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Charles Town Results Thursday June 17 1948 1948WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK HEAVY HEAVYTWENTYEIGHTH TWENTYEIGHTH DAY OF 43DAY MEETING MEETINGUNPLACED UNPLACED HORSES LISTED IN ORDER OF FINISH FINISHFIRST FIRST RACE 51306About 4 12 Furlongs Purse 800 Fouryearolds and upward Claiming Shrewla 105 Meyerhoffer 780 400 340 340Fair Fair Mail 115 Rankin 300 300 300Edmar Edmar Jojan 116 Wright 440 440Time Time 51 Off at 201 Eastern Daylight Time Winner Ch m 9 by Hecla Shrew by Headstrong Also ran Mac Brair Our Fortune Bit of Nerve Betty Alice Black Tide SECOND RACE 513071 18 Miles Purse 1000 1000Fouryearolds Fouryearolds and upward Claiming Just Great 115 Carrillo 2700 1280 420 420Perfect Perfect Charge 115 Austin 620 300 300Brinks Brinks 118 Martinez 240 240Time Time 159 Off at 231 Eastern Daylight Time Winner Iron gr g 6 by Great War Unjust by Francais FrancaisAlso Also ran Yvonne Mid Knight Wintime Perplex Ren dova Daily Double on iFrst and Second Races Paid 2182 2182Remaining Remaining Races Canceled