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78 MILE out of chute Miss Kimo Aug 11 1947 122 3 122 Purse 2500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners since May 15 4yearolds 119 Ibs older 121 Ibs Nonwinners of three races in 1948 allowed 3 Ibs two races 6 Ibs one race 9 Ibs Claiming price 2500 Chart Book BookIndex I ooays ooaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt WtApr47GP125 494663 Thorobelle Apr47GP125 105 110 51019 Ghost Bound 119 119Jun47 50767 Phantom Heels Jun47 Hoi 125 119 112 48465 Xenofox Jly47 Hoi 125 110 107 50488 Full Cry Jun47 Hoi 124 113 115 5C6C9 TangowerLee Jly47 AP 127 112 112 362554 Don Devito 112 112Aug47Was128sM10 5C6092 Delorah Aug47Was128sM10 110 50027 Yale Feb47 Hia 127 112 113 Chart Book BookIndex Todays TodaysDate Index No Horse Date Track Rec WL Wt 48769 JSax Bee 111 111Jun47AP127 50609 JSweet Comet Jun47AP127 109 108 108Aug47 50488 Topnard Aug47 Was 129sl 114 112 50933 I Lov Bridge 107 107Apr47GP125 51819 Trademark Apr47GP125 118 105 105Apr47GP126 51019 Prairie Flower Apr47GP126 104 107 107Mar47 401862 Contortionist Mar47 GP 125 114 112 51019 Miss Sonia 110 110Aug47Was129hy110 36S07 Cherriko Aug47Was129hy110 107 Tfunrnkolla 1 1 fl Br m 5 by Sun Teddy California Ada by Gunrock 1 OrODSlie 1 EU Breeder R Sterling Clark 1948 7102 21SO 21SOOwner Owner Mr Mrs I Seyboid Trainer I Seybold 82500 1947 15 3 1 5 6515 6515May2548iWas May2548iWas 34 113ft 43 112 513 2h 3 351 PebodyCi2 30C073AtlanticCity112 Pene112 MlieBrown 12 12May14484Spt May14484Spt 78134sl 71 108 2 55 10110H HanerCio Alw Raff leHuse 18 VleysPal 108 Tarawa 10 Apr1548iTrP 34 112ft 231082 21 2 12 PbodyCS 250083 FlagalapalOG Chestwick114 Prnencia 8 8Feb25483Hia Feb25483Hia 34113go 8 1072 41 44 812 PebodyC 5000 66 Shifty Play 113 Border Man 119 Day 11 11Jan26484Hia Jan26484Hia 78 125ft 11 10841 3 3i 433 Duff J 500077 Fast Freight 119 Monfaon108 Jhansi 12 12Jan10483GP Jan10483GP 34113 ft 4 109 3 32 22 33 JessopJ 4000 79Pharanla111 LstStride112 OpngDay 12 12Jan Jan 3482GP 34 112ft 24 110 44 55 73 74 JessopJ 4500 78 SgThaw104J ValaSenallO UleByron 12 12Jly11478AP Jly11478AP 118153ft 20 108 1 1Q1012211223 PruittD3 5500 51 Quil 113 Peraptera 121 EINegro 12 12June June 17 LF 12 ft 51h June 12 LF 12 ft 54b May 24 LF 38 ft 38b 38bfthnct fthnct DunlinVan RrtunH llQBr c 4 by Out BoundGhost Queen oy Dunlin Van Obi DOUnU y Brecder Jesse E Martin 0 L Foster 1948 10 3 2 0 3685 