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AQUEDUCTS ATTRACTIVE PROGRAM. Secretary Fred Behberger of the queens County Joekej Club has ixsued the program l» ok for the flfie.-n d.ns meeting at Aqueduct. June 2:: to July it. Ihe eiiMoinai -i race- are provided daily, with the Brooklyn Handicap, tie- Carter Handicap. the 1 1 1 i.i— -ii stake-, the Carlton stakes, the Great American si.-iki-s the Tremeot stakes ami the Brooklyn Derby a- the man Important and valuable fes tun-. lie- .ales tor the running of the Ifteen slakes that will be run during the meeting are a- follows: Brooklyn Handicap, June 23. Colon Selling Stakes. June 2 1. Hudson Stake -. June 2.".. Carter Handicap, June 27. Clover Stake-. June 39. Caylton Stake-. June 30, Rockawaj Selling Siakis. July I. Canarsie Selline stake-. .inly 2. Grant American stake-. Julj I Brookdale Handicap. July I. Astoria Dinner Stakes. Jlllj 6. Myrtle Selling "Stakes* July 0. Queen** Count j Handicap, July 7. Trcmont Stakes. July s. Brooklyn Derby. July f-