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34 MILE Rippey Aug 18 1947 1094 115 Purse 2300 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since May 15 4yearolds 119 Ibs older 121 Ibs Nonwinners of thtee races in 1948 allowed 3 Ibs two races 6 Ibs one race 9 Ibs Chart Book BookIndex Index No Horse Date Track Rec 49877 Scotlyn Jly47 Was 113 37100 Sutler Butte Aug47 DP 114 49658 Sergeant Bill Apr48TrP112s 49561 JSons Twinkle Apr48TrP112sAug47Atl1135 48680 Queen Flash Aug47Atl1135 48262 Watch Chilla Jly47AP113 50108 Twirl Girl Sep47 DP 114y5 114y5Mar470P113 484973 Shasta Man 49658 Heesadate Mar470P113 Chart Book Index No Horse Date Track Rec 50388 J Barbara Lu Sep47Det114 50299 Melvin Sep47 Haw 115 49555 Steppin Lively May48 Was 115 50299 Mellow Aug47 Ran 114 37019 Casey Jones Aug47Was112 50390 Vinita Rev Aug47Was1135 48502 Nods Girl Jly47 RD 114 20922 Red Fox Jan47TrP1144s 48449 J Major Attack Mar470P113 1 Breeder Elmer Rorick 1948 4 0 0 1 450 450Owner Owner Mrs W Tannenbaum Trainer C Scott 82500 1947 13 0 0 2 S520 S520May2948 May2948 Was 1 18 1555ft 6 106J 641101611151115 FestonH8 250053 Paddygoeasy114 AtomicCity110 Pilatr 12 12May26482Was May26482Was 34113sft 3i 109 74 5 4 32J SkoskiA 250079FairSand111 Kere116 PuffedUp 12 12May1948iWas May1948iWas 78126ft 5J 105 54 43J 4 4 PorchGS 250071 VtaMajor116 AtlticCity116 Charivrl 12 12May1148iSpt May1148iSpt 58103Vfcm 35 115 2 22J 34 45 SabriaRS 2500 BreakThru 120 PuffedUp 115 MissYam 10 10Oct14474Spt Oct14474Spt 11554sft 20 112 2 84 91 91 PrsonNL 2500 OswgoDr1 13 AntDrm 15 SpleSimn 10 10Oct Oct 3473Haw 1 149ft 22 103 4 8 9i 9H PruittDZ 3000 58 Ironsweep104 SimpleSn113 OswgoDr 12 12Sep25 Sep25 47Haw 1 148ft 31 104 9 11 3iii3H25 pruittD 2 3500 48 RnkinsBy112 ChideRd107 ChipHle 12 12Sep Sep 9472Haw 1 147ft 16 109 5 88 9102 HnageIGS 4000 57 Benaddi 110 MiamiRose 107 Polonius 12 June 8 Was 58 ft 105b May 25 Was 38 ft 3715b May 7 Haw 58 m 109b 109bCuff Br B by Sierra Nevada Muse Chicle ourrer Chicleourrer Cuff or Ruff Durre a 110 g by I Breeder Neil S McCarthy 1947 16 0 1 3 335 335Owner Owner W Olson Trainer J R Carroll S2500 1946 15 0 1 1 270 270Sep2447 Sep2447 FP 170147ft 31 1066 45J 9iC gis AvilesR 1000 62 Icango115 Griff inHills 10 Athlon 12 12Sep17478FP Sep17478FP 170147ft 33 1136 22 4J 714 BielenS4 1000 63 RobsPride118 Chippokes118 TinyTm 12 12Sep12478FP Sep12478FP 341154sft 26 109 12 1112 