3685Owner Owner Mrs M Price Trainer E W Kalensky S2500 1947 23 2 1 3 4485 4485Jun1248iWas Jun1248iWas 34 115sl 16 119 43 22 21 541 FiskBS 300067 Oakmuir 12 Thankful 12 HandTorch 12 12May2248iWas May2248iWas 78126ft 40 119 83 83 812 920 FiskBio AlwBOCatnipHill 118 Dusty121 SweetComet12 SweetComet12May1448 May1448 Spt 58 105sl 3 120 95 753 34 22 FiskB4 2500 BettySkelly110 ThderEcho115 Jalbeg 10 10May11482Spt May11482Spt 58 104m 4 120 1i 14 13 121 FiskB2 2500 ThderEcholl SonsStyle115 MQuest 9 9May May 648iSpt 58 104sy 9 117 83 631 68 55 FiskBS 2520 Heesadate113 CossackBoy113 IronDon 10 10Mar244880P Mar244880P 1 l47ft 33 111 433 41 63 71 Viary 7 c2000 76Cerberus115 MyQueenllO BnieCharlie 12 12Mar20487QP Mar20487QP 1 147ft 93 106 2 1 31 753 SUolmFi Alw 76SunUmber113 GypsyLea105 Disbet 8 8Mar Mar 2 4840 P 34 116sl 6 1087435211 1 StJohnF 2500 65 ArielPal 103 Alanay 110 EINegro 10 10June June 6 Was 12 ft 48h June 2 Was 38 ft 37b April 18 Spt 38 ft 40b 40bPhnntnm Phnntnm rnanrom Knightrnanrom Hpolc neCIS 1 1 9 Z Br 9 6 by Boxthorn Gay Louise by Bright Knight Breeder Edwin Janss Jr S43 5 0 0 D Owner J McElroy Trainer C C Caudle 82500 1947 2u 4 3 2 7260 7260Jun Jun 9482Was 34111ft 35 112 93 813 613 612 ParnellWi2 35CO 77 Topnctch 111 ValdinaAide 113 Kere 12 12Jun Jun 4485Was 34 113ft 8 112 431 66 66106 ParnellW3 350074 BeseVancei06 UleRob113 RleHouse 12 12Febll Febll 482SA 78124 ft 7 112 31 3 5 6 SkoskiAS 400076 Block toBlock 114 Endowah 109 Agate 12 12Jan28 Jan28 482SA 34112 ft 61 116 931106178 63 PedsnGi 5000 78 Homing 109 LatitiAgent 119 MissJoJo 12 12Jan1048iSA Jan1048iSA 78124ft 6 116 743 7M1101110 PedrsonG 4000 75 Herald116 Blck toBIckllG Dorectora 12 12Dec Dec 6474BM 1 146 ft 9 119 3 54333 53 PetsnM7 cSOOO 82 ButrWaferlOS Humque119 BtonMd 12 12Nov27474BM Nov27474BM 116 116145ft 145ft 4 121 3 2 31 42 RichonN AIwF 86 ValdinaAndire 106 Piplad 121 Strebor 7 7May May 23 LF 58 ft 103h May 3 Haw 12 m 54b April 20 Haw 58 ft 104h 104hvanrtfv vanrtfv XenofolenOTOX lfl7 B Wj 7 by Valiant Fox Xenolue by Xenofol enOTOX IU Breeder Curtis T Clifford 1S48 2000 Owner R Cornell Trainer R Cornell S2500 1947 4001 400 400May1248 May1248 GS 34112 ft 51 110 10812 8H 710 Haritosjs c2500 77 Salute122 CarmuslOS Elmodore 12 12Mar12482TrP Mar12482TrP 34113ft 5 111 11811051251 943 CafellaMS 250073 GalltHcuMH Animada106 FarmMan 12 12jy24472Hol jy24472Hol 34111ft 18 112 4 75335 31 PetonM 4000 87 GoldFunll Emcck116 