Sixth Race [6th Latonia, Daily Racing Form, 1915-06-27

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SIXTH RACE 34 Kile 3ycarolds and upxvard Allowances ROSCOE GOOSE b c 3 105 By Dink Welles FJraso fW H Baker 21033 Uatonia 34 111 good320 ill 1 11 l I3 R Goosc 10 W Witch Imperator MeAdoo 20X35 MeAdoo20X35 Uatonia 34 l12fast 2710108 1 335 5 R Goosc 7 II ODay Huntress FIeetnhllc 20714 Douglas 1 l0fast 71 103 222 2 3 = f5J 1 McTagrtS Dortchj Fleetabellc W Witch 20C30 Witch20C30 Douglas 34 l14 frnud 1320 310 1 3 2 2s 2s R Gooso 7 P and Stars UnBryn Converse 20401 Ppuglas 4 1i55mua 7J ot 3 z l j JiuTugrt 7 U Barbee J Cissidy otiieljo HOCNIR b c 4 103 By Voorhccs Emir W F Knebelkamp 21233 Latonia 34 l12 fast 4 113 2 61 G1 62 II Goose S Tory Maid Useeit Miss Declare 20356 Ciiurchili 1 l407islow IS 10S 2232 2232lusai 1 2i A Mott 10 GolilcslBoy Stiiutllcart OBea lusai CHiurchill 1 11G IMf fast 33G 111 1111 21 4 = J T McTagt S Brave Buy Candle Bonanza 20223 Churciiill 31 l134good710 114 Ucft at th i post A Mott I KanVega Bllensley Hawthorn JI175 Lexgton 31 l15hvy 1920 117 2 33 33200G3 3 3J U Gentry 10 IMllyloe Ollagan ConDelivery 200G3 I exgton 34 11 114 good910 111 1 2 3 11 1s U Gentry t DrCarmen TXormui Aitama 195U3 Juarez 78 12 l2lfast S 10S 3 2 W W Tlorl KtKiieiiiiv Pan Xarela Rash RashI 19558 Juarez 31 11 1119IG9 l18hvy 2J 112 4 I 4 U Gentry 4 Kootonay Jro Hughes Blarney BlarneyJ 19IG9 Juarez 34 11 lllfast 3 112 E Excused J Murphy 5 Othello LittleWill King Worth CKARTIEH blk h C 113 By Hurst Park Bello Diablo Spiet Powers 099 Latonia 31 111 nuid SI 114 4 3 3i W J OBn DrLarriek CarOrme S Heart 20776 Douglas 31112 fast 4 11410 9 8 1 C Ganz 11 BKSaddle MCassldy DCrmeu 20716 Douglas 34 112 fast S3 112 3 I2 C Ganz C Ilsecit Sosius JJiss Thorpe 20003 Douglas 34 112 fast 3 111 7 5 5 T McTagt S RStars TiVorman BHensley 20356 Churchill 1 l0slov 25 112 S 6 5 3 73 7 T McTagtlO GoldestBoy Hocnir Stoiitllcart 20326 Churchill 31 l12fast 8310 112 6 22 22202pS 2 Il T MeTagtlO DeK sit The Norman OM lagan 202pS Cliurchill 31 l12fast 12J 114 G G 4 4COY 31 432 T McTagt 10 Hawthorn Maznik The Normau NormauBy COY LAD4 br h G 108 108lSis By Pea oBay Coy Maid H H Hewitt lSis Lalonia 2 11 351 fast 17 107 4 3 2 2 21S233 21 8la J Metcalf S L Krrant Expectatiiui A Port 1S233 Uatonia 1 12 232fast 7910 110 645 0 0ISI50 6l 7 J McCabe Short Grass Expectation Rush ISI50 Uatonia 1 1S 151 fast II 105 3 3 4 4 4ISfll 31 3l J McCabe S Floral Park Dor Dean Donerail ISfll Uatonia 1 116 lirJifast 21 IOCS S 8 S 4l 4s J McCaiw S Waterbass Drmcrall P Hermis 1S018 Churchl 1 l3hvy IS lOii 4444 4 35 1 McCabe 4 Ilocnir Leo Skolny G Hughes 173R1 Douglas 1 1S l 2vfast i 1U31 111 1111753S 42 4 J McCabe r TohiiGund Ringling StarActress 1753S Douglas Im7fly l3jfast 36 110 3 S S Gl 7 J MeCabe 0 Grosvenor Pce Huruiis Old Beu GROSVENOR b K 6 105 1052120S