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FOIRTH IIAi: — S-4 iilo. Jt-year-olds, Clalnafntar. Feb. • . Piis — l:ll i-r, — ; — t I*;. » DELHI MAID. ch. f, I 104 By Delhi— Kay Maid, by Tanfcae. drainer, J. F. Kelly. Owner, F. Kabn. 68753 P.Gnda 5£ t ::.;.,-,,, ,1 15 96 :: 3 4 2] i J Wallace II F.Kiney, Fon tQnn, Simplicity 5f4Sfi P.Gnda 51 f l "S.-.r.ud 15 IM 3 3 3 3J S«5 J Wallace 12 Birdie ■:.. Panl Mio ; ..:;.. P.Gnda 3-4 l:15%hvy 20 iu2 S - -i 8* Bl* P Weiner 8 Simplicity, Ashland, Cap Itork I I 69454 P.Gnda 3-4 l:15%alow 10 •«; :; 2 2 Z- 31 J Wallace it Bob HiUsdale, Trico j i..ciJ ..-:, son 5; f l:o;=.r.f:ist 2S l"9 3 2 5 !«• 8" G V Cnr*l 7 BriTntBay, Ashland, Honamkb OUR BETSY, b. f, I 105 By Kuon— Uniy Le Bus, by St, Sa-.:... Trainer, A. F. Dayton. Owner. A. F. Dayton. 758 F.Gnds .,-4 l:18%mud 41 IM 4 3 3 2!. 1 1 C Miller Id Jop.H.Levy, MaxGold, Plnribelle i 58373 Jeffson Si f lHK%faat 28 112 12 12 12 6* »:"i i Miller 12 trk o • I Uy .,-,,, bai. Mara 58398 Lexton FC ldl%fant 6 112 10 10 10 91 7J P Wilson 3ti Bportaaaaa, Bartered, Bon. Blue j KM Lexton l l:4lTifast 21-5 112 4 6 4 3 3* 21 D Conn By 8 Oar Dear, Ida McGee, Melon 68221 Lexton FG l:10*ifast 6j 112 7 7 6 K1 «« R HirLori 7 Lugs, Caotiona, Ida MetJee S7771 Latonia 1 l:40-fast 9-5 109 Ieft at the post. B Parke It TkllrtnlBHT T t Cnlnafl. THialkagf BLkSEL CURTIS, ch. f, 3 107 By KcGce— Dutch Barbara, by Zlyii* Dutcijaai.. Trainer, C. Buxton. Owner. C. Buxtoa. 59879 P.Gnda :-! l:13%faat r 113 I 5 •■ -.• M Buxton 10 Petle, Knot Grai . Fred Kinney G3S88 F.Gnds 2-4 l:14%fant 8 187 l 6 7 61 ti A Gantner 7 WarZone, BlmerK . High I 69224 Jeffson 51 f 1:07 fast 8 l«6 3 6 10 M" JO" A Gnntner 12 BrilntBay, Aahland, PdKinney E8853 Jeffson 62 C 1:08 good 5 Ml G 6 t 6* 6*1 A Gantner !l WolfVfry, Bimpllcy, Bab, Hair J 57729 Kwortn Si t 1 :06%fast 4-5 110 3 11 li 1*- A Gantner 8 Crest. Boy, Maradale, Bre. White 57438 Wdbino 3-4 l:ls?6fast 1-5 Ml I 11 l» 1«J A Gantner 7 Delkbnar, Alverida, War Relief ! S73C8 TbcHffa El f 147 fast 3-2 MS 1" A Onitnar • Maradale, Catwd Boy, QckRna 1 GAirTA. ch. f. 3 105 By Garry HoSTBaann — Xacty GftieLte, by Lord EJ.