MissSpeechlZ MissSpeechlZJly22474Hol Jly22474Hol 78123ft 11 110 7 7 671 7 PetsonMi 5000 82 EasyBreezelM HeDoes114 JoinUp 10 10Jly18472Hol Jly18472Hol 34112 ft 18 112 4 68 531 53 PetsonM 5000 82 Piccadilly114 JoinUp114 VegasChance 7 7Jly15472Hol Jly15472Hol 34 112ft 20 113 9 8 71 5 PetsonMi 4000 77 WinBag113 LittePenalo118 EasyGoId12 EasyGoId12JIy21467Lga JIy21467Lga 1 137ft 21 11510 97 101310 Bassett2 Alw 71 Tarna Did 105 Pardo 111 Angel Wood 10 10June June 4 GS 12 m 55b 55bCII KhayyamrUII CII fn V 1 1 C Ok b h 10 by Gallant Fox Hurry Long oy Omar Khayyam rUII ry S I ID Breeder Arthm B Hancock 1948 11 1 0 0 850 850Owner Owner Brolite Farm Trainer V J Sovinski S2500 1947 11 0 0 1 340 340Jun Jun 5482Was 34113ft 53 115105 8 75 65 RobsonJ Alw 75 GypsyActrsslie ValdinaPhao113 Pene 12 12May29482Was May29482Was 34112ft 16e 115 11101215 9 77 RobtsonJS Alw 77 CatnipHill121 GlorySong111 Day 12 12May2648iWas May2648iWas 34112ft 23 121 9 9 66 53 RobonJS 2500 79 AuntDrum109 Sacaton116 HandyLad 12 12May18488Was May18488Was 118154ft 47 114 3 34 5 916 RobonJS 2500 57 SinLee 113 ValdaSeer 114 SmartFox 12 12May1148Spt May1148Spt 1 157m 51 120 851 6 57 610 SkoskiAS 2500 LittleBits 108 Nevermo 115 TeeBoy 10 10May May 7487Spt 118202sl 7 120 6 56 56 551 CalvinCS 2500 StarGradte120 BrilltJr115 LySton 8 8May May 4485Spt 1 153m 11 113 91471051158 CalvinCS 2500 MyWashm Prettyls115 BullyGusher 10 10Apr29483Spt Apr29483Spt 78131ft 14 117 10 910 9 GliwellP6 2500 Prettyls 112 Credentials 115 MyWash 10 10June June 11 Was 38 ft 36h June 1 Was 38 ft 37b April 28 Haw 38 ft 41b Lee 1 1 O B g 9 by General Lee Tangram by Craigangower Tdngower I I Z Breeder Richard A Forstei 1948 1000 Owner G B Scallon Trainer G B Scallcn 52500 1947 17 2 0 1 2280 2280Jun Jun 748iWas 34115 ft 79 116 1Q7 873 87 9 3 SouthGio 250066 AlpineEsctl 16 Delorahl 141 ToyBomb 12 Oct2474FP 170148 ft 3 115 1 89155153 FloydBi 1250 71 Wild One 112 Sky Ginger 1111 Pamina 9 Sep25472FP 170 146ft 95111 1 53121 11 FloydBi 1000 81 VnaSquaw115 MilkRte113 BriltSon 8 5ep20474FP 34112ft 11 111 7 77 68 58 FioydB4 1600 82 BandStars109 BeListo107 Sportsman 8 Sep 4478Haw 1 18 154ft 51 112 4 I0i 10 9 SouthGS 2500 57 Dberup118 PrivateAndy113 Nonchta 11 Aug29475Was 1 18 157m 32 109 3 7 7 713 PbodyCS 2500 43 TopSgt109 MyBoyTom119 SkipLevel 8 Aug19 472Was 118153ft 52 1141 7 81 8 8 o SouthG 2500 68 VoLumenlll WarAtlas117 MissBrand 12 Aug 6478Was fifctc 159ft 66 117 7 I0 11 