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o o The small figure under "Str." shows the distance the horse was ahead of that r.cxt in the race. ; Tho small figure under "Fin.1"— unleus the horse won — shows the number of lengths the horse was I behind the winner. Weight to bo carried appears at top of column of weights in previous races. c — 1 1 — o FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile I/Iain Course. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, 20726— 1:11%— T— 123. index Course Dlst TimcTckOdds Wt St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish HE WILL, b. g. 3 112 By He no— Naughty Lady L. Feustel. 21708 Belrnoi t ::-: st 1:11 fast 3 MS 7 2 4 3* 321 W Lilley 7 Etruscan. Hanovla. Sherwood 21689 Boimonl 3-4 st l:ll~tast 20 M 9 7 7 8* : •• .1 p Ryan 9 Phosphor, Ten Toiut, Flflnny 21627 Belmont 3 4 i:l3*;,fast 12 122 7 8 7 101 10-* J P Ryan 11 Polarius, Vladimir, Feninouse 21235 Aqueduct 1-4 1:14 faat M 182 7 6 E 4* 3»J w Lilky T WdaPltxer. EXruaean. H.Barbee roalca S f l:0t%faat 9-5 103 3 2 E i- 2- J McCahey C Phosphor, Garbage, Watertown unont 3-4 l:13%faat 1-2 112 6 11 1* 1?£ W Ural 7 Chesterton. Forecast, Sliuman 20r,G7 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 1 185 3 2 2 lnt 11 «y Lral 5 Hurakan, Cn.Jimmie. Rroomlcaf : 20000 H.deGce 61 f 1:06 fast 2 105 2 1 1 1- 21 W Ural 11 Andrew, Carloue. Deviltry 19970 Bowie 7-8 l:27%fast 15 9ft 6 2 5 6 6 618JW Ural 0 Joe Deibold. Col to, Isidora 18440 ELdeGce 51 f l:0S%good 4-5 181 9 6 8 6J 5* J McCaheyl2 Nin. Simplex, Carlone. CI. Haver. TRUE AS STEEL, b. g, 4 114 By Broomstick— Loyal P. S. P. Randolnh. 21930 Aqueduct 3-4 1:l3%fast 5 ill 3 3 3 31 4-;.i Bntwell 6 Pollux, Othello. Grumpy 21728 Belmont 8-4 at l:12%tast 2J 107 1 1 1 1« 1 T McTafTl 15 Grumpy, D. of Dunbar, Striker 21652 Belmont 3-4 1:14 fast 6 119 1 1 1 2 V P Lowder 10 Gnat, Sherwood, Palanquin 21406 Aqueduct 6] f l:20%slow 8 104 3 3 3 31 4*1 Jl Buxton 4 Tlioniliill. Leo Skolnv. Prairie 21217 Jamaica 3-4 l:18%faat 8 115 2 2 3 3" 2* P I.owder S Talecarrk-r, Andes. Blnekthoro 20233 Pimlico 3-4 l:lS%faat 13-5 10S 3 2 2 4= 63 O Turner 8 Water Lady, W.Pitzer, Corsica n B0157 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 10 112 l 1 2 32 43 P Goldatn 8 Banea, Andrew, Protector 29118 H.doOoe 3-4 l:13%good 15 104 3 1 2 3- 5*J C Turner 6 P. Bleu. H. Simide, H. Temple 18805 Cbarlen l f l:0a%hvy 9-5 104 3 2 3 3»t 5* J Smyth 7 Boxer, Squecler. Col. Tom Green 18709 Charlen Eft t 1M hvv 10 10fi 2 112 t J