8 9H BrinsonW 1000 62 Chikenonfenc109 EPIease106 Bbdier12 Bbdier12Sep Sep 5472FP 34116 ft 5 1118 7J 8 8 j AtwoodTS 1000 62 MarvelPlay116 ShdnPrce106 Letitia 9 9Sep Sep 2478FP 341154sft 21 11310 8 67 54 JonesRJi 1000 69 Boob 111 Noiseless 113 Swing Sister 12 12Aug2647iDP Aug2647iDP 34115 17 115 10 101011HM12 JonesRJ4 1000 59 Hollybon111J Bolinvar115 GoodChild 12 12Aug1947iDP Aug1947iDP 34 113ft 16 11510 63335 33 JonesRJ 1000 77 DuoLady 110 Bolinvar 115 Pattergal 11 11June June 10 LF 58 ft 105V5h Juno 6 LF 58 m 107h May 27 LF 34 ft 117dg StimulusSergeant ornonnf Dill Rill V 1 1 Q Ch s 9 by Chance Play Norado by Stimulus Sergeant M O Breeder J N Camden 1948 11 2 1 2 4000 4000Owner Owner J Sher Trainer M McGonigle 52500 1947 14 2 1 3 4092 4092May2748 May2748 Was 34113 ft 12 118 62 63J 44 73 RobonJ2 2500 72 VtaMajor115 SonsStle113 DVISnd 11 11May1548iCD May1548iCD 34113 ft 6 113 83J 65 65J 77J DuffJ Alw 74 YoungBuddy118 Dusty121 PoutingMac12 PoutingMac12May May 6488CD 1 154m 3 115 21J H 11 6 i Duffje 2500 37 Sanab 108 KantarRun117 Ozzie 9 9May May 3482CD 34113ft 4 11310101012 8 35 PebodyCS 2500 74 Strathmond109 Pene107 LazyShoes 12 12Apr3048iCD Apr3048iCD 341141sft 2 113 75J 710 5 3J PebodyC3 250075 Fifth 10 YoungBuddy115 HandTorch 12 12Apr1243iTrP Apr1243iTrP 341125ft 6J 11744133 1h 13J pebodyC7 200084 GetGood 117 ElOsuna 122 Cleverette11 Cleverette11Apr Apr 3488TrP 1 148gd 13 11831 1h 127J1215 NormnD 2500 54 GetGcod105 LukOSuilivan113 Stell 12 12Mar26482TrP Mar26482TrP 34113 ft 4J 110 1h 1ij 1iJ 12 StoutJio 2500 SO PeacockLady 108 Alstimu116 Cohall 12 12June June 11 Was 12 ft 50b June 4 Was 34 ft 116b June 1 Was 12 ft 51b 51bCnnc 30n Noah30n Cnnc S TuinH iwmKie a 1 H7 B mJ GJ fay Sorties Son Twinkle Feet by Noah UO Breeder H G Shoemaker 1948 6 1 1 2 2625 2625Owner Owner D Emery Trainer D Emery S2500 1947 0000 May26488Was 118155 ft 5J 109 5241Q181118H22 FeathnHio 2500 47 BieAndw115i HiHenry113 AIIBusins 12 May13488Spt 1 2003 2003m m 4i 108S 12J 2 2 3H NormnR3 Alw LittleCheeter115 MyWash120 Tacoma 10 Apr27487Spt 1 18 181594sft 1594sft 21 104 HJ 2 J 35J 48 KushLS 2500 Cerberus 113 CasaLibre 106 Vanflag 8 Apr1648 TrP 1 1485ft 95 99 14 15 14 14 CookWMS 200071 FortSchIerl 12 RiverLht109 Sparkte S Apr13488TrP 1V 148Vfeft 2J 104 12 1411 2J KnappEJ3 2000 70 1 Conquer 118 VistaAlegre108 Secret 6 Apr 8483TrP 1 149ft 2J 101 12 23 24 33J CookWM 200061 JtDaylt111 