11i SoulhG 3000 Twixt 116 Jodas Joe 117 Big Albert 12 June17LF38t28h June 12 LF 78 ft 135h June 3 LF 78 ft 133h Don IOH Dpvifn USVirO X 11 0 B 9 9 y Boxthorn Veronica C by Master Charlie 12855Owner I lt Breeder Fred Turner Jr 1947 17 7 4 3 12855 Owner Mikel Elrod Trainer J D Mikel S2500 1946 5 0 0 0 Sep16478Haw 1 14208ysft 65 A111 2 2 1 33 48 PbodyC4 2500 55 War Atlas 116 Gainer 116 Alaflag 12 Sep 2472Haw 61 f 120 ft 2 116 9 Bi 44 22 PeabodyC 3000 78 DvilsFlic112 VeroLmen112 RedCter 12 Aug2647iWas 34 114m 35 4117 1 2 J 3 3 PbodyCi 2500 72 TopBook 105 MiaMaria 114 SoniaMc 12 Aug 8478Was 1 tc146ft 95 112 5 2J 31 33J PbodyC 4000 Ante Light 111 Faff 105 Whats Yours 12 Jly3047 Was 1 138ft 85 4117 1 HJ I2 12 PeabodyC 4500 85 BettyVan 103 Espiritu 114 BrillnUr 12 Jly22473AP 1 1s s 159ft 3J 1153 13 12 2n PeabodyO 4500 77 MsBobolk109 FeatherBob117 Macla 9 Jly 7473AP 118J56Asl 5J 1154 12 14 12j pbodyC 4500 59 Oevilslsldiog WstfnPrce114 Damie 12 Jly 2473AP 11420645ft 2J 1105 H 12J I3 PbodyCS 3500 68 ArwRockHO WnPrince115 FortSchr 9 June 11 Was 73 ft 132 Jfcb June 5 Was 34 ft 120b May 23 Vas 58 ft 1OSb 8reedcr Fred A Burton 1348 8021 820 820Owner 6755Jun Owner Mr and Mrs H G KnotL Trainer H G KnotL S2500 1947 28 4 3 7 6755 Jun 743 1 Was 34115 ft 2J A114i 2h In 1J 2 CalvinCi 250072 AlpineEsctllGToyBombllBGaltHour 12 May1848 Was 34114 ft 31 113 64 65 10 85J CavinC 300072Whyso 113 SonsStyle 103 Politics 12 May 148Spt 78 129ft 12 11313214 5 2 8 5 CalvinC4 3500 BeseVancelOS BderMan113 GoldCall 8 Har244840P 34113 ft 95 1 12 5 7 8 74J EadsWS 3500 78 FlyOut113J Wongerra112 AtlanticCity II Mar124B40P 34 112ft 6 113 54 5 3 5 1 32J StrgeBi Alw82Kurkld113 GralsAidellS ShottoBt 6 Mar 9484QP 34 1135ft 3J 113 1h 2 i 2 22 EadsW2 3500 79 HighMter112 HalfPt107 MissOHgn 10 Mar 44850P 34113 ft 3J 110 85J 8 6J 55J PenaM 3500 76 Watercoor113 DolomitelO TotalVVy lO Jan 6485FG 34 l12ft BJ 116 6515 4 44 JnsonWLS 400080 Balladante103 TitTatToel 12 ChryBoy 12 June 15 Wai 33 ft 375b June 5 Was 12 ft 51b June 1 Was 12 ft 52b 1 UIC J Breeder Coldstream Stud 19435 0 0 1 365 Owner 365Owner Ml Pleasant Stable Trainer R Conino S2500 1947 17 2 0 1 4925 May31483Was 4925May31483Was 1 138ft 81 115 11311015 8 7 720 DuhonlvU 400065 FlightGaMII SinLee 114 MissLeliaH 12 12May May 1483Spt 58 102 ft 20 116 851 6i 5 443 RobertsJ2 5000 Grand Love 106 Da 117 Little Milly 10 10Apr Apr 948TrP 341125ft 43 114 54144 331 321 MundenF4 450081 