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I i : ; • I : I I TIJUANA FORM CHART TIJUANA. MEX.. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 25, 1922.-One mile. Fifty-second day. Tijuana Jockey Club. WiutT Meeting of 12." or more days. V/eather clear: temperature 85 . Presiding Steward, Prancis Nelson. Asiiociate Stewards J. W. ColarOth and Leon Wing. Starter. Larry Morrissey, Racing Secretary. Lena Wfcsg. Raeiag start at 1:38 p. at. Chicago time :,:7 7 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. KTQrTQO FIRST RACE— 1 Mile. June 17. 1916—1:38—3—95. Purse 00. 3-year-oldr. and Q«_y € *J mk upward. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner S350: second. 5100: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 1 _■ ■ , Str Fin Jockeys Owaera Bquir. odds Strt ." fi • 0 s 1 p pa BA ws 7 107 I ~.~ ::; 2- 1. i: .1 Haaaser .i Mackay i" 1-10U .- fi0 MONTPBRRI WSB5112M -t 1»1 1=1 VI 2* T i: Parke A S Williams S9663 NBOSHO DALE v lo 1M 7 1 8* .:.- t-1. 4-1 :;« C Browa W T Overby 21S9-Ma .- «; ;!» COUNTRY w 3 n I I B A" ::- : l! D Hurr. Tan: .. Bbaater Stable 701-Pri 59668 MRS. JIGGS w 5 1M t 16 11" 7V 8J ."1- "■- D Prdstte Skaggs Pros 7lo-Pn .-!70! OUR HAZEL • 5 MS 11 1212 MPJ tl ■■ I E Nobi H Jansea ghVMO 59669 JACK FRYER w I 107 9 .. 1" 8k 7 T1 7 Gross W E Hunter MS9-16I C9485»L1TTLE MOTHER w I MS 2 I : , N ■- N s a Jacobs G D Kenyon 7649-]M 59696 HUG ME ws 7 110 :: 7 5*11*12 : n [ L Hail H Rasasassen fttim-IM :...:t siiip.v SUMNBR m 3 M C 2 7; Si 10* i !" a Arvin Anderson It McNassea t 59588 NEBRASKA LAO m 108 :, 11 v 12 n 11- 11* B Carter Pinnegar and Lee .".07 14 MOOREWOOD was 11 113 12 .". " 2* »» 12 12 E Taylor J Wilson 1330-161 v.Mutiiel field. Time. 251;,, 5020. 1:17. 1:45. Track far.t. ?.2 mutuels paid, sipoara. |5.66 straight. S3.20 place .68 ihow; Moatserri, 88.68 alsee, SI 00 sh,,« . Neosho Dale. 96.89 shoo EqnlTsJeal booking sdds — Sipoara, i".t» to pmi straight, oo to 100 place, 58 to loo show: Moalatiil, 200 to 100 130 to 168 -how: Neosho Dale 210 to ion show. Winner — ■ Ch. ur. by Loki — May Easter, by Hares trained by J. Biagletsa; bred by Mr. B. L. Cheney Went to posl at 1:58. At post 1 minute. Stan good and -low. W.11 handily: second :ind third driviag. BIPPABA waited on the leader until after entering the stretch, where he toot, the lead and won goinc away. MONTPERRl showed much speed la paeeaMkiag and. after reUaqniKhiag the lead, linisiie,! resolutely. NEOSHO DALE closed ■ gap and outstayed COUNTRY in the Baal strides. COUNTRY ran in improving form. MRS. ii ;»;s and OCB HAZEL were nwsy poorly and elssed big gaps. Overweight — Country, 1 pound: Shirley Sumner. S; Nebraska Lad, 1. ETQryQO SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Dec. 20, 1916— 1: 11 ?-,— 3— 110. Purse 00. -year-old; «iv 4 flt and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 _• -t Str Fin Jockeys Owners K.iiiv. Odd ■ Strt 59468 : * AMERN MAID wsn 4 lo7 . i !■ l" T T C Btader H T Palmer ISO Wl .".IffilI PINK TENNY wsa C 112 I I I Sj .. 23 E Taylor G Lyon BsVl • MJ710 EVA HARRIGAN n S 112 10 I 3» E Fator W !.• MSO-Mn 59698*PLANTAGENET w 10 112 3 8 : . I I P Hum .1 W Shockley U.f-Pi » 59719*PERFBCT i»AV srn a 197 8 7 •! •■ B Parke P Clixman 8891 1M 59547*DALWOOD as 7 148 ".11 16* 163 - • H B Bwer J Kern I2f»-iai 59799*MTBR FRKLIN 14 161 2 ■ B 8J 7 1 Mllej W II Moore 39436-161 SB6»t»STILETTO nrsa S 167 7 :. :•, 9* bi, 8 Jacobs G W Atkinson PMB-MM 59219s *WEINLAND wa 7 101 4 10 II II 11 8 .1 llunner G Neal K39-164 "i;!."