McTagrt 8 Celesta. Water Lady, Ancon 18S59 Char!e"n 3-4 1:15 fast 21 104 3 2 2 31 44l J McTagrt 8 W. Lady, Cudaunted. H. Shaw PRESUMPTION, b. g. 6 109 By Golden Maxim — Proud Duchess J. HacMandnuiV 1.75 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 fast S 112 7 9 8 1- 713 M Buxton 1 1 Con. Tower, Oorstcan, Palanquin 21S82 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%tast 25 115 3 3 8 21 l«k M Buxton ! M. Specs. Palaiuiuin. TJnkleBell "10O1 Aqueduct 3-4 l:13%fast 17-10 110 3 E 4 32 34 M Buxton 7 Helen Barbee, Volant, Orotund 31127 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%fast 2 107 1 1113 1=1 M Buxton 7 llnrak.-in. Orotund, Coy !0753 Belmont 1 l:S9%fast 8 110 3 2 2 6 6 68J M Buxton i Bac. Q. M. Miller, Astrology 20566 Belmont 61 f l:20%good 3 115 2 2 2 2- 2»1 M Buxton 5 D. Shore, Beethoven, Astrology 20439 Belmont 61 f 1:21 mud 21 105 1 1 1 22 221 M Buxton 5 Thoruhill, Astrology, Spearhead 9028S Churchill 3-4 l:12%faat 6J 111 3 2 3 4 5s W I.illey 10 Hawthorn, Muznik, The Norman SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON, ch. g, 4 112 By Isidor— La Tosca II. E. J. Travers. 21215 Jamaica 8-4 l:13%faet i 114 1 6 4 1and ink c Bfame 0 Minstrel, Hiker. Grapesbot 2ii"i Jamaica 1 1-18 1:49 faat 4 112 1 1 1 2 -U 5"iR Troxler 5 CamelUa, Valentine. Gcud-Prime .« " Jamaica 3-4 1:13 slow 20 117 3 4 E C1 53 II CaTanh 8 Albena, Superhuman, Minstrel 20875 Jamaica 3-4 l:13%taat 40 112 9 6 7 El 54"; 11 Caranh 15 Dinah Do. Oatlook, Tinkle Bell 20796 Belmont 7-8 1 :2t:%fast 6 112 2 3 4 5 5"1 5iriJ llcCaboy 6 Holy, Prairie, Dinah Do 29232 Pimlico 1 l:41%fast 29-10 109 Gil 1 11 1" A Schufg*rl2 Coin. Nome, Miss McGlggle 20222 Pimlico 5-8 l:01%fast 7-5 117 4 11 25 2l E Taplin 10 Albena, Rosemarine. Deviltry SARSENET, br. g. 8 102 By Ogden— Courtplaster R. T. Wilson! . 22573 Saratoga 3-4 l:l*%fast 13 Id E E I 4:; Is A Collins ft Istrooe, Fonmoase, Evelyn C. 2131". Saratoga 5.. f l:io%goodl7-10 111 7 7 6 ll U .1 Batwell - Evelyn C, Banto, llenlo Park 22068 Saratoga 3-4 l:l«%hvy S-5 ]00 4 3 3 41 6"AJ MeCaheylO Anal Joaie, Gallon. Freeman 22016 Saratoga 3-4 1:14 slow 9-5 9S 1 1 3 2* 2" J McCabey b E.DeUing, D.ofDunlmr. Hlnetrel 21471 Aqueduct 8-4 1:18 slop 13-5 109 5 4 4 4» 4ld I MeCaaejr 6 Polarius. Chesterton. Cov 23144 Pimlico 3-4 !:13%fast 12 1« E 4 6 01 512 W Cral 0 Kewesaa. Mamie K., Volant 2 "j7 H.deGCO 5J f l:06%fast 41 108 7 6 7 4" 6*1 J McCahey S CettO, Norse Kin*. Lady Teresa 20033 H.deOCO 51 f 1:08 slow 21 S5 3 3 3 33 V J McCahey 7 W. Pitzer, C. Field, Belamour 20017 H.deGce 5-8 59%fast 8 111 7 7 4 3 irl J KcCaheyl3 NorseKinc, Protecrr. N. Simplex 18478 H.deOce 51 i 1 :07 fast 7 lAl 4 6 C EaaT"U McCahey 8 Haaaaa. Between Ua, Btal.Helag GLOAMING, ch. c. 3 105 By Star Shoot— Autumn Leaves R. T. Wilson. 