RoodBoyl 14 ArabsFcy107 JgeDavey 7 7Mar25435TrP Mar25435TrP 1 1465ft 16 113 743 83 8 2 8i GonzMN4 5500 65 RefnCalM18 SugrLpllO LastStride 8 8Mar11484TrP Mar11484TrP 34111ft 26 113 7 812 753 711 GonzMN 5500 75 PrincsEire99 Likeasnot114 RedBoard 8 8Nov26475Bow Nov26475Bow 170 148V5ft 75 116 4 2h 331 4 1 MannW4 Alw 74 Called 110 CestTout 103 GreekHero 8 8Nov18477Bow Nov18477Bow 1s 149 ft 3 109 7 743 5 7 KnappEJ3 cSOOO 65 TownsBully 114 WhyCry 114 Corinth 12 12Nov1547Bow Nov1547Bow 1 1435qo 8 100 4 31 431 441 KnappEJS 7500 71 Lictor 1151 Island Hop 113 Operator 12 12May May 20 LF 78 ft 135h May 19 LF 12 ft 52i5h May 5 Haw 73 m 135 b jux Supremusjux Jnv RPP uee 111 B V 5 b Saxtet Babee by Supremus Breeder Ceci w Lane 1943 7201 2915 2915Owner Owner Mrs W L Hoag Trainer W L Hoag S2500 1947 11 0 1 0 5515 5515May15483Spt May15483Spt 58 l04m 61 114521551833981 NormanD 3000 Wilt Thou 110 Peg 114 Little Hare 10 10May12483Spt May12483Spt 58105m 71 11111 1t 1i 1U NormW 3000 EICabrillo120 QunJody109 FranksPal 8 8May1048 May1048 Spt 58045m 32 113 Hi 1 i 121 13 NormnDi 2000 JayBo113 Valdinal ovia113 ShastaMan 10 10Apr3Q433Spt Apr3Q433Spt 61 f 26ft 11 120 Lost rider FayALS Mdn TownGuy112i Oaf120 Subscriber 10 10Feb25482FG Feb25482FG 34 19shy 14 112 Hi 2 32 5 J FayAL4 1500 47 GallantVi109 ZemWoodH Sarasee 10 10Febd482FG Febd482FG 34 lShy 29 112 2445 44 33 PucciBS 1500 46Gabe 110 BoldCopper 118 Marsaiah 9 9Jan2948iFG Jan2948iFG 34 20Vshy 15 112 23 V 41 5i PucciBi 1500 33 Pari Joe 112 JohnArrc 107 Sparker 10 10Dcc3147iF Dcc3147iF G 34 14go 15 112 6 6 58 61 PucciB2 2000 65 OddPair115 Cayetanol06 MoltoMucho 10 10Jun Jun 12 Vas 53 ft 105b June 5 Was 12 ft 51b May 31 Was 12 ft 54b JWCGT vPPfr Cnrnpt VOmei X 1 OR Br g 5 by TeddVs Comet Sweet Beam by Sweep IUO Breeder Valdina Farms inc 1943 15 1 1 3 1835 1835Owner Owner W ReViard Trainer J P Kcezek S2500 1947 24 2 2 7 4615 4615Jun Jun 743Vas 34115 ft 31 1141 1h 2h 521 651 NelsonE 250066 AlpineEsctl 16 Delorahl 141 ToyBomb 12 12May2248lWas May2248lWas 78 1261ft 26 11061 3 3 i 381 GiffordP2 Alw 2CatnipHill 118 Dusty121 Sunstorm 12 12May1243iCD May1243iCD 34 114 114sft sft 71 11514211211 44 CookWMS 2000 71 YngBuddy120 AtlticCity120 Ermelia 12 12May May 5483CD 34116 m 51 11013 1h 11 2t DuffJ4 200067 Delfeb 110 Ermelia 110 TigerExpress 12 12Apr2743iCD Apr2743iCD 34 113ft 34 112 14 3 631 912 pebodyC3 250066 LazyShoes 114 YoungBuddy 117 Fifth 12 12Mar244330 Mar244330 P 