United Press News Round-Up, Daily Racing Form, 1954-05-08


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UNITED PRESS NEWS ROUNDUP FOREIGN FOREIGNDien Dien Bien Phu Falls to Communists CommunistsHANOI HANOI Indochina Mary 7 The French fortress of Dien Bien Phu fell to over ¬ whelming hordes of Communist Viet Minh attackers today ending a 57day siege The end of the gallant defense against over ¬ whelming odds was announced officially here and in Paris where Premier Joseph Laniel gave the enws to the French public Only the isolated artillery post Position Isabelle located three miles south of the main fort still held out the announcement here said saidRed Red Spokesman Says France Delayed Truce TruceGENEVA GENEVA Switzerland May 7 A spokes ¬ man of the Soviet Union today accused France of delaying a mercy truce for evacuation of the 1200 French Union wounded from flaming Dien Bien Phu He also blamed the United States Britain and France for a postponement of Indochina peace talks which were to have opened todayJunta today Junta Rules Paraguay Following Revolt RevoltASUNCION ASUNCION Paraguay May 7 A Junta ruled Paraguay today following the ouster of President Federico Chaves by army cav ¬ alry forces There was no word on the fate of Chaves president of Paraguay since 1949 Neither was there any report on casualties during the revolt j jBelieves Believes US Exploded Another HBomb HBombTOKYO TOKYO Japan May 7 A Japanese medical scientist said today he believed the United States has exploded its fourth hy ¬ drogen weapon at the Bikini test grounds The scientist Professor Yashushi Nishi waki said he based his report on a de ¬ tailed Geiger analysis of rainfall The H weapon was detonated about April 25 the Osaka Municipal Medical University pro ¬ fessor said saidCanada Canada SeawayOTTAWA to Proceed with Seaway OTTAWA Canada May 7 Canada pre ¬ pared today to proceed at full speed with the St Lawrence seaway and power project now that United States participation in the development is virtually assured Prime Minister Louis St Laurent said Canada would consider any definite plan for joint action provided resulting discussions do not delay either the power or the seaway pro ¬ ject NATIONAL Quiz on Drafted Athletes Cut Short ShortWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C May 7 A House Armed Services Subcommittee investigat ¬ ing alleged army coddling of drafted athletes cut short its hearings today on the ground it already has proved its case Charman William E Hess RO said only two or three more of the 10 case histories in the subcommittees file would be aired airedMcCarthy McCarthy Stevens Clash OverCohn Charge ChargeWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C May 7 Sen Joseph R McCarthy and Army Secretary Robert T Stevens clashed today over a charge by the Wisconsin Republican that the army had put out false information about Roy M Cohn McCarthy made the charge in the 23rd session of the Senate Investigation Subcommittees hearing on the senators feud with the army armyUnemployment Unemployment in April Drops 260000 260000WASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C May 7 Unem ¬ ployment dropped in April for the first time since last October the government re ¬ ported today The Commerce and Labor departments announced there were 3465 000 jobless during the week ended April 10 compared to 3725000 one month earlier a drop of 260000 The joint report said there was evidence that unemployment continued to drop in the latter weeks of April AprilNLRB NLRB Rules on Unfair Labor Practices PracticesWASHINGTON WASHINGTON D C May 7 The Na ¬ tional Labor Relations Board has ruled that unionsponsored work slowdowns par ¬ tial strikes and refusal to work overtime are unfair labor practices The Board rul ¬ ing followed NLRB philosophy of the past several years that harassing union acti ¬ vities short of a strike are not protected by the National Labor Relations Act

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1954050801/drf1954050801_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1954050801_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800