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TREND OF RACING JANUARY 1 TO APRIL 26 INCLUSIVE Statistics here are based on daily reports by the racing associations to the press Daily Average Attendance x Daily Average Mutuel Handli Handli195Z Meeting 1951 1951tBowie Days 1951 Days Change 195Z 1951 Change tBowie At Laurel 11569 11569Charles 12 8027 12 + 44 1027980 591788 + 74 Charles Town 4737 4737Fair 19 4781 16 1 317546 240817 + 32 Fair Grounds 6810 6810tGolden 81 5329 76 + 27 294786 218609 + 35 tGolden Gate 11610 11610Gulfstream 33 9081 41 + 28 840656 630740 + 33 Gulfstream Park 13774 13774Hialeah 41 11543 42 + 19 1055911 818831 + 29 Hialeah Park 19292 19292Mamaica 40 17327 40 + 11 1515926 1301397 + 16 Mamaica 29223 29223Keeneland 24 26900 36 + 9 2457773 2120051 1CO Keeneland 7900 7900Laurel 11 7257 11 + 13 365804 295721 Laurel Park 13643 13643Lincoln 18 11726 24 + 16 1060675 814304 Lincoln Downs 12633 12633Oaklawn 30 11294 30 + 12 798234 697283 + 13 Oaklawn Park 7739 7739Phoenix 30 7057 30 + 10 434667 366719 + 18 Phoenix Fair Grounds 3014 3014Phoenix 29 2565 23 + 18 100171 77543 + 29 Phoenix Sportsmans Park 3712 3712Santa 25 3021 24 + 23 118589 76295 + 55 Santa Anita 26549 26549tSportsmans 50 23813 50 + 12 1837385 1518925 + 21 tSportsmans Park 13186 13186tSuffolk 6 9933 19 + 33 764924 596254 + 28 tSuffolk Downs 14791 6 12258 60 + 21 807780 802484 Sunshine Park 3511 49 2209 43 + 59 59Tropical 159794 125125 + 27 Tropical Park 9705 41 8446 41 + 15 725720 566600 + 28 28tCurrent tCurrent meeting NOTE Average daily attendance and mutuel handle for 1951 is for the entire tieeting The Thefirst first meeting at Bowie in 1951 was held at Bowie racetrack whil the first meeting for 1952 was held at the theLaurel Laurel Race Course CourseIndicates Indicates complete meeting