1 147Vft 26 105 I 11 2h 61 DruryRio 2000 76 Cerberus115 MyQueenllO BnieCharlie 12 12Mar224340P Mar224340P 34115ysm 7 118 21 42 421 641 FeathnH Alw 64 MtysCcelOS GdCall113l LMarKite June 15 Vas 12 ft 50b June 13 Was 12 si 52b June 5 Was 38 ft 36b 36bTnnnnrA TnnnnrA OrmondatelOpnaru V 1 1 O Ch g 9 by Bow to Me Top Lady by Ormondate lOpnaru I I Breeder Dick Jacob 1948 7 0 1 0 420 420Owner Owner Hilltop Stock Farm Trainer C Blair S2500 194 9201 3425 3425Jun Jun 5482Was 34113sft 10 112 52365 523 5 JessopD Alw 76 GypsyActrss116 ValdinaPhao113 Pene12 Pene12May29482Was May29482Was 34112ft 14 112 9416768 61 SkorckiA3 Alw 78 CatnipHill121 GlorySonglll Day 12 12May11485Spt May11485Spt 78133 m 31 11055165 551 5 1 NormnDS 4000 GoldCall 113 Newsworthyl 17 MyJulie 10 10May May 5482Spt 78132 si 10 115 6516 44122 BurdyA3 3500 BderMan115 Leapolino112 BudWest 10 Apr29483Spt 78 131ft 95 115 881101 7 55 SkoskiA3 2500 Pretty Is 112 Credentials 115 MyWash 10 10Mar Mar 6483FG 34115hy 57 112 581 8 2 8 83 PhillipAS Alwb6 GaltFootlOS CaptPatk113 CortStar 9 9Mar Mar 2485FG 34116m 14 10712 111M081 9 3 DAugoJ 3500 57 Rareback105 FlygCnie113 PatchPty 12 12June June 11 Was 34 ft 116b June 2 Was 34 ft 115h Apri 21 Spt 78 ft 135h 135hI I I WrackI I LOY RriAna V 1 fi7 B m 8 by Grand Slam Fana Omarack by Wrack DriOge J B eejer H R Pennev 1348 11 010 250 250Owner Owner J Maumus Trainer L Thompson S2500 1S47 18642 7295 7295Jun11432Was Jun11432Was 34112ft 11 110 8 931 7 531 SkoskiA 3000 80 LeapolinolOS SunSymbol 109 Sunwise 12 12May2743iWas May2743iWas 34113 ft 41 111 8237437515 BairdRLH 2500 75 VtaMajorllS SonsStle113 DslSnd 11 11May1848iWas May1848iWas 34114 ft 51 111185175154 523 BairdRLS 3000 74 Whyso 113 SonsStyle 108 Politics 12 12May13434Spt May13434Spt 78134y5m 51 108 8 88 81 510 BatesT 3500 RedMist117 ChryBoy120 MsShowMe 10 10May May 8433Spt 78132ga 14 106 93196366 5 BatesTS 3500 Sunstm114 BessieVnce103 YngGrdie 10 10Apr2943Spt Apr2943Spt 6J f 1245ft 12 1131 981 9131Q15 gts MifoIdH 4000 SomeBid 117 MidnightOil 115 Monitor 10 10Mar648FG Mar648FG 1 151 hy 18 110 12I2121712151120 BairdRL Alw 43 RusnValorllS MrMelUS GrndSignal 12 12Feb26485FG Feb26485FG 34116h 51 113 751 8 843 9 1 BairdRL2 4000 58 CoronetStarlOS MrMei 121 Peraptera 12 12June June 9 Vas 12 ft 51b June 5 Was 12 ft 50b May 25 Was 38 ft 37b 37bTwnAarnrf TwnAarnrf LarkiraaemOTK 1 ftC B g 6 by Lawrin Better Be Good by Black Servant or Blue Lark iraaemOTK