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: GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. An olln ial oinniuniiatieii made public by the war office ye-terday at Petrograd s.-ns: To the we-r i i Fridericbstadt Coarland the engagements Saturda] and Sunday continued to k of the same stubborn character a- previously. Developing their operations the German* siinullain ou-lv opened ul-ta !;s sgalnsl our troops on Tronceii. on the Lckau-Xeuhul railway, and against the village of Pir-schaten. In the direction of Vilna the lighting continues on approximately the same front. The enemy, having crossed to the right bank of the Nlemen In the region of olita. attempted Sunday to advance in the direction of Orany, on the remainder of the front along the middle Nlemen and toward the s i;ith as far a- the river Prinet our armies continue their retirement, covered by rearguards, which on Saturday repulsed a series of German attacks In the region of Lipik. inflicting heavy losses. Farther south our rearguards ar rested ■ stubborn offensive by strong enemy forces from the west mi the front of Praasany-Gorodttx. In the region of Vladiinir-Voh nsky the enemy, having changed the disposition Of his troops, continued Sunday lis offensive with strong forces la the direction of Vladimir-Volynaky and toward Lutsk. North of lighting lias occurred on both sides of the river Styr. state department officials disclosed yesterday at Washington that they do not expect modified practices under the British orders in council, announced by the British embassy, will cover the ".t neral British policy toward neutral shipping, against which the United states now is preparing its new protest. No concrete propositions for relaxation of interference with Shipping have reached the state department, it was Stated, and such general discussion of the subject as lias taken place will not affect this governments note to Great Britain now in preparation. Arrangements for assisting in the Identification of goods bought in Germany, bat not paid for before March I. which are designed to release quantities of American cargoes held up in neutral port . are at present being carried on extra-governmentaUy between the British embassy ami the foreign trade advisers of the state department. Those -tops, however, affect special cases ami are inn considered by American officials as a change in the attitude of the British government in regard to the reprenentatloaa by the United sia;es respecting neutral flipping. Tonnage taxes collected n the entry of American and foreign venae la in the foreign trade of the United State- dining the Dscal year ended June 30 were the largest in more than thirty years. :,g gregating 1,314.916, the department of commerce announced yesterday. This is .1a7 greater than for the previous Qscal year. British and French ships paid 92,094, or 01 more than during the previous year: German ships, which paid 1186.844 in 1914, thai year paid onij 5,871, nearly all of Which was paid in .Inly and early August. 1914. American -hip- paid 04,736, compared With ii. 445 in 1914. the increase being due mainly to tile ship registry act and the government war-risk Insurance on American shins, the increased receipts from American. Hutch. Scandinavian. Spanish. Italian and Japanese ships made good the loss of revenue from German ami Austrian ships. Bevenae from tonnage taxes, contrary to expectations, has remained undiminished iu spite of the Bur mean war. Gov. Dunne in Chicago ye-terday admitted thai he i- seriously considering Issuing a call for a special session of the legislature to it n out the kinks in the grain inspection and other state de "artment- due to the Crelgfaton decision in the Fergus suit attacking the appropriations of the leaf Mature on technical ground-. The govern r reached Chicago from Boston, where lie attended the conference of governors. Besides the legislative sanation, he took up tlie matter of appointing a warden to till the vacancy nt the Joint penitentiary. At tlie Hotel La Salle the governor -aid lie would talk to Attorney General Lncey on the legal points of the Fergus suit decisli n before making up his mind on the special -i --io- nuestion. He talked to Chief Grain Inspector John P. Gibbias on the manner in whicu nineteen grain Inspector- are now being paid under a loan arranged by W. L. OConaeU, chairman of the public utilitUs - ointnissioii. From Honolulu a dispatch of Yesterday says; The work of pumping out the drydock in which the recovered submarine I-t was placed last night was proceeding at an early hour this morning, and had been aim -t completed, only about an hoars work remaining to be doae. It has been discovered that the hull of the vessel was torn in three places dining the earlier stages of the attempts to raise if. Two of the boles were protected by mats, but one was unprotected, and it is now believed that during tin- past weeks the creatures of the sea have entered the imii and mutilated the bodies of the victim- beyond the possibility of recognition. It is expected thai the hull will lie opened some tiivn» daring tlie day. Meantime marines are guarding the drydock and preventing the public from ap preaching. Yesterday* baseball results — National League: Chicago -. New York 0 tirst game; New York 7. Chicago 1 second game; Pittsburgh 5, Brooklyn : irst now; Brooklyn ■■■ Pittsburgh 2 second same; Philadelphia 1. St. Louis 2 first game: si. Louis 7. Philadelphia 2 aecond game. American League: Detroit .. Chicago s: Washington 4. New iork 1 i first garnet: Washington :!. New York 2 second garnet: Cleveland i. St. Louis 0. Federal League: Pittsburgh *ti. Chicago 2 first ansae; Pittsburgh 5, Chicago 2 second game; Newark 8, Buffalo •". An Amsterdam dispatch of ye-terday says: The German government considers the Arabic incident closed .■.ml has declared it- willingness to punish the commander of the submarine which sank the steamer, according to a dispatch whicb has been received here from Berlin. There is reported to be considerable feeling in German militarist circles because of Chancellor von Bcthmann-HoUwega so called "weakness" toward the United Slates. The 1 Sited States scout ship Chester lias arrived a! anea. Crete, with 170 refugees expelled from Beirut, Syria, by the Turks. the refugees include citizens of all the quadruple entente powers, as well a- of several other nations. The Chester will return BOOB to Beirut for another shipload of Europeans who have been ordered out of Turkey. Another American warship i- expected at Canca with refugees from Aleandret ta. Asiatic Turkey. Ihe trouble in the South Wales, England, oal mining districts, which threatened to percipitate :i -irious strike, lias been Settled. the term- it settlement of the dispute have not yet been Ml daily published, but the representatives of the miners claim that the demands of the men have been i weeded. Growth of the in w Alaskan railroad construction tern inns at Anchorage, Alaska, from a wilderness si months ago to a city of 5,000 population today, with hiLr government realty transactions, is t .id in telegraphic reports to the interior department. A telegram from Haaahodi to Amsterdam says allied aviators destroyed last Saturday a large building at Ghent. Betgiam, used by the Germans for noosing aircraft.