Erie Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-16


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ERIE FORM CHART ■ ERIE, Pa., Thursday. June 15, 1022. One-half 57 mile. Eighth day. Erie Racine Associations spring n:eeiing of 10 days. Weather clear. s,. Cal. Pro-.idiuic judge. Joseph A. Murphy. Associate H 100 Judge. J. J- Phillips. Starter. Lester Dean. Racine serretaiy, H. I Monroe. Racing satrls at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. S GO no FIRST RACE— About 5-8 Mile. Purse I .SO 1/. g4j0 3-year-olds and upward. Claim-Ine. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; thud, g *30- EquW. Odds. Ind. ITor,. Wt. Fin Jockey ■*»*** n 623R7 Fait Ac.mpli 109 V O Atwell lj0-100 62382 Malvolio 111 21 F Lux 303M00 _ 62408 British Isles 115 3» G Garner »-*• fl „ 62497 Arfw Point HO 4 ITOM B99-J" « 62388 Peaceful Star 110 "h. 6257S Hat. Willdo 109 6» T Buel gM» p 61726Mary Mallon 109 7 F Moore ]**~;Z 62498 *lr Campbell 115 R C Watson 8K9-K9 , 62302 Dctor James 111 9 BB.U1 1V0 * r ; 62301 Noiseless l« 10 T Wayt COO-lOO m mutuels paid. Fart Accompli. 40 1 hB 0* place. 20 ahow; 3.S0 place, ?3.S0 . anew: British Isles. ?2 -0 show. 6 Kuuivatent heohhaf olds-Knit Aecomp t. 1.0 to 199 Stnlsbt. 130 to 100 place. 99 to 100 show; „. M-lvoPo. r,90 to 100 Place. M to 100 show; . Isles, 40 to 100 show. fi Time, 1:00 :i. Tratk fast. G Winner -II. W. M .ires blk. m, 5. by Von Tromp Make Good, by L -k Ml Charily trained by Btaart; bred by Mr. J. H. Rosseter. „..[■* Wer.t t 1 paat at Z.. At p.fet 2 minute Start second and th.rd ■Bad and slow. Won handily; *SSUed 02T.79«Yirge. 113; Ml EUema. 109. j vearwalcata— Arrow Point, 1 pound. COf1 «3 SECOND RACE— About 5 8 Mile. Pirrse OZDAO 54oat 3.ycur.o.ds fj:d up-rrard. Cluci- f isi~. Net value to winaer 53C0; second, §70; third, l30, Eqniy. Odds. 2 Ind. Hon?. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. ■ ttatl Ah-nrven 108 l1 L. Gray 22-3-!00 62502 K. nn-atlaam 113 II J McGlothin 1*0-100 1 62537 Trade* 1U 3 R Ball «0-100 ■2501 Q of t. Sna 113 4* K Hil-man 410-110 - 62H-.7 Kitty Maude 100 6» O Atwell ■£*! / •«SS9 G»T Life 109 C» F Moore : - «© t 61-39 OHyG,b HI 71 E Wells HM , 62383 Marzella 113 81 J Maak 1W-.0J ? •TSSStFop U5 91 U Gome- «fj" 62-469 J- K- Hertz 111 10 F Lux 41*0-00 tW.r.t in entries as fob. « saateela paid. Athgarven. ,.40 straight, .00 g pljce K-flO show; Kitty Cheatham. $. 10 place, ,. EjOakew; Tradar. $..00 show. Eiuivalent booking odd*- Athgarven, 220 to 100 ,. ptrM.ght. 100 to 100 place. 100 to 100 showjKitty Gaaattaaa. L"JO to 100 place, 90 to 100 .how; Trader. 150 to 100 show. Time. 1:01%. Track fast. Wiener W. lllehrrs b. g. 3. by The Orrigb - ■atoaaa. by Isidor toaaaad by W. Pilcher; bred by Mr. .loim Bastard. — . Went to paat at 3:00. At post 2 minutes. Start second and third pood and *low. Won handily; ranched 62537 Red Chief, 109; MM Louis Oeerweift-ata Athgarven, 2 pounds; Kitty Cheath- ] am. 4; MMMiila ; Fop, 4. " — ■ — ■ 1 5-8 Mile. Pn-sc 1 £ THJRD RACE— About Cnr- iiO-L .0 4-vear-o!d3 and upvari- r. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, *30- Elnlv. Odds. Tnl Ban*. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 6242-T Lal-Meaaa 112 li F Moore «0 .08 624S1 Fo rleaf U* 2 T Burl 31..0-KO «tSS«W. lTlllBII 117 3l R Ball 40-MO0 62S37W*ter Mack 113 4 nnileman 90-U* 62503San Di«so 117 61 C l»-J«l ttlnUHUMM H5 6J T Wayt mj-MO , «253» Kit JohnKniU I* R Curraa 6401*? 62,i:. Fond Hope 111 8 O Atwell 100-lOt sii i;,atu.-!s paid. Lai-Meaaa, . CO straight, 99.80 pile. Kt.09 show; Fourieaf, *0.20 place, show; William Humphrey, 99J99 show. ■aalvaleat boking odda- Ual ateaaa. 4S0 to 100 Btrii-ht 240 to 190 ptaee, SO to KO show; Ko:ii-l.-af."910 to 100 place. 200 to 100 show; William Humphrey, CO to 100 B v Time, 1:00%. Track fst. I Winner O. I.. los.-rs br. g, 5, by I-uke Me-I.uke Mil aula, by Watercress trained by O. U iaatcr: Bred by Messrs. Keene and. Shorr. Weit to past at 3:29. At past l minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and th.rd I pjumOOad -d9J9J Neg. 10S; V_T,S1Pomerene, 112; . 1 I Otd Hatal sphere, 10»; 9X999 lliiw-s. 999. Ovcrwe. gilts— Kitty Johnson. 3 poanda. I /.Ofilt; FOURTH EACE— 6 1-2 Furlonjrs. Purso DOJ-cl 5«00. 4 -ycar-clLS and upward. Clarm-ln?. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, • 0. Eqniv. O ids. Ind Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 6? 582 Benecia 1P9 1» L Gray 9J9-19J 62388 Etoaafl Id IDS 2» F Moore 61 100 62591 Bark Bay 111 31 E Hil-man 250-109 62424 Minnie H. 1"9 « T Wayt 380-1M 0 62543 Wr Club 116 5» C Garner 690-10C 1 62513 Trot en 111 Gl E Wells 3500-100 62124 Regular 109 7i L Goiiua 6000-100 0 62 42 7 B • swaw 113 SJ Atwell 150-100 0 62301 MHie GunnerlU 9 W Hughes WO-100 0 111 paid, Benecia. 8 OJ s.raight, .» 0 0 pla.e. 93 .Li sl.o-.v; KaaaCaM, .00 place, ,40 0| 1 bh .v; !. .1 k I!ay. .00 show. E.p iv::le t lt-d-.:iig odds Benecia, 800 to 100 0 atcaight, :J:;o to 199 alaee, b;o to 100 show; Rose-field. LK to 100 place, 170 to 100 show; Back Bay, •, 100 to 199 show. Time, 1:25%. Track fast. Winner — G. St warts eh. m, 5, by Honeywood — - Rose 11 1, by Voter Iriined by H. R. Stewart; bred d by Nevada Stock F.ina. Went to post at 3:5S. At post 1 minute. Start t good and slow for all but Machine Gunner. Won n easily; scond and third driving. Beratehed -92491 Balaraaa. ill; 2T43 El Capi-tania. i- 199; 99999 Stjuiie Charlie. 101. Overweights-War Club, 2 pounds; Machine Gunner. l" 2. ft9ft1 FiPTH RACE — 6 1-2 Furlong*. Purce * 0 4UJ.U c400- 1 jiar flfa and upward. Claiming. »- Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 1. 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straichi. 62537 Al Strai:ss 114 1» W Hughes 1120-W0 X 62388 Baby Cal 111 £ F Monro 4«j0-100 50 624C9 Stir Up 111 3 F Lux 570-100 » 62498 Eward BcesslH 4i J Groth 670-100 0 62096 Hafferty 115 5* O Atwell UO-1.O ■0 92497 Sabretash 111 6 T Wayt 1440-100 00 9S939*Captn Burns 106 7» G Marino 1030-100 00 62469fSea Mime 110 8« H Hileman 1450-100 00 92428 Belry James 1U Bled.D Gray 12000-100 00 57 s,. Cal. H 100 S g n _ « fl „ p , r ; m 1 . 6 „. . fi G j f 2 ■ 1 - / t , ? « g ,. ,. ] 1 1 fSent out in entries as Sea Mint •*■•.• inutuels paid. Al Stmuss, 4.10 straight, 2.SO ] i!ce. 99.99 slow; Baby Cal, 4 40 place, 116. u .!0 show; Stir Up, 94.99 kiow. — ■ ;uiv.;l nl aeaktaft- ad Is- Al 1120 to 100 straight. 