Connors Corner: Dancer Eyes Top of Money List; Needs 300 Grand Plus in Earnings; Eligible to Numerous Rich Stakes, Daily Racing Form, 1954-05-08


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Connors Corner By CHUCK CONNORS Dancer Eyes Top of Money List Needs 300 Grand Plus in Earnings Eligible to Numerous Rich Stakes StakesBELMONT BELMONT PARK Elmont L I N Y May 7 Native Dancer returned to the rac ¬ ing wars this afternoon and the paddock boys gave a look and rushed to the record books to compile a few figures After a study of the book the boys emerged and reported that Native Dancer could by winning a few grand dethrone Cita ¬ tion as the worlds leading money earner Citation by winning 32 of his 45 starts took down 1085760 spread over a span of four years of racing He did not face the barrier as a fouryearold His greatest year was 1948 as a threeyearold when he amassed 709470 a new worlds record for earning as a threeyearold and the bulk of his lifetime gleanings He won 19 of 20 starts as a threeyearold his one setback was at Havre de Grance when he bowed to Saggy in a sixfurlong dash con ¬ tested over a muddy track Previous to that effort he accounted for four in a row at Hialeah and f ollowing that Havre de Grace setback spun together a skein of 15 which included the Triple Crown and a few others spread from one coast to the other winding up his year at Tanforan His re ¬ turn to the racing wars as a fiveyearold was none too glorious money wise that is for he took down 73480 at Santa Anita and Golden Gate GateA A A A ANative Native Dancer as a twoyearold went unbeaten nine for nine to earn 230495 As a threeyearold Native Dancer missed the Derby finishing second and then completed his chores with a triumph in the American Derby at Washington Park in Chicago That was his last start for upon his return to New York he fell a victim to feet ailments aggravated by stone bruises His threeyearold earn ¬ ings were 513425 for nine out of ten Thus his total gleanings for his two years of campaigning are 743920 placing him a comfortable fourth to Citation Stymie and Armed The boys in their statistical research brought up the fact that there is on the agenda numerous stakes and handicaps to which he is eligible and should he emerge winner would move him to the top of the list listA A A A AAs As far as could be learned Native Dan ¬ cers major engagements are the Metro ¬ politan and the Suburban at Belmont Park Following these on the stake agenda scat ¬ tered here and there are some luscious sugared plums which when totaled in added money brings a relishing smile to the tax collector The grapevine has it that Native Dancer will seek to emulate Tom Fool in his sweep of the Metropolitan Suburban and Brooklyn The latter and the Suburban carry endowments of 50000 each Later on the agenda boasts some other rich fixtures that reach over into the fall season Native Dancer has no easy row to hoe in his quest to dethrone Citation but a mere matter of 300 grand plus well with purse values as they are is well within the realm of possibility Native Dancers safari to England is still in the talking stages but the paddock boys are confident that he will end his racing days here before going to the stud studA A A A AG G H Pete Bostwick passed around the cigars this morning to celebrate the arrival of a baby girl at his home last evening The young lady checked in at 730 p m The baby and Mrs Bostwick the former Dolly von Stade are doing nicely Silas Mason came up from his Richmond Va home for a few days racing He has a draft of horses with Max Hirsch W J Ziegler made his first appearance of the meeting during the afternoon and then promised to be a more frequent visitor during the warmer weather C T Chenery came out to offer some advice to trainer j Casey Hayes on treatment for arthritis in his foot Hayes is wearing a cut shoe to ease the ailment ailmentA A A A AMrs Mrs Walter M Jeffords said that the spelling of her winner on Wednesday Henryi is correct and not as many pre ¬ sumed a typographical error Henryi ii not named for a fabled character of his ¬ tory but for a species of the lily famils which grows in their garden at home neai Philadelphia Mrs Jeffords rattled off the botanical names arid maybe it is a gooc thing that The Jockey Club rules ant regulations prohibit the naming of horse with nomenclature of more than 14 letters Some of those botanical names would b a mouthful for a chart caller Traine Gary Winfrey before leaving for Gardei GardeiContinued Continued on Ptge FortyNint Connors Corner CornerBy By C J CONNORS Continued from Page Four FourState State said that Squared Away owned by Mrs Jan Burke would be shipped back a Jamaica on Monday Jockey Jimmy Tichols moved over to the Camden grounds 0 do the riding chores tomorrow Jockey George Glassner left for Pimlico where tomorrow he will ride Metagama in he Dixie Glassner is due back here on Monday to ride Jockey Augustine Cata lano who gave the boys a tip that he would ride in the second race here on Wednesday astride East Ray which he did and then plane over to Garden State to ide in the fourth race on Disgraceful failed to accomplish the stint The double riding feat was arranged but something lappened between the races that delayed the plane and that was that thatA A A D Goldsborongh was named as stall assignor at the Saratoga Springs meet ¬ ing a post which Ke held for the past several years Jimmy Longo a veteran of the racing wars he was a jockey dur ¬ ing the days of Salt Lake Ogden Mon ¬ tana and Idaho and later a groom for Max Hirsch and then a trainer on his own was buried this morning from Morans Funeral Parlors in Queens Vil ¬ lage He passed away Tuesday evening following a brief illness Longo was born in Saratoga Springs some 60 odd years ago Eddie Brennan of Monmbuth Park came up for a looksee and a glimpse at the Withers candidates Fred Lans burgh who has several horses in train ¬ ing planed out for Charleston S C on a business mission He hopes to be back on Monday A meeting of the presi ¬ dents of the New York tracks was held yesterday afternoon with routine business on the agenda Jockey Hank Moreno planed out to Louisville to ride a stake engagement there thereA A A A AThe The inner half of the Jamaica racing strip is being scraped and screened by track superintendent Dick Strickland Horatio Luro was on hand today and reported that his trip to South America was fruitless He visited Argentina Chile Uruguay and Venezuela He reported that the latter country was in the boom stages and purse values are high and Caracans are exten ¬ sive buyers in England France Argentine and Chile which reacts against American invaders The dual presentation of the Acorn Cup to Mr and Mrs R J Kleberg on one side and Monte Park representing Mrs John D Hertz recalled a similar in ¬ stance at Saratoga Springs when Red Rain and Coldstream deadheated in the Sara ¬ toga Special Owners C V Whitney and E D Shaffer posed together each holding one handle of the cup The Acorn Cup dilemma was solved in easy fashion for a cup will be presented to each winning owner

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