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WESTERN TDRF ASSOCIATION FIRST WINTER SEASON WILL OPEN AT TANFORAN PARK, SOOTH SAN FRANCISCO, SAN MATEO CO., CALIFORNIA, BEGINNING NOVEMBER 4TH, 1899. List of Stakes to ba run during Ndvember and December. Entries to which Close OCTOBE R 25,1899. Tlie San Mateo Stake?. A sweepstakes for three-year-olds foals of 1893. One Mile. The Association to guarant e tue valua of the stane ,200, of which to tha eejuud and 00 to the ibird hoi sr. Enirai ce 0 eacu to accompany tue nomination; addinonai to stare. vViunars ot two stakea of ,l00 or oue of ,000 to carry 5 los ; of tnroe or m .re of any value, or ona of i4,OC0, 8 lbs. ptnany. Other horses, uou-wiuners of ,000, allowed 5 Iba.; of ,000, 8 los. Maidens ailowea 15 lbs. a lie Bay View Stake. A selling sweepstike3 for threa-year-olda and upward. Mile and a Quarter, ine Asiociitijn to end vaiai of tne stiae il,2J0, of whicu 00to the oec-ouu and tho ih.ra norss. Eitrauci0ench to accomjaay tua nomm ttiou; 5udjitiondl to start. S1.500, weigatfor agi. Adoajc i: 1 lb. for eaca less to . Starter t to ba named and selling piice stotad turouh the entry b jx, tne day precauing tha race. The Stanford Stake. A swaep takes for two-year-olds foals of 1897. 8aven furlongs. The association io tsuamntee the value of tho stake ,20., of which 200 to tue second aud 00 to the third hoi se. Entrance 0 ebcti to accompany tne uomiuatioa; additioual to star. A innt r of a stake of the value of 1,500, or two of auy value, to carry 3 lbs. ; of one of ,500, or ihrto ot m io cf at y value, 5 lbs; penalty. Oiner horte.-, non-winners of 00, allowed a lbs.; maidens alluwea 12 lbs. The Spring Valiey Stake. A handicap sweepstakes for three-year-olds foals of 1896. Mile ana u quatttr. Iho Abctciatiou to guarantee the value of the stake ,500, of which o0 to the tecoLa ana to the thud loiso. Entrance 0 each to accomj.aay tue uoinatijn: hdditiunal to ttart. Weights to appoar four uaya b f jre tue race. Viuuora after publication ol wt-ighi8 io tail 5 lbs peLaity. At c?ptance to be made tbroagh thaenciy box, at the usual hour of closing, the day urecea ng the race. Trie Tanforaa Makes. A handicap sweepstakes for two-year-olds foala of 1897. Ona Mile. Emrauce each o accompany tue nomination; i additional to stare. Thi Association to ga anteo ths value of the stake ,200, of whid $.00 co the second aaa 00 to iki tuird norse. Weiguis to appear throe uays prior to the nee. viuuers after publication of weights to carry 5 .b . i enalty. Acceptanca to be made through the eutry box at tue usual nour of closing, the day prec aing the race. The Holiday Handicap. A handicap sweepstakes for two-year-olds aud upward. O le Mile aud a Quarter xhj Aoci jand to ganron ee the vi.ueot cue soe ,03, of rhijn j0 to the second and 00 to the third horse. ntrance, to accompany .he nomination; idii-tionol to start. Weights to appear four d ya before the race W inner j after puoiication of eights to carry 5 ibs. penalty. Accaptance to be mae through the eutry bjx, at tue uaaai time of cit-siLg, tne day preceding the race. OTHER VALUABLE STAKES WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER W. J. MARTIN, F. H. GREEN. PKttIOEXr. S-CRETAKY AND CHAS. F. QakUNER, gENEa -anaoer, ViCE-tK eislB EXT. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE SECRETARY, PARoU "A," PA LAC HOI EL, SAN JiRANClSCO. Leighs Portable Stalls. Cheap, Safe, Sensible, Comfortable. OWNERS P3p Whon you Bhip your horses, ai - Express Company to .stall your car r?w-rrT-iT-ar wm gyyvjy with "Leighs Patent Portable Stall," iWWmS idjustable to any car, thus securing tf V Vf anin absolute safety to your horses while jp ;Tirr, ijTS ftV in transit without additional coBt to fijKTl fe "ii" 1 1-1 3s H Su ma the shippers, as express companies rlS" S fif - 60jr urnish tham free of cost to you. iRti iJin 3 Hill Chey dont deface the car when ad-1 ttiR3 fjj-S It4ife , lusted and cau be set up iu thirty . IjjjS Tn ISt.iui VuSiLzXK. SL aalnutas for any number or tjorsea to j jf Li It !4 iu double door baggage can Ex. i JTt jl f y Jj press companies oan proeure tbem j , HtfH MMEffy5 TUOS. .VicFADDBN, Mgr. . 8.38-682 Skit Front B treat, m lY