Latonia Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-27


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LATONIA FORM CHART LATONIA KY SATUEDAY JUNE 26 1915 Seventeenth day ey Club Spring Meeting of 24 days AVeather cloudy Presiding Steward Charles F Price Presiding Judge AV II Shelley Starter Harry Morrissey Racing Secretary Walter II Pearce Racing starts at 230 p in Chicago time 230 p m Indicates apprentice allowauc O 1 O O Q rnST KACE 34 Mile 15120 111 5 110 COO Added 3ycarolds and upward J L t j J fj Selling Net value to winner 405 second 127 third SOS scs AAVtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eaulv Odds Strt 2U 3J 1 F HobinsnW Gerst 2 1 003 CARRIE ORME wn 3 95 S 6 5 = 3 = 2l 2 k M Garner E J OConncll 01100 20957 DR DOUGHUTY wu S 113 2 7 7 7 4l 3 C Ganz C K Rogers Sr 070100 2111 EDDIE DELLIXG wii 3 100 1 2 l 1 iu 41 F Judy J AV Schorr SSV100 2118G SSV1002118G SAVTIIEART SUE AV 3 SS 7 5 fii 4 = 3 = 3 K LapailleW S Thelkeld 2075100 21101 ALKANET wn 3 99 5 1 3 CJ 7 C1 E Martin Moran fc Mead 3105100 211J53SUREGET 3105100211J53SUREGET WB S 10S 4 3 2U 5 CX 71 AV J OBnJ F GalTiiey 725 100 BELLE 100BELLE OF ALL WB 3 OS 3 S S S S S J Brown W Hurley 15410100 Time 15410100Time 23 47 1131 Track fast 2 mutuols paid Colic 1530 straight 420 place 3iSO show Carrie Orme 250 place 250 show Dr Dougherty 550 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Tulle CC5 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 00 to 100 show Carrie Orme 25 to 100 place IT to 100 show Dr Dougherty 175 to ICO show Winner Ch f by Marta Santa Veracious trained by AV McDaniel McDanielWent Went to post at 230 t post 1 minute Start poor and slow AV n driving second and third the same Colic after saving muca ground on the turns stayed well in the final drive and got up to win right at the end CARRIE ORME was away slowly and forced to race wide but finished fast and gamely DR DorGHERTY also got away poorly closed a big gap and was going fa test at the end EDDIE BELLING set a fast pace but tired badly in the stretch SWEETIIEVRT ilE finished well SUREGET retired after going threfelgliths Thu winner was entered for S400 no bid bidScratched Scratched 20D05 Grecian 03 Overweights Alkanet 1 pound Q 1 h Q Q SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs 82311 105 3 93 000 Added 2yearolds 1 JL A J Maidens Special AVolghts Not value to winner 190 second 12l third OG Imlns Horses AAVtPPSt Vt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kmiiv Odds Strt CHECKS w 109 S 3 iij 1 ij i E Martin T C McDowell 1710100 DICK 1710100DICK AAILLIAMS w 109 2 S C1 y 2 2 A Mott D B Mulhollantl 5K51CO 20920 POLROMA w 112 3 2 7 1 l 3 H Oooso J Livingston MrOlOO 2 10i = BLACK COFFEE wn 109 1 1 41 4 = 31 4 = C Ganz E R Bradley 21185 J J MURDOCK w 112 C 3 5 = 4h 51 AV W TlorMllam L vy 20110 TRIAD w 109 54 Sh 5J G1 T Gentry T J G II Clay itj MARGARET itjMARGARET E w 109 4 7 2A 2J 7 7 E Grlllln X F Dortch 1 10100 QX 10100QX OF THE MIST w 109 7 G S 8 S AV J OBnJ S Hawkins lOilO100 Time 23 4524 lQl J0i9 Track f Wti 2 mntucls paid Checks 3020 straight 2040 place 840 show Dick Williams 4100 place 2100 Fhow Polroma 850 show Equivalent showEquivalent booking odds Checks 1710 to 100 Ftraight 020 to 100 place S20 to 100 show Dick AVil lams showWinner 1050 to 1JO place J50 to 