-aw ;• Tialnai. W. H. Travers. Owner, G. McMitcheil. II. 59551 P.Gnda 51 f 148 slow 8 107 5 3 3 i- 4»i F Cltllettl 8 Knot Grass, Birdie r... Bob 67757 Jamaica Si f l:0614fast 10 186|M I 7 7- 7»i J Zoeiler ll Leghorn, Comb Song, Modesty ; ECS2S Bartogn Si l:06Vifast 13-S MB I 2 2 21 **| G W Croll 3 Budana, Dnncecap r«397 Bar toga 5-8 l:02%nvy 2-5 107 2 2 1 l8 l6 L Pntor 7 Tulwar, Boance, Doreai BUM Bdaaont 4if st 53 fast 9-5 104 s 2 2"* 21 ll Walters ! BlkUaaeal, BriltRay, Plftyt*j | I VEILED COLLEEN, ch. f, 3 and7 By The FinE— Scsnery, by Sain. j Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, S. Louis. I 69881 P.Gnda lmMy l:4Sfaal 13-S Ml 9 s f 10 102"10« A Wilson 11 Ut.Ammie, Hermodea, LkyGirl | ; 59837 P.Gnda 3-4 l:14%fas1 IS M 7 6 7 Ci 31 A Wilson 11 MaLMary, Gam.Gurton, Uare 58848 Bowie 3-4 l:18%hvy 26 le? 2 6 6 «* 4 L ktcAtaM 31 Delhiniar, Hillsdale, Dieo S8M8 PbnHoo 1 l:47:i:,hvy 27 Ml 12 3 4 4* 41- A Gantner a G. Poster, S. Master, P.Yirgtnfa 58538 Plmllco Bl 1 147%fast 214 104 10 9 10 10i and9 A Ahea 13 JoaJfrant, D.Deadeye, Dovearat SSS86 Pnnlico 2-4 i:15%pood 3-4t 103 11 12 12 10J M» H Clraental4 JewellV.D., Carinencita, Avlspa MATCHES MARY, ch. f, 3 101 By Sea Kintf— Helen Marie, by Stalwart. ; Trtiner, D. R. McDaniol. Owner, P. J. Lavin. B9837 P.Gnda 3-4l:14%faat 12 Ml S 7 6 4 V G W Carllll G.Gnrton, VeiledColleen, Dare KM13 P.Gnda C f l:0»fa«t 12 luti 5 7 6 6- 8»1 G W C*r"lll2 Paaee, Simple Simon, Dare 532S2 Jeffson 2-4 1:15 fast 16-5 H 9 6 4 2 11 1*6 W Carllll Brlareliff, Aahlin, -Mverida 69214 Jeffson 61 f 1 :"9 fast T 111 I » 8 t* 4* G W Car1132 MyKosie. lierniisKemble, Attoo 59031 Jeffson ::-4 1:17 slow 15 loS 2 4 7 9 »»• G W Carll • Toogeria, LkyGirl, K.Bmaamel 68938 JofTaon 51fl:0S%fast 15 1"9 5 9 11 tl» H*» O W Carll 12 P. Kinney. Bartered, Lucky Girl DOLLY VARDEN, b. f, 3 100 By Sain — Everdene, by Sem; ronius. Trainer. J. Amend. Owner. H. C. Murnan. 59780 P.Gnda .".-4 1:1s mud - 183 G 3 2 2= 1" E Scobie 11 M.Crestwd, B.sLork, ErerBold 5SC96 P.Gnda M t l.*081imod 2S 87 « S 8 71 712 T Finn 12 Birdie*;.. PaulMIcou, DethiMaid B9685 P.Gnda 3-4 l:14%faat 50 113 I 7 7 7- 6"! II Lelaney 8 Omnipotent, Simplicity, injuge 691 10 Jeff: on 61 f i :ii:-;mud 4 Ml 0 5 5 2 4:u C Lang 8 Toogeria, UtPoUy, Rckambeaa 598M JeTTson El f IM fast S los 6 3 2 2- 21 A Cantnerl:. Bkooter, PowderPaee, PluribeUs PIAMP, b. c. 3 104 By Ormondale — Post Mark, by Star Shoot. Trainer, A. G. Woodmen, Owner, J, Marino. 59753 P.Gnda 51 f 1 .