Blue Bonnets Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-06-16


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E _ j i | ■ J - ■" . " I I I | ! | i i i ! | I I I ; , r B 1 I , 3 0 J ■ ° , ! 1 " i. I, 6 10 6 8 •C « 0 of ,t BLUE BONNETS FORM CHART KONTRJiAL, Q.XTE., THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 1922,—Rlue Beaaeta 1 mile. Seventh and last day. Montreal Jockey Club. flpilaB M-eting of 7 dnys. Weather clear; temperature 70°. Steward Representing Cinadi.m Racing As. oeiations, Fraachl PMaaa, Stewards. Col. Win. Hendrie, H. B. Me.eDnugill. K. T. Diwes aad I. B. Csmi-hell. Judges, Divid Gillies, VV. C. Hcgan and E. C. St. Pere. Starter, li rry Merrissey. Racing Secretary. J. R. Campbell. Racing starts at 3:00 a, m. Chicago time 2:00 p. ni. W iudicates whip, S spurs, R blinkers. Figaros it. paren theses following the flhrtaaea af each race indicate date, track record, age of Lorse aud .eight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. fZtymifandEZ FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mila. Sept. 4, 1915—1:12—5—105. Pursa ,000. 3-yoar-olds and O £kvandy O ut v.aid, Madenj. Allowances. Foalsd in Canada. Hut value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 05-. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 H % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Beat*. Odds Strt PBOCYOM w 3 107 3 4 1°* 1 V ll C Turn-r J K L Ross 65-100 52273 IMPERSONATOR w 3 107 7 1 2s 2* t* 2 C Thpson Seagram Stable lC-lOO 61952 JACK SHRINE w 4 112 6 3 5» 4» 4« 31 J Rowan W T TTenholmo S5o5-lu0 57533 TIPSY DANCE w I 107 5 6 C13 51 31 4» M An.ison Btfll L A I.iving3ton 8B5-B8 :2 184 CHINA w 3 10S 4 2 4* G« 51 P D Stirliig J M Jackaoa BBS-SN 57S22 DORIENNE w I 105 1 5 3» 3 6»* 6" J Wallaeo S NeKbitt 55"5-l"0 Gli33 TAG DAY w3 107 27 7 77 7 A SJsirom G Nibbs UBBI 108 Time, 24, 43%, 1:15. Track fast mutuels p:iid, Proeyon, .30 straight, .30 pi ice, .50 show; Iniprsona tor, .23 place, ..!5 shew; Jack Shrine. 88.28 show. Boarraleat booking odds — Proeyon, 88 to 100 straight. 18 to 100 place, 15 to HX show; Impersonator, 12 to 100 place. 17Vi to 100 ehow. Jack Shrine, 188 to M8 show. Winner — Ch. c, by Marathon- Canice, by Rridge of Canny trained by H. McDaniel; bred by Mr. J. K. L Ross. Weat to post at 3:05. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second end third driving. PBOCYON fcok the l"ad with a rush in the first quarter aad, sitting a good pace, won easing up. UIPBBSONATOR m.-ed in closest pursuit hiiJ whs easily best of the others. JACK SHRINK were the liriag TIPSY DANCE down and jiassed near the finish. The latter began slo.viy aud closed np ground. Scratched 11088 1*1 jaaaiwlh. 105. Overweights— Ohfcea, 3 pounds. e* £*££* SECOND~RACE— 5 1-2 FuiTongs. June 9, 19U— 1:054— 4— 114. Purso . 8 yaaw £iz j 2 olds. Allowances. Net va!uo to winner 8788; seoond, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Ki;uiv. Odds Strt !24H8« RENDAL w 103 7 6 P P 3J 1 D Stirling AN Roy 141: 1-100 fi2402L!LT w 105 1 1 1» la ll 2* A Claver H Giddings 110-100 883*8 HEELTAPS W 115 3 3 21 J! V 7,4 T Parrton B F Whitney 250-100 684SS*DELUSIVB w 115 4 7 G P 6« 4"* L McITott BlrerdaJo Stable 2215-100 81SB8A1LSTB VERNOR w 109 6 6 4» pa B* 8" H B Jones C T Worihmgton T7C-100 G2:S3 SAM HcBRIDB w 101 2 3 7* T» 7* 6l R Romelll C T Worthingtoa t C2J83i:LI7/Bi:TH BBANwa 109 5 4 3 3« 4« P J McTagt E Harding 710-104 JERRY BRTTTOR w 03 3 8 8 8 8 S P Walls S Nesbitt 0888-881 