Harlem Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-01

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HARLEM FORM CHART. OftlCAQO, 111., Sept-. ruber 30 Fifty-ninth day. Harlom Joakey Glnb. Sumrnsr MeeilDg. Weatb6r cleir; track lumry znd slow. Presiding Judge. A. W. Hamilton. Starter. Bich-ird Dwyar. Racing Btartaat 2:15 p. m. 1 Q I A FIRST RAE-l MUe and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 575 to second; 5 to HQ s 9 Mi.ffi. 3y-r-o"i. 1 c Ino .. ,,n a t t Vt ij S f ii Jo k Uw. o s U H L. u 146y9Ttt. BUNDiliN 9i 2 at A hi 11 lA H VVusun W l.ii gandxiager4 4. 4 4t 14699 P THK FIDDLER 103 14 fe-f 4 45 3 2iTruter GLardy 10 25 10 15 1457a HOLDUP 87 31 21 2it 24 2l 810 SPaton M.sR Bradley SO 50 33 50 14748 ANTIQUARY 90 I 15 14 S 45 4h Dutt,n James Oorl 2 2 2 2t 14530 G ,tMi .BtCtt 100 4" hU 5" 58 5 5 I Po p11 H L Jones and Co 10 15 10 15 14287 HAN LIGHT 89 5 11 82- 9"-l 8t 6 Hassinger J J Donovan 10 15 10 12 14610-LIL1 IAN REED 100 8 911911 9 75 Tully CharJes O onnor6 8 6 8 14610 LADY OatiORNE 87 lOi 71411.2 7t 72 82 D mirick Palmen and Benson 10 15 10 15 1353 ROSA CLAY 87 11" 6f 7 63 6" 9 A Boo er C B amobeil 20 30 20 30 14490 EMMA nMIlH 87 12" 125 1k 126 1i2 lt.H Ransom H J S ogga i 20 60 20 60 14699 VdL A .S DIES 107 6 44 6i 8M02iUiLR.se H liwyn and Co 6 10 6 10 13772 ULli 96 7lCi l;8 U2 121 12 i chell MCPFiuk 6 8 6 8 13436.KYRAT 100 13 14 15 134 132 13" alarCs R R Br dley 10 60 10 60 146:56 olct GARNET 96 9 132 14 4 14 14 F ck F H n and son 15 100 15 1C0 Time, I2t, 2 S8t 5Ii. 1:05, 1:181. 1:S4, 1:171, 1:52. W nner B e, by Rosfinat n Ueleu P.. at 12 mn uios Start fair w, n wt-ll in hand; SFcmd and third cleverly. The Bondman was lut ky, weil nddeu and rau ore of his bs race. ilson rode him well and picke 1 th bett going all tiie wt-y. Pay th Fidali-r, rerh -p s ould h ve won. He was tractic-lly lft at the pot ond tan a ct-cck.n gcoct race. Holduu nvay flying bnd ov. rracel hiinselr. Antiquary founu iiae r. uie too f rto-ut him. At h s hctt he is only a eprintar. Ulai was high iu 11 sh and not leady The field wac ba uy strut g out -11 tr e way. fcta ch d 14769 Owyhee 9i; 14570 Dnty, 87: 14769 Martha Fox. 87; 14787 Maryland Re-serve, 95; .14787 he Dr toon, 97: i4770Ohl r. 105; 14315 Ltisie May, 87. Overwoig ta Ul9ti absr, 5 pouuQb; H nliebr, 2. J he Bobannu, pi ce. 8 to 5; sh iw, 4 io5. Pty the Fiddlar, place, 6 to 1; Bhow,.3 to 1. Holdnp, show, 10 to 1. Ai-tiqoary, place, eveua; show, 1 to 2. T4 O 1l SECOND RACE-5 1-2 Furlong8TPur8e 0075 to Becond; 5 tothlrdT J L O JL JL - 2 y ear-olds. Allowances. lnd aorsee A Wt St ij H M Str Fin Jock6ys OvraorB O H L C 14750 MAUD WALLACE 94 7 21 2 1 1 B-usingor Keith and Patton 10 20 10 20 14732 IDA LED tOHD 100 8" 4" 42 42 2 Domtuick brann. nand Wo -ro 3 5 3 5 I4bt9 EttLA DOR 94 3" 3H 31 J 32 31 A Book r t B Campbell 8 12 8 12 14.60 tiUSTO 97 2" 11 14 22 4 Dugin H L. J nes fc Co 0 100 50 100 t4o97 iIuVKR FIZZ 101 5 5U 52t 15 56 T Bains JCCha 1 1 7-107-10 H3e593hRACK 1U3 ll 91 7 72 64 I Powell H J rimith 10 15 10 15 133aiETTiE REGENT 100 9h 6" 62 64 71 Mitchell Mr K P"8hipp 12 12 10 10 1460o MAN Of HONOR 103 lOi 7a 84 andU 82 irotter G O Kuenker 20 30 20 2i 14335 BAlsGiLOaE 94 4" 8i 93 b5 9 McGovern LTnumptoa 40 100 40 100 UKANK 105 12 10 10 10 10 Gover James Artuur 0 ltO 50 100 14772 FRANGIBLE 103 6 Fell. L Rose W E Appligate 12 40 12 40 14651 HiGHAMJ LAD 10d 1 Fell. FTn. mpfonH J Scogan 20 40 20 40 Time, 13, 25, S9r. 53, l:0:i, l:lli. Winnr r Ch. f, by Regalis Mis Biruie. Pobt 15 minutes, start bad. Won driving hard; recond and third were doing thor beat. Erla dOr was ionghly treated down the backctietcu and on the far tarn. With clear sailing the won d-bcive beaten bjih of those that flnibhed in fn nc of her. Mand Wallace juet aid last long enot gu to win. bhevasluciy. L ke Erla dOr, Ida Leafuid had a rongn j uri.ey. She also got a vry we .k ride. D miuick wts tiymg to whip the fitly tnrougb the stretch ana coute-qu nuy ltt.ber head drop Gnsio had h lot of speed bit went to pieces at the end. Tltjw Silvt r F zzs race out. She got away all langlel up hnd never really got stratgutened out. Bar-ruck 1 aa lo chance from wtitra be got awy It was an ugly looking fall that Fiangible ana HigLl nd Lad tot, bat no damage whb done. fcc atciiea 14609 El CaLej, 9; 143653 Yoloco, 103. Oto. Weights Highland Laa, 3 puuiids. Maau W1U0. pldce, 8 10 1; tho,3tol. Ida Ledford, place. 8 to 5; show, 7 to 10. Erie dOr, ho. 2 o 1. Silver tfizz pla -e. 13; show, out I I W I iHlKu Kdbi-l .ulios. iu.cO t5WJ. i5 to s.cuna; 5 10 third. JLt lO A. A 4-yem-oids and upward. Ailovtauceii. lnd -owes A Wt 8t M. V Str Fin JockeyB Owners O R L C 147713 PUN TAIN 4 96 4 2 21 4 21 14 Dngin Mrs R Bradley 5 8 5 6 14678 BbNNEViLLE 4 106 1" 35 3" 2" 1 24 Mi.cbell J H oo.ith 6-5 8-5 6-513-10 U4i51hLG rjRMUDA4 96 3" 4 4 3" 32 310 Dnminick T Ltcalzi 2 13-52 2 14aW nUGH PJS.NNY 9 1UI 2" 12 li 14 4 4 T Barus HBG aricbrec.7-5 4 7-5 4 limp, 12t, 25, 38, 5!, 1:01, 1 :17i. 1 :32, 1 :45t, 1 : 13i. Winner ""h. g, by Knigh .of Ener iie Ba -aua. Post4mtnu ec. oturtpcrfrci. Wou cleverly; next two driving. Plantain was fr sh and good end foand the gciug pr cisiy to h.s liking. Dnuo rode him vo.l. He took the shortest route ou the Bireich turi,, ti er by saving a lot of g ouud. At ibis point theie was little or no d.ffr r nce iu the going, and the gruua saved practically won the race for Plauthia. B-nneville Was rated .h-Urai prt if tt aud on the bena for home looked