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Field of Ten Entered In Amagansett Hurdle HurdlePebalong Pebalong Engages Britannicus III In 10000 Aqueduct Offering OfferingAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT L I N Y June 24 The first of Aqueducts stakes for the hurdle horses will head tomorrows program This is the fifth running of the 10000 Ama ¬ gansett Hurdle Handicap at about a mile and threequarters The test has drawn seven of the best specialists of the low hedges now in training including Auburn Farms Pebalong winner of the 10000 New York Turf Writers Cup at Belmont in his last start Frank Dooley Adams who signaled his return to form by his ride on the Big Pebble colt in that race will again be in the saddle tomorrow at 149 pounds poundsSanford Sanford Stud Farms Britannicus m the beaten favorite in the Turf Writers Cup is topweight of the Amagansett at 154 including James Penrod After leading un ¬ der a tight hold for almost a mile and a half of that two miles Britannicus m made a bad bobble and faily to rally Rac ¬ ing secretary Jack Cooper has taken two pounds from the burden he carried and added four to Pebalong which should tend to equalize them themThe The others in this test are D Djord jadzes Diable de Gosse 141 Marlet Sta ¬ bles Gestapo 135 and H Kaplans Top Knot 130 an entry Mrs Walter M Jef fords H Hour 134 and G H Bostwicks Gunboats 130 130H H Hour was a surprising third before Britannicus m in the Turf Writers Cup racing close to the pace all the way Diable de Gosse finished a neck back of the Sanford Stud Farm importation the three being closely grouped at the wire wireIn In a race staged only six days before the Turf Writers Cup Britannicus ILL scored easily over Diable de Gosse and Gunboats with H Hour finishing a wellbeaten sixth sixthThe The hurdle course will probably be heavy tomorrow though the main track is ex ¬ pected to be fast fastThe The best of tomorrows flat races are the fourth and sixth events each of which carries a 4000 purse Threeyearold fil ¬ lies the best of which appear to be Mayes Riley Best Boots Gallita Paddle Duck and Sinsin vie at six furlongs in the fourth fourthNine Nine threeyearolds of both sexes are to go a mile and a sixteenth in the sixth The recent winners Swedak and Natural will be opposed by such suchv v passable runners as Props Me Always Boom Boom Quebec Quick Set Chrisie Rogers and Banish