Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1948-06-18

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Alphabetical Index to Entries Abidale 1st Del Acondale 4th Del Adonis 6th Del Air Faith 6th Nar Air Fire 2d Aqu Air Tip 2d Del Air Victory 2d Det Alanay 4th Det Albulil 7th LF Alcan 6th Det Amber Doll 5th Nar Ancon 5th Aqu Andiamo 2d Aqu Androchia 1st Aqu Ante Light 8th LF Appleknocker 6th LF Ariel Bandit 3d Det Army March 4th Aqu Arrested 3d Det Ascendant 5th Aqu Atomic Wave 6th Nar Attendant 8th Aqu Audible 1st Del Aunt Drum 1st L P Awashonks 8th Del DelB DelBalfast B Balfast 3d Aqu Ballacolas 1st Det Barbara Lu 5th LF Bare Cupboard 7th Del Battle Cruiser 1st Del Beacon Light 1st Del Beautiful In 3d Del Beggar 7th Del Bel Stock 7th Det Beneva 7th LF Best Effort 4th Aqu Betethel 4th LF Beth Bs First 3d Nar Big Bid 3d Aqu Big Bones 1st Del Big Casino 7th LF Billy Perry 8th Nar Black Swan 6th Aqu Blenrouge 6th Det Blob Del 2d Nar Bo Mowlee 2d Del Bold Kate 3d Aqu Bolo Runaway 3d Nar Bonnie B 3d Nar Bordeaux 5th Del Boswellian 3d Aqu Bowling Green 8th Nar Briar Jumper 2d LJP Bright Kid 6th Aqu Bright Student 7th Nar Broad Daylight 8th Nar Broad Margin 4th Det Broadhead 5th Nar Broadway Jim 2d Nar Brown Dame 7th LF Bubbins 3d Nar Burgoo Lily 6th Det Burgoo Master 4th LF Busy Moments 3d Aqu Butter Wafer 7th Det Cab Sir 6th Del Caique II 4th Aqu Calydon 1st Nar Canada 8th Del Carolina Star 7th Nar Carreau 1st LF Carter Girl 4th LF Casue 5th Aqu Cavatel 4th Nar Gee Teecee 2d LJP Chal Jay 2d Aqu Chance Bea 5th Det Charles Bennie 1st Nar Cherriko 3d LF Cherry Trifle 1st LF Chips Up 4th LJP Chock Ablock 5th Det Cisred 3d Nar Claymore Boy 4th Nar Coat of Arms 7th Aqu Cobblestone 5th Nar Coiffeur 6th Det Concise 8th Del Contortionist 3d LP Coronet Star 7th Aqu Count Did 4th Aqu Count Lovely 8th Nar Cresson Miss 4th Nar Cromagnon 5th Det Cross Duchess 3d Del Custody 2d Aqu AquD AquDandy D Dandy Pete 2d Del Darlinf lar 3d Nar Decision 1st Nar Delorah 3d LJP Despite 7th Nar Detection 4th Aqu Devils Lead 3d Del Diesel Sand 1st LJP Doby 1st Aqu Dockie 8th Det Dog Trot 6th Del Dohito 2d Det Don Devito 3d LP Donna Boorse 3d Del Donnas Ace 8th Aqu Double Feature 5th Det Drum Fire 7th Det Duchess Mary 4th Nar DukeE 2dLP Dunde 7th Del Dusty Roads 5th Det DetE DetEasily E Easily 3d Del Easter Realm 1st Det El Boosto 5th LJP Elbasan 8th Del Emilys Pet 5th Nar Empujon 1st Nar Equanimous 6th Aqu Equate 6th LJP Equirose 4th LP Ermelia 5th IiJP Eternal Miss 2d Nar Eternal Piety 1st Aqu Ethel Jean 1st Nar Ever On 7th Det Excitement 4th Aqu Exploration 7th Del DelF DelF F F B Eye 8th Nar Fames Bid 8th Nar Favonian 4th LF Fine Story 5th LF Fire Kabo 2d Nar Firebet 1st Del Firm Peace 5th Nar First Whirl 6th LF Fittstown 3d Aqu Fitz Mede 5th Nar Fixture Card 1st Del Flaminian Way 2d Aqu Flare Path 1st Nar Flood Town 5th Del Flying Freddie 2d Det Flying Jim 5th Nar Follow Me 2d Det Fondest Hope 3d Det Freedom Girl 3d Nar Friend or Foe 4th Aqu Foxy Prince 2d Nar Full Cry 3d LF Full Harvest 5th Nar Furrdauber 2d Nar Fuzzy O 3d Nar NarG NarGalamilk G Galamilk 6th Del Gallita 5th Aqu Galloway 6th LF Gay