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HAVANA FORM CHART HAVANA, CUBA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2. 1922. -Oriental Park 1 mile. Sixty-seeoud day. Cunu-rtBSIlhaa Jockey and Auto Club. Winter Meetmj of 1WJ or more days. Weather clear; temperature 5 80; ■ Stewards, •!. Jlarhiristrr C. 11. f anedsla and E. Bnrke. Judges, C. Cornehlsen and Edward Jasper. • Starter. .Tames Milton. Racing Secretary. Martin Rathanaon. Rnrtat starts at l::;o p. m. Caicnge time l:."i7 p. at.. *Iadica4ea apprentice allowance. r-TQCuQsfa F1RST RACE— 0-4 atOn. Jan. 8. 1520—1:11—6—102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and 1 lt/Uv5v upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00: third. 0. Index liorsfs - AWtl*P8t_%_J4__»4St£_Fh2 Jockeys Owaata 0 II C P S " . .r,»76 JOHN J. CASEY w ii 110 6 10 loak 7; ■£ 3 D Irible W A Crawford 4 4 4 S-.7 4-5" 59826 DRAGOON wb 7 110 4 5 !• 1* 1* 2* B Kenn dyT lloclge 3 3 3 6-5 3-5 59828 SHY ANN wb 4 Wl 0 4 ll1 101 !: 3* A McLijlinA L Crist 6 6 6 2J C-5 I I I I , .59874 ACCLAMATION W 8 Mf 11 I 2* - ■■" 4r- A Wilson .1 Kindle :, g .-, i B8814* WHITE CROWNwsb 10 iS :; I 7: h1 6«* t* W Kolsay J J McCafferty :! 3 I fi-5 3-5 88886 ALTAMAIIA w It 112 5 7 t. 6* 4 K" .T I»omieki: J McDonald 4 4 4 5 4-3 B8874tTHORrl BLOOM wltllll 1 "■ V, i 7J J ChalinersH A. Hunt 5 !0 20 S 4 B8807TCOL. LILLARD w ." 110 it I :■- to lo" si ll ClmentaM Cardenaa 15 15 15 6 3 88888 TNRO ws 8 111 7 12 12 11 11 S" W JlOlfseyP .1 Sheldon X 8 8 :: K-j BS18#tDIPFTDEKCE w 4 10S 1 I .". 5 **laj E Atk*sonP J Kearn.s IS 15 15 6 I 89788 KAYAIAX w 4 110 S :; m V P tP 9 MOdM W If Sihwartz 10 10 10 4 1 078.71 fEP.ns BABT wan M 112 2 11 6*12 12 12 J Carroll K J Loper I 10 M i 2 rilntnel field. Time. 23i. 4835. UH%. Trach fast. :;:; inutiils paid. John J. Casey. 825.76 stmight, .70 place. 85.68 show: Prajroon. place. 90 show: Shy Ann, 86.26 show. Kcraivalent booking odds Jean J. Casey, 688 to 168 straight, 283 to loo place. 170 to 888 show; Dragoon, 206 to 166 place, 145 to 100 show; Bhy Ann. 216 to 166 show. Winner— Br. j:. by Brya Mawr— BrhWa Bean, by Blitzen trained by W. Scuitto: bred by Mr. H. I*. Gardner i. Went to post at 2:81. At peat 2 Bilantes. Start Bead and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. JOHN .1. CASEY began slowly, but clase I a bij; gnp and, wearing DRAGOON down iu the Stretch, j;ot m to win in the last stride. DRAGOON set a jrood pace and only succumbed right at the end. SHY ANN cloned a hi:; pap and InlnTnd with a rush after slipping through on the iaside on the stretch turn. ACCLAMATION ran well. Overweights— Into, l pound: DiaTHence, ." . itrQf Q-J LCOND RACE— 5 1-2 Furcr.ffs. Jan. 24. 1817— IrgandVt 8 18f. Purser$~700. 4-year-t_B*Ji_/oA olc.s and un-vard. CI?.i;r.intr. Net valuo to winner 50: record. JI00: third, 0. Ind~x I lorses AWtPPSt %A r % Btr Fia Jockeys Owners 6 ii C P S- R988B*»BLACK BA~BY w 4 M8 6 "i Ik in V* I* D Prihie E B Major :: :; 3 1 M B8882*GOOD HOPE wn 1 las 2 4 P 4"k :!i 2i K losi.ih : f: Rice 3 3 3 1 1-2 59288 WEDGWOOD w 4 MS S 3 2| M 4 :■■■ B KenndyCnrh Stable s I j :: 6-5 B8666*MAR. ROLLINS w C MS 1 ! S" P - r H BrytlgesG C MixeU x-5 8 S s-r, ::-:, l-:: S986S*SUNROSE w 7 102 4 l i- .". :."