RN Rdy115 DplyFlight 9 Nov29 464Bow 1 1514ft 2J M09 6 11 2 j 2 JessopJ 2000 61 Exploration 106 MilkFlip 111 Balloon 12 June 4 Was 58 ft 105b May 22 Was 58 ft 105b April 25 Spt 38 ft 41b 41bQuortn Quortn Ueen EternalUeen Finch nasn 1 1 ft Br m 5 by King Cole Eternal Flash by Eternal I IU Breeder E Gay Drake 1948 3 1 0 0 1150 1150Owner Owner L Pilder Trainer W Wilkerson S2500 1947 16 0 3 0 1100 1100May1548iCD May1548iCD 34113 ft 37 110 73 11101Q9 910 DAugoJ Alw 72 YoungBuddy 18 Dusty121 Pouting Mac 12 May 8481 CD 34113ft 12 109 5 5J 5J 83 DAugoJ2 Alw 73 PtgMacHO LazyShoes115 Strthmd 10 Apr22482Kee 34114 ft 17 110 12 12 12 h DAugoJ3 200077Sealane120 LaundryBoy120 BubsFolly 12 Sep26474Nar 34114go 11 111 6 88J 911 83 GleasonGS 2000 65 Sunnip 114 Edgar B 110 Odd Goods 12 Sep19478Nar 170145ft 10 111 5 44J 6 6t3 GleasonG 2000 67 Ramsey 114 Over Ice 117 Fair Reward 12 Sep12474Nar 34113 ft 6 1083 45J 6 3 58 RileyCCio 2500 73 Uhhuh112 Harpstrings115 Bumpsy11 Aug23472Atl 34114 ft 32 41 11 1 5 43 61 StouU 2500 68 Maryknl 111 LadyYvne114 FIdsLad 12 Aug14 472Atl 34113 ft 17 1081 2J 2 2 PoIkE 2500 81 TerryMay116 HpyPrince121Homespn 11 June 11 Was 34 ft 116b June 3 Was 34 ft 115h May 27 Was 34 ft 115h 115hWnfrh Wnfrh YYOrcn TorchillaYYOrcn rhilln Wnilia X 1 1 Q Br g 8 by Flying Watch Chilla May by Torchilla I IO Breeder Alfred McKnight 1948 9 200 2265 Owner H G Knott Trainer H G Knott S2500 1947 27 334 54535 54535May8482Spt May8482Spt 78132qo 51 120 2J 2h 11 k CalvinC4 2500 BeanPotHO WKyso115 DoraM 7 7Apr26482Spt Apr26482Spt 1 155ft 4J 118 43 83J10151Q14 CalvinC 2500 AppetizeMOS BeanPotHO VdinaSeer 10 10Mar274830P Mar274830P 1 145y5ft 41 112 451 42J 1i 1 SwainC7 250084 VinaHvest115 PariCe115 MissOBy 8 8Mar164820P Mar164820P 34112ft 18 115 951 8J 85J 710 StrangeB3 Alw 74 FlygJim115 LmaMarKte105 DeliaM 12 12Mar124820P Mar124820P 34112y5ft 12 115 52353 621 533 SlrangeB 250079 JohnSabo 15 BrwnValley113 SunFly 11 11Mar Mar 84830P 34114 gd 61 110 77J 710 57J 410 MeyerCJ2 Alw67LtBill 118 DoverRoad 105 FlyingJim 9 9Mar Mar 3481 0P 34113 ft 21 115 65J 7 7716 PenaMS Alw 76 Baruna112 Shoot to Boot 107 Endeen 12 12June June 10 Was 58 ft 104b June 5 Was 58 ft 104b June 1 Was 12 ft 55b 55bTwirl Twirl I WIT ftirl V3IFI X 1 ft7 Br m 5 by Knights Caprice Windblown by Sweep I U Breeder Valdina Farms Inc 19482 000 Owner W A Mikel Trainer J D Mikel 52500 1947 6000 Jun 148Was 