Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Sunday, January 2, Daily Racing Form, 1921-01-02


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TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR SUNDAY, JANUARY 2 WEATHER CLEAB. TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 1:50 p. m. Chicago time 3:50. ® Superior mud runner. X lootl mud runner. :j: F.-iir mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice allowance, b Blinkers. First Rac«s — 3-8 Mile. 2-year olds. Colts and fllldlagS Spi •■ ial Weights. Track record: Jan. 8, lODi— 15% — 2 — 105. Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. Incoguance. b. c. by Dfcsgaise — Lis I-l-ires. bv Be.n- catehcr us tWolfs Cry. br. c. by H.ai.-y- w oil — Kumiss, by Atheling 118 t Ashland, b. e, by Hoaeywaod Busy Bee. by First Tenor 118 Midnight Stories. 1,. j, ,, Norford — Eahelda, by Moat- gomery 115 Capt. Clover, eh. g. by Jen. B b e r t s — Bararta, by Itavelsron 115 Ci est wood Boy. ch. c. by Poota and Saddle— Crest wood Chi. by Transva.il .. 118 Dewy Field, eh. c. by Enfield —Early Dew. by Joe Terry 118 TNoN.-ida Stock Kami Stable entry. Second Race — 1 Mile. 3-yoar-olds and upward. l.-iiniing. Track record: June 17. 1915—1:38—3 95. 52110 Audrey A H 8!.. 725 52126s *Welga s 1o;®72 52019 Handle Kh; 1 : io- s 111x720 51958 *Ti.ijn i 112 1:41.-, S 1110715 51870 bToni Ho 8 11SX715 52019 I.tliis 110 1:440 12 113X710 96159 Class A 7 108x705 :.201i Jennie Small Ill l:it»o * 111X705 52111 Canute iMi 5 144. .796 -us;! lift 113 1:42--. 12 118X700 52100 I*o II 115 1:47--. 15 113x700 52148 Fitzgerald 107 1:48.-, 11113X700 Third Race — 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upwsir.l. Claiming. Track record: June 17. 191«— 1 :38— 3— 95. 52111 •Hickoryaat 107 1:41 7 188x725 51838 Our Maid Ml I 101 . 72n 521 is Dandy Van 101 1:l7-.m I 108X715 .".2irs:? Miss Wells 1011:10.. 9 111. .715 51801 Prevaricate loi 1:45-. 5 113x715 52148 »Bill Deitehasaa ...118 1:4816 9Kis.~7to 51839 Phil Martin 109 1:43.-, 0 113. .710 52800 Frank Shannon ...105 1:41% 5 108x705 .".Bills Quid Nunc 12 113x705 52019 bSky Pilot 113 1 : 12% 8 1 100707 5197S Jin, Winn CM 110 1:45% 8 108.. 700 51900 Judge Vaughn M 109 1 :4i:.. i 108. .700 Fourth Race — 1 Mile. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: June 17. 1916—1:88—3—80. 52000 Tokalon March ...105 1:40--, 7 111.. 725 ! Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 52120 blastime 0 113X720 52170 b.M.idrid Ml 105 1:43 5 111.715 5210S *bCenterville M 4 90.. 710 52032 •Florence line M 0 101 710 52170 Blazer M 4 101.. 710 :.1S17 Miss Ananias M. 180 1:47 4 101. .705 ■2111 Zetetic 188 1:41 9 111. .705 52082 Patsy Mack 109 1:42-. 10 113X705 52128 Boreas M 1841:40% « 10S..70O 51876 Listal M 8 111.. 7*0 • .2120 Knight of Pythias. 100 1:42% 9 113;-:70O Fifth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and uiiward. Claiming. Track record: May 23. 1920—1:53 — 1—109. 52148- "Relic of the KitchenlOO 1:54 -. 8 100X725 52111 Baby Sister 1011:55 -. 10 1050720 52149= Honolulu 188 1:05% 0 1054:710 52086 *Mike Daly 7 105.. 715 52132 •Montana Belle 108 1:56% 9 108;j;705 52111 Esther L. M ....109 1:57 13 105.. 700 o20S3 Tours 9 107.. 700 Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Mexi.-ali Handicap. 3-year-olds and upw.ird. Track record: Feb. 2. ]92f 1 : 43 .-,—0—122. 51880 STIir.NDEKSTOKM 1201:11., 5 130.. 750 52084 IbBegreao 118 1:44% 7 104x740 52037 biaddy Whack 113 1:44 8 114x735 52130- Peerless One 180 1:48% 0 101x730 52037 J|, Franklin 112 1:11-- 8 105x730 52149 tComnado loo 1:48% 5 95x725 52130 Make Sehas 118 1:44% 0 1010725 fC. P.. Irwin entry. i:S. |„lk entry. |C. Koehler entry. Seventh Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-ye.ir-olds ami upward. Chinning. Track record: June 28, 1910— 1:05%— 3— lis. 521071 Smiling Maggie ..188 1:08% 8 108X725 52108 Biposta 115 1:07--. 7 113::720 52108* •Irish Daisy 112 1:07% 0 105.. 715 51998 Can. ion 109 1:08 4 107. .715 52082* H.irrigans Heir ..105 1:0$ 4 105.. 710 51!is| l,;,,iv Small 10s 1 :0s 1 lo;. .710 521271 Miss S.-dalia 108 1:07 9 100. .710 51910 Tillotson 112 1:08% 9 115/710 46718 M.-iud Bacaa 110.1:08% 7 1OO07O-, 52062 Smiling Anna .... 85 Los1-. 7 100x70. 52127 bKweet Tooth 1111:09:. 0 112.70", 52152 *Cluude Wearer M 8 108. .708 Eighth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 3-yeiir-ohls and upward. Claiming. Track record: Jusic 24. Bill, 1:45—3—110." 52132 •Minnie II m; i 47 5 180x725 52112* *Viva Culm i ]oo..720 52004 •bSiieiia nib ah 107 1:50% 4 98X715 52112- Darnay 110 1:50-- 0 112. .715 52132- *Babjr Cal KM 1:40% 8 187x710 52132* bJudge David Ki7 1:40% 5 115x710 52188 bTbe Gallaal 112 Lis r, 112.. 705

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1921010201/drf1921010201_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1921010201_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800