Kiska 4th Nar Gay Love 2d Aqu Generals Aide 5th Nar Ghost Bound 3d LF Glastof ield 1st Del Gloam 2d Del Going Airy 4th Del Golden Cross lstLF Good Break 7th Det Gorget 6th Nar Gown Model 1st Nar Grain Market 2d Del Granddad 5th Det Grapes 3d Aqu Gray Dame 1st Nar Great Hope 8th Del Grecian Breeze 2d LJP Green Haven 4th Nar Grey Hood 8th Del Ground Signal 8th LF LFH LFHandsome H Handsome Beau 2d LF Happy Hoodlum 4th Del Harford 6th Del Having Fun 2d Del Hasty Colleen 6th Det Head Smart 7th Aqu Hedge 2d Del Helen Agnes 1 st LF Helenchen 3d Del Henrys Pal 3d Nar Her Reply 1st Nar Heramore 2d Nar Heres Me 7th LF Hike 7th Det His Grace 7th Aqu Holly Star 1st Aqu HyGay 2d Nar Hy Maedic 5th Nar Hydrant 6th Nar Hypothesis 2d LF Hyson 2d Aqu AquI I I Lov Bridge 3dLF Ill Be Back 7th Del In Love 5th Aqu Inscroll 2d Aqu Insolate 2d Nar Invitation 4th Nar Irisen 5th Del DelJ DelJ J J J Lynch 5th Nar Jacopone 2d Del Jatak 3d Det Jean Jearr 7th Nar Jet Power 3d Nar Jimmie 4th Del Joaljoy 3d Aqu Joe Spagat 7th Aqu Joe War 1st Det Joes Favorite 8th Del Joes Gal 6th Nar Johnnie C 7th Del Journal 8th LF Jubilee 1st Aqu Judge Davey 5th Nar NarK K Keen Olo 4th Det King Willow 4th Nar Kings Feast 1st Det Kitty Kat 2d L F FI FLa I La Carmelita 2d LJP La Kitty 3d Aqu Lady Dabney 5th Aqu Lady Fakir 2d Aqu Lady Petrose 3d Nar Lady Phara 6th Nar Lady Tyrant 1st Det Landn Sea 6th Nar Las Vegas 8th Del Last Tower 2d Nar Lawtrel 7th Nar Lawyer Slope 2d LP Leander 6th Aqu Lee Circle 4th Del Leventia 7th Del Lew Kelly 7th Del Lieut Dan 2d Det Light Carrier 5th LP Like a Breeze 4th LP Limehouse 1st Det Limerick Babe 2d Det Linda A 1st Aqu Little Aud 3d Det Little Pust 7th Del Little Shrew 3d Del Lucky John 2d Del Lucky Point 4th LP Lunch Date 5th Nar NarM NarMac M Mac Stepen8th Del Mad Town 4th Nar Magna Charta 2d Del Mahmoudess 6th Aqu Make It Easy 4th Det Making Merry 4th Det Mannerful 2d Det Manor Miss 4th Aqu Marblehead 7th Nar Market Boy 1st Det Marquest 8th Nar Marquisette 2d LP Masico Lad 1st LP Masterdom 7th Del Mattie Girl 5th Aqu May First 2d Del McFonso 3d Aqu Midis Mom 4th Nar Minx 3d Del Mirage 7th Nar Misabi 5th Aqu Miss Amelia O 4th Nar Miss Gadfly 1st Aqu Miss Militant 5th Det Miss Moon 5th Aqu Miss Navanod 2d LP Miss Nina S 1st Aqu Mist o Gold 6th Aqu Miss Pidgeon 3d Del Miss Sonia 3d LP Mister Chat 8th Nar Mistress Mine 5th Aqu Mixer 2d Nar Molly Pitcher 5th LP Monterey 3d Det More Flame 2d Nar Mr Bonnie 5th LP Mr D 2d Aqu Mrs Jones 4th LP My Sister 6th Nar Napango 6th Nar Neat Kee 2d Nar New Oxford 2d Del Night Crawler 5th Det No Melody 6th Det Nor west 2d Del 0 0O O K Boss 2d Det Oaf 5th LP Oak Leaf 3d Aqu Odd Pigeon 5th Aqu Off Islander 5th Del Old Kentuck 6th LP Olidor 7th Det Ompalo 1st LP One Hitter 2d Del Once More 1st Aqu Outlander 7th Nar Outsider 8th LP Oxie 5th Nar NarFacoima NarP P Facoima Gem 6th Det Farad er 1st Del Paragram 1st Nar Parhelion 7th Aqu Parson Brown 1st LP Payable 8th Del Pene 1st LP Percherry 2d Aqu Percieve 1st Det Peri T 1st Aqu Phantom Heels 3d LP Pharawell 8th Det Pitto Night 7th Nar Platinum Sands 5th Nar Flay Hands 5th Det Playful Rose 6th Det Plover Brand 8th Det