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_ 3 * r v . 4 . , ! , | I , 1 . 4 1 1 . j j. ■ [■ , | 1 j : i t| 1 j j I j . ] I 1 I I j 1 I I 1 j j , || | I I ■ , , , j j I 1 . . I J • | j • ■ T r : ■ • I j » I j a j ■ , i B | ! 1 ! i a i ! HAMILTON FORM CHART HAMILTON. OKT.. MONDAY. JUNE 2«, 1922. il mile. First day. Hamilton Jockey Clnb. Summer Meethaf of 7 days. Weather cloar; temperatcro 74 Bteward to Represent C.aadian Racing Associations. Francis Nelson. Htewards at Meeting. J. !•. Mini k and J. B. Campbell. Judges. P. W. Gerhardy and D. S. Gillies. Starter. Harry Mjrrisiey. R.i.iug Secretary. A. R. Loudoo. Racing starta at 2:S0 p. m. t bieago time 2:140 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs, 15 blinkers. Figures in p.Meniheses following the liKtance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. •Indicates apprentice allowance. 6«TfcC rYf FIRST RACE— 5-3 MUa. June 21. 1012— 50 K— 2— 100. Purse SLCC0. 2-year-olds. hdC3 i £A Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second, 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt f| % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqoiv. Odds Strt StSSt PERSISTENCE w 101 4 4 5* 4" ? 1* F Wciner M Le Roy 1.25-100 MllSTOPANGO wb 112 3 8 1«| ll 1«* 24 J McTagt B Harding BS-Mt SSSSS*BBIAXB w 108 I 1 7i 7» C» 3 L McDott Rivcnlale Stable Mt MS SISlSatNR?KNAMM w 105 5 6 Bj 5 5« 4J P Walls Baa -r-i.n Stable BBt-Mt C20S7-.NL I.I.I SECUNDUS w 105 6 7 4* 3 4* 5| A Clavcr J K L Rosa 310-blO |SMS4MMS KDNA w 112 7 8 3 f 2» 6* D Btarltaaj A L Austin MS-MI 022 77 BLrrHESOME w 1U5 » 9 9 9 71 7« I Ch-.lmers Sunny.siilo StabU 9360 -IM 01S79 Dlt. MeABTBIUB w 108 2 2 2* 6 8« 81 F Wilson W C Waaat RK-Mfl DPTOWM w98S8 8»S«99M Amlson J C Fletcher aVM-MS tOmile.1 from entries. Time. 23*,. 48. 1:02. Traok fast. mutnels paid. Persistence. 2 50 Straight, 3.20 place, J5.55 -how; Topango. .35 place. BUS .show: I.r.aiid. i-t -how. Baaji rail al baakaag odd., ParBiataarr. 1525 o 100 straight. 560 to 100 place, 1T7Mi to 100 Bhaar; Topango. 92j ta 10 place, 25 to 100 -how: ltriand, 65 to US show. Winner — Ch. C, by FUawOUam Aak Ma. by Ma.-■ II. ttraincd by Y. t;arrett; bred by Mr. J. K. L. Run. Went to post at 2:34. At post 3 minutes. Rtart stood and slow. Won dri ir.; -econd and third :he same. PERS1STEXI K came ihroUKh on the inside on ttie stretch turn sml, waariag TOPAX430 dowa. fat up to win in the tioal strides. TOPAK4M showed the most early speed :.i, lini-hed tamely, but lost Econnd when entering the homestretch, where he swerved out. BRIANS inn I, el wi.h a :u..ii and was gi ing mri.h UM teaaaat at Uc- Bat. MISS KDN A was m-:.-u used in farcaai the paee ia ;he last eighth. SECOND RACE — About 2 Miles. Mount Hope Sier-pldchiJ Parse .200. S-yaar-aali 69QTQ •O a a] said upward. Selling. Net value to vinaor ; second. 50. third, 50. in lex Haaaaa a WtPPBt 4 8 12 IS Bia Jactv ya owners Baatv! UaMa Strt 62556 BRIGANNA w 4 132 I 6 31 J« » IJ li F Barry W G Wilson 2370-lM 62566 -FAIR MAC we 12 139 7 J Pg 3i 44 3* 24 B Kieeger C, V Foreman 215-100 Ifi2j.i7 BUTCHBB BOY w 7 144 4 3 61 6« 5» 5* 31 3 VaMcaJr C K Harrison Jr BS-Mt :.:.:7.S i:::N"4!fc;R w 7 HI 6 1 1* 1» ll 2» 1» H McAfee F.lliott Stable 00-100 i.5«171 PBOBXT w 6 136 8 4 4« 4| 3 4« 5« S Stevsn B H Dmlley MIS. 100 SMMGBEEK IATRIOT w S 131 i 7 5 i* 6* B* ■»• W FhBlipa P Praetor BM-Mt S4MS OBRTAN tllS III % 7 7 7 H WBiBBa J Smallman Bttt-Mt SSSM McCOBBUBM w 8 U4 S 5 7" 1T* Lost rider. K Ran* h W M Plati her : 35 li»t Tim«. 4.00. Track fast. miiiu"ls paid. Rrignnna. »40 straiglu. 2.10 place. .iW show; Fair Mac. 65 ;ilar». ;:: tS -how. BaBehet Itey. . SO show. Equivalent booking odd- Briganna. 2370 to lK straight. 505 to 100 place, 145 to li» show; Fair Mac. USH ta 100 ;.lace. 50 to ll» .-hr.w; Butcher ltoy. IS to Mt BhaW Winner- B. f, by Light Brigade- Anna Ua.stmgs. by Haattaaja .famed by W. G. Wilson; bred by Mr. J. C. Durett. Went to post at 3:03. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Win easily: tccond ami third driv- btg BBWANNA raced ia close purxuit of BKMHKR to the f urt, en;ii jiimp. wiiere aha went to tha f; aat anil was i;jtng away at the end. FAIR MAC juni:«d well and was aarl n.lden through the last ,iii :rter. BUTCHEB BOT finished gamely. BBNCHKB jaaaacS .,1 ea»y fashion, but tired as If »!iorc. Md OBBUBM lot his rider between the Uiirteeuth and foartaaath jumps. Oki anhjhta— OBryaa, l paaaaBB, 6/5T i THIRD RACE— 1 1-io Siiles. ;0ct. 6. lJQ9— 1:45,— 4— 104.; Paria 1.000. 3-yiar-olos iuO a jC and upward. Allowances. Foaled in Canada. Sot vnJuo to winner *700; second. 520; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt fc % % Str Fin J»"keys Owners BBBBrr. 4MSa Strt 620S6 JlXi: FLY w i 107 4 4 6* 6; 4t 4 1iF WdBtck P G CaaaataatBBT .It-.-lOO CSMlPOBH pin w : 102 1 1 1*1 ia r i! i*i k Parr*taa Thaiiliffa ITIbMb -i:.-io» 627e6 FA.N. fit w 3 9* 3 3 i| 5 V 3J 3« J W.tilaco Bniatllala StabU 110-100 :i257:; OAKLING w 4 M I i ■ P P P 4 I BraalM B S StubbH : ; r,-l00 162050 CHEECHAKO wb I 103 S * i 9 8" 7l 5»* J Rowan JC Fl -Icher 700 100 SSMSBOCK SILK w 6 102 7 7 P 7« 6| 5 6" R Romeili P I. Cieeri MS-MS M444*BS1 NTUONA w I IX 9 8 4 M f V-" ?*• J Brogden J K 1. Rons BB-ttS 62202 SWEET BOUQBT w . 108 s 5 3» 3* :;•*■ P s-» J MeTaajt Whafray Stable ;:k ioo AXZFNA w 3 104 a 6 7 * S1 9 3 9 L Awn PIltflaH Stable ltft«;5 100 Baaa, 24, 484s. I:M%, 140,. 1:43. Truok fast. murnels paid. June Ply, 5.70 straight, IBM place. .80 show; rush Pin, .50 place. 20 stow; PaaaMc, .70 show. Equivalent booking odd* June Fly. £181 to J00 straight, 1*25 !o 100 plscf. 390 to 100 show; Puali iio, 125 to MS place. 00 to MS show; Fanatie. 5 to IM lmw. Winner 15 m. by Charlea I.dward Itvana, by Bicft Welles .raiaed by Ik J. MeBrlde; bred by Mr. Gaecxe M. llendrie. Went to post at 3:43 At Beat 1 minute. Start r h«1 and sluw Wen easily, second and thir.l drir-1 in. Jf.NK FLY closed a gap and. finishing in reouime :ashmn thraaark n stretch, won going u.vay. liSll IlN set a fast early pa e. but tared in the last eighth. FANATIC r-in well and easily outlinUhed OAKLING. The latter juit after rscing ia cio*est oursui to the Mat eighth, Scratched — -62731 - Blarney Hoy. 1»5; tSZM*TTaaBaer, P7 Overweights — Oakling. 2 pounds; Brynthona. 3; t li«- hako. 1 1 COOryS; FOtTRTH RACE — 8-4 Mile. June 19. 1611— 1 11— 6— 113. liaJirbury Fandicap. Parse |OaaO 4 3 ,600. 3-/-ar -abb. a=d upward. Net vaiue to ■*•, n,.r .00 : .-cond. -"Ol; third. 00. , Index Horses AWtPPSt* % Str Kin Jockeys Owners BBMBr*. Odds Strt 62 116 -HILDUR wn 4 123 3 3 2« 2" 1* l*| C Turner J K L lloaa fSM 100 62281 KILA.I F. w •» 103 SI 8* 7 5* 2» T Wilson W C W MMBt 1*5 100 i 61738 SKRAPIS w« 4 104 11 S 4* 4» P 3; I. McDott Palleaa Stable 1245 100 615I7-.-A1I.ING B. wa 4 Hi 14 2| 3* ?=* 4* A laver J IC f. Rosa f 61606 MMMCUBT ws 4 106 7 9 7 S« C« V J Rowan Vub-ain S;abls 1135-100 G.SSl DKSPAIR am l .i l 4 i 9» »» 7* 6" P Wdstck G Vf Ijrmao " B -100 161413 ALL FAIR w :. M 9 8 5"* 5 9 7s J Wallace J W Bean 3450-1* SS7M -T. QUaUtlIM wu 6 104 2 7 10»*10i 10 S I Gordon J B Dunn MM 100 MtltD. OFT. .". 1:8 CM «* 6* 4 » G Walls C Bajataa S»-MI «i0074 TAil.OR MAID wn I b5 .11 11 11 11 lO19 M An.lson G W Atkinson p. .100 55 7 56HKLKN ROGMMS w I 1 4 M 5 l« P* S| 11 A McL him N iia Tarlana Btt-Mt -•1 aaajteS in BCtttai as J. K. I.. Baaa entry Time. 23-. 47*. I:U%. Track fast. 52 ■ataeh pail. J. K. U Ross in.ry .10 straii.i. EtM Baaaa, 25 show: Flulah F.. 0.25 Baaca1 .7.i ihaar; Beraaaa, S4.35 ahaar. equivalent oilds. K. L. Baaa entry. MS ta IM ttraaght, IS to U» pla e, I214 to 1X sinw; Bul.iliV.. tlSla t0 tSS place. 138 to Mo ahaw; Seraphs 1174 I • ,;; ifcaa?, A iiie r Btt r, hj Star sdioot tiioiby Belle, by Laigitt Brraal ItraiaaS by U. McBaniel; bred by Mr. Joi.n B. Mat ill B Went ta Baal at 4:1. A, post 1 minute. Start go ! and ! iw. Wen raathj; »cotiit and third driving. IlIIBi R moved u;i rspi-Hy at the head of the s-n-t-rfi into a g-xwl lead, BBt had :• BB ridden :at at the end. EtTLAll T. ctaaed a big gap an 1 Baaahed Eaat aexl a the aaaaV rail. BBBAPIS ran w,i, tad was foree.j wide at the at h stretch. BBEAM OB THE VALLEY awted up rapidly after eatterhag |]tha BaaBCeaarach, bait lir-d M the Mat ilte«-nh. SAILING B. ran rte.i. HKldiN RJ«..t:Rsj -et a I jiaee to the stretch mid -iuit. BerateheS c:2M Taliaaaaa 1i«: SSiSTtThe Laaah, IM; M3M BaaaaeS, IM; aSS8t*Crack o Baa/a, :■"• OverwMgats — Despur, 3 paaaata; BL iu-naa. l. Hetea Bosara 1 [hilar M.i.i. :t IJslQrTP FIETH RACE — 1 1-4 Mflae. Aug. 17, lal: — 204 — 3 — US. FaavtaaaaSi ?.iaun0 HAM-HJO 4 t3 ILT0N DERBY. 56.000 Add:d. 3-7ear -oidi. alBaaraaaaat, Net ?aiu« a ariaaar ,510; seoond, J700; third. li-OO; iouri.h. MO!. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % *4 Str rin Jockeys Owners Baajtl . Odds strt 61914 SPANISH M.vrZE w 111 3 4 312* P :" 1 »C Turner J K L Baaa BS MS CBMitTAS JK«TKR w M 4 3 1 i V B» P* S" T Br a aha i." Lati ttt 62527 RBXxSTOME wb 116 1 1 2* 3Z° 3s* S4* 3" C llipson Beacraaa table 34j-;:0 5SJ»421HL.1AS O. wll»3!44444A Jacoba W C Weanl MM M Time. 24, 4 B., I:i3|4, l:3Si. 2:06. Tracl; fal. mutuels paid. Spanish M.-.:ae. .50 straight, .50 plrne, titar Saaaar, .15 pla.-e; no show BMBtaatt sold. RqoiTaient boohiag odds Maise. 275 to 100 straight, 25 to 100 pi —a; Star Jestpr, 74 to HH place. Winner— -Ch. c. by Spanish Prince II. — Wheat ear. by St. Fnwiuin 1 trained by H. M. Daniel; bc-d by Mr. J K. L. Ross. Went ta pot;t at 4:45. At post 1 minute. Start Baad and slow. W n driving; second and third the same. BPANB91 MAI7.E. clce up from the -=tart, ehalleaaaid for ihe le-.U af tt entering the stretch Bad, under vigorous riding, got up to win in the tiaal faty part . STAR JE8TEB -• l a fast pace and aarad ground on the ;urns. then mde a resolute finish, trfit li ed In ily under his wight in the final six — Mill. BMBSTBBB ran well to the last turn and quit badly. ELI AS O. was alanya outrua. Serttched-6252CrCo!lmga. 116. £*G?G_?7?? SIXTH RACE~5~-2 Ea4 longs. 124. i?15— 1:05-—4— 101. Purse SLC03. S-year-I £anddand 4 4 oUU and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner VOO: -o-o*id, ;::00: .lull. 30. Index Horses AWtPPSt M Va % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eijuiv. Odds Strt 61803 THE WKPHEW w . Hi 14 6» P 4» la Q W.uis A Marraaa lliT Ml 62SI9 PORT 1 HiHILL wb 5 117 11 6 P l5 1* P| R Holway II B Lurvey u ". I 62700 1 MA RM ITU wn » 112 7 2 2» :;i JJilJJ McTigt F Davitt 14a HM 62182 GALLIPOT w 4 1 :1 t 10 7"* 7* 6* 41 P Walla Baacraaa Stable 765 1 i 62727-LADY LCXCRY w 7 17 2 1 1» 2J M 5» A Ctaaat B 3 alt 545-100 6227S CAXJBTOGA arSMStt 5 5"* i :» sj .1 Rowan .1 V Dayton I74B-Mt ."8727 iMLsiTO w«l6 5 9 8 s* s« 7 D Stirling M J B araaaaSea tMt-SM 01S11 LAKOtVuOT wb 6 112 8 I P 41 BJ 3* L McDott Blrcrdate Stable 345 100 I C2410MORMON wb i 114 3 7 9= J1 9 i 9 Y Warfn R I B r-r t 625"0VlOLA PARK V S US 6 8 M* B» IP B»l H BhilliBBj A .! WatM t «2,55 DANCING G1RX. ara •; 112 1* 11 li- il« 11* 11* C Turner I Ech rt EM-MI PMQOY D. w 3 10O 1 13 12 12 12 U F Wataa* I Arthur lllsO-aW fllii uel held. iS. 43. 1:01 ,. 1:07-,,. Track Eaat, ?2 BMtaaat paid, The Nephew, 0.55 straight. 1. 0 place. $.."5 sLi*vv; S"i»rt Charehill, .b0 [dace, ",j show; Miirmite. 15 show. llliiiTalent booking "d !. ihe Nephew. lR."1 to li»» atraight. 1»0 to 100 place. 327 -■. U IOJ show; Fort aarrhtB, 245 to MS place. 177, to MS bow: Manaite. 137i to KH -how. Winner — R. g, by Lacle — yualafy. by Sir isiicn tBBlaed by C. liuxiou; bred by Mea-rs. Headley and MillT. Want to poei at 5:22. At post S minutes. Start fair and -I w. Won driving; second and third the same. THJ9 NEPHEW rlaaed I gap wib a rn-h in the middle of the trsefj .iud pat up to win ii the unal atrides. PORT UtRtHllJ. drew sway ir.t » a hag lead :.fier rounding the far turn, but tired badly 10 the last eighth. MARMITL ran neli. GAl-LUOT cloned a big g.ip. MORMON pulled up vry lame. Bl nil had Sltfl Mary Reigel. 107; 5472 OGliu ties. 114: SMS Ciafaaiia, 100; 62113 Din -r, |Mj l021Jil re 1 wood ltey. 107; 62572 Il ime.l Kn:g:n. MS; SIMS Old hap. IUj; 51«»iS Btt Krooui. 109. = " — _rjg-»Qr«rQ CEVEiTTH RACE— 1 IIUc on Tirf. Aag. 17, 1911— 1:33-5 — 4— IM. Purse ,000. Oas*i5 4 O - •••ar-oid* and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 09; seco:.d, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt fc % »4 Str Fin Jockeys Owner* Kquiv. Odds Strt BS226-CROCK CT GOLD w 2 95 14 3 l1 1« PI 1" 1« M And son M R Pons 602i-100 62565 TOiS THJfi MARK lilli S 1 » » l|! D Stirling R J Ilemandes 1 485- 100 Continued on tenth page. j ■AMILVSB FORM CBABT COHTU1TBO FROll THIRD I*4.! L j I 1 MMSKMABTT wb 4 113 I ;. ic» 7i 6« •» J T W.isfek J Deaaaaaa ar -:oj ItHIBABI kintal w 3 8S 4 9 4J :.* 5* 71 1J J CkaJaaen bktaayalda Stakfta * j MMS**ROiSTBRm w I 105 S 1 _• 2 2l 21 5» J Bvoajlaa G W Atkiaaaa *j I 62l5l*Ni:.Vl.TTi: w 4 HI 13 I « 4» 4» 44 61 T Wilsan W C W- a:it f I 61599THi: VK.ViA.NCE wb 1 S»5 110 91 6" 7l 5* 7* P Vvalla C J Caaajf MS-1M IMSI BULXJ3T tllM 7 1I11MC1 9s *| S J Rowan V-ilr-iin iTtakkj R4V1M 61900 WALK UP wu 4 107 ft 11 Uft 11* IP »• Il G Walls C Buxton ftfkVMft I MtMFL UZET vllttll 8 5 4 9» Si 10 W A Cliv-r R II Polls ftH-lftft I • 62283 K11ITH 1XANK WB 3 95 11 4 V ft 11= ll1 l.» J Wattaca J W Bean 4415-j.» 62256 RAJAH w 4 113 6 7" 12* 11" lr- 12« L Coney J J 1irrell Jr 12175 100 62148 Pair- BAKKR w 6 HO G 11 12: U* IS1 13* 13* J M. A L Austin t MMDaUKGUKO LL w 9 113 M 13 14 14 14 14 14 r Weiner J P Myberry f tSlut.i-1 bel.1. Time. 2oV . 4S-i. 1:13. IM%. Tiail list. BMItaela paid. Crock o Qakt, 4 05 Bttakjkt, *»6 70 place, HM liow; To- tne Mark, lafti, 20 pl.iee. $.5 05 show; Smarty. $.!.G5 kIiuw. ■qahraleat kaakiag aha Clack » ;■ --l ;oj«. to 100 straiV. 235 la 1»H -ala.-e. I2S to 100 show; Toe tlie Mirk ti- 1.1. HM to 100 place. 52Vi to !0 Bkaw; Smnty. S-J-3 to ltM akaa* Winner- ch. f, by Friar Rock— t«-liar of Ruses, by Collar Gr-uiie.l by u. K. Pons; bred by Mr. J. II. Bo*.-eierj. Went to rxwt at 6:02. At post 1 niiciif". Start oi 1 and O.ow. Won easily: »eeond and third d.-ir-ice. CRtM K » GOBD took a ajaack lead and. settins a c.« d aaea, aaa all the way RM the iiaiik »i« a f r-vard contender all tiie way and made I same kaftan, SMARTV clone! ■ i i sap and fiaiilied fist. ROISIKRLU quit after raving in cftaaaat pursuit to the List eighrii. NKNFTTK »howed speed but Ured. HcratrkeaV- i02:3pOn High, 112; ftaall 3pee.ioter, 110. 0252»Iron Boy. 110; 62279-The Wag. 97; U2228 Fair Virsn-ii. :.".. ryS2J"! Bne Jeans. 107. Ofarwcftjrkta Ballet, 4 pounds.