34113sft 362 1051073121812241225 RobnKNM 300056 Richwall 106 Inverette 110 Dark Lace 12 12May21482Was May21482Was 34114Vbft 93 107J 1h 77J12i612 4 RobonKNS 250062VinitaDot114 DieselSand118 Paprika 12 12Sep23478FP Sep23478FP 5Jf 108 ft 22 109J 1 97J 9i 81 BrinsnWi2 1000 74 BoldCper112J TsledGirl 105 Precon 12 12Sep17473FP Sep17473FP 5if108V5ft 5J 111 2 1 54 881 DobsonJ7 2000 74 RaymerC110i FreddieK102 HtherJe 10 10Sep Sep 1475D 34113 gd 17 1072 2J 6 J 68 GartteJ2 3000 74 StrikgLdy110 BIkBeggar113 Palgene 6 6Aug27473DP Aug27473DP 34115sl 21 110 2 1h 2J 52J HnageIG Alw 67 ykeeCpttiUS Sat hHasMOS CdaFIt 7 7Aug Aug 7473DP 34112ft 67 110 6 8 3 9 91 BrenanJ3 Alw 69 GeeEye110 HighMaster118 LairdsCat 10 10Jly Jly 7474 RD 34113go 12 107 1 753 83 8 7 BassB2 Alw 63 ShesALy107 OrTetra112 LimkBabe 8 8June June 8 Was 38 ft 38hg May 31 Was 38 ft 38b April 21 CD 38 ft 38h onabru Crownonabru hriQln Mnn man X 1 1 O Ch h 9 by Special Agent or Sailor Boy Kollege Ko by Iron Crown 315Owner I l Breeder James L Patterson 1948 4 0 0 1 315 Owner Mrs E D Ewart Trainer E D Ewart Jr 52500 1947 14 2 0 3 3570 May12482Spt 3570May12482Spt 7813615m 51 114 1h ih 14 3 1 BaileyPJ 2000 GrandRiver108 SirBlasker109 LetterV 10 10May10484Spt May10484Spt 581045m 51 118 43 54J 58 451 WilmsT 2000 Sax Bee 113 Jay Bo 113 ValdinaKovia 10 10Apr3048iSpt Apr3048iSpt 78132ft 13 112 87J 8 7 711 BendliRa 2000 Rotate112i Salomea108i FurCoat 10 10Apr2748iSpt Apr2748iSpt 78132ft 15 118 31 2h 32J 87 BendlliR3 2000 SusieC108 CherryWine118 PaulineO 10 10Oct31474Spt Oct31474Spt 78134sl 8i 1126 34J 44 33J PorchG3 2500 GoldCall 112 SaxBee109 PlayKittylO PlayKittylOOct23473Spt Oct23473Spt 78 132 ft 13 110 4 773 77J 713 BatesT 2250 MissShowMe110 Timgad120 AsBold 10 10Oct17473Spt Oct17473Spt PolyralOJune 58104 ft 5 120 3 34 45 441 HughesF3 2500 Skywave113 TomBrenemn116 PolyralO June 6 Was 34 ft 121b April 21 Spt 34 ft 124h 124hHepcnHnfp neesaaore HepcnHnfp X N 1 1ft I Ch 9 b Economic Laghouat by Fiterarl 1895Owner I U Breeder David I Lit 1948 5 1 0 2 1895 Owner Rakickas Glllespie Trainer J Rakickas 2500 1947 23 2 3 1 4065 May2748Was 4065May2748Was 34113 ft 24 115 2h 2h 65 573 SouthG 2500 74 VtaMaior115 SonsStle113 DVISnd 11 11May14482Spt May14482Spt 58105sl 85 4115 1h 3 34 351 CalvinC 2500 VinitaDot110 HappyDoe110 Patruska 10 10May12484Spt May12484Spt 581044m 14 116 65J 55 43J 43 CalvinCS 3000 WspWst109 PaperClip111 