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Garden State Entries EntriesCAMDEN CAMDEN NEW JERSEY Saturday May 15 1948 1948WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK GOOD GOODTWENTYSIXTH TWENTYSIXTH DAY OF 40DAY MEETING MEETINGAPRIL APRIL 15 TO MAY 31 31NO NO DAILY DOUBLE DOUBLEFIRST FIRST RACE1 14 MILES Chute 130 P M MPurse Purse 2500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt WtChart Chart Book Todays 485433 Dual Purpose 120 48401 Darten Aug47Atl 210 115 113 48401 Alpprl Jan48 Hia 208 112 113 48059 Fagrace 108 48543 Acapulco II 113 47675 Exploration 113 47666 Light OFrance Jly47 Mth 208 120 108 108477552lce 477552lce Dancer May48 HdG 207 105 103 48401 Jack of Hearts 113 41133 Darby Diadem Feb47 Hia 209 117 113 47050 Diah Sep47 GS 209 112 110 47990 Player Lee 113 48401 JGainer Aug47 Was 207 116 113 Coupled Alport and Jack of Hearts HeartsSECOND SECOND RACE34 MILE Chute 200 P M Purse 3000 3yearolds Maidens Fixed weights weightsTrump Trump Heavy 120 479923 White Face Nov47 Bow 114 115 120 479922 Catsmeow Apr48 Kee 113 110 120 32352 JBetter Luck 113 477343 Sir Rusty May48GS112 120 120 39821 John Cheleden Oct47 Lrl 114 112 120 37909 Fuglers Sep47GS 114 120 12Q 472903 Blarney Apr48GS 112s 122 120 484712 Hullabaloo May48GS112 114 12C 48055 Sir Ral Friar Oct47 GS 112 120 12C 480552 Boom Boom May48 GS 112 120 12D 46895 JCabeson Mar48TrP116 105 113 113Coupled Coupled Sir Rusty and Sir Ral Friar THIRD RACE34 MILE Chute 230 P M MPurse Purse 4000 3yearolds Allowances 47404lrrawaddy Apr48GS112 114 113 48471 Loriot May48GS 111 105 105 479953 Cacique Jly47 Mth 112 122 126 48057 Pango Pango Sep47GS112 117 109 396452 Picture Card Sep47 GS 112s 117 109 10948128Splash 48128Splash Apr48GS112 109 110 48057 Istan Apr48GS111 114 118 479952 Curvaceous Jly47 Mth 112 115 109 109Coupled Coupled Irrawaddy and Splash SplashFOURTH FOURTH RACE34 MILE Chute tt00 P M MPurse Purse 4000 4yearolds and upward Claiming 480853 Command Feb48SA112 120 115 468983 Tree Land Oct47GS111 113 108 474054Saracen Miss Aug47 Sar 112 112 104 48058 Semper Avanti Mar48TrP111 110 121 48058 Don Miller Jan47TrP110 116 110 48058 Stepinthdark Apr48GS111 110 122 47522 Skeleton Jly47 Mth 1121s 118 112 48058 JPilates Miss Dec47GP111 115 107 21968 Romanock 114 47602 Aethelred 112 112Sep47 483993 Cyper Sep47 Bel 112 114 114 114May47 480584 Falsely May47 HdG 111 107 113 113Sep47GS112 48058 Plane Shadow Sep47GS112 118 114 FIFTH RACE58 MILE 330 P M Sixth Running RANCOCAS STAKES 10000 added 2yearolds Fillies Scale weights 47866 Hy May48 GS 101sy117 117 47401 Wilhemine 117 481203 Warsick May48CD100 115 117 480842 Eternal Danger 117 47006 Copper Hill 117 47153 Champlain 110 481614 Just Lovely 117 48332 Sub May48GS1005 117 117 47736 End Play May48GS101 114 117 477522 Imacomin 110 47928 Floria 117 463564 Roguish Mood 110 110Coupled Coupled Eternal Danger and Just Lovely Copper Hill Hilland and Champlain ChamplainSIXTH SIXTH RACE34 MILE Chute 400 P M MCooper Cooper River Handicap Purse 7500 3yearolds and upward 4820Q3 Senoril Apr48GS112 114 116 116Jun47 482014 Scholarship Jun47 Mth 110 118 109 109Apr48GS110 482013 King Dorsett Apr48GS110 118 118 118Oct47GS111 384244 Lighthouse Oct47GS111 114 111 111Jly47 47994 Irisen Jly47 Mth 110 114 112 112Oct47 48201 Frozen Custard Oct47 Nar 110 115 109 109Apr48GS114 47583 Jerrys Best Apr48GS114 114 103 103Jan47SA111 33740 Inroc Jan47SA111 118 118 118Apr48GS111s 48201 Erigeron Apr48GS111s 119 110 110Oct47GS110 48200 Turbine Oct47GS110 114 118 Coupled Senoril and Jerrys Best Scholarship and Irisen SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE AND 70 YDS 430 P M MPurse Purse 5000 4yearolds and upward Allowances 48469 Roman Candle 103 48337 Balanced Apr47 HdG 145 116 116 47868 Jupiter Light 11C 48129 Romancer 1 469624 Eb 118 47461 Scotch Secret 121 121EIGHTH EIGHTH RACE1 116 MILES 500 P M MPurse Purse 3000 4yearolds and upward Claiming 484014JKings Pride Apr47GP146 112 103 103Dec47GP145 47587 Santas Vixen Dec47GP145 113 113 113Apr47 479963JOne Only Apr47 Bow 149 114 106 106Jly47Suf149 48060JLarry D Jly47Suf149 111 113 113May48GS147 483382 Pot Likker May48GS147 114 113 381143 salford II 113 113Sep47 48360 Shore Patrol Sep47 Nar 146 112 114 114May47 48336 Hedgethorn May47 HdG 149 110 117