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Roth Reversing Pattern In Pad Locks Training TrainingHopes Hopes to Correct Colt of His Nervous and Jittery Habits HabitsWASHINGTON WASHINGTON PARK Homewood 111 May 14 While many of the more success ¬ ful trainers in this country often pattern their activities after Ben A Jones of the Calumet Farm Charles Towle a young con ¬ ditioner from Boston Mass is attempting the direct reverse As conditioner for the Edwin C Roth stable Towle has under his care the Caluniet castoff Pad Lock who at one time was regarded as one of the most promising thoroughbreds ever seen in this state stateAfter After Jones tried everything in the book to get the nervous thoroughbred to act like a gentleman he gave up in despair and finally advised owner Warren Wright to dispose of Pad 3Jock to Roth Because Pad Lock had displayed such brilliant speed both in races and in training trials Jones attempted to administer what is now known as the Whirlaway treat ¬ ment Pad Lock Tvas nervous and jittery at all times and thought nothing of kicking the slats out of the stalls in the paddock then putting on a wildwest show when he neared the starting gate gateIn In an atempt to break these habits Jones visited the paddock almost daily with his charge Between races he often took him i to the starting gate and spent many futile i hours allowing the erratic colt to graze along the track rails all designed to get him acclimated to the general atmosphere and noises of the crowd After Roth obtained the colt he was sent to his farm at Bensenvflte HI where he was altered and later fired for infirm un ¬ derpinning Upon rreturning to hard train ¬ ing Pad Lock continued to show signs of nervousness so in Decent weeks Towle has kept him away from the race track as much as possible possibleI I wouldnt like to even mention that I am in the same class with Ben Jones as a trainer Towle said this morning but he tried everything possible with Pad Lockr so r dont see that repetition would help In ¬ stead I send him out on the track forwbrk and get hinvback under the shed as quickly as possible possibleArid Arid hehas been acting well here of late but I am keepingrimy fingers crossed