NthDakta 9 9May May 648Spt 581045sy 21 113 1h 1h 12J ink CalvinC3 2500 CossackBoy 113 lronDon115 Skywave 10 10Apr29482Spt Apr29482Spt 78131ft 21 115 11 11 2 1 33 CalvinCt 2500 MsShowMe110 Sunstm115 DieselSd 9 9Nov Nov 747iSpt 78 135m 21 120 4 5 1 610 312 SkoskiA2 2000 FhtingMac112 Carreau112 BettyVan 10 10Oct28472Spt Oct28472Spt 78 78133ssy 133ssy 71 113 7 35 25 25 McKIryA2 3000 Stoogie 107 Skywave 120 Vitozel 10 10Oct21472Spt Oct21472Spt 78132ft 22 113 2 3 43 64J McKIryAS 2500 Politics113 CatcherUpper113 CtChant 10 10June June 9 LF 12 ft 49h May 24 LF 38 ft 37b April 28 Spt 38 ft 42b Barbara Lu M B r Wm wolf 1948 e 001 210 Owner 210Owner A I Smith Trainer J Lacey S2500 1947 22 0 2 1 950 Jun4483Was 950Jun4483Was 34112ft 92 10673 6 1 7 83 BowcutD7 Mdn 71 FightgPete 118 Swesteel 113 Ermella 12 May2548iWas 12May2548iWas 34 113y5ft 102 103l9 H1ii10ii 912 HolcbH 300066AtlanticCily 112 Pene112 Thorobelle12 May15483Spt Thorobelle12May15483Spt 58 104m 45 105 833 7 J 67 75J NormanR 3000 Wilt Thou 110 Peg 114 Little Hare 10 May1348iSpt 10May1348iSpt 58 105m 21 105 11 32 22 331 KushL7 2000 KittyKatlOO Coslip105 Namelate 10 Feb1148iFG 34116 gd 14 113 5 6i 8 8 BadgtW 250054 Webley 18 BIgDot113 ALaBudIO Jan29483FG 34 119hy 27f 111 741 gioiji8i038 BadgttW4 1500 11 FtgMac115 Lestabt113 OntheDble12 Sep12472Det OntheDble12Sep12472Det 34115sl 7 1073 33 44 67J BadgttW 1500 59 Mdas Firstl 09 DeSota117 Aguilucho 9 Sep 8471 Del 34114ft 13 107 1 2 31 41 FreelsJ7 1500 72 GiantDrift114 EverStr114 WternFrHO June WternFrHOJune 2 LF 38 ft 36ysdg May 24 LF 38 ft 38b May 2 Spt 12 ft 58b 58bMelvin Melvin meivin M mi 11 I I ft U ch 9 4 b P Pn Torch Stick by Torchilla Breeder J T Withers III 1948 6 0 0 0 Owner J H Dunn Trainer E S Janicki 52500 1947 7000 100 Jun 100Jun 348Was 34112ft 47 110 9 1 916 81 717 GrubbLS 250068Sunnip112 Sweetlrene106 WaspWaist12 May21488Was WaspWaist12May21488Was 118155ft 94 110 741 9j 991 373 GrubbL 2500 57 SirBlasker105 Aptizer108 AIIBusins 12 May14488Spt 12May14488Spt 118205sl 20 105 331101610221Q19 KushL 2000 Stell 113 LightReigh 113 OurBlen 10 May848iSpt 10May848iSpt 78133 gd 97 115 9 o 8 815 71 PosadaJC 2500 LittleHare108 BudWest115 DieselSand 9 May 4485Spt 1 153ysm 31 109 812 915 917 91 McKryAi 2500 MyWashlH Prettyls115 BullyGusher 10 Apr26482Spt 1 155ft 25 114 771 7 3 8 o 9io MartinGS 2500 AppetizeMOS BeanPotHO VdinaSeer 10 Oct3047iSpt 78134sl 