Woodbine Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-22


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WOODBINE PARK FORM CHART. TORONTO. ONT.. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 21, 1915. — Woodbine Park. Third day. ario Jockey Club." Autuinn Meeting of 7 day-. Weather clear. Pi. siding Steward. Joseph A. Murphy. Presiding Judge-, 1 raneis Nii-011. Starter. A. P Dade Rnc-!■ g S.nelary, V. P. Pla-:. Racing staris at 2:!.-» p. m. 1 Chicago tinie I:1.i p m.i. Mndleates apprentltf aHowaace. QQI J T~ FiBJET RACE 3-4 Mile. 174S1 1:11-.. -1; 1I7~ P-cl Plate! XlToo Added All Ages. 0-Lt3C" Maiden-. auadian foaPd. Special Weights. Net value to wininr $".imi; .•nt1 l, SlIHi; third. $:iO. Index Horses AWtPPSt ; 1.. :t4 Str Pit Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 228571 DOROTHY CRLIN w 2 03 s 4 :;i L : 2- 1"- A Collins D A Campbell 313M0O 22964 SIR ABTHUB WB 4 1X1 2 I 74 8" ::»» ;» T Rice J Hendricks 5B0-KV. 21291 RAVENCOCBT W •". 10S 7 3 I* l 1] :!« A SchurR Vev ell 005-100 22431 SHROVETIDE a . 10H I I s 1,1.1. 5 1» T Haves c- Miliar 1720-100 230S1 i Pi TO w I 07 I I 4 8J 4* U R McD olf.l 1 Seagram 21902-tor MLK a 3 188 1 7 «.i.k t .. t J Smyth J E Seagram t 22931 OFFERTORY wa : 188 I I V 71 V 7* 3 atorys Queen City stable liuo-bw 22857 WILLI Wl V. wt: 2 .■. 1: !■ ;. !» | j v- B I.eown Walk-r v.i-io- ley Coutiaued on second page. , s , a j ■ I , ; , , J J , , * , ] [ ; I I ■ , , i [ I i I i i i i . "i i S . 1 . . e 5 ;. - ,, . - j! . jj " , _ ■ L* 2 0 0 j - -. - ;, i. ,i ,, -| - - ,, a ,- ,- - WOODBINE PARK FORM CHART. Continued from first page. 22381 WATEBDOWN wa 2 03 i 5 1» f | | j CalteteanJ S Hendrle l.:ir,-iuo tConpled in betting. lime. 23%. 48%, 1:16%. Track good. mntoels paid. Dorothy Carlln, 904.00 straight, 923.10 place, 1.00 snow; Sir Arthur. 98.50 place, .50 show: Raven. -01111. .70 snow. Fquivalent booking odds — Dorothy Carlin. :!130 to 100 struiglO. 1055 to 100 place, 450 to 100 show: sir Arthur, 325 to 100 place, 175 to 100 show: Barenconrt, Fs." to 100 show. Winner -H. 1. by Cay Boy -Taunt trained by D. A. Caiiipbelll. Went to post at 2:10. At P"st 3 minutes. Start :.i»il and -low. Won driving: second and third the Sum.-. DOROTHY CARLIN" raced in cb.se pui-uil u, the anal eighth, then moved up ami. after .lis|„,M,ii; of BAVBNCOTJBT, outstayed SIR ABTHUB. The tetter began slowly, but .dosed a gap and Rnrshed uiih rusb. RAVFNCOlRT showed speed, but tiled right at the end. SHBOVETIDE was going fastest at the finish. Scratched — 22.107 Oekdene, 105. Grerwetejhta — Alecto, 4 pounds. 4 Q I /I 1 B* Wl I » P.ACi:-3-4 Mile. I74S1 1:11 % 0 117. i Curiagh Plate. 9999 Added. O 1 T 1 :: eai-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to wi.ni-r 33; seeOnd. 00; tiilr.l. n. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % - Str Fin .lockeys Owners Eniiv. Odds StrT 23070 -CROSSBIN WB 4 112 I :: 1 k :.- 1» W K.-lsav R I; Stelle 64U IO0 23045* KO P.IK wis :: SB 1 I P» J* .I1 2* A Collins T .1 Klwai.l 567J MM 22796 H FT WE KN IS wb 3 112 11 6 9* |ak i» j W WartonH Boyle 40B-100 22933 YADolKKP wa 5 109 in 5 :: 2- * P .1 Callahan Palace Stable 125-loa 22365-I.OIUACIUX wa 5 lot I 8 7* 7» 6* B* K McDottF Maaaiili ;:::v-,-ioo 22432* PAIR HELEN w 3 95 S 4 :. t 4 C* .1 Morya .r Phillips 7:m too 22961*P.1P1M:a w 5 os :i :i Mi ai si 7nk e Forehil J C Fletcher 739VM9 23076 MRKLICKA Wl t 105 7 2 T S1 7. 31 .1 Srnvth W P Fine 27JO-HM 22935*TWIl.I ;ilT w :: !»4 S lo !i- 11 1_ » A X.-rger B Lew :;:;i:, but 22885*C.RO NOME w 4 95 1 7 11" HI S» 19] B Graves P .1 Miles I 22961 :;*N H LVDOO wo 4 !is]-1l in.. j 111. 11" W McClrv.I O Byrne 2200-100 22968*E1.LA IBNNINGSwa 3 UV. 5 12 12* 12 W 12" T Haves B Kelly t 22970-K I Nt; RADFORD WB 5 105 13 13 13 13 13 13 A SchugrH Neusteter f vMuluel field. Time. 22"»4. 472,5. l:13-»5. Track good. mutuels paid. Crossbun. 4.89 siraigiit. .40 place. *5.!io show: Kopje, 4.10 place, 8.80 show: Between Fs, .50 show. Fquivalcnt lnjoking odds— Crossbun. 040 to 100 straight, 320 to 100 place, 196 to 100 show; Kopje, 2105 to 109 place, 840 lo 100 show; Betaeen Ps, 175 to 100 show. Winner — Br. f. by Peter Pan — Lucy Cross trained by C. J. Casey. Went to post at 2:52. At post 3 minutes. Start good am! slow. Won driving: second and third the same. CB08SBUN was outrun to the stretch turn, but came throanrb OB the inside and. Bnlshlnc fast, g.o u i in the Ana] strides. KOPJE, a forward contender from the Start, came again and outgumed BETWEEN IS. The latter quit after drawing into he had when entering the homestretch. The winner was entered for 0O: no bid. Scratched— 22725 Katharine ».:.. 97; 230451. Jim I... 103; 22305 Joe Finn. 109; 22740 Starcress. 103; 22725 Bamboo. 98. Overweights — Meellcka, 5 pounds: Twilight. 5: Bite Jennings. 21: King Radford. 5. h k Q 1 /j fc THIRD RACK — 1 Mile and 20 Yards. 20550—1 :45V-,—:;— 00. i Lexington Plate. 2 O J. ~C 2 1915.sh09 Added. 3-yoar-olda and upward. Selling. Net value to winner .00; second. 00: third. 0. In ocx. Horses AWtPPSt U 3 % Sir Fin Jo.-ke.vs Owners Equiv. Odds Str7! 23007-*.I.SiON wo 3 89 0 4 1- 1« 1". 1- I] A Collins G H Mailman 610 1*1 23078 STIR UP w 3 105 4 8 3 O* 31 3J 2" J Smyth L A Livingston It. NO 22569 CHANCE wa 3 1031 1 2 «;nt s 5*4* IiW Keteay W E Tamsen 1985-10"i 23082"Si.Ki: AND CAP w 4 101 7 7 4* S 2* -• C F. Forehd L W Garth 200-MO 229361CAI.LOI wit 4 HO • 3 7»J S" 4. 5 .""-.I CullahanMarrone Stable *£ l ■» i22949*MOONLIC!lT WB 6 100 I S M T»t S 6S .. Cruise C Brant 7095-100 23082 AS 1ROLOCKR WB 6 1101 ■ 1 3« 41 7l 7 7" T Rice T J Elward 573 UK- 22935*SHi;R. HOI. MPS wis o 07 g I »» 2 ti1 S S S Brown W Walker 4771 !" Time. 2435, 48%, 1:15, 1:41%. 1:43% new track record. Track rood. mutuels paid, Alston, 4.20 straight. 1915.sh.50 place, .00 show; Stir Pp. 2.80 place. .10 show: Change. .10 show. Bqniralent bcking odds— Alston, 010 to 100 straight. 225 to 1C=0 place. 130 to 100 show; Stir Dp, 540 to 100 place. 255 to 100 show; Change. 355 to 108 show-. Winner— B. e, by Albert star — Presentation trained by C is. Marlmain. W.nt to post at :::24. At post :; minutes. Start go. .1 and slow. Win driving: second and third the same. ALSTON took the lead quickly and cut across in front of the others, then led easily to the last eighth, where be began to tire. STIR IP moved up rapidly after entering the homestretch, hot tired right at the end. CHANCE finished fast and was catching the leaders with every stride. ASTROLOCKR quit early. The winner was entered for 1915.sh00; no bid. Overweights stir Pp. 4 pounds; Change. :: : str.dcger. 2j. fc O 1 /| *_ FiTfRTH RACK -About 2 Miles. New Course A 230!t:; — 1:27.— 0— 152. 1 Ninth Run J O JL jb O »teg Woodbine Autumn Steeplechase Handicap. 09 Added. 3-year-otds and na- ward. Net v.ilin to arhsner 1915.sh90; second. 00; third. 0. index, Horses AWtPPSt 4 8 12 ~T5 Pin .locK.-ys Owners Fqniv. Odds ?.i r t 23079- ynosiri: w o 107 l :: s 4 1". l- v .1 Russell c, p Sherman T~~ -, 22699STI CCO w 4 140 2 1 4" V 3 2* 2* F Willnis L W Garth 415-1* 22568 I ROPAKOI.FM ws 8 140 E 2 U 21 22 :P :i" .1 Smith 1 W Peur.lmore 1 7" NO 23079 Cil PON ws 7 ISO :; 4 21 1 .". S 4" H Crawfd W Smith 1440 IOS 22899 BBYNDOWN m 5 154 ti G I 5 41 4?. 5 B WoUte J K L Ross 295 KM 23l79 OLD SALT w o 150 4 I oi Fell. E Burke E A Hurke ISO HW Time. 4:22% i new tra.k record i. Track good. mutuels paid, Cynosure. 0.30 straight, .00 place, .39 show; Stucco. .30 place. .00 show; Tropaeolam. .00 sho. Kquivaleni booking odds — Cynosure. 715 to 100 straight. 145 to KM place, 05 to 100 show: Stucco. 115 to 108 place. Ml to 100 show: Tropaeolum. 100 to 100 show. Winner — B. g. by Star Shoot -Mercurial trained by C. P. Sherman. Went to post at ".:54. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driv- ing. CYNOSUBG fenced well, moved Dp gamely when going to the tenth fence and. taking an easy had. withstood a challenge from STUCCO at the thirteenth jump, then drew away again. STUCCO tired in the I -I eighth. TROPAFOI.lM showed speed for the first turn of the field. OLD SALT fell at the eighth lamp. | /» /• FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 174M 1 : 1 1 ::. -0—117. i Michaelmas Handicap. 00 Added. 2»_ Q JL 41: 4x: 2 -_a___ Net value to winner 20; second. third. 0. Iu.ie Horses AWtPPSt Ct Vj % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Fqniv. Odds Strt 23077.NDI.l-: w 113 M 1 S 5* ::- 1- W WartonA C Parretto 1405-100 22346 RAMRI w 101 3 4 l1 2 1" 2" A Ctever A Turney 953 MO 23077 SPS OF PLEASURE wa 108 I 8 5* 1 •«• 9* E Porehd G M Hendrle 605-160 22792 PROHIBITION WB 112 2 E J* r.uk 6* 4H R McDotttJ Arthur 145-100 23977-loi.ITE wn los d 2 T» ul 6" 5»1 J CallahanR B StaUa 570-100 2307V MILESTONE WB 106 1 1 - 4* 4*1 0* W Keteay R J Austin 1240-100 23077 AUDREY AUSTIN WB 98 7 • !■ 7l 7- 7»1 A Collins T J Bird 7245-100 23077MMIII.ISTINF w 105 4 ti S f B s- .1 Smyth .1 E Seagram 1675 100 229671:1.1 E CAP w 108 5 7 «l V !» ►»* N Burger W F King 4305-100 22795 RESERVE w u 105 110 10 10 10 10 J Morya Keystone Stable 7245-100 Time, 22*5. 47. 1:1525. Track good. mutuels paid. Candle. $.".1.30 straight, 1.30 place, 1915.sh.! o show; Rambi. 1.00 place. . SO show; Sands of Pleasure, .S4..".o show. Equivalent bookina; ...Ids— Candle. 1405 to 100 straight. 405 to 100 place, 245 to 100 show: Bambi, 480 to 100 place, 290 to 100 show: Sands of Pleasure. 115 to 10O show. Winner Ch. g. by Charles Edward — Torchlight trained by J. F. Richard mi i . Went to post at 4:32. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. CANDLE followed the pacemakers closely for the tirst half, then moved up gamely in the homestretch and swerved to the inside in the lust eighth, bur won guio* away. RAMRI set a fast pace nearly all the way and outstayed SANDS OF PLEASURE. The latter began siowlv and wa- forced to go to the outside to get up. PROHIBITION had no mishaps. _______ Bambi, 4 pounds. £ * t /j pr SIXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. 82060 — 1 :40% — 4—090 Minora Handicap. 00 Added. £tj A. TCP ■•-year-olds and npwaid. Net value to winner 75; second. 00; third. 0. index Horses _W__j__ Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 2308u COMMONADA w ■■ 10=1 1 1 V 1" 1 I 1* .1 CallahanR .1 Austin SO MO 23080 PLATE GLASS w ! 192 - 2 2s 2" 2s J- f* A Ctever Thoracliffe stable 270-106 23078 PRIME MOVER w :: 93 • I :: I S 3 A Collins 1. A Livingston ;;iu WO Time. 23*. 47*5. 1:13%, 1.-41%, 1:49. Track good. mutuels paid, Commonada, .60 straight: no place luutuels sold. BquiraVent booking odds — Commonada, so to 100 straight. Winner — Ch. c. by The Commoner Nevada trained by A. L. Austin i. Went to post at 4:54. At post 1 minute. Start Rood and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. COMMONADA set a good pace, was on the inside all the way. shook PLATE CLASS off m the last Quarter and drew away into a long lead. PI. ATP. «;1.. SS was hard ridden to outstay PRIMP MOVER. The latter finished gautob ■ i • | /I £* SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 0900U 1:40.-, 4 00. i Sundown Plate. .*70O Add. .1. _j Q J. jrO :; year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner s md. 00: third, s..o. Index Horses AWtPPSt U % % Str Fin Jockeys Owoiers Odds SUt 23082 HARRY LAUDER wa 5 los 9 7 :a :. • ::- i. p.k u McDott.l P Sweeney 250 W0 22962».PRISA wb 4 105 10 C 4 * Q 2- 2* T Hayes .1 C Fletcher 915-100 22800-Cl irVIIPNK WB 7 10., I I P 71 4 4 ::. B FonhM I. W Qarth 590-100 22793*sfprf.ME v 4 los 4 :: ! l". !■* :;: 4* N Burger W K Tamsen 253 lot B3882*ST RATH EARN 4 105 I 2 l| J» 5 5" 5 .1 Alt Q M Hendrle 1325 my S9943*SUBPASSINO wn 4 105 :; 4 i; 61 6* •; A Collins .1 C Haaaen 1395 loo 22960 "MISS WATERS w 4 lo5 I 1 V 4 7- 7- 7* J Morya F .1 Pons 2745 100 22775 II RSI STAR rl 195 V 5 : •■ 8 si s; M w McCIryT Eggers t339s-10a 23010 SEPILVEDA WB 8 113 E lo in lo V !»s 9* .1 Callahan E K Hrvson 1676 !M 22799 pont an a no : I 7" 914 10 io T Rice t Harry t iMutuel field. Time, 24V5, 48%. 1:14%, 1:41, 1:48. Track pood. mutuels paid. Harry Lauder. .00 straight. .00 place, .00 show: Aprtea, So. 10 place, .99 show; Cuttvhunk. .oo show. E.piivaieiit booking odds -Harry Lauder. 250 to 1H straight. 139 to 190 place. SO to 100 show; Aprisa, 220 to 1oo place, 115 t.. IIHI show: Cuttyhmik. loo to loo show. Winner Ch. g. by llermis Jbansl M. Kenna trained by A. R. Brrsler. Weill lo post at 5:20. A! lost 2 minutes. Stall good and slow. W.n driving: second and third the -nine. HARRY I.APDER followed the leaders !•■ the stretch turn, then moved np on the out side and had to be hard ridden to outstay aprisa after passing SUPREME. APRIS .» came aga u in tie- last sixteenth and Bnishetl Raining on the winner. ciTTVlllNK dosed a big gap. The winner was entered for 00: no bid. Scratched 23082 Fenrock, 102; 23082 Clitt Edge. WS; 23082 Louise Trav.rs. 106; 23076 Steitota, 15; 20t0Hrin Deep. 00.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1915092201/drf1915092201_1_10
Local Identifier: drf1915092201_1_10
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800