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REMOUNT MOVEMENT RECEIVES IMPETUS Washington D C April 25 The remount move ¬ ment received an impetus Avhen the National Re ¬ mount Association was merged with the Washington Branch of tjie Remount Association on Wednesday Tills action was taken at a conference between repre ¬ sentatives organizationsThose of both organizations Those present were Col Robert M Thompson of New ork and Washington Perry Belmont Col Henry T Allen of the Army Frederick L Hindi koper military writer and student interested in horse breeding Colonel Holt and G Arthur Bull of the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department of Agriculture which Is establishing national horse breeding stations The merged organization will be known as the National Remount Association AssociationMaj Maj General Leonard Wood chief of stall was elected president LieutGen Samuel B M Young IT S A retired Avho was president of the Wash ington Branch of the Remount Association was elected vicepresident Frederick L IHndekopur secretary in place of Algernon Daingerlield and twentysix directors were named fourteen of whom were directors of tin old National Remount Associa ¬ tion and twelve of whom were directors of the Washington Branch Association AssociationThe The new organization is to conduct a national campaign for the development of a better type of horses for the use of the cavalry of the army aiid supply its needs for time of war warThe The old National Associations twelve directors included August Belmont of New York Spencer Burden of Massachusetts Walter G Goodwin of Connecticut Col James B Castleman of Kentucky and Henry Fairfax of Virginia All of the old ill rectors were reelected The new directors elected to serve in addition to the twelve old ones were Gen S M B Young Col Henry T Allen Perry Belmont Frederick L Hindekoper Henry White J B Thomas of New York Col Robert M Thomp ¬ son Arthur Lee Dr Guy Whiting LIeutCol P S Fuultz G Arthur Bell Col Alexander Rodgers and William Corcoran Eustis EustisOriginally Originally it was the Intention that the National Remount Association should have branches all over the country The AVashington branch the only one actually started was active and did more work than the parent lx dy It seemed that it would be better not to have branch associations and tlmt was why amalgamation was effected The new directors were all members of the Washington branch anil they will have a majority control of the board boardWhile While General Wood was elected president it is understood that before December next he will re ¬ sign from the presidency and that then General Young will become president