liki a winner, but undir prrsme ha we kaLed badi. KiLgBetmuda maau a strong bid on tho stretch turn, bat he, too, di d away nh n the pinch came. Hah Pauny is a rogue, ilo tnowed speed, bur. when he stopped he btopped alt over. Ihe horte is old aua c .nuiug, am conseqaaatiy a b .d batting proposi ioj. Plaiitain, place, 3 1 2; thow, out. Bantievii.e, place, 2 to i; show, oat King Bermuda, place, 3 to 5; thow, out.Hugh Peuuy, place, 6 to a; show, out. 1 i Q j O FOURTBTRACE-S-llille Parse 500i 75 to second; 5 to third. 1 b O JLO 3 year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ino .loraae A Wt tit s H Str Fin JockeyB Owners O H L C 1420 0SLY 5 97 2 2" 24 It 14 Flick H U Jones and Co 10 10 7 8 14S3.3duHONI 4 98 5h 54 5" 3" 2 Mitcuell Junes Arthur 3 4 3 4 14748JIM UUdE II. 4 99 li 4h 3i 54 32 T Barns F 1 vVood 3 4 3 4i 14o2l V Ei PAttSONS5 89 4 3 4t 42 Duminick E F Voos 15 15 12 15 144332ul3tt 3 96 3" 14 14 24 54 Dugm MintouandEdwards 6 8 6 8 14749 VEcUFY 4 115 6" 61 62t b5 6 Vaudasen ACaha 3 4 3 3 14i89alM W. 6 100 7 7 7 7 7 B-snugar E McOord 16-53 3 16-5 Time, 24i, 50i, l:03r, 1:17. Winner B. m, by Racine Aurt lia II. Off a tirst broaa to a parfe; atdr;. VVjnhiad riiden; second and third driving. Sly ran an extraoraiuary raci ohs wai luiicy ban also f ir thobiat. At th eighth post slb held everything else safe, bat Flick too no chm :e j and never gave the filly an oopur.uui y toloti. M roui was the vict.m of a bad ride. Mitchell meddad him abjat eadly. Ha was a good horse and rau a nice race Jim Gor II. was bunprd nud interierou witn on the atre.cu turn bat i.e stuO 1 it gamely nnu Buibhea dtron. Violet Persona wis n tue vary worst goin all the way. D.sr showed a dne tain of spead. The weight a jenored Vorify. Sim W. had no aped and run a bid rbCi. dcra cned 14570 Duty, 85; 14S10 Antiquary, 93; 14771 Djering, 102; 147893 3an ice, 90; 14698 The- Uhem.et, 105. Si j, place, 3 10 1; show, 6 to 5. M roni, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Jim Gore II., show, 3 to 5. Verify, place, 7 to 5; snow. 7 to 10. a.m W.. place, 6 to 5; ahow, 1 to 2. TjQ I A FIFTH RACE 1 1-4 iillie8r"Pnrso 00.S75 to second; 5 tothircL j I. 4- 3-yenf-olip and notpxid. S llng. lnd H i.ar-B A t at at fr yt and S r n J.i n a Uu 1 u a L C 1470KUi-LiN a 5 9 o i iand .8 i i4 11$ Uugj p Z . h.ao and Cj 9 9 5 5 14u99 ANNO tVAN 3 90 7" 76 4" 46 is8 312 -3 Basaiuger F O Co.lus 5 10 5 10 1479-3 V DBA DAM 5 107 8" 24 212 215 16 jlOiuaria a Hob.naoa 2 4 2 3 14712 riiY fl 5 97 44 6 3i 46 44. 