53 Saratoga •:,. f 1 .■ s Cast 23 Mt 11 7 0 6" 4" .1 McCahey 14 Huntress, San Vega. Bev. James 22467 Saratoga. 3-4 1:13 fast 8 102 3 1 2 1] :.7 .1 McCahey 9 W. Pitrer, Penmouse, H. Barbue Saratoga Eft t lrt8%fa8t 13-5 Ml 7 I 7 B 3* J McCahey 11 Tinkle Bell, Forecast, Korfbagi Saratoga 3-4 1:18 hvv S 118 4 4 5 8* 732 J McCahey 7 Fenmonse, LadyBnrbary, Quart! 20488 Belmont 5 I st l:05%slow 10 97 5 4 4 3 8«§ J McCahey 6 T.othHora,. T.Finn. Kaakaskia Belmont 7 -8 l:2S7,-,mud 20 97 2 2 2 3 3 8*»iC Watson 3 Plying Fairy. Raxaaao 18462 H.deGco 51 f l:07%fast 8-5 10G 3 4 4 * 4si A Schuar 4 Broom Flower. Alhena. Gaelic 18353 Pimlico 51 f 1:0S fast 8-5 113 1 3 2 2» 1" .1 McCabei » Kagle, Sarsenet, Protector 17654 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 0 115 10 6 5 6" C» J McCab-y Jfl !. Jnnlor. Hanson, Disilln= ion 16996 Belmont 51 f st l:«i6%fast 11-5 108 3 4 3 2 I2 J McCabey fl Hanson, Rhine Maiden, M. Girl -•isrs ivimont 51 f st l:08%fast 5 ins 4 11 21 3« .1 MeTar*rtlO Spshooter. H. Martyr. AstroloRM DOUBLET, br. g, 3 113 By Disguise — Fairy Slipper A. L. Kramer. !1?87 Belmont 1:44 fast 17 10 1.. 4 S 3 2 3 V * -ftj tucker 5 Lit-Nearer. Perth Bock. H.Paas 21647 Belmont 1 1-16 l:46%fast 10 102 2 1 1 3 2. Bll J McTagrt 1 Virile, Vodeles, old Ben 21364 Aqueduct 11:46 slop 4 U3 4 2 1 4 4- :.:-.I McCahey 5 AH Smile*. Saratoga. L. Teresa •1442 Aqueduct 1 l:47%slow 7-10 r.o 211 1 1" l3 J Tucker 4 S. and Strines. S:n_soi:f: Kilcrea 21183 Jamaica 1 1-16 1:47 fast 18 100 2 2 2 2 1"» 2" J McTagrt .". Anialfi. Alhena. t»rlin Krlpn Jamaica 1 1-8 l:S5%fast 0 188 4 2 3 3 l* 4s .r Dreyer 5 Amalfl, Spearhead, WoodeoSfaoes 20781 Pip. Rk Ab 1 l:42%faat S-5 109 8 8 7 5 45 411 D Davport S Absconder, Star Gase. Ben Dale 20592 Belmont 11:43 fast 5 13! 5 4 3 2 lak 11 .1 Tucker 7 Virile. Spearhead, Ambrose 20440 Belmont 3-4 st 1:12 mud 10 111 S E E 51 .V-5 M Buxton 7 Phosphor, Half Boelc. Saratoga 18013 Laurel 51 f l:10%slop 4-5 107 7 E 4 4 2ll .1 Butwell : Protector. A.N. Akin. N.Bunples 16992 Belmont S si r.9-r,fast S-5 lit 1 4 5 B* 8*1 J Kederis 7 Srpshooter. Sarfenet. Watertown 16270 Saratoga 61 f l:06%fast 21 103 1 3 2 l l2 J Kederis 0 Montroaa. Charter Maid, Quarts W03 Saratoga El f l:07%mud 11-5 108 1 2 1 1* 1* J Kederis 11 Ckange, Broom leaf. Grecian 16123 Saratoga 5 f l:66%faet ! W 1 7 E r- f A Keyloa ; Moatroaa. Royal Martyr, Fearock SONG OF VALLEY, b. g. 4 112 By Isidor— Queen of Song F. Tannehill. 