9 115 9 77J 441 431 SchultzJ 3000 MoltoMucho120 Bulmont120 Wolfess 10 June 12 LF 58 ft 105h June 8 LF 12 gd 51h June 2 LF 12 ft 50hg Steppin 50hgSteppin Lively 1 1 2 j QaK SUS SUSb b Wo o o Owner W Bothwell Trainer W Bothwell 52500 1947 7001 100 May26482Was 100May26482Was 341136ft 237 116 641 9811QI3 gis WarenWi2 250066FairSand111 Kere116 Scotlyn 12 Nov 8472Spt 118204 m 51 113 5 44 873 920 BouchrJio 2500 BrilliantJr120 StarThne115 LtReigh 10 10Nov Nov 647Spt 6if126gd 41 116 1 6516 41 MarlinGS 2000 lnfinilyK115 Skywave120 CamFin 10 Oct31473Spt 78134sl 100 1045 541 8 812 TenaglioP3 2250 PatchParty108 WiseTiger115 AkaLad 10 Sep347iHaw 6lf120ft 72 111 7 44 10H12 GarnerWi 2500 66 Inverette 117 My Scott 111 Politics 12 Jun 647iHaw 61 f 121fl 64 108 7 54 541 581 DAugoJS 2000 66 Susan E 110 Skip Level 103 Bolo Babe 11 May20472Haw 6 f 123sl 115 112 3 78 913 91 DuhonM 2000 47 StysThirdlH SonsSle116 GdHting 10 May 1474Spt 781355sy 36 114 6 10711Q141022 BoucherJ2 2000 Creau 107 KmseensBoy 117 ClubCar 10 June 9 LF 58 ft 107h June 3 LF 58 ft 108b May 31 LF 12 ft 49hg wenuw Mellow Rockwenuw 49hgMellow X 1H7 U ch m 9 by Canaan Spikelet by St Rock Breeder Leo J Marks 1948 2 000 Owner J M Lisdero Trainer G L Wilson 52500 1947 21 0 4 1 SI 250 Jun 250Jun 348iWas 34112ft 14 112 1215 713 613 614 ParnellWio 250071 Sunnip112 Sweetlrene106 WaspWaist 12 May1148iSpt 581031sm 76 114 8 82 715 6 EmeryWi 2250 BreakThru 120 PuffedUp 115 MissYam 10 Nov4477Spt 1 38 23045ft 35 112 6 812 818 815 EmeryWS 1750 AirBty108 Conference115 GlennportIO Sep2547iHaw GlennportIOSep2547iHaw 6if12045ft 25 10411 117311101Q13 Duffja 2500 63 MiaMaria107 RiverJack110 JmysRose 12 Sep 947iRan 1 148ft 32 A114 8 521 7 si 6 GaitherAS 1000 58 Polychu 113 Dundas 113 Booter Me 10 Sep 4471 Ran 1 l51V5ft 35 114 9 2h 14 2 MilchIB7 1000 56 MoonstarMiss114 AliceBea110 Jlee 12 Aug3047iRan 17014915m 5 114 10 12I 1211221 GaitherAi2 125038 LuckyTrip118 Nudnick 103 Cadet Tom 12 Aug27473Ran 1 149 ft 3 102 7 43 22 22 TenaglioPi 1600 65 OurBelf103 TableMesa111 CadetTom 8 June 12 LF 12 ft 52b June 1 LF 38 ft 36hg May 1 Spt 38 ft 41b 41bCnsev Cnsev asey Jones Jonp 1 1 Z 9 Br hi 7 b Brevity Pordina by The Porter Breeder Fred L Hazel Flanders 1947 12 1 0 2 2225 2225Owner Owner F L Flanders Trainer W U Ridenour 2500 1946 2000 Sep2347iHaw 6if1205ft 7 1091 11 1413 GiffordPS 3500 79 Westfield114 MyJulie111 RaffleHouse 12 