100 show Polroma 325 to 100 show Winner DennyAVent Ch c by Marathon Monarda trained by G Denny AVent to jwst at 301 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon handily second and third driv ¬ ing CHECKS awav forwardly and hard ridden set a fast pace and stayed gamely in the stretch drive DICK WILLIAMS saved ground on the turns and having closed a big gap finished fast POLROMA raced well up throughout BLACK COFFEE had to come wide on the last turn J J MURDOCK was out need TRIAD was taken wide but raced poorly MARGARET E showed speed f I 6 Qk THIRD RACE 1 Mile 14835 137 1 114 700 Added 3ycarolds and upward j2 JL O J Handicap Net value to winner 5 JO second 124 third tii Index Horses AAAtPPSt 3i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 21121LITTLE FATHRwu 7 103 5 3 2 2 2h I1 1 = R Goose AV AV Darden 715100 715100il62 il62 GOLDCREST BOY w 3 95 2 1 I1 Ill11 2i 2 F Judy J AV Schorr 4320100 1122EMBROIDERY WB 3 97 G 7 7 51 51 31 3n K LapailleA 15 Hancock 570100 21121 BENANET w 5 90 1 5 31 31 3 4 4i J Brown E R Bradley 2035100 20351002I184AAATER 2I184AAATER WITCH WB 3 103 S S S S C1 52 o3 M Garner AV J Young 125100 1251003irJ23FLEETABELLE 3irJ23FLEETABELLE w3 99 4 2 Gl 4 4 C1 G2 E Martin J Greene 1405100 2 lOJC3 FIRST DEGREE WB 4 102 7 C 51 GI 7 7 72 ° A Mott AV L Lewis 440100 21 121MISS THORPE w G 1031 3 4 4i 7 S S S J Domink A B Lowe 4320100 4320100Time Time 23 48 112 138 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Little Father 1C0 straight 780 place 020 show Goldcrest Boy 2470 place 1200 show Embroidery 480 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Little Father 715 to IOO straight 200 to 100 place 210 to 100 show Gold crest Bov 1135 to 100 place 500 to IOO show Embroidery 140 to 100 show showAAinner AAinner Ch g liv Ivan the Terrible Nannie Hodge trained by II Louden LoudenAVent AVent to post at 332 At post 2 minutes Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing LITTLE FATHER was saved under restraint to the stretch then moved into the lead quickly and easily held the others safe GOLDCREST BOY showed much speed from a fast beginning and setting the pace to the stretch outstayed EMBROIDERY for second place The latter finished fast BENANET jaced outpacedOvorwfiiflits well up most of the way AVATER WITCH was always outpaced Ovorwfiiflits Lit tin Fntlnr 1 iiound Fleetahille 2 Miss Thorpe 1 O l O O FOUUTII RACE 34 Mile 15121 111 5 110 Third Running Quickstep Handicap JL O JL 2000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 2r ti5 second 400 400third third 200 Index Horses AWtPPSt Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 211213HODGE w 4 122 1 1 3 3i I I1 F Keogh AV J Weber 315100 21121 = LKOCHARES w 5 123 2 C C 42 21 2 R Goose J AV Schorr 250100 250100210G2STAR 210G2STAR JASMINE w C 110 77 7 53 41 3 M Garner T G McDowell 480100 480100209833HAAVTHORN 209833HAAVTHORN wn 5 110 5 3 I4 1s 3 41 AV AV TlorC F Busthenicyer 130100 31001 BDLICYS CHOICE w 4 122 4 2 2 2 55 f C Ganz E R Bradley 5100 208 1C ROBT BRADLEY wn 5 112 7 4 C1 G2 G1 E Gritlin AV R Mizell 3500100 350010015013L1TTLE 15013L1TTLE NEPHEW w 4 115 34 fi 7 7 7 A Mott M B Gruber 125100 125100Time Time 23 4G 111 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Hodge 830 straight 370 place 210 show Lcochares 380 place 280 show Star