! M. TILGHMAN wsn 13 114 13 i I 7 10! P Martlnex M .Morrison t r!.i7:;i PEWAUKEE wb • ISO U 2 - - R 11 E Noble l Howell 110-Im rMatnel BeM. Time. 24. §8%, 1:16H. Track fast. si mutuels paid. American Mai. I. 811.88 itraight, 85.28 place. 88.88 shew; Iink Tinny 816.40 place, 88.46 show: Bralyn Harrigan, show. Eqairaleat booking odds American Maid 188 to loo straight 186 to 100 ptace, 90 to loo -how: Pmk Tenny, 7Lo to umi place, S26 to 166 show: Eralyn Harrigan, sin to 168 -how. Winner— Br. f. by DaUwasn — Brown He—, by Blitzes trained by C. Mauley: bred by Mr. 11. P. Gardner. Went to post at 2:17. At posl 3 minutes, start good and slow. Won easily; second sad third dm-inu. AMERICAN MAID took the lead al once and raced PEWAUKEE Into early defeat, then drew away aft.-r rounding the last turn, but was forced to ■ short drive in the Baal sixteeath aad Bnished doing her best. PINK TENNY closed a big gap in a fast finish. EVALYN HARRIGAN ran surprisingly well and finished fast and close no. PLANT AGENET made op groaad. PEWACKE1 showed much speed to tie- last eighth, where lie bled. Scratched 59745 ManaBtia II., 165. QTQ/i THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Feb. 1. 1920— 1:43,— 6— 122. Purse 00. till 4 qJ/~X: I -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. "index ILr-:: ~~A~vTpPSi~~t "StFFiii jockey* Owiuts L.iuiv. Odds Slrt 59676 ZAMLOCH w" 11 11". 7 1 : , r." :: . 1 W Perry T Polk H phi .!■*.».!- MRS. PAT w3 M 9 4 4, .".. g| 4- Z3 P Mum Patterson 6 Matlock tSJa-KSJ ,".!7I0 PETLAR f i 9 Hi 10 S B* 2» » V 3* L Hall II Baarauasen lea S9€67*DIENERO ws 9 114 8 8 7» 4J S1 23 4 H B Bwer T B White I22S-M6 59667 *LY JOSEPHINE w4 106 U 9 9s Sj I1 •"• I i K Mlley F Martin ■■ l"o ."! ;."•: PILL SPARKS WsSUO :: lo in" • • gi s-M,- J Hnnmer .1 McCool 200-WO 59745 *CANDEGREY as 5 108 S S l"1- 1 i l1- I 7 B Parke C B Irwin I2N-M" 5B684*CZARDOM w C 113 2 7 VW 9» 9s 81 A Jacobs Neal fi Bartholomew "lo 59527 -I.ITT ORPHAN ws 8 1M 1 3 s1 7! ■_ 7 9J E .Noble E E Buchanan I840-1C4 59666*THE TALKED wsn C lit 5 11 II 11 II i! 10 E Neal Palmer fi Thomas 59671 •LOTT A SPEED w 4 M3 1 2 i"l"-i: C Stnder H Parrell W tMntuel field. Time, 21.. 491-,. 1:18%, 1:44%, 1.-48%. Track fa:;t. su mutuels paid, Zamloch, 89.68 itraight, .66 pls •. 84.80 show; Mrs. Pat, field, 83.88 place. 83.68 show; P. tlar, 828.28 show. EoulTMlenl booking odds— Zamloch, :isii to 106 straight. •_•:;!! to loo place, 110 to loo show: Mrs. Pat, field, 100 to 100 place. SB to loo show; Petlar, 1668 to 106 show. Winner— Br. g, by General Robert! Woolen, bj Woolsthorpe tralaed by T Polk; bred by Mr. » L Rogers i . Went to pool al 2:56. Al post 1 miaate Start Rood aad Mow. Won driTiag; second and third tie-same. EAMLOCH was taken back while passing the ball and ssTed t the hurt turn, from where le-Closed up fast and won in t!i" last ttride. MPS. TAT came with a great rash throagb the stretch and would have won in the next stride. PETLAR, after forcing the pace, showed is front when an eighth out. bat tired in the Baal drive. DIENERO loomed np menacingly midway of the stretch, but tired when seemingly the winner. LADY JOSEPHINE finished dose up. CANDEGREY «iuit after setting a good pace to the stretch. Bcratehed 58622 Knight of Pythias, no, rOfwOSI E0URTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. March 27. 1921—1:52—5—117. Purse 00. 