fCoupled iu betting as C. T Worl tiiugton entrv. T:n:3. E5H. 4G%, 1:88%, 1:0S. Track that, niiitnets paid, Arentlal, 0 25 straight, .10 place, .00 •hew; Lilt, .35 place, .30 show; Ht eltaps, .55 show. BqnJraleal booking odda— Areadal, 1412U to 100 straight, 255 to 188 place, 50 to 100 show; Lilt, STH *» 100 ptace, 18 to lOO show; Heeltaps, _7/i to 188 show. Winner — B. c. by Ilaudit or Star Shoot — Pyrope, by Sir Wilfred trained by A. N. Roy; bred by Mr. lake K. Madden. Went to pest :it 3:35. At post 7 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen handily; second and third driving. A REN DAL closed I g:ip after making I slow besiaaing aad, c.r.iing fist through the stretch, paaaed LILT and won going away. LILT set a fast pace, but w-.s too much aaad in the early mnr.iig ia racing HEELTAPS into defeat and fir d finally. The latter raced to the last Mnth. SAM McBBlBBj linished fast when of no use. ELIZABETH ULAN quit and ran far below her true form. Overweight - Sum McRride, 1 poaad. ££ 5 Od"hr7 THIRD RACE— Sheet 2 Miles. Steeplecha.--.e-. P-jr-.e ? 1,1 00. 4-year-ol«U and upwr-rd. £ xl]r 4 Alowanes. Oamd or Loaaod by Members cf KsBtraal Jockey Club. Set vaiua to winner ,CC3; second, 00; third. 50; fourlh, 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt 5 ,S 12 14 Kin Jockeys Owuers E«iu* v. Odds Strt C84flSOVERMATCBJ W T KB 4 4 2» 1 1« 1* I* W Eorgan Lord Shaughni ssy 115-100 ■244.VMINATA w 6 145 1 2 3» 3» 2» 2" 2" N Kenndy Sir H Montague Allen 255-100 8S388*HOUYHNHNlfl w 4 liOj 3 1 1» 21 3" 3" i J B H.iynes Mr P H Cowans 205-100 G2J01 BUTCHER ROY w 7 143 5 5 4" 4 4 4 4 S VeitchJr Sir Mortimer Davis Hr.-lOO 884S8 BRIZZ w " 143 2 3 5 Fell. J Rrtnsch Mr G E Neil 6160-100 Time, 4:04. Track fa,t. mutuels p-iid. Overmatch. .00 Btraight, .05 plu-e, .15 show; Minata, 30 place, .20 show; Beayhahaai, ?2.15 show. Baalealeat booking H!ds--Overmatch, 145 to UiO straight, 47,.4 to 100 place, 7Vi to 100 show; Minata, 05 to LK place, 10 to lot ■how; Hoayhahaaa, 7i to 108 show. Winner — IS. g, by Oversight— Omerca, by Common trained by S. V -itch; bred iu France by Count O. de Oaeteflhajae. Went to |iost at 4:09. At post 1 rninnte. Start good and slow. Won "asily; eeond and third driving. OYBB1IATCH jumped in easy fashion and, taking a good lead after going one turn of the field, won under restraint. MINATA struck several of the fences and :ilm* st fell at the tenth jump, but fin- ished areB, BOUYHNHNM tired badly. RRIZZ fell at the sixth jump. Of ei weights—— Hoayhahaaa, 3fi peaada. FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Kilo. Sept. 4, UBS— 1:12 — 5—105. Par ,0G0. 3-year-olds OaS iailjUO atul upward. Net valuo to winner 7C0; sseocd, JSW; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 V4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 8t38d*AUNTTB MAY w 4 103 2 3 31 4» 4» 1»* H E Jones C T W irthngton 477J-100 68SSS*MESSINES wn 4 110 5 1 Ill* 1» P A Claver J K L Ross lSC-100 e8448sBI LLET PROOF wn 5 112 I 4 4» 3 t*| 3» J McTagt T J onway L0-100 02527 M.i . LILLIAN w 4 MB 4 2 2» S* 3» 4" D Stirling J B Dunn 77:,-Ffl GZ521 GRAY GABLEB w 6 Bfl IS 5 5 5 5 L Coney W buraaa 4C50-100 T.. 23%, 13. 1:13%. Trvck fast, Tnut::e!s paid, AcatJe May, 1.15 straight. .80 place, .25 show;, 00 place. 20 show: BoBel Proof, 82-28 .