Jasmine 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent liooking odds Hodge 315 to IOO straight S5 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Leocliares 00 to 100 place 40 to KM show Star Jasmine CO to 100 show showAVImmr SponceAVent AVImmr Ch g by Ivan the Terrible Nannie Hodge trained by K Sponce AVent to post at 405 At tnat 4 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same HODGE was well saved to the stretch then finished fast and gamely and outstayed LEOCI1ARES ii the final drive LEOCIIARES moved up rapidly in the stretch bill failed to get up In a game effort STAR JASMINE finished with a rush from a slow Ixginning HAWTHORN tired after showing much snerd in nuniiiaking to the stretch BRADLEYS CHOICE tired 211S3Conv rse 7 2103Roscoe Goose 102 21211 Kail 17 FIFTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards S1J1V 142 3 000 Added 3yearolds and upward Selling Net valiio to winner 510 second 130 third 74 Index Horses AAVtPPSt A V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 2118I2CHILLA n 9 111 1 1 22 21 21 I1 I1 C Jones C K Rogers Sr C400100 C400100v 21 HiC RENO v 5 111 7 5 41 4 4 ° 3i 21 R Goose J Hogan 900100 900100v 31101 ALSTON v 3 104 3 3 3h 3l 42 31 L Gentry F Crigier 21CO100 1123 JESSIE LOUISE wn 4 107 2 2 I2 I1 I1 2 4i K LapailleJ M Goode M187 SANTA RULE w 3 100 4 9 Ti 52 G T2 52 J Brown G AVatts 19990100 211 19 DORCRIS WK 3 99 S 10 C1 fi1 6 fii G2 E Martin II Dots 42CO100 551039 BR1CKLEY w 4 109 5 4 7 71 72 73 74 F RobinsnAV Gerst 3653100 1125SOBOLUS w3 99110 CIO 10 8 8 S3 F Fuerst J W Callahan 1515100 151510021IK1MAB 21IK1MAB DULAVEBRwn 3 90 C S S S 9 9 92 M Garner AVebcr AVard 205100 21123 HARD BALL wn 4 112 979 9 10 10 10 AV AV TlorJ N Mounce 4SO100 4SO100Time Time 24 4844 114 140 144 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Chilln 13000 straight 4270 place ls50 show Reno 1230 place 7SO show Alston 1120 show showEquivalent Equivalent hooking odds Chilla 0400 to 100 straight 2035 to 100 place S25 to 100 show Reno 515 to 100 place 2M to 100 show Alston 400 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch m by Alveseot Sunlight by London trained by C E Rogers Jr JrWent Went to post at 4IO At post 2 minutes Start bad and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing CHILLA away forwardly raced in nearest pursuit to the stretch and drew out in the last eighth to win going awav RENO was hard ridden and finished fast ALSTON was away forwardly and ran a good riee JESSIELOUISE set a good pace and quit in the last eighth MABEL DULAVEBER OBOLUS and HARD BALI vro away loo poorly to have much chance The winner was entered for 400 no bid bidScratched Scratched 211Ci5sAlledo IX 21005 Kneelet 5 5Overweights Overweights Alston 4 pounds Dorcris 2 Oboliis 2j SIXTH RACE 34 Mile 15120 111 5 llfi 000 Added 3yearolds and upward 21233 Selling Net value to winner 5 second 1 llilnl S72 Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 3J Str Fin Jockeys Ownei 0873TORY MAID v 3 9G 7 C 3 C1 31 1 M Garner S M Henderson 29100 291002118GstTSEEIT 2118GstTSEEIT A S 10C C 1 Ill 1 = 21 AV J OBnA AV Hoots 3S5100 20868 MISS DECLARE 4 101 1 4 2i 2 21 3n L Gentry J B Resi ess 315100 1093 TRANSIT v 4 109 28 S S 4i 4 J Domink L II Johnson 2905100 1186 DR CARMAN i 3 IOC 3 7 ru fi ru r n AV AV Tlorl Pholps 