44 K N rva9z J h Viman 4 8 4 8 14.48 PIiNABD.RI04 97 1 910 9I0OJ2 .6 l6 5 Flick P T K lly 3 6 3 6 14769 LONG D NDY3 87 1" 8 76 8 71 6 bio a B luker JJots 12 12 12 12 I423i BH1UGS 9 5 54 81 54 b2 72 76 C Murphy 15 V Faut 20 30 20 30 14771 M EUVARDS3 87 81 3i 6 650 85 86 vs u.tmiuick Br tnuou and Moore7 7 4 4 1478J ALBER1VLE5 110 9 4i 54 b5 1,50 ijso 915 NTuomp.nET Grves 7 8 7 8 147U OaA M. 5 101 10 10 10 10 lu iu 10 H Wiimi Y ri Day 100 K0 100 1L0 Timn, 134, 25h 51, 1:04:, 1:174, 1:31. l:46t, l:58i,2:14. Wianr B. g. by Fresno Roset.e Pott 10 miuates. St .tl f iir. Wen driving and stagmng. Rollins got a flying start and mde a iu mway race of it He wad tiring badly at the en t. Auuowau Uni;hd Vjiy 8ironi;l, Thia Wdb a gooa r ce for him Evidmtlythnh rd race Yubi Dam had laat F iday hurt him Hokeemtd o labor all the way. There was ltttio or no action iu this race. The field was ba-iiy trun out all the way. R jlln s. place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Anno wan, place, 4 to 1; show, 2 to. 1. Yuba Dam, show 3 to 5 Mi?s Edaras, pibca 8 to 5; ahow, 4 to 5. 1 .1 li 1 fr blXiU hAvjIS 1 uuo. Purse 400. 5 to second; 5 to third. JL 4fcO JL Q 3-year-olde and upwaru Seauigj lua o.uao. A Wt St t StrFin JockeyB Owners O H L C 1475-2TAPPAN 5 lOi 2" 62 42 3 22 ja Mitchell J a Smith 2- 24 2 12-J 14749 DOLOrfE 5 99 6 12 1 14 iv 2i B ssinsor Jones and rturk 12 23 12 25 47!J4?iNT-iaUER 5 101 9 9 8i 6i S4 bH W Wihon J tl Matbewson 10 10 10 10 14c91 DEBRTDK 5 107 1 34 3i 24 4 4io Tompkioa K J Murphy 6 8 8 8 14:883LO U-sTBL03M4 99 5r 4i 5 5 58 52 Varplanok W K Cleveland 6 9 6 9 14731 TILLIR W. 4 103 4 7 6i 78 610 65 L Boie W Clat.cy 41 5 4 B 1793DRHIN- E S 89 8 54 9 9 72 7t Dagan , PMUiTill 7 12 7 12 1424 3KIGBT BELL3 4 93 3 2s 2 4" 8 8i Dominick MaflDeheiandCo 2 4 2 4 14336 FIN TaN 8 83 74 8i 74 8 9 9 H Btnwn Mrs MESchwaaa 15 15 15 15 Time. 181. 261 SSJ, 5U. 1:05. 1:18, 1:321, 1:47. Winnur Br. g, by Powhattan -"in cai. P st 6 minutes. Startg tod. Wo estiily aft and hard early dive; second and third under full stil Tappan a much t e bast an 1 ba 1 to b3 to win unasr 1 is ride Mitchell got pocket-d seveiat tim-s.let tho hir.o servrt at tuo halof the. i.rttch nnd in fiot dia eeery nrng bat fall off. DoloMhia ab indantsjeel bat the roata w s too f ir f jr her Iutrigur, nadar a b id ride, ran a ii e ra:e. Debridn was shoit nd we t to pi-fces when tha reil racing b gaa, Locust Blossom ran a 1 oor raoi So did Eitit Belts. Wdtch tha latter - - Kr-ratched-14791 Warren Point, 99; 14737 Cordial, 89; 126S9 Oxnard,99; 14791 Cuirassier, 92; l457B3CroesUs, 103. Ovo-wpigbta Tillio W , 4 pounds. Tappan, pl-ico, evens: show, 2 to 5. Dnlore, place, 8 to 1; Bhow, 3 to 1, Intriguer, show, 2 to l.E gat Bel s, place, 8 to 5; show, 7 to 10.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899100101/drf1899100101_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1899100101_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800