-how. Bqatraleal bapkiag odde- Auntie May. 457% to 100 straight, 91 to 100 place, 12,4 to 100 show; Messines, 50 to 108 pine, lo to 108 show; Ballet Proof, 10 to 180 shew. Wlaaer- 4 a. f. by Dade— Hay Hempstead, by i-ation traiaed by C. T. Worthlagtea; bred by Messrs. Headley flj UUIer. Went to peat al 4:12. At [ ost 1 minute. St:irt good atd slow. Won driving; WCawd md third the ■aaae. ADNTIB may dosed ap adtk a good »urst of awert after aukiag ■ aide tura wbea eateriag the aieai itnti V sad got ap to win in lh - last stride. BBSSINES set i fast early pace aad oaTed sreaad ea nil the turns, b.t waa tiring badly :it the end. BULLITT PBOOS* begaa slowly aad tired after radag into secood place. MADBLIBB LILLIAN r:it in Bat stretch. Scratched OTJjuTJMiaetiif. 112; t;L",:2 I iretaker, 88. ■ — — — "aiisCa BWH BADE — 1 1-3 Lilian June G. 1214 — 1:52—3 — -V9. Twelfth Eun-ir.g W1BDSOB OdafOV«f IIOTLL CTJ? HAKDICAP. 88,888 Added. 3-year-oldj and upward. Bat value to wic- ner ,870; second. *1.050; third, ; fourth, 00. ludex Horses AWtPPSt 4 Vz % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Ee.ulr. Odds Strt fi!! 83 = nO.IFAOE w 7 128 7 6 5J P 5* 4* ll C Turner J K L Ross 435 -100 88446 IRISH DREAM wn r, tos 6 5 2| 3l 3 :! 2°* J Bowaa A Bwiako 1448-108 68483 P*SIAH DIAMOND W 6 100 1 T 1 7 7 7 3l J Wallaeo ffaagrsBI Stable t!l"-100 68487 *HERRON ws I 100 3 4 4| 41 « S 4» A Mchhliii Havaaa .stabla TUB 148 02505 MAYOR HOUSB ws 6 95 4 2 31 2J P* ** 6*1 P Walla C. P Sheraaaa 6BB-B6 OI»lfiMCTT!KII.S WB 4 110 2 16 P« P fij GJ A Claver J K L Boas 8t884 GOLD. SIH.HRK wlHS. I I ll ll li - 7 C Thpson Beagrasa SLablo t tCoepJOd in betting as J. K. li. Baas entry; tSe.igrim Stable entry Ti:ne. 245. 4S:,. 1:14%, 1 41%, 1:55. Track fast mnrnel.s paid, J. K. L. Ros entry. 82.76 straight. .25 place, .05 show; Irish Dream, 50 place. .05 show; Seagram Stable entry. .25 show. Beniraleat baokiag adds — J. K. L. Baas entry. 88 to 100 straight, 12V£ to 100 piice 2.-; to 100 show; Irish Dream, 125 to 100 place. 32V-- to 100 show; Seagram Stable • ntTr, I3| to 166 show. Winner — B, h, by TiaaoiSSl foilaa. by Meddler ttraiu-d by H. McDaniel, bnl by Mr. S. K. Nichols. Went to post at 5:13. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; secaad nnd third living. RONIKACE w-.s ontpaced to ttie list turn, but raaaa on the outside of the leid r on the BtretCh tare aad, alter being bumped by IRISH DBBAM. caase on with :t great rash and -von going away. [RI3H DREAU raced on the outJde of the loaders aad outfiniahed PARISIAN DIAMOND at the end. The latter CHjard a tig g.ip in the stretch With a rush. HEBRON ran weU. MAYOR HOUSB save l STOaad on nil the turns to tir- arter taking the lead. MC1UTKINS was outpaced. UOLOBN SPflBBfl .juit after setting th" pace to the last turn. Scratched— 62866 Rastille, 107. C?0 C?H £ SIXTH RACE— 1 Mils. June 7. 1811— Hgf%— 8— 18T. Purse ,000. 8-year-«lBa and OjtoQ3-S-*_7 upw-ard. Claiminj. Net value to wiaaai "iOO; iojoe.d, C0; third, C-150. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners K-iuiy. Odds Strt 6t44S**PBACB PAL wb I 94 9 51 4» Ink 1» 1« L Oregory C B Patterson 21.".-! ..-0 ;-*52S MAY ROBERTS w 5 107 3 2 4» 5» 6 3 2S F WMatck W Nawsaaa B55-10J 62448 "SON RBLER was 4 MB S 12 12 12 5"* 4* 31 P Walls A O Dunlap TS75-100 82874 *H M. STVKNS WB 8 107 IS 14 14 tt» W 7J 4J J Thssaai S K Ai!-n 655-108 8*448 N«RTH WALKS WB I N 18 11 P 7* Si 92 5* A McLhiin W B .Martin BBB-MB t~ - :,X VEILED COLIjN w3 .» i 4 24 3l P 2" 61 J Wallace A Bwtehe ZI0B-B6 62S48WAKEVTELD w-b 4 111 11 M 11" 11 10 S1 7« C Thpson Seagrass Stable 5J0-100 62448 BUPORD w S 113 2 3 9» C 7 I »*F Chvetta .1 Lopes I i;2057 BREAD LINK wb 5 108* 7 8 1»* 1 2 pk P J MeTagt WC Westmoreland t I7S18 L w 3 l:l 12 7 6s IP 9? V 10J R Romelll C Bead B15-108 C i*r, ijy JOVK W4MB 1 1 . 2« BHU Ul L MelYott J Ollyne BffBVMd 62528 SAND MASK wn 9 107 6 6 8 Si 181 1 !3 U* H B Uwer J W Healy t «»3. S IIARJORIB M. w 1 109 14 13 IP 14 11 d 18*1 J BjBWBS C N Frei man 3355-100 62886 COMMENT wb 4 110 4 5 10s 9* 13 14 14 M .Schwta J S Flynn t tMatael BehL HasO, £4, 88%, 1:13*4. 1:41%. Tra:k fast. mutuels paid. Peace Pal, 86.86 straight, .30 place, .10 show; May Roberts, .23 place, .65 show; Crimson Rambler, field, .40 show. Kpiivalent booking odds— Peace Pal, 215 to 100 straight, 115 to 100 [dace, 88 to 100 show; May Rob-t ert, 2o2Vj to liHJ place, 182*4 t 10t show; Crkasea Rambler, field, 70 to 100 show. winner — Ch. e, by Dick IsBBSBr-Peace, by Midlothian trained by C. E. Patterson; bred by Mr. R. H. Anderson . Went to post at 5:50. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won ee.sily; second and third driv- ing PBACfl PAL worked his way up on the oatslda after rounding the far turn and raced into a Ion1? lead in the list quarter. MAY ROBERTS Balsktill fast nnd outstayed CRIMSON BAMBLBB In the stretch drive. The latter begaa slowly and closed a great gap. HARRY M. STEVENS also closed an gap. I.RKAD LINE quit after setting a gix d pace to the far turn. Scratched— 02443 Great Hawk, 110; C2ia«Ace. 114; G2505 Bab, 92; 62443 Fair Lassie, 103; C2529 Edith K., 107; 024S8 Uolly Varden, 94. Overweights — Bread Line, 1% pounds; Al, 2; Comment, 2. Continued on tenth page. BM m BONNETS FORM CnART CONTTNTTED FROM THTHIJ PAGK. £** ££-$ ~i SEVENTH PACE— 1 Mile. Juno 7, 1911— l:37";i— 3— 107. Pcrs !,000. 3-year-olds 0 adx9-l-X and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 03; second, CCCO; third, C100. Index Horses AWUPSt U % % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Enuiv. Odds Strt 62107 JOAOHINA wb 4 110 3 I 6 5* S4 3* 1% J Rowan T H Wilson 322V1-T0 ; IMMJBWEUi V. D. v 3 9s 2 3 Pk V l4 11 2* J Wallace C C Smitrson 6.1O-IOO . 624 47 BBOMBLJA w 5 112 5 4 2s 8* 2* 2* 3» F Wdstck J R Skinker 290 100, UNtW DOW CDOTTE w S 111 6 5 f.i 4" 4 4« 4» D Stirling ■ Trueman r.t , ! 3 62307-Ki KI.CX fTM U 51 3» 5 6 5" J McTagt C W Hall »"JJJ 02157 KJHAND DADDY wu 4 107 1 a 4» 6 6 6 6 H B Iiwcr II C Muman 1000-100 Tiiie, 24%. 49. 1:16. 1:41%. Track fast. H mutuels paid. Til !■,■!■■. |8.08 straight, J5-55 place, .80 stow; Jewell V. I.. place, .40 Baadralent book ins odds- leasjalaa. 892% to 100 sraisht, 177% to 100 place, CO to 100 show; Jewell V I» 290 t- 100 place, 70 to 199 .show. Bromclia. 37 to 100 show. Winner Br. f, by Garry Herrmann -Joaniiina, by Voter trained by E. Holman; bred by Mr. George W-nt to post at C:23. At post 5 minutes. St irt coed and slow. Won easily; second and third driving JOAQUINA waa saved until on the strcli h turn, then closed up H»llltel under hard riding and. pasting the leaders mm away. JSWBIX V. I . set ■ good pace and need BROMEEIA imo defeat bnl civ m y when the winner cl. aliened. BBOMIEIA raced g;:ir.e1y. but tired in the stretch. WIDOW Rl DOTTK came wide on the stretch turn and lost ground. QRAND I.MIY pulled up lame. Scratched OlMS-S-Kvelyn White. 4; OBM* Natural, 101; 2363 FUbbertj gibbet, 1E2; 62570 Kmart Monty. 105; CilOT B .angrado. 10-1; 82988 M» -o. 90.

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Local Identifier: drf1922061601_3_1
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