2070100 207010020Sr 20Sr B2IlOCNIR w 4 113 S 2 Ch 4i C1 G R Goose AV F Kiiebelkamp 400100 40010020I35ITNDAUNTED 20I35ITNDAUNTED w 4 105 4 C 7 7 7 7s AV McehanDudley Lawrence 1575100 157510020353MARGARET 20353MARGARET D w 3 90 C 3 41 3i S S K LapallleAV AV Darden 2935 1An 1AnTime Time 23V 47 112 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Tory Maid 70 straight 420 place 330 show Ueeit 470 place 340 show Miss Declare 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent lKx kitig odds Tory Maid 205 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Useelt 135 to 100 place 70 to lOo show Miss Declare SO to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Yankee Lady Bedford trained by S M Henderson HendersonAVent AVent to Mist at 513 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and third thn fame TORY MAID raced well up from the start and after losing ground on the turn finished gamely under urging and got up to win in the last stride USEE1T showed high speed and sotting a good pace laid on well in the closing drive MISS DECLARE raced well and had no mishaps TRANSIT came with i great rush through the stretch HOCNIR was always outpaced The winner was entered for 1200 Scratched 20S73 Othello 111 2llS33Mars Cassidy 98 10331 Barsac 10S Overweights Iseeit 2 pounds Dr Carmen 1 Undaunted 2 SEVENTH RACE 1 11G Miles 3220 143 3 110 000 Added 3yearolds and 21234 upward Selling Net value to winner 4K second 124 third 72 AAVtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqolv Odds Strt ATION w 4 103 477 OH 4i I1 I1 A Mott AV L Lowis KMlOO KMlOOII IIKMMANASSEII II wn G 104 C 4 31 i 2 21 2 2l z 21 2 2s C Jones lones C u E Rogers Sr aixiut 1190100 081 r IMPRESSION wn C 112 2 2 I1 I2 11 4 = 3n M Garner J II Stamper Jr 285100 l06r RAOUI wn 4 105 8 6 4i 4 3 3 42 AV MeehanG J Long 530100 530100U U S2GUIDE POST wn 5 IOC 1 1 2h 31 51 5 i o4 R Goose AV H Baker 2SO100 iHK s BONANZA WB G 110 3 3 Gi 7 7 61 C3 K LapailleM Quinn 13ir 100 rKi4 = BErLAH S w 5 105 7 5 5i Gi C 7 72 AV AV TlorF D Weir 915100 11C43JOIIN REARDON wn S 10S1 5 S S S S S S J McCabe O Underwood 30S3100 30S3100rim rim 23 23t t 48 1132 139 i46 Track fast 2 muttiels paid Expectation 2000 straight ifSSO place 520 show Manasseb 1240 place 580 show Impression 410 show showEquivalent Equivalent iKHiking odds Expectation OiiO to 100 straight 340 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Man asseh 520 to 100 place to 100 show Impression 105 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B g by Kilkerran Tapiola trained by AV L Lewis LewisAVent AVent to post at 545 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AATon easily second and third driving EXPECTATION was outpaced early but moved up fast after going a half mile and came through next to lli Inner rail in the stretch to win going away MANASSEII raced in a forward position all the way and finished gamely IMPRESSION set a fast pace and tired but outstayed RAOUL in the final drive The latter ran well but tired right at the end GUIDE POST tired after showing speed BONANZA ran badly Tin winner was entered for 800 no bid bidOverweights Overweights Manasseh 1 iiound Raoul 3 Guide Post 1 John Reardon li

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Local Identifier: drf1915062701_2_9
Library of Congress Record: