Second Race [2nd Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1915-09-22

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SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 7840— 1:11%— 3— 91. CHESTERTON, ch. c. 3 110 Bv The Scribe— Penitence II. J. MacManus. 230W H deGce 3-4 l:14%£ast 7 IM 5 7 8 6| 1JC Bmime 13 Prairie. Gloamiog. Scorpli .:...•.". H.deGce 3 I 1: 14% fast 10 MK 11 B »i t 7; C Bgame 13 N.iusuon, Lnther. Tbougbtreader 227. ; i;. inioiit 3-4 st l:ll%fasl 10 104 13 I 11 11 8*1 C Turner lfi Tin.Bell. GMaming. Humiliation • Ilelmonl Si f 1:21 fast 17. MS • I E •■ ":j C Turner 14 SIrW. Johnson. Santo, Carlton G. 22471 Saratoga 3-4 l:14%fast 15 I".", s 13 12 12 R"?.B Ott 13 Kvetyn C Jesse Jr., I PTll Flail 22400 Saratoga 51 f l:08%fast 27, KM 9 7 s C 1*1 B Ott 11 Tinkle Bell. Forecast, Gloaming ALHENA. b. g. 3 102 Bv Star Shoot— Belle of Glendale J. F. Adams i. H.deGc !.i,7 ■■ i : i.;ir.f:ist 7 87 S 3 2 2 2s 3 L Mink !• Ambrose. Bobinetta, El Biod 22557 Saratoga I 1: 12% fast i; !•! 8 « 7 7 ::: ;:!i T Henry !» Borgo. Robinetta. Counterpart 225*19 Saratoga 1 1:43 flow E MM 8 2 2 2 2- 4*f . M Ink B Volant, Booker Bill. Carlton G. 22477 Saratoga ! 1:43 mod liV5 l«f. 4 3 2 :: V ■, .1 McCabey T Caritou G.. Squeeler, fbtreader 2.171 Saratoga 3-4 l:14%faat 10 112 I 11 • 7 s-?. ITbtber 13 Brelyn C. Jeaae Jr., Peril Fish P.EVELRY JAMES, ch. g. 3 97 By Star Ruby — Ladv Lindsey Lissberger-Jacobs. 23083 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fas! 88 88] 1 4 4 ** 4* .1 Iiiz 11 Sarsenet. Striker. Scallywag 2257.3 Saratoga 51 f l :08 fast L1* MM G 2 3 2- 3G K l-apail1el4 Huntress. Baa es;i. Gloaming 22473 Saratoga f.1 f 1 :0!4iinu l 10 94 3 1 2 3* 3* K I.apailie 0 Kbrfbage, l«v:l Fisli, Aneon 22315 Saratoga 6| t l:10%good 5 l«i 4 11 4ft 12"1T McTajtt 12 Sarsenet, BTelyn C, Santo 22198 Saratoga 3-4 1:19 hvy 5 95 9 6 7 C:i 3s M Garner 12 K. DeUug, S.Vega, Herrmnnnn 22092 Saratoga Eft f l:ll%bvy 12 102 5 3 3 3» 33 M darner s Devil Fish, F.Wnaay, Menlolark WATER WELLES, ch. g. 7 102 By Dick Welles— Parisienne Mrs. R. I. Miller. 230S3 H.deGce 3 l:M fast 7 107 4 3 3 K 10"U McTag*rtl4 Sarsenet, Striker. Scallywag 22999 H.deGce 3-4 1 Eft 88 8 4 4 4" . 5*1 .1 UcTagrtH Squeeler, Marporie A.. Dinah Do 22850 Belmonl 3-4 si l:14%raat 6-5 m; 2 1 1 2* -" T McTagt 0 Sarsenet, Orotund, Campeon 22776 Belmonl :;-i si l:ll%fast 16-5 MS 4 :: .". 6ft UH M Garner 10 Tu. Bell, Gloaming, Humiliation 18275 Laurel 5ft t l:06%faat 17 111 6 2 2 3k 1J K Karrick • Kelamour, Sherwood, E. Brysoa 18166 Laurel 2-4 l:13=4,fast Iti 110 C 3 2 !• 2 It Troxler 8 Belainour, Lohengrin, J. J. L111I* 18344 Laurel Eft f lKM%faat 23 113 7 5 5 5» 64 J Callahan S Kewess.i, Belansgar. Sherwood BERMUDIAN. b. g. 4 112 By Peter Quince— Rose Marjorie S. Veiller. 23089 H.deGce 3 i l:14%fast 15 1!:; 3 3 3 3* sTi I. Hart well 13 prairie. Gloaming, Scorpii 23005 H.deGce :: 1 1 :! i--iast 10 104 10 5 7 l«k fi*ftL HartweUlS Nansbon. Lather. Thoughtreader 19642 Juares 1 l:48%hvy 1 MM 3 3 3 2 1- 1» C Gross 4 Durin. Al Wormwood. Bonanza 19625 Juarez 1 l:1G%mud 7-5 lo7 4 2 2 1 2-i 2£ J McCabe .", Durin. Executor, Bonanza 19601 Juarez 3-ll:1l%fast E ME 1 9 9 7"k 481 A Mott 9 Manganese, Seneca, Lackroxe 18623 Juarez 7-8 l:25%ra*t 3J M c 4 3 3 2= 3-2 c Gross 7 Bonanza, Executor, AlWawood ETHAN ALLEN, b. g, 3 104 By Yankee— Or.durdis R. T. Wilson;. 2601 Aqueduct 3 1 l:13%fast 10 m 2 4 :: 4 •"" .1 IfcCahey 7 II. Barbee, Volant. Presumptn 21347 Aqueduct 7si::!i hvy 10 88 I 3 3 3 3 ::■ .1 P Ryan •". Watertown. Lady Botha 21169 Jamaica 3-4 1:15 fast 10-5 104 1 111- 1- .1 McCabey 6 Outlook. Dinah Po, Sinai 21040 Jamaica 8-4 l:14%fast 4 MM 2 112- 2»ft J McCabey R Chesterton, Alhena, Yodeles 20467 Belmonl 3-4 1:15 slow 3ft loo 1 4 4 4 : ~ W Ural 7 EllaBryson. Minstrel, Chesterton 203S7 Belmonl 3-4 l:14%slop 1" M 88 3 3 3 3»* 4J J McCahey 4 Garl. Perthshire, Chesterton 17291 Wdbine 3 1 1:13 fast IS-M MB 6 4 4 ;:4 21 R Meander 5 /.in Del. Pepper Sauce, Caaaba DEVIL FISH. br. c. 3 107 Bv Robert le Diablc— Water Nymph E. Herz. 22776 Helm on1 :: ! si l:ll%fast 20 Ms 1 S 5 Sft HIM Buxton 1« Tin.Bell. Gloaming. Humiliation 2247:! Saratoga 5Jfl:09%mud 2 KM 1 2 3 2ft 21 . McTagrt « Korfbage. Berelry James, Ancon 22471 Saratoga 3 1 i:il-iast 40 lin 1 i 1 2". :! G Byrne 13 Erelyn C, Jesse Jr., Dinah 10 2219S Saratoga 3-4 1:19 Itw E 113 3 2 3 ::- 6J McTagrt 12 E. Belling. San Vega, BeT.Jaines 22092 Saratoga 5ft f l:ll%uvy M no 1 222 r .1 McTagn H F.Wuzzy. BcrUames. MenloPark GARL. br. e, 4 112 By Martinet— Memories F. B. Lemaire. H.deGce 2 ll:14%fast 15 10214 14 14 12 12* L Aihn 17. Nansbon. Luther. Thoughtreader 20387 Belmont 3 1 l:14% lop 0 MM 2 11 141 L Allen 7 Perthshire, Chesterton, E. Allen 20116 H.deGce 7. f 1 :«i.:s!ow 7 10S 3 2 2 2» 31?. W Ural 8 Mereurinm, Sil.Moon, Mr.Sniggs 19894 Bowie Sft t l:ll%slow 3 110 10 S ! 9- 9»l"T McTagt 13 Colors. Toddling. Blue Jav 17769 Laurel 5ft t l:07%tast 3-2 18S 4 goo1 7s J McCabey ft Hurakan, MaryWarren, UGranl 18884 Belmont 2-4 1:13 fast 3J lot; 2 11 l1 l1 P Ford :: Cndanoted. Yellow Eyes LILY ORME. blk. f. 4 107 By Monsieur de LOrme— Web of Fata N.A.Green. 23083 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast 20 m ■ 14 13 13* 12»* A Nicklaus 14 Sarsenet. Striker. Scallywag 22981 H.deGce 3 I I:U%fast 60 l»lfl 10 7 7 71! A NickUusl 2 Sand Marsh. T. as Bteel, B. Path 21710 Belmont ll:41«ifast 20 108 1 2 2 2 2i B« J P Eyan 17 Dryad. Napier. Tinkle Bell 2its7 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast :!0 92 ! :; 6 7* VH1 P Kyan S Etruscan, CyMerrick, Feumouse 21306 Aqueduct 5-8 l:01%ra«t S 110 2 0 5 5J 54f D Steward 1 1 lilt Edge. W.I.ilv. M.B.Eabank* 21192 Jamaica 3-4 mtfast 7 104 3 3 4 43 2- J MeQnbay 7 E.Bsoa, M.B.Eubanka, B. Dipper HIKER: b. f. 3 107 Bv Peep oDav— Nellie Bly R. Pending. 230S3 H.deGce 3-4 1:14 fast K MW 6 I 9 7 C5 L McAtee 14 Sarsenet, Striker. Scallywag 22999 H.deGce 3-4 l:13%fast 40 MM 7 7 0 S". 8| L McAtee il Squeeler, Marporie A., Dinah Do Aqueduct 5-SB01 fast 11-3 103 5 4 3 21 21 ,T McCabey 10 Elensinla. Qrapesbot. Devil Fish 21574 Aqueduct 5-8 1:00 good 1S-5 97 4 3 3 3ft 3T J McKver 7 . Jimmie, Noureddin. Patricks. 21147 Aqueduct 8-4 l:15%Slow 1S-5 98 6 3 3 2= 22 J McKver S TinkleBell, UlltEdge, HillStrcam HARRY JUNIOR, br. c, 3 102 Bv Ogden— Partridge H. C. Kallenbeck. 2730 Belmonl 3-4 st l:lO%fast 25 rri 1 r, 0 B1* M Buxton 0 Umoaieon. Ptergold, H.Prynn* 21843 Aqueduct C 1 :: -..last S 124 E 7 7 8" 6" ; Byrne 7 Harry Shaw, H. Barbee, Bolarius 21887 Belmont 3-4 l:13%fast 8 104 8 7 8 63 42 M Buxtou 8 Etruscan. CyMerrick. Fen mouse 21C07 Aqueduct 3-4 1:13 fast 5 109 2 5 4 4- 4"J G Byrne 7 Thornhill. Bac, Cy Merrick 217.32 Aqueduct 7-8 l:2fi"jfast 5 95 2 3 3 3 3 l"|J McCahev 0 High Noon, ihosphor MARY WARREN, b. f, 4 107 By Charles Edward— Pintsch Light J. Garson. 23004 H.deGce lm70yl:44 fast 11-5 109 4 2 2 2 2= 2*| .1 Butwell : Soaada, R. Oliver. Superstition L.:.7 Saratoga 1 l:42-ifast 20 hi::1. 7 4 4 2 4V. 57i j Allen 12i Am.illi. Azviade. Cnjsvenor 22092 Saratoga 5ft I l:U%bvy 12 105 S 8 0 C G11 W I.illey s Devil Fish, F. Wuzzy. Bev.James 29844 Saratoga 6ft f l:ll%mud 12 ME G 5 4 5n 414 .1 McTagrt i Isu-oae, Santo. Aneon LAURA, br. f. 4 107 Bv Woolstborpe — Incendiary H. G. Bedwell. 22C7C BlueBon. 3-4 i:il-, fast 28-5 107 3 2 4 V s"v licLTry 10 Rosemary, Colors. Katharine G. 22 ;-3 fonght 5ft t l:12%hvy " 103 2 1 5 ;i 41 F Cooper 8 Brickley. K. Differ. SirRaymond 22484 Conght 3-4 1:16 hvy I MB 4 1111 1"" A Ilaver 7 The Busybody. Videl. Valas 22382 Windsor 3-4 l:15%faal 17-6 M6 7 2 2 4- 8J F Cooper 12 Langborne. MCllntock, M.Casca 22163 FortErie 3-4 l:l4%good 10ft 112 6 5 G 71 WO Martin 11 Dignity. Langborne, M.Johnson 22109 FortErie 3-4 1:16 hvy 19-5 102 5 s 5 4J 4" S Waist m 9 Water Lily. Miss Gayle, GoldCap 22451 FortErie Eft f l:09%hvy 19-5 102 2 2 3 3 3"J S Wolsfm li Encore. KghtsDiffer, M. Johnson EARLYMORN, ch. c, 4 115 By Peep oDay — Performance E. F. Condran. H.deGce lm70yl:4S%fast 80 1H .. 1 10 9 G 6 6*1 L Deronde 11 Republican, Borax. Eagle 22761 Timium Ab5-8 77 fast 6 U" 8»ft R Troxler . Baergetio, Envy, Onar 22735 Tlmium 11 16 1:48 fast 4 117 ::T 1. Deronde 5 G. Russell, L.Eugland. H.Htson 22712 Timium 3 1 l:M fast C-5 122 ■• L Deronde S Pkeets, DaBa Mack. Hedge Rose 22680 Timium 6ft t 1:23* last 1-2 113 T-" I. Deronde 5 Small, Drawn, gall In 22557 Saratoga 1 l:42%fast 80 MM 4 4 4 9 9 9-: .1 McTagrt ! Borgo. Robtaetta, Alhena CARLAVEROCK, br. f, 3 104 By Clifford— Sadaquada T. Smith. »3089 H.deGce 3 I i:U-,fast 12 104 4 4 6 4J10»i J McTagrli:: Prairie, Gloaming. Scorpii ":: «.:. H.deGce 3 ! t:14%fast 10 10S t lo :i 8 8* .1 McTagrtln Nansbon, Luther. Thoughtreader 21962 Aqueduct 3 1 l:13%fast 8 lo3 3 3 4 7- 8«1 M Buxton 13 Acis. Azviade. Mr. Specs 21594 Aqueduct 3 I l:14%fast 50 119 n 7 9 9 9-1 R Flint u Hnnovia. HelenBarbec, S.Jackaon 21168 Jamaica I U:14%taat 3J 102 3 I 1 lft 1* J McTagrt 9 Brelyn C, Gammon, D. Madison MISS CLARA, ch. f. 3 102 By Stalwart— Navarres Hope L. Weiss. H.deGce 3-4 1:15 fast 50 888 5 .8 8 8 Z»*JG Corey 9 Scaramouch, L.Out, M.MGiggle 21316 Ham ton 1 l:40-.-,fast 25 87 9 4 0 S 41 5*1 T Par gt on 12 Aprisa. Schemer. Subject 21204 Hamton 8-4 1:14 fast 5o MS M 11 10 6 . fi11 .1 Connors 12 Commensla, Wodan, Schemer 20940 Blue Bon. 3 I l:16%slow fid 88ftl2 12 9 71 91" .1 Doiid 1.1 Fork Lad, Gold Cap, 1.4a Anne 20880 BlueBon. 7-8 1:38 slow fid lo:; 12 11 10 10 101 8", A Collins 12 Paul Gaines. Wodan. Ruffn _.*,!.» 20745 Dorval lniviii 0 3-4 4 l:15%fast i.i.-iasL 20 £u 101 xvi 5 o 5 u 5 u u" 3= v G,02i; — in kxujucs Haynet 15 i.» r»i Slun.berer. u Mi .IM v j . Wodan. wooan. 1 Paul aiu Gaines lvalues

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