IUJspur Breeder Herbert M Woolf 1948 1 000 Owner A Guettel Trainer J A Nerud S2500 1947 13 2 0 1 S3620 S3620Jun1243Was Jun1243Was 34 115V5Sl 81 105t 751 631 e l 6 3 NelsonE3 3000 64 Oakmuir112i Thankful 112 HandTorch 12 Jly 2471AP 78125ft 2114 6 521 8 3 631 DodsonD4 5500 78 Gr doPro114 SilrMile114 FkySpirit 12 12Jun21472AP Jun21472AP 78126 ft 4 115 6 8 i 613 33 DodsonD Alw 77 RdioJoe118 DgCraie112 SuperMars 12 12May30472Haw May30472Haw 6U123sl 61 11710 73143 421 FloydB 5000 61 Ksar cfAudy109 Sibley111 VdinaAide 11 11May24473Haw May24473Haw 61 H21 gd 11e 117 7 531 4 43 FloydB4 Alw 67 Beneva 110 Silver Mile 111 Forum 8 8Apr15475GP Apr15475GP 78124V5ft 41 118 4 33 55 61 RichardJ2 6250 82 MarysDell 111 Bullsel 112 Figarose 8 8Apr Apr 2474GP 78125ft 8 1171 4 1 3 1nk MullinsC2 5000 81 Elcan 117 Mel Indian 113 Cecrops 10 10June June 7 Was 53 ft 105b June 3 Was 34 ft 11 9b May 30 Was 58 ft 104b 104bPrrtiria Prrtiria rraine Ensignrraine Plnunr riower 1 Y7 B m 5 by Top Man Elizabeth Hope by Canadian Ensign lj Breeder Mrs Kathermc Maxwell 1943 1000 Owner Mrs E M Kohsut Trainer R Bohn S2500 1947 12 0 0 0 95 95Jun1243iWas Jun1243iWas 34 1155sl 94 109 121411 1411 15HJ6 MonfryR7 300055 Oakmuirl 12i Thankful 112 HandTorch 12 12Oct18473Spt Oct18473Spt 1 1 8 2025ft 36 111 4 Eased up SanabriaRS 2000 Fwixt115 Deep Red 113 StarThornelO StarThornelOOct Oct 3472Haw 1 181565ft 71 106 4 12 12181232 DeYoungA2 2030 31 Epizar109 StarThornelM PariChute 12 12May2947iHaw May2947iHaw 61 f 124m 19 109 5 33 712 81 OliveraGi 2500 39 Heesadate 109 Vero Lumen 112 Topic 8 8May May 5472Spt 78134 gd 8 108 3 8 95 921 SkorskiA 2500 Cowlan 111 El Negro 113 Betty Van 10 10May May 2472Spt 58 1OSsl 16 113 2 44144 41 MartinG4 2000 ThderEcho118 BoldCpeMIS Shrewla 10 10Apr2847iSpt Apr2847iSpt 58 104ft 11 1058 Bl 8 3 73 DeYngAB 1500 SilverStyle113 Dispatch113 BoldLucy 10 10Aprll47GP Aprll47GP 1 18 153 ft 16 100 4 881 9231Q22 DeYongA 1500 53 Canopus 109 Ernest 118 Mechaniador 12 12June June 16 Was 12 ft 51b June 11 Was 12 ft 49h June 3 Was 78 ft 134hg Pnnfnrtinnict tOnrornoniSf 119 Dk b g 5 by Cravat f Breeder Townsend B Martin MartinOwner 1947 13 0 2 1 1005 Owner S Andrews Trainer W T Sullivan S25I 0 0Nov 1946 25 2 3 2 7400 Nov 3473CD 1 150m 33 1084 6 25 210 StemanGS 2800 63 Transformer Holt116 Inahurry Vi Aug29472CP 15149ft 20e 110 10 12 78 771 BrdlesJi2 1250 64 WhatHapfd116 KgSolnlie CircsFlag 12 Aug1647 CP 34114ft 15e 105 9 9H 