Fair Grounds Entries and Past Performances for Tuesday, February 21, Daily Racing Form, 1922-02-21


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FAIR GROUNDS ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES FOR TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 WEATHER CLEARS TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:18 p. m. Chicago time 2:13. ® Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. sfc Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice illowance b Blinkers. First Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purs,- 1,000. l-year-olus and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Track record: Feb. 12, liiHi 1 :4J;. -4-113. » Todays lad. Horse. Wt. Roc. A.Wt.Huu. 0031S Snu .Myth 103 1 :4i :. •. Hi..70l 60166 Romulus 4 113. .333 80257 Theresa 103 1:43% 4 11 IX 033 00367 Concentrate 107 1:451--. 4 113X330 BJ02631 Mechanii 112 l:ts,m I lig..39o 5930n Eastward Prill ■ es-. 10.7 1 :47-.. I lllX"3tl r.7"..".!t Blond Buddy t 1 13. .085 .7.SS7I Blue Star 133 1:53% 5 116. .683 i.iili.f. Pattern 93 1:5.".-, li 4 116.. 080 60257 1 1 race King Ill 1:51 4 111.. 030 00146 Black Watch II. .. 5 118.. 680 00087 i.a Derniere 4 111 . C-O Second Race — 3-4 Kile. Purse 1,000. I year-Olds and upward. Claiming. Tract record: Feb. 9, 1318— 1:11%— 3— 113. 90814 •Rising Hock 33l:12%m I 111x723 60340* Philanderer 10.7 1:14 4 |0«X72n 60142 *P.righi Eights 133 1:12% 0 111x715 60169 Auntie May 135 1:12% 1 114/715 MtM.l ••Cranny I M I . . 10.7 1 :1l* .. 5 100x71.1 ".:i;77l Bengali 11SF14 9 118.. 715 i:i ::ih Wiuneconne 102 1:|3 3 113X740 002X6* Sandalwood 104 1:14-.-. I 110-710 0O231 i.c.iKiit Lass 114 1:14 7 138X710 1.0340 «Rolo 104 1:13-, 1 148 710 r.osoo Greenhrad 115 1:13% i 116x710 602S5 •bOaklawn Belle ."..133 1:13% BIOS 703 60315 •Wreeger Ill 1:14a 4 114 :I60 59678 *bSquire Charlie Ml. 101 1:11--. 3 106. iOO 0BC5S *!.s..n,| II 130,1:12% 7. 113. .711.". 00340 bTwopah- 113 1:13% 4 118 700 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Parse 1,000. .••.year-olds. I laiining. Track record: Feb. 9, 1318—1:11% 6 113.1 53658* •Grace Mayers . . . lOOM :li% 135. ,725 53637* •Gammer Garten ..ill 1:14% 133. .723 r.oooo *l.otiie Laraiae .... 132x715 60341 •bPred Ki y 118 1:13% K.;..7l.. 60260* Avlspa 107 1:13. 99.. 715 59436 •hBahhed* Hair 33 1:13% MS 715 00259* Blossom [loose M198jl:13% los..7ir, 53833 *liio 133 1:18 132X713 c.0107 •Baaera P-ltu- 134 1:18% 97X719 60367 •Past Trial 107 1:11 . 183. 7io R9340* bCape Pillar 114 1:13* 115.. 783 :o.-!41 I.Adveutiiie 10S 1:14.. 10! 205 88133 »K«.v i S 1:14 183 X 738 63167 bHyperbole 33 1:1T% B3..703 8O250 Image 133 1:15% 100X700 C0315 bRed Leaf 112 1:15% 187X783 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. "like it pram Me" Pane. Purse 1,000. 3 yeav-olds and upward. Allowances. Track record: Feb. 0. 1318— 1:11%— 3— 113. ".71..J EDDIE RICKEN- BACKER 133 1 ;il»4 5 117. .7.70 60123* iT.m Son 101 1:12% 4 105X740 58133 Dartmoor 105 1:12% 4 10.7x740 r.if.u: lYIavonineen 109 1:12% 4 100x740 i;i.:lt,s l.Iloiioy Baker 112 1:12--. 5 113X730 ."i::i.-,.-, bHadrian 133 1:12% 0 107x730 90288 Bt. Allan 103 1:12-, .7 113x725 Fifoh Rac3— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Confederate Parse. Parse 31.030. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances Track record: Feb. 12, 1313—1:42% — 1—113. 60309 hWynnewood 133 1:41% 0 111x750 80342 bPiistoral Swain ...107 1:43% 0 108x745 60369 Blarney Stone lo| 1:45% 4 100x740 00342- 1. Padua HH 1:44% 8 97. .710 00316* Tableau dHoaaear. 113 1:44% 8 1044:735 30342 Brotherly Love ...112 1:44% 5 182x735 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Parse 1.630. 4-yesii oMa and upward. Claiming. Trtlek re, ord: Feb. 13. 1*15— 1:44%— 3— 184. 00371 •Wahaal Hull 13*1:43% 8 1 or. 72.7 100343 *l.iinty Iiss 107 1:43% 4 103x720 011371 Mormon Elder 113 1:48% 0 108x71.7 I0003si *Marie Maxim 5 105x715 0U372*bBritish Finer 107 1:474:, 4 104. .715 60280 •Search Eight III. .113 1:48% 6 183x716 80371 »Trickster 11 108 1:47% 0 108x715 60U90 IM. ; ! .ni! 105 1:40-, 8 108x710 on:,::; — id„i.. Hill 1811:43% 6 114x710 60287* •Eseurnolette 99 1;47 .7 10.7x710 .705381 *iti, h,li ii 133 1:47% 5 113X710 dirjsv »,•,,,,, ,!•,,. 9r, 1:47SZ 4 10F. 705 60289 *Littb Ed 112 1:47% 8 10S ;:70.-, Or.Mi :hI;o:neo Ill 1:47, 8 107x70.. 60371 bTbe Wil 132 1:43% 3 112x746 83283 •Finney 1011:48 6 105x700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pui 1,060. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ii ack record: Feb. 12, 1010 -1:42%— 4-113. C02S6 ..:k Ip 911:45% 4 106X725 30318* Pie 109 1:43% C 336X720 etna-:* Horeh 113 1:47% .7 113x71". i.ol7: ■ *Oi:;.- W I 109 1:49 5 138. .715 6O290* •Jolia Arbor 162 1:45% 4 100x71.7 oir.is- Kings Belle 832 1:43% 4 113X710 6A236 Pansy 87 1:31b 4 08X710 60141 Tan 11 133 1:44% 7 113x710 59295* Jackatraw 139 1:44% 8 109. .710 8031S She Devil 10741:43% 6 108x70.7 60313 •Courlls 1311:43% 5 108x705 30317 bExecation M . . .101 1:53 M 3 9l..7Ni 30231 bBit of Green 4 lot;x7i o 00257 Sparkling M . . . .10.7 1 :47 4 98.. 700 5R816 Sky* Ball 6 105. Ti 0 80258 LCapers 7 95.. 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922022101/drf1922022101_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1922022101_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800