• 7?ig 18 97 : I 5 4" B*| J Merimee 11 DelhiMaid, P.Kiaaey, Por.Qaa •..i F.Gnds 3-4 1:13%fast 10 Hj9 1 2 2 ul 5» J L Mney 10 Petle, Kind Grasa, Pred Kinney ."..294 Jell son 5 f 1 :o7"-fast 12 HI 4 I 2 9k 441 J 1 Mney 7 BrilntKay, Ashland, Honorable 58SCB JefTaon 3-4 l:14Jfcfrat 20 100 4 2 2 2 4*; A Wilson 8 Modesty, Com.McMeekin. C.Rocfc EM84 Jitfson 13:41%fast 8 Ml 2 2 2 4 41 C A Wilson 8 K.Bruuitnei. li. Block, Briarcliff i 58988 Jeffson 61 t 1:12 hvy 15 103 6 5 6 61 610 A Roach 11 Simplicity, LastKflort, K. Queen LALY ROCHESTER, b. f, 3 82 By Dick Fiunell— Beliona, by Beau Ormonde. Trainer, H. Neusteter. Owner, H. HeurieteT. 59696 F.Gnds 51 f l:"SV5mud I 9-5 I 4 5 5s 6,; G Breningl2 BirdieG., PaalMicou, Delid.Maid 59607 P.Gnda 51 f l:10%hvy 41 MSI 6 I 2 3* 3" A Wilson 12 Petie, Little Paugr, Plnuelia BM7S F.Gnds 3-4 1:16 mud 7 95 4 3 3 32 421 G BreninglO Mic.Mre. Pbuandr, MissUankin L.t413 P.Gnda 51 t lJ88T4faat 20 lo9 M ll 11 12 BM N Barrett 32 Fusee, Simple Simon, Dure 65245 Ham" ton 5-8 l:01%fast 36 314 6 5 6 61 6" J Glass 8 KocondTliougiits, Ogarlte, Whirl CROCK 0 GOLD, ch. f, 3 9S By Friar Rock — Collar of Roses, by Collar. Trainer. C. N. Freenran. Owner. M. R. Pons. 53733 P.Gnda SI t l:«7%good 12 K3 n M I 9- 71* C Lung 11 DelhiMaid, F. Kinney. For.Qua 58678 P.Gnda 3-4 l:13%faat 20 113 5 6 7 7:J 711 C Ponce 10 Petle, Knot Graaa, Fred Kinney EMU Jeffson 5. f l:o6f,fast 10 MS 2 I 6 61 «61 K Martin 8 CotoredBoy, CapePillar, ByGoak M278 Jeffson 5J f l:087;.f ist 8 132 2 3 1 U 1* E Martin 32 By Gosh, Ballot Mark. Trieka 59154 Jeffson 2-4 1:15 pood 12 107 I 2 3 5- 10 l R Holwnyll Simplicity, BirdieG., FdKiuney 59092 Jeffson 3-4 l:16%fast 5 112 2 1 1 lh 3nk E Martin 12 Bullet, Honorable, Hotspur FOY, blk. c, 3 110 By Doncaster — Lelia, by Leonid.. Treiuer, A. Winters. Owner, Tujasrue and Lascola. 6HS91 F.Gnds 3-4 l:13tkfaat 30 98 9 9 I 9» 851 1, McDott 10 Orlosn, Smart Guy, Gttiid Swell 58853 Jeffson El f 1:01 good 15 i v» 7 8 7 7 62 s BfeGrmu 0 WoVaCry, Bimpllcy, Bob.Halr oiois Jeffson 3-4 l:l7:;islow 8 ioo I 5 4 4 s McGraw I Rob, Com.McMeekin, JakeBerger 67598 Latonia S-4 3:13%fast 8-5 104 3 6 5 61 C* A Wilson 12 BrigbtLeaf , Salander, Or.Dale 57340 Latonia 51 f l:10"fhvy 12 1L* 7 5 5 6"* 3i R McDott 9 SmiliiiKLad, Llewellyn, Colossus FOREST MAJOR, ch. c, 3 M 114 By Star Shoot — My Princess, by Og-den. first »urt.