Sep12474Haw 34114m 17 11310 87 83 88 JemasNS 4500 67 All Free117 I LovBridge119 SlyTigress 10 Sep 5 472Haw 6lf120y5ft 71 11212 9 1 4 58 JessopDi 4000 67 HrvdSqre118 SHrMile112 HdyLad12 Aug18472Was HdyLad12Aug18472Was 34111ft 20 10911 981 871 971 DAugoJ 2 6000 81 Thunder Hoof 120 Tasajillo 114 Alar 12 Aug1647iWas 34112ft 31097 521 733 731 DAugnoJ 5000 82 ThreeClovers112 Potsey117 AIIFree 12 Aug11474Was 34112ft 8 112 8 43122 3U DAugnoJ2 5000 85 Dobbin106 HandyLad121 MarmadO Aug MarmadOAug 547 5Was 34111 ft 64 114 5 543 7 1 8 3 DodsonDS AlwE 85 Bogle112 ChapelBells112 TawnyLadylO June TawnyLadylOJune 6 Was 34 ft 117 June 4 Was 34 ft 119sb June 2 Was 34 ft 116b 116bVinifn Vinifn YIIIIIU GeneralYIIIIIU ICY RPV 1 10 Ch 9 4 bX Field Marshal Off Duty by Our General I v Breeder Mrs Reid Luginbuel 1948 4 000 115 Owner 115Owner Mrs G H Emick Trainer J Bollero S2500 1947 13 1 1 0 1 630 Jun 630Jun 4485Was 34113sft 49 110 64344 55 743 SkoskiAi2 350076 BeseVance106 UleRob113 RleHouse 12 May27485Was 34112sft 46 1111 8 1 6 i 913 91 BairdRL4 5000 69 WderWhy107 LtleMilly105 Karkrum 11 May11485Spt 78133 m 105 113 65154 331 451 HanerCi 4000 GoldCall 113 Newsworthy117 MyJulie 10 May5484Spt 58 lf0245sl 133 113 853 853 881 912 CalvinCS 5000 Petrified113 SomeBid 118 HtyVictory 10 Nov 1473Spt 781331sgd 13 1061 551 51 510 PorchG 3500 KsarofAley112 HyVtryJ17 HpyJon 8 Oct23475Spt 6lf12545ft 91 115 5 33 33 6 MartinGio 4000 Sacaton115 Static106 FossBarkerlO Sep2947iHaw FossBarkerlOSep2947iHaw GJf120ft 11 113 4 65 6 1 5 BrooksS 4500 65 LittleBits105 Jhansi111l Glaemel 12 June 8 Was 38 ft 35h May 26 Was 38 ft 37b April 30 Haw 38 ft 37h NodS Girl Vf Breeder C E Davison 1948 3000 Owner H Geddes Trainer H Geddes S2500 1947 13 1 2 2 1200 May12487Spt 1200May12487Spt 1ft 159m 45 106 8821Q12 9 s 916 NormnR3 2000 DonnaSue107 BlackRa109 BullyGusher 10 10May7482Spt May7482Spt 78133Vsl 91 110 8 J1013 9 1018 NormanR 2500 HppyDoe110 RfleHouse117 QunJody 10 10Apr29482Spt Apr29482Spt 78131ft 71 110 9 2 95 918 925 JessopD 2500 MsShowMe110 Sunstm115 Heesadate 9 9Nov Nov 647 Spt 6lf126gd 15 113 9 912 812 812 FayALio 2000 lnfinitvK115 Skywave120 CamFin 10 10Oct31472Spt Oct31472Spt 78 133sl 19 113 7 712 48J 5 HayckMJ 2000 M das First 08 Swesteel 106 OnPpose 10 Sep 9477Haw 118155 ft 46 10711 Win 9 6 PruittD3 2800 53 DVIeKing118 WarAtlas118 ValaSeer 12 12Aug15473Ran Aug15473Ran 1ft 153sy 2112 1 2 14 