3-year- tit7 4 «_FO old.-, and upward. Claiming:. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third, 0. ltldv Hors A W t I ■ I sT " " ■•, Str ITn Jockeys Owner* lvpiiv. Odd- Strt 59718**PANNIE NAIL, wsb C 148 $ 4 4* :— 1J lJ E Nobte .1 8 McDaniel 22U-10U 59693*WHITE HAVEN a S 103 I i P H -■ - -I Hnnmer I. O B 810-100 59712 POACHER w 7 112 7 1 l» l 1* . E Fator .1 Price «M«j .ri»74«- Hihm: THiil! w.-ij •". -i a 7 7 5» i:; I ! B Parks Mannale fi Braaastock 846-161 B979S4ZETETIC ws *» MO I C $ 7 7 5» 5* B Donahue W LSi.iir.eia I9MVMI ."07H; T. "IGARETTE WSB 3 M I 3 - I- i. ti- ii P Hum HT Palmer : 9~.4ii LADY IN BLCK wsn .". 110 2 - - - :■■ 7 7 P Martinez C B Irwin ::X -10l Time. 25. 50. 1:18%, 1:42V 1:56 5. Track fast. S2 mtitufN paid. Iannie Nail. Mi. 10 straight, 84.20 place. S: .J0 show; White Haven. 87.66 place. 88.48 show: Poacher. 84.46 show. Equiraleal booking oddt — Paaaie Nail. 2J0 to 168 straight, 110 to 168 place. 88 to 100 show; White Haven. 388 to loo place. 70 to loo show: Poacher, 126 to 166 snow. Winner — Br. m, bv Leonid — Bessie Rembcrt. by Dungarven trained bv w. Samples; bred by Mr. W. C. Nail i. Went to pool at 3:"J0. At post I minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. PAN NIB NAIL move,! up steadily after passing the half and. taking the lead on the last turn. easily bed WHITE HAVEN safe at the end WHITE HAVEN raced weU and Bnished With a ru-ii POACHEB showed tl •■ mo-t early speed, but tired in the last eighth and had to be hard ridden to outstay BOUNDING THROUGH. The latter made up ground and finished gamely. Bcratehed— 57181 o.-orge c. Jr.. 116. tZF7£i FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. June 24, 1916 — 1:45—3 — 110. Purse 00. 3-year-olds «3»lJ 6 ttxO and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 90: second, 40: third. 0. Index Horses A Wt PPSt , ! ■• :t Str lia Jockeys Owners i;.|Uiv, Odds Strt 59713 i -YORKIST w 7 fi . :. 2 B "".-. 4*1 ll H .1 llunmer 1 Alexandra 10-109 .-0775- LOBBY ALLEN ws 5 104 4 I I] 1 1, -, 23 H B Bwer Bisbee Stable :;!,a-100 : !". 13 •ROISTERER W and 112 I 1 9*121 L11 S" :;" A Jacobs ; W Atkinson T-OO-loO 59673 W. MONTGMKRT w P 123 I 4 2* Sl •; 4 V P .Martinez F R Irwin BMB-Mdj B9749*GATH waCUl t; ti ti ti1 ti ti- .".; R Harton C Vail l.40-lw B9747 "GRACE w I H6 J S 4j «• :■- i | t C Btader Bbafer • Conway 210-108 j9749*SHORT STOP WSB 7 106 777 7 7 7 7 B ParUe H D Cates CTjO-HW Time. 24. 48"5. 1:14%. 1:41. 1:43. Track last. 82 mutuels paid. Yorkist. .40 straight. 88.28 place, .-_ 0 show; Bobby Alien. 0.S0 place, .40 show: Botsterer, .S4o show, Equiraleat booking odds— Yorkist. 70 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place. 60 to 100 show; Bobby Allen. 740 to 100 place. 170 to HH show: Roisterer. 110 to 100 show. Winner — ». g. by Yorkshire Lad — Lady Kilmarnock, by Kilmarnock trained by E. Alexandra; bred by Mr. Charles K. Wilkinson. Went to post at 3:40. At post _ minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. YORKIST was reserved until after rounding the far turn, from where he moved up fast aud. taking the lead with a rush after entering the Stretch, won in a cantor. BOBBY ALLEN set a fast pace and Bnished gamely, although tiring after being passed by he winner. ROISTLRKR was hard ridden and did his best. WOODIE MONTCOMLRY ran a good race and finished fa-t and gamely. LUACK • init. prQpyQrT SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05 V5— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year- e3 7 4 *J 4 olds and upward." Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0, Index Horses AWtPPSt M _• % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt a#T78J*HAZKL DALE ws !» 101 4 2 l1 1- l;i li K Noble J A Parson 480-100 SOWS HERDER wsb 7 L"0 :; :: 2 Xk L; li P Martinez C B Irwin SID-lOO 59655 FIREPLACE WB 8 118 I ". 41- 43 43 :;- Cross Ballinger and Coffman Joo-lOO B8766*NON8UTT w I Mi 7 1 SB* ::f 3b 4" J llunmer /. E McCregnr 210 191 69663*GLEN WP.l.L w 6 MB l 4 t:" t :.:.» C Btader Bisbee stable tJtf asl B4968 DAINTY LADY w 8 111 B ii 5» B| ¥ 8* B Carter J S Baldwin 1710-100 BS876* PEERLESS ONE wsa 7 Ml L 7 7 7 7 7 M Bator s Polk b.wo-ioo Time. 23. 48 13, 1:02. 1:68%. Track fast. 82 mutuels paid, Hazel Dale, fll.68 straight. g626 place. S:;.i BBBw; Il-rder. 8ftv2B place. .00 -how: Kireplace. .80 show. ■aafraleat booking odds— Hazel Dale. 480 to 100 straight. 210 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Herder, 1G0 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show: Fireplace. 40 to 100 show. Winner— Ch. m. by Barnsdale— Tern. l v Black Dean trained by .1. A. Parson; bred by Mr. L. C. Sloan. Went to post at 1:11. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. BASEL DALE begaa fast and. showiag the awet speed. held the race aafe throughout. BERBER mjk hard ridden while racing in seeond place and outst:iyed FIREPLACE. The Litter saved ground on all turns and hnished resolutely. NONSUIT tired in the final eighth. GLEN WELL was going fast at the finish. tQ7Q8 SEVENTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. June 28. 1916— 1:05M,— 3— 118. Purse 00. 3-year-OJJ 4 lJO olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second, 00: third, S50. Index Horses AWtlISt U _• , Str Fin Jockeys Owners Egviiv. Odds Strt 69965 *SMIL. MAGGIE v 9 110 s 2 • ""• :;- 1 J Hunmer M orris Stable 170-10O .■.!»7l." HON. GEORGE nlll! 7 I 2] l U -n .1 Meteatt w Sham soo-l i 99*719* NO WONDER w 7 ML « 5 1 2k 2* B*i C Stader HDCata M46-1M 59716 CHOW wt 4 112 E l 7-1 »;- B 4* h Baladin WOnm 14M-188 , 59695*orleans GIRL wsb 5 i«7 l r 6* 8 g r,- n B B*wer H T Palmer 1686-rM ~.»734 COOKMAID at i loi :: i k 7:1 7" t • E Donahue L E OM f 69978 I. ITT. POINTER w 4 M 2 8 3» 6* 07 71 T Murray W Malta*/ 126-181 99794 *VIRGE i n 4 3 V ! I R Carter It H Good BBB-MB vMutuel field Time, £31-,. 48V l:02»i. l:083i. Track fast. 89 mutuels paid. Smiling Maggie, 85. Id rtraight, S:i. to place. S;i iMI show: Honest George, S7.2H place. 99.98 show: No Wond.r. 84229 show. Equivalent anaklng odd — Smiling Maggie, I7ii to ino rtraight. To to tggj place. M to ino ahaw; Honest George, 2M :■ Pi place. s:m to inn show: No Woader, lie t" urn show. Winner — Ch. m. by Smih — Margaret M., by WooNthoipc trained by N. W. Iiurkliart : bred by Mr. Clayton Morris |. Went t pest at 4:2.3. At peal ". minutes, start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. SMILING MAGGIE snared up steadily after rounding the far turn and. proving giaacst at the end. oiitlinished HONEST GBOBGE. The latter alternated in authiag and fore-ins; the pace, hut tired under strong riding Bad barely saved second place. NO WONDEB ran well and lallht ll fast and dose up. Cliow ehwed ■ gap and taiahed gamely. OBLEAN8 GIRL was weakly ridden. Scratched — 9*743 Harry Bargoyae, 189; 5*533 Duly Fashion. 112; 59785 Harrigaaa Heir. 109: 59713 BJ Sabio. 111.