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HAWTHORNE JEMTRIES. Probabilities: Weatner clean track good. First Race 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree, Wt. Hdep. 13526 Del Paso II 6.. ..112 710 14773 Cecil 6....U9 6M 147872Depenuing 4.. ..109 615 147U.3iNaniiie Davis 4... .109 655 146983 Jltirstlla 4 ...109 7u5 147o9 CUynee. 3... .117 ......670 14747 Galileo 4.... 107 650 14666 Bort Davis 3....107 705 V961 Little Alarm 4....104 tiiO 148i5 Dotlbuce.. 3.. ..101 ..... 6:0 1666 Maisara 3. ...101 67j 14j18 andchanen 3.. ..101 675 14i9 Alice B.... . 3.. ..101 660 10o4i3jlr. Jounson 3.. ..102 72 j 14a56 MbZio V... 3.... 99 675 Gnuuita, b. f, by Sayre Silence. 3.... 99 14810 Emma smith 3.... 99 600 14568 FaUevto Jr... 3.... 99 655 Second Race 7-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. nd. Horses Age Wt. .Hdoi. 14811 Man of Honor...... 113 635 147i0Avetibioka 113 b8i HBitfiunzir.w 113 690 147iUB nuivaid 113 ......baO 110 7uu 14sil sliver Fisz ..HO .670 14679 Tommy Otiiion.. ...... 108 650 i 14697 The Monk -. 103 655 ! 1473Mahir.jab. ..... .......108 6W ! 14772 Clara Wooley 105 670 Third Rare Short Coin. S-yeandr.olds and nnwarn. Allowaaecs. Steeplsehase. 148 Thr Forks 8....1S9 600 1345 Our Climito 6.. ..159 575 14577Gpce.ver 4.. ..154 E85 14577 Marole.... 8 ...149 ......575 12115 Mtnelek 5.. ..141 500 1U03 Cz r wiiz 5 ...139 550 1459Globe II 4.. ..123 610 14499 Jaage Keenan 4.. ..126 570 14577iBollamy 4. ...126 625 14577 Cheesemite 3. ...125 615 Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 3- year-olds and upward. Allowances. 14813 Verify 4. ...Ill 680 l46493AIgareta 4 111 700 i2,b9 N ck Carter 5.... 108 t50 142.9 Uii.doouot 4.. ..108 710 1473. 3L .id Fairfax 5....1US 695 1471 Jitbolin 4. ...108- 65 1460t3Nevktgatheier 5.. ..105 735 Ui792A.leviaw 4.. ..105 715 14813 dim W 6.. ..105 7t0 .47l83Jln gjmtry 6.. ..105 720 i4o2uoebdl 3 ...103 710 i4j31isu Jipton 3.. ..103 ..... 6V5 14678 -tuuprep 3 10 J tOJ 1476G orgie 3..-..IU0 750 lto4i.ulla Fonso 3....1D0 7 15 IbblbWuuKy Boy 3.. ..100 720 ii7e8 Lutio J. ck Horner .... 3... .110 710 Jjlftn tace 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Belling. U815Tappin 5. ...105 700 U495 louy iit ning 5 1U3 665 I46I6 J a Kinaie8 4 ...100 7.0 4.7e3wroesu 5....1t0 7u5 li8i2jPiauiain 4....1U0 725 i47tfUliou.e Liver 5... .100 695 14751 Mai y Kiutella 4....H0 bb5 U501 Jimp 3.... 93 6bU 14810 ihj Bjudman 3.... 91 7i5 14292 itosavannah 8 91 .......625 S.xih Race 1 mile. 4- year-olds and upward. Allowances. l48l22Beaneville 4... .110 725 .47e9jKings Highway 4.... 107 690 i46.Hr c maker 4 ...1.5 7uu Ii4o71J Lew Hopper 6.. ..105 70J IMSl Fluimanuu 4 ...102 67o 116.6 oatioirophe 5 102 b9- .4191 Cti.rry Leal 5.. ..102 750 1461 Ferroll 4.... 93 730