Politics 1st LP Pomps Gal 6th LP Prairie Flower 3d LP Prefect 6th Aqu Prepotente 6th LP Primo Salvo 4th LPV Prince Aethel 4th Del Prince Canter 2d Nar Prince Flor 4th LP Probation 6th Nar Punchestown 7th Aqu AquQ AquQuaker Q Quaker 4th Aqu Quatrefoil 7th Nar NarR NarRadar R Radar Man 6th Nar Ragtime Band 3d Del Reaping Pam 2d Aqu Red Board 4th Aqu Red Tag 8th Nar Reflex Arc 1st Del Remembering 5th Det Repand 5th Del Rinaldo 6th Nar River Breeze 4th Nar Robin Hill 7th Det Roberto 8th Aqu Rose of Dawn 7th Del Rosemere Chief 1st LP Roundeleer 4th LP Royal Tartan 2d Aqu Royal Tiger 1st Det Run Lady 6th Nar Rustle Broom 8th Aqu AquS AquSaint S Saint Lye 8th Aqu Salignac 6th Det Sam 2d Det Sam Bernard 6th Aqu Sarabelle 2d Aqu Saracen Miss 6th Del Sassy Chick 3d Nar Sax Bee 3d LP Scorching 5th Aqu Scotch Bim 4th Nar Scotland Yard 8th LP Sea Log 8th Nar Sellep 3d Nar Senator C 6th Nar Session 1st LP Sgt Jimmy 1st Det Sheltie 7th LP Shes A Lady 5th Nar Shes Home 7th Aqu Shining Deed 7th Aqu Shoot to Boot 2d Nar Shot Dollar 2dLP Siddons 7th LP Sidney Sue 2d LP Sightseer 6th Del Silver Cluster 5th LP Singular 8th Nar Sir Date 8th LP Sir Spic 4th Det Sister Bry 4th LP Skippys Lad 1st Nar Sky Doll 2d LP Sky Heels 3d Det Skydue 3d Del Skywave 1st LP Slievemish 8th Det Slim John 2d LP Slower 4th Det Sneak 2d Del Sobre Todos 1st Nar Some Town 3d Det Some Where 7th Del Sonoma Belle 5th Aqu Spains Armada 3d Aqu Speedee Bozo 4th Nar Spicebush 8th Aqu Star Maker 3d Del Static 1st LP Steve Rogers 2d Aqu Stingprice 3d Aqu Stone Hill 2d Aqu Strawride 1st Del Stray Winds 8th Del Sun Bahram 2d Del Sun Carrier 7th LP Sun Gay 5th LP Sun Symbol 1st LP Sunhelio 4th Del Sunspark 8th Nar Sweep Hand 2d Aqu Sweet Comet 3d LP Sweet Hash 7th Del Sweet Reward 8th Det Swesteel 5th LP Swift Town 1st Det Swing Me 5th Aqu Syntet 7th Aqu AquT AquTacaro T Tacaro Briar 5th Del Tacaro Milkman 4th Del Tangower Lee 3d LP Taran 2d Del Tea for Me 3d Del Teaneck Dandy 7th Aqu Teddys Tea 1st Nar Teds Boy 3d Nar Tee Boy 2d LP Tel OSullivan 7th Aqu Terry Pepp 1st Aqu The Bagel 8th Nar The Cardinal II 1st Del The Doge 5th Del Thorobelle 3d LP Tiger Boots 1st LP Tigrell 4th Aqu Timmyroo 2d LP Tintary 4th Aqu Top Book 1st LP Topnard 3d LP Tough Jug 3d Nar Tourville 3d Aqu Trademark 3d LP Treasure Key 3d Nar Tribal H 1st Det Trimdem 4th Det Trout Lake 8th Del Tulco 8th Det Turnabout 8th Nar Turned Trick 3d Del Turnstile 8th Del Turntable 1st Nar NarU NarUgly U Ugly Prince 4th LP Unknown Reward 1st Nar NarV NarVacance V Vacance 8th Aqu Vaden King 3d Aqu Valdina Irene 2d Nar Valdivia 1st Nar Valley Trouble 2d LP Verona Sands 8th LP Victory Lad 3d Aqu Virginia R W 3d Del DelW DelWamego W Wamego 8th Nar Wanima 3d Del War Trophy 5th Del Water Buff alo 6th Nar Water Level 7th Del Weather Vane 2d Aqu Weathercock 6th Nar West Milton 2d Aqu Whiff letree 8th Nar Whiteford Tet 7th LP Why Cry 6th Del Wily Bob 4th LP Wise Paisano 5th Det Wishmeluck 4th Del Wow 8th Det DetX DetXenofox X Xenofox 3d LP Yale 3d LP LPYoung Young Buddy 4th Det

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Local Identifier: drf1948061801_35_1
Library of Congress Record: