Far West Racing Popular, Daily Racing Form, 1922-09-02


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FAR WEST RACING POPULAR VANCOUVER, B. C, Sept. 1. The final week of racing for the summer season at Brighouse Park opened here on August 2G. A crowd of huge proportions journeyed out to witness the running of the opening days program and spirited racing prevailed throughout. Great success came to the race mare Cara-bosse, when she shouldered the 131 pounds allotted her by racing secretary Robert F. Leighton and won the Tyee Handicap at one and one-eighth miles in the fast time of 1:52. This establishes a new track record. Cara-bosse was restrained at all times during the running of the race and in the final eighth when jockey Gargan called on her she just cantered home with the utmost ease. Presiding judge L. J. Rose has made his presence felt here this summer among the rough-riding jockey element that prevails in these parts and who have been taking advantage over other riders. He had warned them in advance and those that did not heed it have been punished by fines and also set djuvn to ponder. The boys are beginning to think that the best thing to do is to ride clean, as the judge is a strict disciplinarian in all matters..pertaining to racing. Tod Sloan, the former great American jockey, is paying his first visit to British Columbia. He is at present interested in mining in Nevada and is combining his trip with business and pleasure. During his stay in Vancouver he is the guest of the Brig-house Park Racing Association.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1922090201/drf1922090201_1_9
Local Identifier: drf1922090201_1_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800