110 BassB4 Mdn 44 BeauAry 117 Pill Giver 100 Tree Tot 12 12Aug Aug 9473Ran 1ft 148ft 10 107 7 31 1 2 BassB2 1250 69 Justified113 CampSpur112 PennyMan 12 12June June 11 LF 12 ft 50 h June 7 LF 34 hy 124h May 3 Spt 38 m 38r5h 38r5hPaI iea PaI Campfireiea rux Fnv 1 1 0 Ch g 7 by Gallant Fox Marshmallow by Campfire Breeder Morven stud Ig47 8031 1900 1900Owner Owner C D Gilkey Trainer T Troutt S2500 1946 22 3 2 3 S5025 S5025Apr Apr 5478GP 1 18 153ft 2J A118 2 632 63J 77J RichardJS 2500 66 DutchillB118 Touch ofTime103 Ernest 9 9Apr Apr 1471GP 114206 ft 2J A116 2 5i 22 24 StoutJ c2000 70 Histrionicl16 Away112 MusicalComedy 10 10Mar24478GP Mar24478GP 138220ft 31 116 3 52J 42 21 StoutJ4 2500 70 Janegri 104 ValdinaRex 114 Galacry 8 8Mar14477GP Mar14477GP 118152ft 22 112 3 94 862 84J StoutJ2 3500 74 BnieAndrew117 WarGlenn116 OurBIn 12 12Mar Mar 7478GP 1ft 147ft 4J 118 6 68 74J 5 J StoutJS 3500 77 QtionMiss108 Carysfort118 WhichCup 12 12Feb17478Hia Feb17478Hia 1ft tc 205 ft 4J 122 9 71 45J 33J MooreGS c2500 FreeSpeech122 Brevrome112 WarSpy 12 12Jan24478Hia Jan24478Hia 114207 ft 9 116 2 310 3 V MooreG 3000 59 Hutch 116 GenialSamS 117 Bullgar 5 5Jan1047 Jan1047 Trp 34112 ft 77 114 12 1212ii11t4 MooreG 3250 71 Nayada 109 My Julie 113 Happy Lark 12 12June June 12 LF 58 ft 106b June 8 LF 34 gd 118h June 2 LF 58 ft 102hg 102hgMninr Polymelianmajor Mninr Mirac Atfnrlf 1 H B 9 6 b Lawrin Stitches by Polymelian major UJ Breeder Herbert M Woolf 1948 4000 Owner Mrs H Glidden Trainer T J Moran S2500 1947 32 2 0 3 52660 52660May1248iCD May1248iCD 34 1145ft 72 116 43J 33J 5 i 65 PannellF4 2000 70 YngBuddy120 AtlticCity120 Ermelia 12 12May May 4487CD 1 18 159m 35 114 22 78J Eased PannellF 2500 Suede114 Convalescent118 FtSchuyler 7 7Mar234820P Mar234820P 34114 go 52 112 3 g lO H12 GliwellP 2500 65 Strk of Pce115 Fifth110 MightyBlow 12 12Mar18482QP Mar18482QP 34 112Hft 32 115 3J 742101210M EadsW Alw70 RedMist 115 ArielPaM06 CalmPort 12 12Nov Nov 6472Spt 118202gd 3J 1153 14 8 8 NormanDi 2000 QnBlue117 RTieBby106NCaldnia 9 9Oct30477Spt Oct30477Spt 1ft227V4sl 7 108 3 1J 2 4 1 SchultzJ3 1750 Montree115 SpoonBread115 Glennport 10 10Oct2147ipt Oct2147ipt 118201 ft 6 T13 10 34 43J 58 LulloFS 2000 MissTker105 QnBlue112 BnieCharlie 10 10Oct16479Spt Oct16479Spt 118202ft 20 113 3 1h 1b 32 LulloF 2500 Kalarney 115 MacPlin 112 BoloFancy 10 10June June 12 LF 12 ft 50hg June 4 LF 38 ft 36hg