510 to 100 plarw. 130 to loo aaaw; Baby 1 6 020 to 100 place, 280 to 100 show, Stir Cp, to 100 show. yi se Time, 1:24 :. Track fast. Winner Knss and Smiths b. c, 4, by Dacla— 1 Seipentaria, by Dick Welles trained by C. P. Smith; bred by Mr. Alfred Vogelcr. Went to post at 4:28. At post 1 minute. Start *j Raad and slow. Won easily; second and third I I* driving. l! Scratohed- 62583 The Colleen Bawn. 109; C25S2 Blue Star, 111; 92591 Dorothy Carlin, 109. g Qua wail al a S.-a Mime, 1 pound. s 3 fi 1 7 SIXTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Parse j Mwl ;400. 3-y «r.clds and upward. Clarm- ing. Net value to winder 03; second, 0; third, I , 530. ! ; ! Kiuiv. Olds, j J Bat, norse. Wt. Fin. .To -key. Straight. r,2541 Favour 117 1" W Ilighea 1499-109 12100 Major Domo 113 21 ■ Hileman 400-100 . ; 1 91999 tCanny LadpaPI 3« F Moore 1991 IN j ; 1 B ♦I2542 July Fly 111 4J O Atwell H -!00 B 62579 Salome 116 5» R Watcott 4000-100 ! I I 9249C*F*ea1 Tkpa NO 61 J Tevic 570-100 99199 *attoa Orb Ul I" W Gibbons 34..0-100 99499 Kimono 09 81 FI.-ix 1191 199 I -82509*Kaaaaa I. HI 9l T W;.yt 190-1001; ii:3C TTiaiiliaai ln5 10 It BaU 1T20-100 i : l T2 niiiti:els paid. Favour. 1.00 straight 20 i place. 00 show; Major Homo. .20 place. . SO p show; Canny Ijady. .20 sliow. PtoMvalaast liooUing o*!d.s Vavonr. 1430 to 100 straight, 300 to 100 place. 300 to 100 show; Major Beaaa, ir.0 to 100 place, 00 to 100 show; Garmy j I.ady, 210 to 100 BfeOW. Time, 1:24%. Track fast $ Winner W. C. Baly. Jr.s b. m. 9. by Ormonde 1 Caaapaataate, by Oaarpato trained by W. O. Dal/, Jr.; bred by Mr. W. OB. Macdonough. V."ent to post at 4:T.9. At post 1 raintite. Start ■aad and slow. Wjn driving; second and third the . t same. Sera tched -G2499 Bean Spiller, 111; C25S3 Juanita 111 . 10-1 Overweights — Salome. 5 pounds. fi9fi18 SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-10 Miles. Purss uiwj-u pn 0 4.yf.aJ.0!ds and up-raH. Claira- in?. Net value to winner 00; second, §70; third, 0. Ejuir. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt Fin. Jockey. Straight. 1 02541 Don Dodge 116 l1 J McG.othiu 100-100 1 I r.?541 Wton Arrow 111 21 E Wells 1199-191 1 02 197 Fr:mitive 105 3« F Lux 17C1-100 "2541 Uailb.rd 111 4* T Wavt 9LO-100 -99549sLa - Balafre 107 5* O Atwell 3t? 100 1 j j 1 62 128 Celtic Ias* 109 I R BaU 370100 I aaadaeta jwid. Don Dodge, .00 straight, $.1 40 1 I place, .00 show; W:lton Arrow. .10 place, .. 0 ■ I show; Primitive, 40 show. ■toJtoaaaat booking odds - Don Dodge. 100 to 100 » 1 straight, 70 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Witton 1 Airow, 370 to 100 place, 140 to 100 show; Primitive, 170 to 100 show. I Time, 1:53%. Track fast Winner -B, T. Palmers b. g, 7, by Toddington — Miss Oertel, by flaadafl tfatoad by C. M.inley; bred by Messrs. Stone and R-oker. J Went to post at 3:27. At post 1 minnte. Start g? od and slow. Won handily; second and third 1 dnv ing. ! BeratrJaad— 99999 Short Stop, 116; G2347 Jacks, r.w. 107. Overweights — Don Dodrre, 4 pounds; Wilton Arrow, 4. .#.

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Local Identifier: drf1922061601_10_1
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