219-.1 uuei!uet 1 lrlr-.iast r. 108 10 8 9 C 21 2h T McTagt 11 Dr. Duenaer, Guy Fisher, Napier 2191° Vqueduet ll:39%fast 15 1:17 2 3 3 3 3* 31 J McTagrt fl Albena, Volant. Napier 21820 Aqueduct 1 l:3S%faat 20 1W 5 4 2 2 24 8*4 J McTagrt 0 Bac, Lahore. Talecarrier 21710 Belmont ll:4H;,fast 20 110 14 14 14 15 1C2 15*» M M* thews 17 Dry -id. Nsnier. Tinkle Bell 21612 Aqueduct 3-»l:i4%fast 15 169 13 9 8 7- 6-J1 Steward 14 Outlook, Plntajrcnot, Men. Park 21560 Aqueduct 3-4 l:16%slop 25 102 S S 7 52 3" M Mthewa !• tsirose, PianUgenet, S.111 Vega -t:c4 A.iueduet 3-4 1:15 fast 20 112 9 8 3 SJ 73J R WaldroiiH Palanquin, Hiker, San Vega 21219 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:48%faat 7 102 4 3 1 1 2 4s M Mthewa 8 OSnllivan, Soehenge, HermisJr 21171 Jamaica SI f 1:87 fast G 114 S 7 7 4- 4" R Waldroull Penmonse. Plantagenet, Minstrel 21105 Jamaica El t l:07%fast 12 112 I 6 4 4s 4s! 1! Lafferty 8 Bfkrldge. G. Bdge, M.B.Babank* TIE PIN b. g, 3 107 Bt Armeath II. — Tei San J. S. Ownbey. 21471 Aqueduct 3-4 1:18 slop 28 111 1 5 6 52 B" M Mthewa » Polarius. Chesterton. Coy 18444 h deQce 61 f P07«igood 7 103 4 3 4 4° Hi Lafferty 8 Dr. Larrick. Alhena. Reflection 18379 Pimlico ;,i f i:*-fnst 10-5 115 5 S E P ."ill Lafferty 7 Mamie K., Change, Ply Home 18319 Pimlico 3-4 l:i3%fast 01-10 104 1 4 4 31 8*1 H Lafferty 9 Cant. Parr. Egmont, Racy Laurel B 1 1:07 faat 7 M8 5 6 2 t«* ll H Lafferty 11 FairHelen, Capt.Parr, Harlequin MARYLAND GIRL. ch. f. 3 105 By Peter Quince — Miss Simplicity Mrs. R. I.Miller ■*lxi9 iueduct 61 f l:18%faat B8 112 2 E I 8 9** R Troaler • Volant, Xonreddin, Outlook Belmont 3-4 st l:12%fast 3 96 Left at tbe post. .1 McKTer 15 T. as Steel. Grumpy. D.ofDunbar Pimlico 7-8 1:28 slop 168 92 I 5 5 T. 6 o".i p Ryan 7 Coraiean, Boxer, Paker 20144 Pimlico 3-4 L:13%fast l"0 95 C 5 5 6 8HJ P Ryan •: Kewesaa. Mamie K.. Volant 17689 Laurel 5?. f l:07%fast fid 109 6 5 E 5l 54i J Kederis 13 M.srgomery. Mallard, Caveroek 17532 Laurel Si f t:07%fast 17 104 1 2 2 4 • .1 McTagrt 8 C".nt. Stalwart Helen, Ragle 17516 Empire ? - 1 :»!»-last 2 112 3 4 3 2. z- C Turner • Carerock. Marvelous. Htograpb 17491 Empire 6- f l :o7i:-!i"ast S-5 1"7 2 111- ]"•■ J McTagrt 5 Change. Os. Maid. Gainsborough 17456 Empire 5 S l:01%faat 51 101 1 1111 V PetroB 0 llecto«rapli. Marvelous. Leda