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Ciohesey and Co.s Removal. Clphesejand Co., manufacturers of bookmakers supplies, removed to Times Building, 86 to 94 Fifth Ave. Winners! Winners! Winners! Sonne tolloerB of il o b res play FIGURES hni dicappwg. s- me rely TOi INFORMATION, . bnt where th- b-t of INFORM 1I0N ano th-best i.f dANDICAPPEPS figures are 1 CMrbind STJH Ad WE GIVE YOD, then, and I THEN ONLY can Hppculaiion on the r-ce be 1 mndpatn CO. Non- know this btter tban l he readers of this paper. We have special L repeea- vb who keep in close tonrh ih l the PRINCIPAL st bls at ALLTBE TR CKS. . This information c-rrbined with nur InnHi-cappers - figur-s, who are th KINGS in tLeir piofession. i Iacb us in position to give jou inf.rmtion that is CHEAP at the price we ak : y u Wt tel graph information al over th TJ. S and t. at adu. Setd us y.ur MAIL ORDERS. Infotmnt on rdy b 11 a.m. Send two cent ; samp for Booklet "GOLDEN GAIN" FrfEE. . exilnicii g hjBtem. 1erm- for s x dhya telc i n- crJsectivly O oh rwise. -IXTYPEK CHNT. V INKERS GUARANTEED National Turl Iniestment Co., 1 SLTii 605, 167 1 E-RhOniM ST. CHICAGO, ILL. " "MY SYSTEM I " ORIGINAL, PRACTICAL. SAFE. len inm.tiis conii uous opertiuu ou all i i reiulati n rcks itt-o los-; xplannt!on of thi NKW IDEA METHOD. FBEE! A 1 cone-fcpimd-uc in strict buin mjco fan en e Address. L. C. W OOD5, B. x 13. Urbana, 111. Hawthorne, Westchester, Oakland and Windsor. Special ADVICE on all races rnn at tho above ra etracue, our customers n a e 79.00 n $:.10 investments n what we WIRED them Jat week. ONE TalAL will th MO;T SKEPTICAL that wn are without an EQUAL in h.B b .fiuesa REMEMBER we eend tw .at etch tiak. but hy -ro thp CREAM OF GOOD THINGS. At HAW l BORNE MONDAY wo will furut-h our clients witn a 15 to 1 chance. Telegraphed at 9 :30 a.m. .oo DAILY. -00 WEEKLY. Race Track Information Bureau Suite 500, Z03 Dearborn St., Chicago, HI. It Will Pay You To pub-criba with us for this week. Wo havfr SEVERAL GOOD ONES thitwe kcowabnt. We start tLe wetk MONDAY WITB TWO SPECIALS, both at fair odos.and TUE8DAT we will have a 10 to 1 shot. Last week clients cleared BIG MONEY. Our ir formation is T HE-BEST; our Handicap is TBE LEADER, Mail orders telegraphed bj 10 a.m. Terms .00 for six days; .00 per day, Chicago Turf Advisory Co. ROOM. 707, 225 DEAKBOBN ST. CHICAGO. ILL.