G. W. Foremans 1922 Stable: Elemental Best Racing Prospect of the String-Super Returns to Health, Daily Racing Form, 1922-03-21


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G.W. FOREMANS 1922 STABLE : Elemental Best Racing Prospect of the Str:pg l — Super Returns to Health. UALTIXIOUK. Md.. Match -0.— ;. W. Foremans i racing stable, wnicli wintered at Itow ie. faces the • spring campaign in good condition. All of the thoroughbreds appear in excellent health and are taking their early prei Lira lion in fine style. The star of the stable i Klemental. three-yeur-old ■ hay colt, by ITtiiuus - Xaico. by ii. W. Johnson, which is well engaged in the chief tbre-.i car-old I stakes of the coming season. Klemental is a half-brother to the speedy Motor Cop. ■eaaeajtal was hred ly Hal Price Headiey ami brought SHlwM from Commander J. K. L. Uoss as a yearling at Saratoga. Cndrr the strain of train ing. however, the eattl knees did not stand up well last year. Foreman plans t-j try Elemental out dining the Itowic meeting befere deciding whether pt not to i alart him in the Chesapeake Stakes and the Fieak-ness. AnuMig Flemeiitals staldemates are Super. Ienei ope. Ardiln. Whale Bear. Despair and a number of otuis Foiei in is alee keeping obi Hauberk. li" leaser of any a e in rarlaa; wMeh earwad a lehmetj old age by his efforts on the track. Following are the mole important members of the Foreman stable: Klemental. 1. c. 3. by Fltimus — Xarco. by i. W. Johnson. Sujier. 1 . g. a. by Superman — Sister Jenuie. hj Midlothian. Iemloi c. b. in. .". by Sweep — rosie Cohan, by Handball, iohline. b. in. 5. by QeMea Maxim — Mary Hodine. by Star Shoot. Anlito. eh. g. 5, by His Majesty — Early Rose, by ■ Si. 1 1- Shoot. Despair, b. c. 1. by MctJce — Mary Davis, by Watercress. Hailymooney. ch. m. 7. by Celt — Lady Isabel, by ■ Holsteiii. King Queue, br. g. " . by King James — Notasulga. by The Conimnlier. Whalebone. Idk. g. i, by Allan a-Dale — Marcotiui. by Marco. Mr. Itnuumel, eh. g. 5, by Erumniel Sena iood rich, by Qeedth-h. Thrift, b. g. 7, by Vinm Tromp— Spinosa. by O-- sary. a a

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922032101/drf1922032101_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1922032101_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800