By Voter Belgravia J M Heury 2120S Latonia 34 l12 fast 195 113 1 3 3210C3 II HeuryII 3J AV W Tlorl Royal Tea Langliorne Sliadrach 210C3 Latonia 34 lllhvy 8910 IOS 2 4 ink iu w Tlor S Amazon Carrie Orme WildBear 21001 Latonia Im70y li3lfcfast 4310 111 5 4 3 5 B K Martin 7 Raoiil Guide Post Manasseh ManassehS2 20931 Latonia Im70y 143 fef ast 4 IOC 1 2 3 320S36 S2 31 K Martin 7 Brynlimah Bonanza Big Dipper 20S36 Latonia Im70y 142 fast 11 107 556 54 5 1R Goose C Lfi Ray I Soh Hensley FDegree 20717 Douglas 1 11G l4rfast 710 108 111 23 2 = R Goose 0 GoldBoy Brynlimali Expcetan ExpcetanBy HANK ODAY br g 3 D7 D720S35 By Peep oDay Eric Belle J G Hawkins 20S35 Latonia 34 l12fast 425 KK 4 4 31 11 M Garner 7 Huntress Fleetabelle TXorman 1 146 good 26 102 3 8 S 8 7 7 E Pool Embderv Lindciitlial Beiianet 18323 Latonia 1 l3S fast 310 100 7 G 7 7 7 7 A Mott 7 Solly 1ifTr Leo Ray 18312 Latonia 5X f l06fast 94 109 3 3 3 2l 23 J Metcalf l Waterbiossom Tokay Grecian 1S21G Latonia 31 113 fast 365 105 2 22 2 2 F Murphy S Converse One Step LittloString 1S11S Latonia 34 lI3Jtfast 4710 103 3 5 5 31 51 J Smyth Grecian Converse Sandstone 1SOI2 Latonia 51 f 107 good Dl 105 1 33 21 11 W W TlorlO Amazon Billy Joe Aunt Josie JosieBy LINDENTHAL b fr 3 102 102211S3 By Star Shoot Lyndall J W Schorr 211S3 Uatonia 34 l12fast 135 101 4 34 34201G5 411 510 F Judy C ln Bryn Converse MarsCassidy 201G5 Uexgton 1 llthvy 4720 103 5344 3 S31 J Kcderis S GrIIughcs StHeart F Degree ¬ 20112 Uexgton Im70yl43fast 110 101 1233 1233200C4 s 331 J McTagt 4 BKikBiII LittleSlring Greville 200C4 I jxgton 1 146 goodll10 93 3 4 G 4 45 2i B Marco 0 Embroidery Benanet Lil String 14471 AVdbinc 5S 101 fast 1 110 3 55 65 5 J P Goldstn S Sir Edgar Kd Crump Crystal 14126 Uexgton CS l00good 1S5 115 4 56 7l 5 i J Kcderis S Luke Chalmers Ed Crump CrumpBy CHARMEUSE b f 4 103 By Mazasan Bexvitcher J W Goldblatt 21165 Uatonia 34 l13fast 21 106 5 33 3320SI3 S1 1 L Gentry 10 Langh rnc Siireget Day Day 20SI3 l atonia 31 l13fast 7 109 8 7 5 52 5s J McCabe S Mcx Carrie Ormo Casey Jones 20393 Douglas 34 115 mud G 1021 4 23 3l 3I01I Pool i Langhorne OHagan Ilcasvlllo 20270 Churchill 51 f l0fslow 100 109J13 12 12 11 11 J McCabe 14 Hawthorn Charticr BnsvKdith 19601 Juarez 34 lllfast 8 106 7 66 4ns GJ W W Tlor J Manganese Seneca Lackrose 19475 Juarez 7S l25fast 3 IOC 2 1 2 2 21 53 J McCabe i Mimorioso F Roberts Injury 19112 Juarez 78 125 fast 85 100 3 G G 6 6 78J H Stearns 7 Othello Executor Roadmaster RoadmasterBy FIRST DEGREE br g 4 105 By Kilkerran Talpa W L Lewis 21230 Uatonia 1 l3Sfast 225 102 6 5 6 7 7 7S3 A Mott 8 LitFather GoldBoy Embroidy 21096 Uatonia 1133 good 435 100 3222 322220S3C 31 3i A Mott f LcoRay P Ilermis T Norman 20S3C Uatonia Im70y 142 fast 7 107 4 4 4 3 3201G5 32 331 A Mott 0 Leo Ray Bobllensley Liberator 201G5 Uexgton 1 l41hvy 415 107 2 7 7 G 4 4J1IA Mott 