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Delaware Park Entries STANTON DEL Friday June 18 1948 1948WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK SLOW SLOWSIXTEENTH SIXTEENTH DAY OF 30DAY MEETING MEETINGMAY MAY 29 TO JULY 5 5NO NO DAILY DOUBLE DOUBLEFIRST FIRST RACEABOUT 1 34 MILES 130 P M MPurse Purse 3500 3yearolds and upward Hurdles HurdlesClaiming Claiming ClaimingChart Chart Book Todays TodaysIndex Index No Horse Date Track Rec WL WL 48578 Parader 141 27267 Gtastofield 136 49857 J Fixture Card 131 51208 Battle Cruiser 150 15048740iThe 48740iThe Cardinal II 134 46771 ARef lex Arc 132 48740 Big Bones 11 400842 Firebet 1 50642 Beacon Light 141 14150908AAudible 50908AAudible 131 49420 AStrawride 140 14050887Abidale 50887Abidale 131 131Coupled Coupled Fixture Card and Abidale Reflex Arc and Strawride StrawrideSECOND SECOND RACE58 MILE 200 P M MPurse Purse 53000 2yearolds Colts and geldings geldingsMaidens Maidens Fixed weights 509802 BO Mowlee Jun48 Del 101 114 116 511503 Air Tip Jun48 Del 101 112J 116 116Hedge Hedge 116 508852 Norwesi May48GS101 120 116 507363 Having Fun Jun48 Del 101 118 116 50656 Dandy Pete 111 50656 JNew Oxford Jun48 Del 103 119 109 49157 Grain Market May48GS102 115 116 116May May First 116 47109 Taran 116 50904 One Hitter Jun48 Del 101 Vs 118 116 511512 Sun Bahram Jun48 Del 101sl 113 116 50736 Magna Charta Jun48 Del 102 118 116 116Jacopone Jacopone 116 506562 Gloam Jun48 Del 102 119 116 116SLucky SLucky John 109 50656 Sneak Jun48 Del 102 119 116 116Coupled Coupled Hedge and Sneak SneakTHIRD THIRD RACE34 MILE Chute 230 P M MPurse Purse 3000 3yearolds Maidens Fillies FilliesFixed Fixed weights Easily 49636 JLittle Shrew May48GS115 118 111 111Sep47 48014 Tea for Me Sep47 GS 113Y5 118 118 118May48GS114sy115 50004 Miss Pidgeon May48GS114sy115 118 50663 Cross Duchess 113 49833 Devils lead 118 118May48 50815 Virginia R W May48 GS 115 119 118 118May48 50815 SHelenchen May48 Del 114 110 111 111Oct47GS113ys 50902 Skydue Oct47GS113ys 106 113 113Jun48 50643 Minx Jun48 Bel 114 115 118 118Jun48 50643 Ragtime Band Jun48 Bel 114 115 118 118May48GS112 49636rTurned Trick May48GS112 115 111 111Oct47 39974 Wanima Oct47 Lrl 115 111 118 WanimaBeautiful Beautiful In 118 118Aug48 47891 Donna Boorse Aug48 HdG 114 115 118 49373 JStar Maker May48 GS 114y5 108 111 FOURTH RACE34 MILE Chute 300 P M MPurse Purse 3000 4yearolds and upward Claiming 50738 Prince Aethel Jun47Del112sy115 115 115May47 50738 JSunhelio May47 HdG 112 116 110 110Nov47Mth111 48650 Going Airy Nov47Mth111 117 110 110Apr48GS113 503653 Happy Hoodlum Apr48GS113 124 115 115May47 50095 Jimmie May47 HdG 111 118 120 120May47 503652 Tacaro Milkman May47 HdG 112 113 111 111Oct47 49238 Wishmeluck Oct47 Bel 112 110 110 110Oct47 49238 Acondale Oct47 Lrl 112 114 112 112Jun48 505792 Lee Circle Jun48 Bel 112 115 115FIFTH 117 117Ihute FIFTH RACE34 MILE Chute Ihute 330 P I ISmyrna M Smyrna Purse Purse 4500 4yearolds and upward Allowances 489223 risen Jly47 Mth 110 114 109 109Sep47GS111 504523 Tacaro Briar Sep47GS111 118 116 116May47 37435 War Trophy May47 Bel 111 122 114 114Jly47 48423 Bordeaux Jly47 Mth 1104s 113 118 118Jun47Atl110 50366 The Doge Jun47Atl110 118 126 126Sep47 49993 OffIslander Sep47 Bel 112 117 114 114Feb47SA110 502722 Flood Town Feb47SA110 120 116 116Apr47 500963 Repand Apr47 HdG 111 118 124 SIXTH RACE1 116 MILES 400 P M MPurse Purse 3000 4yearolds and upward Claiming 502743 Harford May48GS147 113 116 116Aug47Rkm146 40863 I Dog Trot Aug47Rkm146 112 106 106Jun47Nar145 50739 Adonis Jun47Nar145 108 120 120May47 50095JSaracen Miss May47 Pirn 151 117 107 107Oct47GS147 50365 Galamilk Oct47GS147 108 113 113Oct47 50S08 Why Cry Oct47 Lrl 148 116 110 110May47 50661 Cab Sir May47 HdG 147 118 114 114Feb47SP1484s 50274 Sightseer Feb47SP1484s 120 121 SEVENTH RACE1 18 MILES 430 P M MPurse Purse 2500 4yearolds and upward Claiming 50735 SBare Cupboard Aug47AtM57 112 103 103Sep47GS155 509873 Rose of Dawn Sep47GS155 115 110 110Dec47GP154 50742Dunde Dec47GP154 102 105 105Oct47 50742 Leventia Oct47 Lrl 155 110 101 101Aug47GS154 51154 Ill Be Back Aug47GS154 109 115 115May47 50448 Some Where May47 HdG 155 119 110 110Jly47 50987 Exploration Jly47 Mth 154 114 112 112Jun48 50987 SLew Kelly Jun48 Del 158 112 107 51148 Little Push 102 102JIy47 51154 JWater Level JIy47 Mth 158 114 108 108Oct47 50369 Masterdom Oct47 Rkm 155 111 115 115Apr48 50448 JSweet Hash Apr48 HdG 158sy104 105 105Jly47 50735 Beggar Jly47 Mth 153m 113 107 51229JJohnnie C 113 EIGHTH RACE1 18 MILES 500 P M MPurse Purse 2500 4yearolds and upward Claiming 50735 Stray Winds Jly47Suf155 109 110 110Oct47 51229 Trout Lake Oct47 Lrl 156 115 114 114Oct47 50987 JGreat Hope Oct47 Lrl 155 115 107 107Mar47Hia153sM16 49988 Elbasan Mar47Hia153sM16 112 112Aug47GS155 50821 Canada Aug47GS155 117 114 114Apr47 511553 Grey Hood Apr47 Jam 153 114 115 115Jun47Atl154 47927 J Payable Jun47Atl154 108 103 50363Joes Favorite 108 108Sep47GS 50735 Awashonks Sep47GS 154 114 102 102Jly47 50987 Turnstile Jly47 Mth 154 113 121 39983 JMac Stepen 104 104Apr47GP152 50987 SLas Vegas Apr47GP152 124 105 105Ocl47 49235 Concise Ocl47 Lrl 156 112 102