• :■•■ .1 ChalmersJ Kelly 3 :: 3 l 1-2 158788 *MIDIAN w» S Ml 3 5 I I I I J Mnibcn E f Shewhridge G t; C z l Time, 23,. 472.. 1:00. 1:07" ,. Track fast. 82 tiMituls paid. Black Baby, .66 straight, L26 place, . 2.70 show: Good Hope. 85.26 place. .40 show: Wedgwood, 88 su rImhw. BqnlvaleBt bookiaa odds Black Baby. 2W to 166 straight, «.o to 168 place. :;:, to loo show; Good Hope. l ;o to lob place, 120 to 100 show: Wedgwood, 846 to 168 -m y . Winner- Klk. f. by Dick liuueil — May Maid, by Yankee trained by E. E Major: bred bv Messrs. John n. Cnrr .V: Went to post at :::!!». At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Woo driving; second and third the same. BLACK BABT set a fast pace and was on the ontside f t he leadet m the stretch turn, ilbalu •he ran out and forced MARION HOLLINS wide, tbea finished fast, hot driving hard to ontstny OOOD HOPE. The latter ran in suddenly iaiproved form and s.,..,i ._. r. r,,i v.h.ii entering the hon itretch. WEDGWOOD ran a cood race, but was tiring ai the end. MARION HOLLINS was Ukea to Ihe out si!" and lost mu«li .round on ihe stretch tnra and would have w with a assd rider up. HUMAN ran as if unlit to race. Orel1 weights Wedgwood, 2 pounds. Cr aQO«J THIRD RACE— 8-4 Mile. f.Tan. 8. 1920-1:13—5— 168. Parse 8788. 8-year-eUs and k3 %J Jf D £and apward. Cbimin?. Net value to winner 56; tecend, 00: th;rd. 0. "i Odea Horses A Wt IMsT"1, ~. "~ Str Fin Jockey s TuTm ~i~ M "c V X 58558 l .ENTV Si:vi3x w s 112 2 1 t 4 . 8* 1» L D Pribl i J Embrey I •; t; S3 4-5 59828 3MOLINERO wn 4 Ml ! 1 5 :, •:■■• . - 1: KenndyA -I Meters 3 :". :: 7-5 7 10 59867 SH ARAN w 5 IM 1 -: 1" 8*4* ■■ A Pickens E C Criffith R-5 8-5 8-5 3-5 1-3 .-•!:.s-;h BLONDEL waSlN n s a s ;■ ;■ c. Fields Maryland SUhle 3 :: . 7-5 7-18 59867 T. BELGIAN II. wn 8 115 I .. : :: I* ..- F Wilson x K Moody 1 1 4 x 5 4-5 ..iS.X mess kit waS llfi 3 ■". 2 1 " ::••-,• p Moore M E Thompson I - I 3 8-5 .-.! S0l LITHOL4" K wf. 7 112 7 7 7 fc 7 , i Hunt A D Davidson 12 12 12 5 2 884167 SEVILLAN wstt 8 112 C I* 7 8 8 J Smith P J Smith I I I M 4 2 Time, 88%, 45, 1:18%. Track fast. S2 muncN paid, Twenty Seven. 84NV38 straight. 824.80 place. .80 show; Moliuero. 88.29 place, 84.68 Show; llaian. S2..»t» s,i,w. Kqcivaleat booking Od* — Twenty Seven. 2215 to llltt straight 1148 t« 168 place. 288 to 100 show; Molinero, 316 to 160 pUce, i:;o to 168 shoe ; llaian. 