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HAKLEU FAVORITES FAII.. Harlems fifth fo toigLtly meeting dosed tSalrda with a hurrah. It was the only after-boo a in two weeks that gave aoytbiog like pleasant weather. Then, too, Secretary Nath--antoo offeredan attractive card aud the crowd turned ut in holiday style. The track, while being far from good, hud dried oat a lot and tbe path had neatly been wiped out by the track harrows. This made the contests more eqoal, -and everything considered the afternoons sport was good. Favorites fared badly, and the twenty-three books iu the ring worked at a profit. Only one betting choice, Tappan, won, and that was in the last race, ther-fore Tappan came too late to do thi- betting pnbl c much good. Plantains easy victory over Bennevillc, King Bermuda and Hugh Fenny in the th rd race was oco of the fea uioi and demonstrated how ! uncertain horse racing is Fxantain was the outsider of tbe quartette that started and he "was n t conc-tdol to have a chance to win. "Viiginia" Bradley, however, thought well of the gblaiug and told his cronies and also J. H. Smith, who owne Bennevillo, to bet on bim. Sniitti gave Bradlty the langh and pclit ly in-formed him that Plantain would never be wiihia 6ti iking d sance of Been ville. Hugh Pettny jnmpea out in tho lead shortly after the start and Eet a tattling pace to the stretch turn. Bete tbero was a general closing up and "when straightened away for homo Bonneville was firat to thow. He did not remain in front any length of time, however, for Plantbin cme up on tho intida wiih a rush Bnd at the eighth post he had Banneville beaten. From there he me Dngan took matters easy and, at the wire Plantain was a length and a half to the good. Much interest was centered in tbe mile and a quarter event, bat it proved to be very tam, Rollins got away flying and opening np a big gap early made a runaway of it. Annowan finished becond and Yubi Dam third. Ten horses started and thoy were baaly strung out all the way. Sly won the six fourlong handicap rather handily. She was heavily played at liberal oddi and coming away on call in the stratch bsat Motom and Jim Gore II like a good race-horde. Ia this taee Sim W. pe f rmed mi era-bly. Friday Sim W. ran a crt.cki g good race in th mud and this may have taken the edge off him. In the five and a half furlongs two-year-old race, two hones, Frangible and Highland Lad fed. Tho accident occurred jast after tbe horses had passed the half mile post and tho fall was a moan.lookiug one, but it did not cause any dbmaga to hortes or riders. Silver Fizz wands an odds on favorite for the race, bat she got into a tangle at the start and never really got straightened out. The winner turned np in Maud Wullce, who was a 20 to 1 chance. Trio opening mile and seventy yards race fell to The Bondman. He was at 44 to 1 end easily beat Pay the Fiddler, who was practically leit at the poet. Tappan savod the talent from being shut out entirely in the last race, bat ho had to ba much the beet to deliver the goods. Mitchell had the mount md bj managed to get shot off at eve y turn. Tappan stood all this gamely, however, and eventually v,on runn ng away. Wood Hoffman left for Latonia Saturday with bis entire string. Hits includes Molo and 8am Fallen. Siddartha, the noted stallion, diad la9t Taet-day at Dr. W. A. McAlesters fnm near Columbia, Mo. Siddartha was 19 years old and his get are winning daily throughout the country. Clem Crevelirg will sell a large consignment of yearling in the pad lock at Hawthorne, Tuesday. Tboy are the property of J. B. Malonn of Gallatin, Tenn.