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H ef J l I .» r t h I a thai e j • ■- — - REFORMERS IN CANADA BECOME BUSY _ OTTAWA. Ontario. March 3.— A delegation from the Racial Service Council of t anada, eaaapaaai of AreMeaeea Ingles, director: Dr. T. Albert Moon-, recording secretary: Bev. .1. W. Woodside of Ottawa and Dr. J. Q. Shearer, general sec re tary. waited on the prime minister and several members of the cabinet at noon, asking that the federal government amend the criminal code during the coming session of parliament in such mini ner as to prohibit race track betting and make other changes requested by the social service or-a ganizations. Members of the cabinet who heard tin- delegation were, besides the prim minister. Sir ILeaMf Oonin. Hon. Coorge P. Craham and Hon. W. B. Motherwell. Consideration of the councils requests were promised.