45 to 100 shew. Winner— B. hj by H. J. Bntrety — Belle Kinney, by Belvinere trained by W. II. Schwartz: bred by Jlr. W. I. Ear "ill. Went to post at 3:23. At imst 1 minute, star; good and slow. Won driving; second and third the Same. TWENTY SEVEN, well np with the leaders from the start, was simt 1ff when he attempted to gel through Just before making the turn for the home treteh but finished fast and antgamed MOLINERO. The latter ran veil, but tired ia the i;-: eighth. HARAN set the pace briefly, but tired ia the stretch drive. BLONDEL closed ■ bhr cap from a slow beginning. THE BELGIAN IE raced Into the l"ad. but tired in the last eighth. MESS KIT unit after taking the lead oa the last turn. Bcratehed-— 58768 Incinerator, 165; 59874 Gold a Bed, 112; ... 7tt Moon Winks, 97: 59737 Jack Henley, 115. PT d ClQQ FOURTH RACE— S-4 Kilo. Jan. 8. 1920— I: ll— 0— 102. rurse 00.~ 3-yearoidsl eJ «J t7C?«_8 Allow: ices. Met wine to winner £550: second. S1C9: third. S50. I nt lex Hi * »es A"wTT7lr:sr~TT "— -: "stM Tii Jockeys Owners Ti u C T S-" 59868 OUKSADA wn M8J 1 3 V v - 1- 1" W Keisay tlold ii ple Stb! 5 :■ 5 ii 1 58725 3FINCASTLE wa M7 I 3 4 ::1 M 2 1. Penman A W Hnrnei B-5 1-5 8-5 8-51-3 58856 ULTIMATA W 162 1 2 2 - 2* J Chalmers.! W Pangle 2 2 2 4-5 7-5 58790 RANDEL wn 112 3 i « t 5s i";- B KenndyJ T Manlier S .. S 2 1 58875 * ARTICLE X. W 161 I 5= |S I* 5*1 F Moon t I. Coster S fi "i 6-5 58854»ULTTMO w 117 S S 31 :.- G-- 0 ■ .1 PennlverC * L Stable :; :: :: 1 1-2 .5! 7J."» OSTELLE w 102 7 7 7 7 7 7 R Eilis- Williams Bros M M - 8 4 Time. 22":. 4SS. 1:13s,. Track fast. 82 niutueis paid. Quesnaa, 818.66 straight, .00 place, 84.66 sheer; Fincastle, s:!.imi place, 82.68 s1!.. : Ultimata. 83.56 show. Equivalent hoi. kin- odds -Quesada, 850 to 100 straight, 256 to 168 place 166 to 168 shew; Eincastle, 56 :■• 166 place, 80 to 168 show; Ultimata. 75 to 166 show. Winner — C!i. c, by Delhi — Mistress Quickly, by Nasturtium trained by E. M. Bray; bred by Mr. i bomas Ciatt I. Went to pest at ":5rt. At posr 2 minutes. Start good and stow. Won driving; aecsad and third the same. QUESADA. suddenly improved, showed the most speed and raced ULTIMATA into defeat in the first hall", but had to be ridden hard to las, haag enough to beat FINCASTLE. The latter was lm timid to swerve ont and his Jockey had to stop hard riding repeatedly to straighten him out. ULTIMATA ran a game race, bat tired la the stretch drive. RANDEL and ARTICLE X. finished gamely and close up. Overweights — Eltimo. 5 pounds: Quesada. !_■. fXCandChQ/l FirTK RACE— 1 Mile and 50 Yards. Karc-i 6. 191C— 1:41— ■-117.1 Purse 00. «3 *Jf i_7 C? TC 3-year-olds and upward. Churning. 77et vaue to winner 8888; second. S100; third. 0. Index Horses ~ A Wt IT St -. ~ :i Str l-TTi .I-.- k - - Own as 1 fl • p g*" 59776*ROSEATE wn ; IM 3 4 V ■■: l J~V- H Bryi . j Stable 8 s S 2 64 .••■9770 DAN wn 8 IM 1 7 "- 5 " - I 2" G Corey J ll Shreve ti « ; 2 1 59687 =COLONEL LIT w 6 112 2 1»* - 3" F :- I. Penman R !- Baker 6-5 6-5 4-5 8-6 1-5 58*fr4t«CHINCTEAGCE wn 4 IM I 1 C 1 ! . 1- 1 . .1 ChalmersO K Allen 10 10 M 4 2 59602 FORGE AHEAD w3 WJ 5 i 7 61 f. : :.; B Scheffel !• 1 Weir 3| 7-5 7-10 58827*BYRNE w ■ 163 2 :J S* 2J . 6* G Fields Ronedale Stable 2 2 2. 4-5 2-5 59666S»CH*TIE HOLTERSw S M3 7 S 6*7 7 7 7 J Maiben I. B st"rrett ti 6 6 2 1 Tiir.e. 2C*,. 