCryC4 ScwS 79 CosmicMsile116 Hmonica12l Mother 8 Jun 647 Aqu 1 H7Vfeft 30 108 3 4 1h 12 McCryC Alw 80 Bimlette 111 MerryLasslll Mother S May 4 Bel trt 12 ft 51b April 24 Kee 38 ft 37b April 21 Kee 58 ft 103b OOnaaora SonnHorn 103bSonnHorn 1 flQ Br m 5 by Meadow Sutileza by Leteo UO Breeder Haras El Moro Arg 1948 1 0 0 1 5450 Owner 5450Owner Mrs A L Hammer Trainer 0 Mackey 1947 12 1 2 3 56025 Apr19486Jam 56025Apr19486Jam 341135ft 13 110 23 23 34 34i LiCausiJ4 Alw76GreekHero113 MessCk115 CtainsUp 7 Nov1147 Jam 1145ft 53 110 3 2 53J1Q12 BernhtR Alw 76 LetsDance122 GoChicago113 Equanis 11 Nov 8473Jam 1 148 sy 9 113 2 14 1 32 WdhseHS Alw 74 Leander 108 Burrwood 101 LeeCircle 7 Oct30475Jam 34113Vssy 2 113 5 45 5 i 4 1 WdheHt Alw 75 Waymark108 SirHelixlU LeeCircle 6 Oct23474Jam 34112sft 16 111 3 23 1h 4 WdheHS AlyvC 86 ChanceNick120 Recce117 SafeReward 9 Oct1747 Jam 1 148 ft 2e 114 5 3 J 33J 54 ScurlkQio Alw 71 CaptnDrsett120 Chaldonn117 ChallelQ Oct10474Bel ChallelQOct10474Bel 34 1115ft 4 1114 32 32J 34 ScurlkQ4 AlwC 84 PfectBahram118 Recce121 SunHerod 6 Oct 2473Bel 34 1125ft 75 M10 6 41J2431 ScurlkO Alw 84 Mama Fufu 108 Tigrell 113 Edified 7 May 5 Jam 38 ft 37y5b May 1 Jam 34 ft 117b April 28 Jam 38 ft 39ysb 39ysbLpnpnHrn uegenora LpnpnHrn 1 u 17 B 4 Challenger II Lady Legend by Dark Legend Breeder w L Brann 1343 2 100 52925 Owner 52925Owner W L Brann Trainer E A Christmas 1947 13 2 2 3 58650 May 58650May 1483 Jam 34113ft 9J 109 6H 612 413 McCrryC Alw 80 DanadaRed115 GreekHero118 Trilby 6 Apr15485Jam 34 112sy 14 116 6 4 6 4 5 J 551 McCryCi Alw 78 Demure 110 RedStamp 121 DarkVehus 6 Nov29474Bow 1 A 147 ft 45 113 5 5J 33J 34 KirkldA Alw 82 Laurania114 HarldHter113 BaluMike 11 Nov1847 Bow 170145 ft 2i 1145 53152 23J KnappEJ2 Alw 85 Pilaster 122 Called 105 OffIslander 6 Nov 647 Pim 1ft 146fyr 15 103J 7 7 7 71 MartensCS HcpS 68 BridalFlower112 Irisen114 Earshot 7 Oct2947 Lrl 118152y5gd 17 103 4 32 44 34 ButtlerL HcpS 78 Earshotl 17 SnowGoose120 Camargo 7 Oct23477Lrl 170 143 4 1076 51131 34 MartensCS Alw 91 Camargo121 Oberod109 Now andAgain 7 Ocl 747 Bel 112229ft 8Je 102 10 12i612 122s OlahL4 HcpS 67 SnowGse113 ButWhyNt121 Gallrette12 Sep30477Bel 1 137ft 4 10512 42J 32 1h OlahL Alw 85 Trilby1 7 DancgMargotlOS BritSong 14 April 26 Bel trt 12 ft 49h April 22 Bel trt 58 ft 1035Jh April 19 Bel trt 34 ft 118Sh Dpmiirp ucmuie 118ShDpmiirp 117 B b Mahmoud Ill Say by Gallant Fox i Breeder Arthurs Hancock 1948 2 1 0 1 53750 Owner 53750Owner Mrs Ada L Rice Trainer T Smith 1947 6113 53500 Apr15485Jam 53500Apr15485Jam 34112sy 9 110 44J 44J 34 1J ZubrinicJ2 Alw 83 RedStamp121 DarkVenus116 Heliotpe 6 Jan16482SA 1 138 ft 2J 114 2J 24 3 ArcaroEi Alw 77 Redigal 113 KaiKai107 FlamingArrow 7 Oct 3475Bel 34112 ft 95 113 11 1014 65 33J ScurlkQi Alw 81 LkyRewd112 SaranMs113 Vinsfghlt Sep25474Bel 34112m 14 11111 951 63J 2 ScurlkO Alw 84 Equate 107 Snowfall 114 BeeAnnMac 11 Sep 647 GS 1ft l46ft 75 112 6 2h 2 3h SnellerJ Alw 84 Challoa112 NedLuck 115 MissFighter 6 Aug2847iGS 34113sft 3111712 9155 14 Snellerjs Mdn 79 Aboko 122 Loto Chance 112 Lily Mars 12 ug14474Was 34 112sft 15 113 8 7i 55J 34 ScurlkQH Mdn 84 BullWagon118 Perforate118 NhtMiss 12 Jly 3474AP 34111 ft 19 10810 814 s 61 ° PeabdyCQ Mdn 80 Pelure113 Dark Lace 113 Hilar12 Oct 8465BeI 34 we 108Vsft 21f 115 13 125 121105 HanfdM Mdn 73 Bimlette 115 Telk 114 Nane Hygro17 Oct 2464Bel 34 we 112ft 9f 115 7 114J15it15is Hanfrdia Mdn 74 EasyLiving115 CestToutllS Snowfall22 Sep26464Bel 34w110Vsfi 9e 115 7 111811231124 DodsonD2 Mdn 67 Susquehanna 115 Cest Tout 115 Tek20 May 5 Bel 38 ft 36h May 2 Bel trt 38 ft 37h April 28 Bel trt 38 ft 33b