Maisonneuve Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-01


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1 I i » r 7 1 -, [ 1:l ray. ! „„ . ; .,, " .7. I f" - - , J, , 7; Ij - ~ 1 * ! .. * _ I ii U II s - s 7 I 1 i 0 I 3 -J 5 I 0 1 :: •; 5 s 0 Ii 8 - " 25 6 * :: 1 • 11 • " • j • • • - 1 - | 15 o ,; • * - ,; - I ;, .68 e - .10 ,J. „, ■ J ., ". .13 i .61 14 . .19 ., j .17 - J .0:: m J69 i - :;: i "1 ;- .ta ■q .64 14 .12 12 J .12 12 .10 HI ■ .:::: - .11 II 2 .05 3 .16 10 Iihi " .IS 8 j .no * • .67 j .63 ■ • .69 r-l • ■»! I , .17 l . .17 • .16 ! . .12 258 -s ,- ."s 2 A .04 .67 j j .14 M . .07 .08 i,s " .13 ,■; .13 j:; 14 14 ■ 1- .2.. • .12 T:- .13 i~ .12 12 .19 Pi .12 ], .12 ,-] 1.: r: .11: 10 .«6 in; .01, nit .19 in .68 88 .67 07 .60 IM 1 .12 12 ■ .18 16 j .1. 17 .08 98 .09 00 .13 13 .11 II " .09 .66 06 .03 03 .04 04 .04 04 .11 11 1 .02 6* .07 . .12 .06 66 i .11 11 .13 .13 13 .63 07 .12 12 .33 33 .12 12 11 iT .os ,os .11 ,11 .18 .15 .07 07 .30 .30 .26 .211 .1 .17 . .11 .11 MAISONNEUVE PARK FORM CHART. s.,| same. MONTREAL. QUE. August 27.1915. —Sixth day. ta Matsonnenve Park Driving clui.s Second Meeting i — days. Weather claar. 22t 22616 l-i vsiding Jndge, Ed Cole. Starter. W. M. Max- Baeing Secretary, Martin Nataausou. 2260i lirstlta..- Anoat 3-8 Mile. Parse 00. ■■■ * year-olda and anward. Selling. Net valne to win v aei, 8223: second, 150: third. |25. lnd. not at. Wi. lin. Jockey. Op. 1. 22564 Eye White 114 11 .1 Pendergast 22588 Rky OBrien Ml -1 N Foden 2251* Miss Primity 10J 3* C Whymark 3 :: — 21379 Commack HI 4 A Pickens 3-2 i 01 22560 FYokendali 112 ■"! T McCnllongh 8 12 22866 Rye Strati 122 - I. Ganajel 2| i — 22515 Oemmell 114 7 L Jlunn, G :i Time IM.%. Track last. in: ia Winner S. Polks b. i;. 8. i,y Yanke. — Lady in — Waiting trained bj S. I.dki. Start ix». W.,11 easily; wroad and third driving, ar - :.: 22606 Second Baea 8 1-2 Fnrloaga. Pane 66. 3- ~Z vrarolds and upward. Selling. Nit value 0. win- •; itfi . 6223; second, 0: third, 5. — lnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Up. 1. j 2tS4S*Dom Moran MM 1- A Pickens Z i 2*S4S*N.Muehacho 11", -- W Oargan 3 I ™ 22886 J.UDenspsej 9S 3» C Whymark I" IS i, 22518- Ueialoba 16S 1- .1 DocUl 1-8 6-5 g 22421 sharp. Knlit 115 :, A Matthewa 3 6-5 %% 22501 Mini, si- 113 tis AV Doyle I I % 174X8 Cognc Rol ini"7 7 .1 DominJck »; W ~* 22012 Oaaary Maid M5 1ull.up. WYi.ung 4 i* Tini . 125. Track fast. ™ Winner— J. PhllBps eh. g :.. by Cxar— Adelaide Bayer trained by .1. flowara. Start good. Wea easily; aeeaad and third driving. lag. 22607 Third Ban 8 1-2 Piieaga. Pane 8360. :.- - !,, year-olds and upward. Selliug. Net value t" aria- I j. iter. 8223; second, 850; third. 5. lnd. Horse. Wt. Fill. lathe?. Op. CI. 22371 Droml IM l1 U I inland :: " — 22444zThomas HarelM -- L Oaagel 5 4 ~ 22560-1 . McFerran 167 H W Oargan 21 I 22517 Swede Sam W7 U A Pieheaa 1 I . 22542 Okolor.a 111 -"•- -I Uotniniek G 7 _• 22587 -Malik 11« S" W Doyle S 4 ■ • 22861ITlger Jim 113 73 T McCnllongh 2 21 ■ ■ 22r 80-i; dd. Lassie 104 S .1 Howard g i • • 22411 Learnence 112 Lost rider.NFodenS 8 • Time, 1:24. Track fast. 2" Winner — M. Bcccberg eh. h. 6, by Solitaire 1I-— Gnida .trained l T. A. I»avie-i. Stan goad. Woa baadBj : aeeaad and third driv- inc. K - s, 22608 Foarth Ban Aboa! 5-8 Mile. Pane 8300. ::- ;. i1 the year-olda and apward. Selling. Net value to win- [- A ner. 3223; second, 0; third, 823. ln.l. Hone. Wt. Fill. Jockey. Op, CL 22462 Tact less 116 ll M Griner 1 J-j = 22493 1 Indifferent 109 2 A Pickens ! *] £ 22SS6*Skeets 117 3* .1 Bauer 21 I £ 22326 Kdni. Adamsll7 4 1 Boland 7 7 "-, 22540 tOi-intar 117 :.4 Whymark 3-2 3 5; 22866 I.. ia],riei..usll. 1;- A Matthewa 16 13 ■ 22566 Some Kid 12U ".