8 Gr Hughes St Heart Liathal 0127 Uexgton Im70yl43fast 9 105 8 5 S G 1 U A Mott 10 Tetan Brookflcld Brav 18313 Latonia Im70yl41fast 2320107 1874 33 2 A Mott 12 Bcrmudn Birka lies La timer THE GRADER b g 5 105 By Orlando My Fair Kentucky J T Hughes 0815 Uatonia Im70y l42 fast 10 107 1 1 1 1 21 2l A Mott J Royal IL WatcrWitcli 20533 Douglas 1 l43mud 4 108 1111 1 lc E Pool fi Hermuda Grnsvenor 1 Kearimn KearimnI2 20332 Churchill 1 11G lWfast 11 109 5322 5322202r I2 I1 A Mott 7 B Candle Blackthorn G Post 202r Churchill 1 11G l4iifast 41 110 7 6 6 5 62 5 i J Butwell 8 Bonanza Rohinetta Expection 20177 Uexgton 1 l41hvy 1C 102 5444 53 5 = 3 A Mott 0 Phosphor Gold Boy Einbdery 20128 Uexgton 1 140 fast 22 102 3 3 4 3 3172S3 2 ° 21 A Mott 4 Bra d Choice Sun Vega Chnrlier 172S3 Uoxgton 34 114 fast 29 110 2 33 Si 10 R Goose 11 SurcKet Bank Bill Scrapper ScrapperBy TRANSIT ch c 4 108 By Transvaal Resignation L H Johnson 21233 Uatonia 34 l12fast 29 109 S 88 4 43 J Domink 8 Tory Maid Usecit Miss Declare 21093 Latonia 34114 good 34 122 5 7 5 5202S9 41 5J J DoniinicklO R Goose AV Witch Impcratur 202S9 Churchill Im70yl44fast 151 109 8 7 7 4 4 o2J L Gaugel I Raoul Robinetta Altamaba 20177 Uoxgton 1 IMVJShvy 4S 105 2 5 G G G200GG G G J Domick 0 Phosphor Gold Boy Embdcry 200GG Lexgton Im70yl15 good 315 111 3 3 3 2 21 I2 J Domick 11 Requiram Wryneck Tener 17097 Uexgton 1 116 l47fast 2J 100 8 S 5 4 2i in F Murphy Wander Boly Iliil Ravenal 17026 Uexgton 1 116 155 hvy 195 102 4 1 1 1 1152S1 23 2 F Murphy 7 Robinetta Loveiand GallaniBoy 152S1 Uatonia Im70y 144 fast 1G 102 9 8 6 4 21 1 F Bobinsn 0 Raoul Bank Bill Surpassing SurpassingBy BROOM FLOWER ch f 3 95 By Broomstick Kildcor J H Stamner Jr 21211 Uatonia 3ll12 fast 12 9914 3 4 21 31 F Robinsn S Amazon Rcsgn J4ill 21065 Uatonia Im70y 146 hvy 5 90 2 3 4 4i 5 M Garner 7 Father Rlley Sosius Hard Ball 20929 Uatonia 1 116 145 fast 31 SO 3 5 4 4 420S3S 4 43 M Garner Waterbiossom LMIermis Hodge 20S3S Uatonia Im70y l41fast 1110 105 233 3 3l 3 W Median 7 Marlinos Day Day Busy Kdith 303S5 Douglas 31 l17hvy 225 911 44 4 2k M Garner 4 Dr Carmen Korfhage KKdltli 20317 Churchill 31 112 fast 148 93 2 22 3 3 M Garner Leocliares Clialmers W Witch WitchBy SKILES KNOB ch E 3 97 By Hurst Park Felicity Murrat W Fcuchter 211SG Latonia 31 113 fast 38 108 2 7 742 F Kcogh 8 Droll Impcrator TTsccit 21093 Latonia 34 114 good 395 IOS 2 3 93 D Stirling 10 U G se W Witch Imperator 20S71 I atonia 31 l12fast 26 109 2 4 G7 L Gentry i B and Stars Converse UnBryn 20776 Douglas 34 112 fast 40 106 4 7 115L Gentry II RSaudle MCassidy DCrmcn 20713 Douglas 31 l12fast IS 112 2 2 51UL Gentry 7 B Stars MFielder Converse 20330 Churchill 51 f lOGfast 246 109 3l 13 J Butwell 14 BandStars R Goose Huntress

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Local Identifier: drf1915062701_5_4
Library of Congress Record: