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WINDSOR FORM CHART. WENDS F, ONT., September 30. First day. Windsor Jockey Club. Fall Meeting. Weather cloudy; track fast. Presiding Judge, L. P. Tarlton. Btarter, Mara Casaidy. Racing st rt3 at 2:00 p. m. "J g 2 FIRST BACES-4 Mile. Purse 00. All ages. Allowances. Ivi Horses A Wt St J4 K StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 1462ALICE FARLEY 4 100 2 7h 6i 64 li Hensoa Mrs L D Gray 10 10 6 6" 1477 OAK M ID 3 107 1 81 5" 2i 2i E Ross G Hendrie 3 4 3 4 14519 QUAVER 4 104 5 In 11 li 32 Castro Strobel and Miller 20 30 15 30 U55SftLSIE BARNES 5 107 7 4 3 51 4h Hsuberger W D Strirger 5 5 4 4 14722JANN. LAURBTTA4 107 8 51 4U 4i 51 Irvin H L Johtson 8 12 8 10 1465A QUEttUS 4 112 3 9 7 7 6i Dowell H H Sover 2i 1S-E8-5 9-5 14618 LIZ. itCOARTRY2 7-5 6 32 3" 71 W Wood W Weir 20 50 20 SO 1465 S1NNEMAHO.NE 2 7-5 10 10 9 8 8 Redf-rn T Delpniar 50 60 E0 60 454R LA GRANGE 4 110 9 6i 8 9 9 1 Brown TJBnh 5 5 5 S 14643 "TFAWAY 2 8 4 210 10 10 Forehand MoreandCo 4 4 31 4 142?4 IRIS 3 95 ll 11 11 11 11 A Hall J Jay 30 30 20 20 1462i2SANTELLO 3 102 12 12 12 12 12 Alexandor W J Speirs 30 SO 15 2 Tini. 241,501, 1:151. Winner Ch. f, by Spendthrift Magniy. Potllui ues. Si an pood. Woneacily; ecoud and thirl driving. Alice .Farley cane away in the Inst sisfei th. 8he was best and ful ot running. Oak Miid rin a gnod race, bmt hang at 1 h finish. Q -aver tired in the Mr tc"i after showing sharp speed. Hian ay quit after going five failings. La Grar ga whh cut off early Arquebnj was outrua in tha first part. Overwigtiis Hieaway. 4 pounds Al ce FarieT, puce, 2 to 1: sbo, 4 to 5. Oak Maid, pIrco, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Quaver,place, 10 to 1; sh w. 4 t.. 1. Arqnebns. place, eveEj3; show, 1 to 2. Hiaaway, place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. 14:83 SECOND BACE-l 1-16 Miles. PuraaS0. 3-year-olds and upward. 8eTling. Ind Horses A Wt St U hi StrFin Jockeys Ownors O H L Q 146072ENNOUIA 4 108 1 3" 41 1" 12 13 Harshbgar P J Goebel and Co 3 2 3-2 3-iT-Z 14644 PCEO" INDIi 5 101 2 7 7 7 41 2 G ifor Hums Bros 30 40 30 40 14H4R. CAMPBELL 3 93 4 51 5 6" 21 31 Forohtnd E Monra and Co 2 2 9-5 2 14R572K VTBlE MAY 5 100 3 2" 2" 41 51 4 Castro R H Bronaugh 6 7 6 6 146573tSELL fUNOrf 4 105 6 61 6U 3a 6a 5" E Ross H H Stover 7-6 8-2 1 6-5 14562 -ELEN H II. 6 100 5 12 i 21 i 3 61 Vlntine J H Valentine 30 40 25 40 14o43 KING ELKWOOD6 9j5 7 4 3 51 7 7 Hens .n EF Smith 35 40 23 48 Tim-, 24, 50. 1 :161, 1 :42i, 1 :49l. Winnr Br f, by BlazS Plnnma. Off at the fiist bieak to a go d start. Won easily; hard drivo for the place. Ennomia made n thow f f her cot pa y. Prioce of I dia cme -tronly the lit qutrer and eot th pkee m the laot fttifte. be en H. II rau well for seven urloagj. Rena Campbjll, used too much, bung at the "nith Bfl Punch had no speed at all. Eut omia, place, I io 2. show. out. Prince of Indii, place, 10 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Rena Campbell, p ace. 3 to 5; show, ont. Bt ll Pncch, place, 1 to 2; show, ont. 1.4:SJr THIRD aAGS5"8 Mile Parse 5230. 2-year-olds. AUowances. fnd Horses A Wt St X H U StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L 145053ELOIM 118 7 710 710 21 V Irvin Th unp-oa Bros 3 4 3 4 149 HOVE TUESDAY 103 1 11 la ih 21 Porrhand E-GarduerJr 8-5 8-5 7-5 7-5 1466GRUMBK 103 6 51 6" 31 S" H tsfibger S Howard 30 E0 30 50 145892D1 -SOLUTE 106 4 4 5 4a 43 E Ross R G Lausing 3-5 4-5 1-2 4-5 14209 J. LU ULL.1S 103 2 31 31 66 o Val-ntina G tf Brown 8 8 8 8 14618 ONO A 103 3 61 41 5a 6iOCHtr E Fitzgernld 10 10 10 10 fADIE B. 103 5 2 2 7 7 Hanson Mrs L D Gray 20 40 20 40 12308 BU1TEKFLY 103 8 8 8 8 3 He ifarn J E Richardson 40 50 40 50 Tim. 2ii, 49i, 1:03. Wionr B. c. by Inspictor B. Tomme Brll. P st8miuutoi. Siartgiod Wjq eajily: s coad and thirl drivinir. Elrim came away nicely in tin last furlong. Dissolute was in a pinues a 1 the way. 8adie B. s howed early speed.. Shrove T iesriay tir-d when 1 h pit ch came. Giumblo c.ojed strong. t or ec.i d woiehs Gramblo. 104 11 im,- plce, 7 to -: bow, 3 1 1 5. Shrove Tuesday, place, 2 to 5; show, out. Grumble, place, 10 to 1; 8iiow,4 10 1. Disiolnta, place, 2 o 5 ; eh y, out. i 4:80 F0USTH EACK-7 1s :Furlonj8 Pno50. 3-year-olds. Belling. Ind Horses A Wt St hi Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 14585JUNAEPTA 104 2 3 2a 3 2a 12 HrshbrgrR H Bronaugh 4 SS I 5 14513 el PRING WELLS 101 7 12 13 12 m 2a Valentine G Hsndrie 8-5 8 7-5 2 1456-5 RED SNAPPER 104 5 42 4 2 3 32 E Boss J W Foreman 7 8 6 8 I4.08 TOPAZ 98 8 8 8 7 42 42 Watson L Long 20 20 20 20 1 0 D UdVEN 101 6 5" 51 4" 51 53 Ryan D.ragUs andBrnhu68 10 8 10 14717 LVILLE BELLE 93 11 61 6 6a 61 6" R King T King 25 25 20 20 1460. 2FKEAK 104 1 7 7 8 7 7 Forihand E S Gardner Jr 7-5 7-5 1 6-5 14641 COO saDA 101 4 21 3a 52 8 8 Castro Hurdle and Co 20 20 10 12 1475820UB LIDA 98 9 9 9 9 9 9 Irvia H L Jobnson 7 10 7 8 1462U WhIM 98 3 11 11 10 10 10 Alexander W Jenniogs 20 30 15 30 14080 LUKDAN 98 10 10 10 11 11 11 UW rn JE Richardson 20 30 20 30 Time, 24i, 501, 1:161, 1:291, 1:36. Wmnr Br f, by Julien Strumpet. Post6 m-nutB. Start good. Won easily; second driving. Junastta lastel the longest. The nest two tired in the tu home. Topaz closed a big gap. Freak was always outtun. ScrHtched 14780 Eontis, 98; 14S62 Grauby, 93 Ovo weights Cosada, 3 pouids. Jnnaett, pl-c, 2 to 1; show, 4 to 5. Spring veils, plase, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Red Snapper place, 3 o I : show, evens. Frea", 1 lc. 1 to 2. 14:Hif3 FIFTH ttAOE-5 1-a Xfanongs. Parje.30. 4-year-olds and upward. nd Horses A Wt St 4 hi X StrFin Jockeys Owners O fl L 0 14658 JOHN BOONE 6 103 6 2 2 11 U HirhbrgrJ R Btgley 4 i 3 31 14 54 LE .A B. 4 101 3 54 41 3a 21 W Wo id JEDmosov 4 4 4 4 14646 MANZVNITA 5 103 5 81 71 5a 3a Forehand E Moors and Co 8-5 2 8-5 2 14S4J EL49 7 103 1 14 21 2 4 Alexander WJ SpairB 8 10 7 18 14278 F ANK NICHOLS5 105 7 32 3 41 5V dentine EGlsscow 6 7 5 7 13780 GO MOB 8 103 2 4n 61 61 6 Alaric F C Hammond 12 20 12 15 14550 andHUITLECOCK 6 105 9 9 9 7 7 K d-rris W H ohidley 7 8 7 8 14375 fjALVA DO 5 111 ll 11 10 8 8 Dowell HHSt.ver 20 30 20 30 13713 DLS DKE-tSEN 4 103 4 P 8 9 9 Jordan J H Valentine 40 1C0 40 100 9005 KING MORGAN 5 107 12 12 11 10 10 Bomatka CAQnick 5 7 4 7 14078 SNOWDEN 4 116 10 10 12 11 It Ryan JCar.oll 0 30 20 30 14617 TOttfiEuN 4 103 8 7 512 12 Henson .8 Howard 20 30 20 0 Time. 25, 1:03, l:li. Wiiner B g. by Rathnorod Duko of th-j a g Hands Flora. Post 11 miuutes otart stragltog. Woi easily; tec nl and third driving hard. John Boons was beat. Hq had the moatspjod a id wou all tno wy. Lelu B. im b good race and closed strong. So aid Manzmita. Elmo showed oarly spead but stopped. Tio field was badly stiung out at the stbrt. Overwo ghts ialvado, 3 pounds. John doone, placs,3 to2; show, 1 to 2. Lla B., plac9, 7 to 5; show, 3to5. Manwtnita. piece. 4 to 5; show, ont ! SIXJen-ll"AUi35 14 JB arlnr8 -Par:Se50 -roar-olds and upward. Ind Horaes A Wt St hi hi j StrFin Jockeys Ownors O H L C GOAL.IS 4 111 I 12 12 ti v b- ,rbaud A B own and Co 1 6-5 4-5 6-5 liyuSHRUAKS 4 107 5 41 31 31 2 Waphire J F Davis and Co 3-2 3-2 1 6-5 14.462BLUODUOUND 7 105 3 22 2 2" 3 Ciro A C Benson 31 4 3 4 7777 v art-Y b 5 105 6 3a 42 55 4 Hanson D Stephens 20 30 20 30 14f5a Ll ONi.lE 5 U5 4 51 52 4 5,5 K Ross Waters and Hodgos 5 0 4 6 14645 SH1ELDEARER7 106 2 6 7 62 61 K Harris E Smitn 15 15 15 15 14241 JONY WILLI iMS4 106 8 8 61 7 7 l.vtn H Warner 8 8 7 8 HW y,4,LFUNCE 6 ICS 9 9 9 8 - 8 Vdlentine J H Valentine 20 30 20 25 9560 AUNT BIRD 4 111 7 7 8 9 9 Do veil G C Owens 5 5 5 5 Time. 24, 49, 1:081. Winner B f, by Iroquois Grace J. P st 12 minute. Start fair. Won essly: eecond handily. Coralia out classed her field, got off well aud won all ths way. Bloodhound, after showing spead tired in the Btietch. Brulare ran a fair iace. Ovorwoights Aunt Bird, 4 pounds. Corrected eights Lojal Prit cs, 103. Corahs, placa, 1 to 2; show, out. Bloodhound, plaoe, 8 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Brnlare, placa, i tO 5.