- .1 Garwood ii 7 ** 26346 Bzemplar 12,1 8 L B Miller ::u M fj Time, 1:00V5. Track fast. wimi.i W. ii. Coopers br. in. :.. by Orlando — ~* Tactfnl trained by . II. Cooper. 5 start good. Won drrriag; second and third the . ■ same. 22609 Fifth Ban Aboat 5-8 Mile. Pane 8366. 3- " u year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to win l" ,, net . 3223; second. 0: third. 5. n lnd. Bone. Wt. Fill. Jockey. Op. CL h 22M6*Sph-ella lT 1 W Hinphy :: 3j B no 22513 Major Heir 114 2" C Stanford i 2 22498 Hippocrates lis". :: .1 Howard ii I 22261 FYoatj Faee 165 41 A Plekena 21 2 e 22559 Muskmelon 111 ii W Vouiik 2 5 4 22866 Joe Oaitens 115 «1 .1 . McDowell 2] :: 22868 Johnnj Wis. 115 7" W Doyle 4 1 _ 22513 Gogget] W9 81 L Gangel 8 I 22866 Hapshurg II. WS 9 I Domlnlck K W Time. 146%. Track fast. /. Winner— I. Strikers b. ta, :.. i.y Ce«arioa— Bight " 2! Wild trained by 1. Striker!. 2! Star ,H,.i. Won bamllly; uceond sad third drtv- ■ 21 " 2, 22G10 Sixth Bare 6 1 2 Farloaga. Purse 8300. 5- • - Z year-olda and upward. Selling. Nil value to aria- l- 2 ne . 3225; second, 830; third, 123 lnd. Horse. Wt. Fin. locker. On. CL 22862* Miss FrancesKsJ r C Whymark 21 1 22502 Miss Snerwd i"s -J W Yoang 2 2| . 22487* Mud Sill H" 31 A Pickens 1 3 1. 22266 Tom Koch 101 4J .1 McDowell M 12 I. l22516Safolta 101 : W Hinph 7 s . i22223l. Van Zdt 103 81 L Gangel M 13 l« 22818 Mazurka 111 i -l Dominick 21 3 22371 His Lnniaa 1*7 ! W DoyU 1 1 = 22304 Paul Gaines "" 9 C Labell 12 26 4 2 22586 Curious 114 Iliup. A.Mattliew s 4 :: A iime. 1:63%. Track fast, Winner— J. B. Goodmans eh. 1. :. by Peep oDay iy — White Owl trii 1 i. I. is. Goodman. Start good. Won handily; seeead and third driv v 2 in_. : - 22611 Seventh Ban Ahent8-8Mfle. Parse 3360. ::- • year-olds and upwanl. Selling. N.t value to win D 2 aer 3223: second, ISO; third, 5. J 111,1. Hone. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. | 2tS46:Toison dOr 114 I3 W Oargan 3 2 22S66*JeS8up Barn 11 1 -- J Howard 1 1 63461 Constituent 114 D Boland • I 22325 Niia 112 4J A Pickens 3 2 22844 Duquesn, 122 »• T McCnllongh 31 S 22564i lie I.a.l-; lit W Hinphy 4 I Tim.-. 59?5. Track fast. Winner J. Phillips eh. t, 9, by Bines— Gold- ,.. J Bece trained by J. Howard. A Start good. Wen ea-ih: see 1 and third driving. _ - 22612 Eighth Ban -Aboal 5-8 Mil . Parse 3300. ::- 4 vear-ohls and upward. Selling. N.l v. due to v. in-13 ii- n.-r 25: second, 850: third. 325. lad. Horse. wt. Pin. Jockey. Op. CL 22863 * Jim Mallady lis ij i, Meripole 2 21 2 22498 Odd Crosa Hi 2 W Gargan 1 •" 2 22561 Arcei li " W Doyle 2 1 2 22511 Fawn 11 I • Dominick ■ 2 22563 . MacGinnis 113 5 W" Hinphy 8 1 2 22588 Col. Bandell 105 ■■ W Toung 12 2 21628 Ashokan 103 7 A Pickena I 3 2 22436 Delightful 113 2 2 Time. 86%. Track fast. S Winner .1. .1. Finnegans r. h. s. by Gtonoine ne 2 Main n il mined by J. Hurlej ,. start poor. Won driring; - il and third the he -Oil.

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Local Identifier: drf1915090101_3_1
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