47%, 1:18, 1:88%, 1:48%. Track fast. s.2 mutuela paid. Roseate, 825.18 straight, 6.80 place, .80 show; Dan. 822.46 place, 88.16 show; Colon"! Lit. 82.70 show hooking odds — Roseate, 1155 ;•- 166 straight, 140 t" 166 place, 88 to 166 show; Dan, 1626 to 10Q place, 305 to 166 show; Colon ! Lit, 33 t.. 166 sfa ■• Winner— Ch. f, by All Gold Rose of Dawn, by Hambn g traiaed by A. . Niehans; bred by Mr. Harry Payne Whitney. Went to post at 1:17. At p"st t minutes. Start 1 ami -low. Won easily; second and third driving. BOSEATE followed the benders dose up until on the turn Into tii" homestretch, from where she ■mved up t.-i -1 on the ontside and area going away, but ridden ont. DAN came fast through the stretch and won- COLONEL LIT down in the last sixteenth. The hitter wns a bit sere when going to the past and polled up extremely lame, t HINCOTEAGUE showed unsuspected speed and set a grant pace to the last eighth. BYRNE quit after racing in close*! pursuit lo the stretch. Overweights Roseate. 2 pounds; Forge Ahead. 11.. « irlstl Horters, 1. FqQOF SIXTH RACE— ! 1-16 BBlBa. Ffb. 3. 1913— 1:«S— 3— 9?. Purse 00. 3 -year -olds e3t iL?Oc3 and upward. Claiming. Bet value te winner 8856; secend, 00: third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt *4 *4 % Btr Fin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P" fi~ 7 !» ,:.-, MliiKRItoRDK w« ; 113 6 5 3k 2 2 J J* 15 A Pickens C J Harrnh 2 2i 2. 1 TT 58175 AU REVOIR wa I M0 2 2 2* 1| 1* V :■•.! .rr"!l J Wait" 3 3 6-5 3-6 58789* *MEADOWORTH wn 9 104 7 »i P * 4 t G Fields F C Friable S E 5 2 1 59921 ■•JAP MUMA w 4 IM 1 1 I» . Kel ty Goldapple stb t 1 4 8-5 -i 5 aitftiS- MARCELIA BOT ur 1133 1 ! P "■■ ■• • • W Pool Montfort Jones 3 2 I 4-5 2-, 69789 CONSTANTINE w 6 IM S :- 5J 5* • 7* 6* F Wilson R ".roves 12 12 12 fi 4 59922 ALESO am 3 SB 3 I 7- 7" 7 6J 7 I "rib!" C W Roan I I 6 2% C-5 59243*SL"MMER SIGH wn 0 M0 I I I B» 8* V IJ .1 Pevlc J D Bartolomeo 12 12 12 1 :; ."0707 MARAUDER W« 7 lit :, 7 9 9 I 1 9 J Smith A 1 Robertson 12 12 12 6 i Time, 84, »%, 1:14, 1:41%, 1:4S"5. Track fast. !s2 mutuels paid. Misericord*, 88.76 straight, 856 place, 84.16 show; Au Revoir, .10 place. .70 show: Mendn worth, 88.00 show. Equivalent b.„ikin" adds Misericerde, 885 to loo straight 175 te 10*1 place, 105 to 100 show; Au Devoir. TV, to 166 place, 83 to 100 show; Meadoworth, 50 to loo show. Winner — B. in, by Aeengal — Bene, by ftenhatioa Itrained by W. Brawn; bred by Mr. Walter O. Par- iiicrl. Went I" post at 1:49. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the ime. MISERICORDE raced close up from the start and. after losing unaed. came again in the lit eighth and «"t up to wia in the last few stride-, .w REVOIR raced Into ■ hung had. but tired bnally rlghl at the cad. MEADOWORTH Ho -d a gap and WUS ghmg fastest at the finish. MAItCELLA BOiT was in close quarters part of tv r JAP MUMA r.m fairly well. Bcratehed- 59822:liyeres, 86; 539253NavaJe, 168; 5!7so Sea Urchin, 109. Overweights Ales©, - pounds. — — ■ — - =r-TT3 a