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Maywood Park Results Thursday May 13 1948 1948WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK SLOW SLOWFIRST FIRST MIGHT OF 60NIGHT MEETING MEETINGMAY MAY 15 TO JULY 17 17UNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FIRST RACE916 Miles Purse 500 Classified Pace Jimmy Peter Wagner 700 440 360 360Dan Dan Volo Burright 720 560 560C C D Grattan Regur 480 480Time Time 114 114Also Also started Gene Hayes Easter Jester Grattans Song Shannon ShannonSECOND SECOND RACE 1 Mile Purse 500 Classified Trot Scotch Dillon Barnes 540 400 300 300Flying Flying Livingston 1580 740 740Fuzzy Fuzzy Wuzzy Burright 460 460Time Time 2235i Also started Abbecastle Nellson Pvt Sunny Long Key Royal Crusader Spud Hart HartDaily Daily Double on First and Second Races Paid 1960 THIRD RACE1 Mile Purse 500 Classified Trot Big Girl Colb 1880 560 420 420Bunters Bunters Zeke Rumley 1280 660 660Peter Peter Estes Stover 460 460Time Time 218 218Also Also started Red Tiger M ona Patch Sisters Spud Hanover Northland FriscoPatch FOURTH RACE1 Mile Purs 500 Classified Pace Rippledale Winn 1260 S 540 400 400Ruby Ruby M Abbe Boring r 540 420 420Velas Velas Pride Turner 440 440Time Time 215 215Also Also started Peter The Law Lela Scot Sanka Dewey G Smith George Abbe FIFTH InauguralPace RACE1 Mile Purse1500 Divided Inaugural Pace First Dash DashEaster Easter Grattan Maher 1700 760 540 540Hermes Hermes Maud C Barnes 1400 900 900Yankee Yankee Chief Taylor 700 700Time 109vAlso Time 109v Also started Red McKlyo Cheeky Chief La Par Mc Gentry Cedric B Grattan Victory Dale SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 600 Classified Trot Billy Carleton Snodgrass 1300 820 540 540Gene Gene Long Rumley Jr 7i60 430 430Fay Fay Spencer Stover 320 320Time Time 213i5 213i5j j Also started Kinny WynfTerangi Joselynn Ella Siski you Scott Lincoln LincolnSEVENTH SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 1500 Second Dash Yankee Chief Taylor 3040 1000 540 540Hermes Hermes Maud C Barnes 996 520 520Cheeky Cheeky Chief Amundsen 400 400Time Time 215 215Also Also started Red McKlyo Cedric B Grattan Victory Dale McGentry Easter Grattan La Par EIGHTH RACE1 Mile Purse 600 Classified Pace Soldier Boy Barnes 960 500 440 440The The Great Vic Winn 680 480 480Flower Flower Grattan Russell 480 480Time Time 213 Also started urly P Grattan Grattan Lad Hunter Grattan Logan Abbe Danny Boy Siskiyou