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AMERICAS TURF AUTHORITY FOUNDED IN 1894 1894Official Official Ne paper of the National Association of ofState State Racine Commissioners Published daily except Sunday by TUIANGLE PUBLICATIONS Inc DAILY RACING FORM FORMJ J ManagerLincoln Samuel Perlman General Manager Lincoln OpernlloniDan G Plaut Director Field Opernlloni Dan Lyons EditorinChief ASSOCIATED PAPERS PAPERSr31 r31 Plymouth Court Chicago 8 Illinois 343 West Jfitb Street New York 1 New Vort VortITilO ITilO N Vermont Avenue Los Angeles 27 Calif 50 Richmond St East Toronto 1 Ont Canada 812 Callioun Avenue Houston 3 Texas Texas4ia 4ia University Way Seattle 5 Washington WashingtonIMtl IMtl N V Miami Court Miami 37 Floridn FloridnKENTUCKY KENTUCKY BUREAU 420 Hcrnando Building Lexington Kentorkj Kntrred s second class matter May 26 1945 it the post office it Cblcsgo 111 under the Act of Mnrch 3 1879 Member of Andlt Bureau of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES For One Month Period Consisting of 28 Issues Special Delivery Chicago Country Chicago Country CountryArea Area Area Area Area AreaSecond Second 1350Fir Claw CCO 910 1000 1350 Fir t Class 1100 13CO 1540 1800 1800Air Air Mail 1500 2000 Newstand and back number single copy price In Chicago and environs 25 cents Elsewhere 35 cents Address all communications make ill remit tarnpa and send all manuscripts to toOAILY OAILY RACING FORM 731 Plymouth Court Chicago C Ill IllTelephone Telephone WABash 60iO Herder S Knmln Business Manager Cliarl number of first race In 1048 was 42528