7 1 64 BrdlesJS HcpO 76 CadilacSquare116 MarianP 116 Silt 10 Aug13475CP 34115 ft 17 109 9 9 i 83 61 BrdlesJ HcpO 75 MaraP114 CadilacSquare116 AirCet 10 Aug 9476CP 5lf107ft 91e 110 10 1Q51 93 74J Brdlesjs HcpO 85 MarianaP 113 SingerFace 111 Silt 10 10June June 17 LF 12 ft 53y5b June 12 LF 38 ft 39b June 5 LF 34 ft 117hg 117hgMice PorterMISS Mice nnin 1 1 fi B m 5 by Hash Miss Porter by The Porter MISS aoma 1 I U Breeder Frederick C Peters 1943 S 1 0 0 915 915Owner Owner X McNair Trainer G Nugent S250H 1947 10 0 0 0 J JJun1248iWas Jun1248iWas 34 115sl 53 11211113 91010i 9 BrooksS4 3000 62 Oakmuirl 121 Thankful 12 HandTorch 12 Mar 648FG 1 151 hy 11e 110 1U311131012 gis McLodGH Alw 48 RusnValor118 MrMel118 GrndSignal 12 Feb2848FG 118155 gd 5 110 44 2h 22 8 BrooksSi Alw620urMerrick15 BobsDrm118 Caumst 11 Feb2548SFG 1 154 hy 7 111 713 6 3 33 423 BairdRLi 3000 45 Sunder 115 Newscaster 110 Leapolino 8 Feb18483FG 11 143ft 21109 54 1413 15 BairdRL4 1800 74 Nevermo 108 Alaflag 105 Son oBosun 12 Feb 7481 FG 34 114ft 45 108 810319 87 ZehrFB Alw63TotalVtory118 Leapolino107 Fleetlmp 10 Nov 347Spt 118201 ft 12 1067 35J 33 6 5 PorchG 2500 MissPble113i DpRed117i MyByTom 10 Oct1647Spt 118202ft 71 114 9 93 65 551 McAwDS 2500 Kaarney115 MacPlin112 MajorAtfk 10 10June June 10 Was 12 ft 49ysb June 6 Was 12 ft 50b June 2 Vas 53 ft 103b 103bPliarriLn VnerriKO DisplayVnerriKO PliarriLn V s 1 H7 Br m 10 by Balko Cherry Orchard by Display J Breeder Afrpd Qwynne Vanderbilt 194712 000 Owner E P 4 E R Campbell Trainer L Miller S2500 1946 16 2 2 2 4215 1 1Sep2247iHaw Sep2247iHaw 6lf121Vssl 11 1089 8 1 6 612 PruitfD 250059 250059Sep Sep 2472Haw 6J f 120 ft 14 112 10 1Q12111211H LeBIcFJ 3000 69 DevilsFrlic112 DonDvito1l6 VeroLn 12 12Aug27472Was Aug27472Was 78 128 hy 46 110 4 8 i 6 1 6 CarrA 4500 64 AfterEight113 GenisMate114 StCmt 12 12Aug11472Was Aug11472Was 34 1125ft 99 1069 981 9f 7i ShawC 5000 79 Vittore 121 SugarLumpllO SiPrMile 10 10Aug Aug 6472Was 1 138ft 114 1064 5 J11 21116 ShawC 5000 70 Set In 107 Silver Mile 112 Full Cry 12 12Jly2847iWas Jly2847iWas 34 1 12Aqfl 35 10611 11 i 11i ° 98 BendlliR 5000 77 CTgSpring 117 Foxstep 111 ChceDay 12 12Jly2647iAP Jly2647iAP 34 112sft 34 1049 7 7 3 7 BendelliR8 Alw 80 Delcrah104 SusanE112 SergeantBill 11 11jy jy 17472A P 34 1 14go 56 106 2 67 57 5 ShawCS 3500 64 SgtBill 116 GaltHour116 FloatAway 12 12June June 13 LF 12 ft 52ysb June 3 LF 12 ft 53ysb May 31 LF 33 ft 38b